

1339 Uppsatser om Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) - Sida 7 av 90

"Lätt är det inte, men det är inga svårigheter heller" : En studie om vad lärare i idrott och hälsa använder för verktyg vid bedömning och betygssättning

AimThe purpose of this study is to examine which tools teachers, teaching physical education, are using for assessment and grading in primary schools.IssuesHow it is perceived by teachers to assess and grade the students? How have the assessment and grading tools been developed?How do the teachers document what they assess and grade?How do the teachers communicate to the students what they assess and grade?MethodThe study has a qualitative approach in which the study design is represented by several semi-structured qualitative interviews. The semi-structured interview guide was authored using the foundations of ramfaktorteorin and an overall hermeneutisk approach. The interviews were then carried out with six physical education and health teachers from the Stockholm area. The interviews were recorded with a voice recorder and transcribed.

Betydelsen av självkänsla och självkontroll för studenters stressupplevelse

Syftet med studien är att fördjupa förståelsen för unga människors föreställningar kring en ny icke-traditionell chefsroll: Den entreprenöriella chefsrollen. I tillvägagångssättet har inspiration erhållits från metoden Grundad teori. Urvalet har bestått av tio respondenter mellan 17-22 år med skillnader i egenskaper som kön, gymnasieprogram och nationalitet. Samtliga har i mindre skala kommit i kontakt med den entreprenöriella chefsrollen genom en entreprenöriell utbildning. Studiens kärnkategori är kontroll och kommer i uttryck genom fem kategorier som påvisar fem olika aspekter av kontrollen.

Att bli synad i sömmarna : en studie av fyra ungdomars upplevelse av att vara utredningsplacerade på en institution

The purpose of the essay is to, in retrospect, take a closer look at how the young people experienced their placement for assessment at Albogården and what it resulted in. With this purpose I inadvertently came to look at other aspects, for instance their lives before and after the placement.The underlying questions were:* The young people social situations before the placement?* The experience of being locked up?* What was it like being analysed?* What are the young people's thoughts on the methods of working at Albogården - rules, procedures, methods etc.?* What were the results from the placement at Albogården? Did something change in the young people's social situations?To answer my questions I interviewed four persons that previously were placed for assessment. To ascertain information on how the assessment is done I also interviewed the director of Albogården. I also studied relevant literature.The investigation showed that a majority of the young people didn't understand the purpose or felt participant in the assessment, being restless and locked up felt extremely arduous and violating.

Strategi, Läge & Varumärke

Goal: To describe which evaluation method is used by Swedish retailers to assess a potential retail location and to describe to what extent the retail brand effects this strategic decision. Design: Analysis of ten interviews with companies within five retail sectors in Sweden. Main study: Indication of what methods are used to evaluate a location and how a company's retail brand affects the decision. Results: Retailers use a mix of theoretical methods to evaluate the location attributes and possible profit. Most common among mixtures was an application of the analog method, residual method or the checklist method in combination with a financial assessment.

Munhälsan hos äldre på ett serviceboende i Kristianstad - en munhälsobedömning samt en enkätstudie

The aim of our study was to examine the oral health status using an oral assessment guide, ROAG, among elderly people in a block of service. Another aim was to evaluate the elderlys perception of there own oral health using a questionnaire. The study were undertaken at a ward in Kristianstad, with 39 caretakers. 21 caretakers participated in the study. The assessment of the oral health status was done on the same individuals (n=21) who answered the questions in the questionnaire.

Sigvart dygnstavla som ett steg mot ökad självständighet hos vuxna med utvecklingsstörning. : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie om boendepersonals uppfattningar

SammanfattningInom den kommunala rehabiliteringen möter arbetsterapeuten personer med vitt skilda slag av sjukdomar och funktionsnedsättningar. En av de vanligare grupperna är personer, som av olika skäl drabbas av kognitiva nedsättningar. Arbetsterapeuten bedömer personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar bl.a. med hjälp av olika bedömningsinstrument. Screening -instrumentet Mini Mental Test (MMT) är ett av de mest använda.

Ekonomiskt bistånd - ett genusperspektiv på socialtjänstens bedömningar och beslut : En vinjettstudie i tre kommuner

Income support is often described as the community?s farthest protection, as a last economic way out. From the clients perspective it´s very important to get possibility to an equivalent and correct assessment. Even if it´s an individual assessment the individual social worker´s assessment should not be different than other social worker´s, this from two aspects ? quality and the rule of law.

Ekonomiskt bistånd för ensamkommande barn

There are an increasing number of unaccompanied children coming to Sweden. Sweden is one of the countries in the world that receive many of them. This awoke my interest to investigate the assessment of financial assistance and ?other living expenses? considering unaccompanied children. My approach was a qualitative study including interviewing five social secretaries working in five different districts in Malmö.

Bokslutsrapporten ? ett substitut eller komplement till revisionsberättelsen?

On the 1st of November 2010, the statutory audit was abolished for small limited companies. The amendment of the abolished statutory audit includes smaller private limited companies that for two years does not exceed more than one of the two following limits: net revenue of three million kronor, total assets of one and one half million kronor and three employees. The principal rule of chapter 9 section 1 Companies Act remains that a limited company should have at least one auditor. For limited companies included of the amendment has a opportunity to choose bokslutsrapporten instead of the auditor?s report as a proof of quality of the accounting and the financial reporting.

Usefulness of financial reports ?A study of the information need in banks? credit assessment

Background and problem: Financial reports are created for the users as decision support. Stakeholders are often subjects to information asymmetry. Banks represent one of the primary stakeholders and financiers of a company, and place great emphasis on financial reports in their credit assessment process. The question is, however, how useful the financial information actually is. According to previous research, banks consider accounting information as troublesome in some respects, mostly due to accounting choices and judgments.

Aegishjalmur, tyrrunan och valknuten : En kvalitativ studie i användandet av fornnordiska symboler bland nationalistiska rörelser.

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Muntliga förmågor, vad är det? : En analys av möjligheterna kring bedömning av elevers muntliga förmågor i samhällskunskap

 Through teaching, pupils are given the opportunity based on their personal experiences and current events to express and consider their views in relation to others who hold different views. As a result, pupils should be encouraged to get involved and participate in an open exchange of views on societal issues (Skolverket, 2011d, s. 189). To assess pupils orally in the subject of civics in primary education is an unexplored field, which makes this field relevant to explore. There are numerous researchers? who with the help of deliberative methods, formative feedback, formative assessment and studies regarding classroom climates whom all speak positive about using discussion/dialogue in education to upraise and develop learning among pupils.

Bidrar nationella prov i svenska till likvärdiga betyg?

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate if the national test results, in the subject of Swedish B at upper secondary school, are affecting a student?s final grade in varied degree among different teachers. The purpose has also been to investigate if the assessment of these tests is equivalent among different teachers. This particular investigation showed that there are big differences between how teachers grade, in relation to achieved results on the national test. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, the teacher should take all performance information available into consideration for each particular student.

Sjuksköterskans bedömning vid telefonrådgivning : En litteraturöversikt

BACKGROUND: A telephone nurse is a nurse that during most of its working time is engaged in healthcare advice via the telephone. The advent of the telephone healthcare advice has probably meant that individuals, who initially wouldn?t have sought help, if they needed to meet healthcare providers face to face, now actually have the confidence to turn to healthcare. For telephone healthcare advice is professional care to identify, assess and advise on individuals? reactions to actual or potential health problems.

Anställningsintervjun och dess personbedömningsmetoder en jämförelse mellan internrekryterare och rekryteringskonsulter

The employment interview is an important part of the recruitment process because the recruiter then has a chance to form an opinion about the applicant as a person. The purpose with this study has been to examine if there are any differences between inhouse-recruiters and recruiting consultants concerning the employment interview and its assessment methods. Five inhouse-recruiters and five recruiting consultants have been interviewed on the basis of a manual. There are differences between the groups in 6 of the 17 themes that have been examined: purpose with the employment interview, private-, double- or panelinterview, length of the interview, personal chemistry, appearance and objectivity in the assessment. Many of the differences are caused by the fact that inhouse-recruiters recruit for their own organisation and recruiting consultants recruit for a client.

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