

3117 Uppsatser om Mobile Art Production - Sida 15 av 208

Företagsportalen: morgondagens arbetsplats

Today we see a fast developing of the market for mobile communication, both in an increased and changed mobile use, but also in the development of new technologies and services. Much that can be performed on Internet/Intranet today with a PC will in some years also be possible to do with a mobile terminal. Mobile Internet will probable take place when new technologies as GPRS, EDGE and UMTS will be in use. These technologies in combination with the development of new terminals and services will bring new capabilities for both companies and private users. This report describes how a portal should be designed in order to meet the needs on the market.

Lean Production och Psykosocial arbetsmiljö

Det fenomen som varit föremål för den här studien är psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Fenomenet har undersökts med inriktning på tillverkningsindustrin och organisationsformen Lean production. Studien syftar till att erhålla en djupare förståelse av hur medarbetarna i den här specifika kontexten upplever den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. De frågeställningar som studien ämnar besvara är:-Vad innebär en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö för medarbetarna i organisationen? -Hur upplever medarbetarna den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i organisationen? Studien genomfördes med ett induktivt förhållningssätt.

En problemlösningsapplikation för Sveriges schackförbund

The purpose of this project was to investigate whether it was possible to develop a type of application, where users would solve chess problems. The main goal of the project was that there would exist an functional application after the study has ended with which users could solve chess problems on a computer. One subgoal of the project was to create corresponding application for mobile phones. The study was limited to require users to have at least Internet Explorer 9 +. For other browsers, there were no corresponding limitations.

Utvärdering av Gideros Mobile

Det här examensarbetet utvärderar utvecklingsverktyget Gideros som används för att tillverka spelapplikationer. För att utvärdera har en app tillverkats och Gideros har jämförts mot andra spelutvecklingsverktyg..

Utvärdering av responsiv design : En kvalitativ användarstudie av responsiv webbdesign för utvärdering av Hi-Fi prototyp

In my study, I have chosen to examine how the user interface and content must conform to design guidelines for responsive design makes it suitable for diverse desktop environment and for varied mobile platforms. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent recommended design guidelines based on scientific research has a positive impact on user performance and perception when using this study delivered hi-fi prototype. The goal of this study is to provide a Hi-Fi prototype with high usability that will introduce and inform the public about BrasilCine according specifications. Study findings from user testing and supplementary questionnaires show that the implemented technologies as design guidelines for responsive design and design features have a positive impact on user performance and perception. The study results are therefore relevant for further prototype development..

Utveckling av en LC-MS-metod för analys av gamma-hydroxibutyrat, gamma-butyrolakton, 1,4-butandiol, amfetamin och metadon

In this project a LC-MS-method for the analysis of gamma-hydroxybutyrate, gamma-butyrolactone, 1,4-butanediol, amphetamine and methadone was developed.Initially, the efficiency of the ionisation of the analytes was evaluated with respect to the ionisation technique (ESI, APCI and APPI) and the composition of the mobile phase. In the next step a number of different columns was tested in order to find the one with the greatest potential for separation of the substances in question. Using the selected column, the separation was optimised by means of experimental design and the software The Unscrambler 7.8. The parameters studied were the flow rate, the column temperature and the mobile phase composition. The response variables were the resolution between the target compounds and the retention time of the last eluting compound.These experiments showed that, in order to obtain the best ionisation, the mobile phase should consist of 5 mM formic acid in water and acetonitrile.

Användbara och säkra mobila banktjänster : en studie med fokus på användaren

Anva?ndandet av internet i mobiltelefonen har o?kat drastiskt de senaste a?ren och detta fenomen inneba?r att ma?nniskor har tillga?ng till internet i sto?rre utstra?ckning a?n fo?rut. De svenska bankerna har tagit tillvara pa? denna trend genom att utveckla mobila bankapplikationer da?r de erbjuder sina kunder mo?jligheten att utfo?ra banka?renden med hja?lp av mobiltelefonen. A?ven om fo?rdelarna med denna tillga?ng a?r ma?nga, finns det a?nda? vissa nackdelar.

Kundvärden i förändring? : En studie av mobiloperatörer.

The objective of this study has been to examine which significant values are of importance in the telecom sector today, and in a continuing perspective yet to be. To ensure the factors of relevance in the study, we have identified three purposes: - Our first purpose is to clarify the eminent values in the competitive market of the mobile phone operators today, and the reason for its importance.- The second purpose is to understand the function of the brand regarding to value creation and loyalty in the sector of mobile phone operators.- The third purpose is to explore the potential approaches for mobile phone operators to increase value.In this study, our approach has been a qualitative methodology by conducting seven interviews with respondents related to the telecommunication sector.As a result of the process, we find the need to divide the concept of value into two dimensions, which we entitle organizational related values and customer related values. We have found the values related to the characteristics of the market in aspects of its infrastructural features but also in regards to the homogenous core service.Our findings in the empirical data with support to our theoretical frame of reference, is the current highly important organizational related value of constant high result quality (well-functional technological aspect), and the value enhancer by a low price; the strategy of bundling also results in higher value. This result in customer related values that perceives as safeness, availableness and convenience. The brands are a significant source of customer related values with identity value, image value and assuredness. A continued advancement in process quality and individualization will imply greater customer related values of closeness, freedom and flexibility. .

Produktionsvåtmarker mot övergödning

In ambition to produce more and better harvests, artificial fertilizers are used to produce a better growth of crops in the agriculture landscape. This contributes to leakage of nutrients. Our forests also exhibit a leakage of nutrients. Air pollution contributes to more nutrients. High precipitation with high water flows as a consequence seems currently to occur more frequently in the county of Halland.

Elektronisk parkeringsskiva

Mobiway AB är ett Sundsvallsbaserat företag som har utvecklat en tjänst föradministrering och bevakning av elektroniska parkeringsbiljetter. De vill nuexpandera sin verksamhet och skapa en egen parkeringstjänst ? en elektroniskparkeringsskiva. Mitt uppdrag har varit att utveckla och utvärdera enelektronisk parkeringsskiva för mobila enheter byggd i jQuery mobile. För attskapa en så användarvänlig och smidig sida som möjligt kommer alltinformationsutbyte att ske med AJAX kommunikation mot en RESTwebbtjänst.Projektet består av utveckling och utvärdering av en mobilwebbklient, en affärslogik byggd som en REST webbtjänst, en databas för attlagra all information samt en kundtjänst för att administrera tjänsten.Utvecklingen kommer att ske med en agil utvecklingsmetod.

Avancerad webbteknologi i mobila webbläsare

Utvecklingen på webben går snabbt framåt och webbapplikationerna blir bara mer avancerade. Samtidigt så har de mobila webbläsarna utvecklats i en snabb takt. Dock skiljer det fortfarande mycket mellan en mobil webbläsare och en vanlig webbläsare, samt att man integrerar med en mobiltelefon på ett annat sätt än vad man gör med en dator. Detta examensarbete undersöker om det är möjligt att skapa avancerade webbapplikationer som, genom att utnyttja de senaste webbteknologierna, kan ersätta vanliga mobilapplikationer.Undersökningen genomförs genom att skapa en lättviktsvariant av en telefonapplikation, Mobile Documents till Symbian S60, som är en applikation som hanterar dokument, mejl och bilagor.Utvecklingen sker till största del i Google Web Toolkit och tekniker så som AJAX och Comet används. Eftersom antalet olika sorters telefoner med tryckskärm är väldigt stort så kommer undersökningen att rikta sig mot ett fåtal telefoner som kör webbläsarna Mobile Safari, microB och Android Browser.Slutsatserna av rapporten är att JavaScript-stödet hos dagens webbläsare är stort nog till att köra avancerade webbapplikationer.

Designa Koncept för Spelvärlden

The process of producing a video game is one that goes through a number of phasesduring the span of the entire production. One of these phases is the concept design phase,which is part of the pre-production. This phase is an important aspect of the productionas it is where all the different parts and ideas concerning the game are brought togetherto define what the game is going to be. Though a clearly important part of the videogame production surprisingly little research have been done on the subject of conceptdesign. This thesis presents what place concept design has in the overall game productionand how the design process is handled.

Malmöspanaren - En digital plattform för deltagande förvaltning av Malmö stads cykelvägnät

In this project we have explored digital tools for service management on the bicycle paths of Malmö. This was done through the participation of citizens in order to attempt to discern how such interactions can be eased using a mobile app, as well as how this app can be designed in order to appear trustworthy with user friendly interactions. We have explored this field by using goal-oriented design through interviews, prototyping and user tests. We have created a digital prototype as a possible solution for how the interactions can be done. Throughout the process interviews were held and user tests with selected members of the user group. To explore the concepts we have used paper prototypes in order to establish the design and then defining the interactions with the help of a digital prototype. Finally we have concluded that a general app for bikers in the city would be functional and that a longer study in the effects of such an app would be interesting as a continuation of this work..

Produktionschefens arbetssituation : Hur deras arbete kan förändras och utvecklas

This report is written in cooperation with Skanska Sverige Hus Väst and it is discussing the role of site managers within the company. The report will bring up the demands that is put upon site managers and will also discuss stress related problems and how to change and develop the role as a site manager.We came up with three conclusions in this report. We believe that Skanska could develop VSAA to make it easier to use for site managers. We also believe that a further development of the project engineer is of great value, to give him or her greater responsibilities. The last conclusion is to change the responsibilities between the site manager and the production manager, to give the production manager a greater responsibility in the production..

Digitala tjänstens registreringsprocess ? hur påverkar den helhetsintrycket?

The outset of this thesis is to raise questions on how we design for the mobile context and the capabilities of smartphones. Not only the presentation but also the use of input and interaction between a service and a user.This work evolves around sign up forms and answers the question: How does the sign up process affect the holistic perspective of a digital service regarding usability and user experience? This thesis consists of a case studies, and design experiments conducted on Twitter, Instagram and Randos sign up processes to explore if and how the usability, and the user experience could be affected and im- proved.This concluded some important aspects to be considered when designing sign up forms for a digital service.The usability, and the user experience is not only affected by user interaction, and the choice of input method but it?s also affected by which data the service is requesting, and more important; if that data is motivated to request by the service..

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