

2564 Uppsatser om Miljöplan - Sida 8 av 171

Likabehandling, lika behandling eller bara behandling : En exempelstudie av upplevelsen av likabehandlingsarbetet i skolan

Equal treatment in school is an on-going debate in the Swedish society. At the same time teachers around the country struggles to make ends meet because of a heavy workload. Voices have been raised that teachers no longer have the time to actually be teachers since they get piled up with paper work and other administrative tasks. However, schools are bound by law to take action against harassments and discrimination of any kind. There is also an overall policy in the Swedish national curriculum that every school must embrace diversity and actively teach students about solidarity and respect.

?Developing a crucial business plan template targeted to Swedish Venture Capitalists?

Objective To study if the Swedish venture capitalists consider business plans in their screening process, and in such case, what aspects they evaluate in order to develop a targeted template for Swedish entrepreneurs. A secondary objective is to describe what other factors Swedish venture capitalists evaluate as a part of their assessment. Methodology The method, which has been used in order to test the objective, has been carried out through extensive literature and article studies, interviews, and distribution of a short and comprehensive questionnaire to a multiplicity of venture capitalists throughout Sweden. Conclusion Generally, the findings of this thesis suggest that a business plan should include elements such as a summary of important elements, a thorough market analysis, financial information, exit strategy, and the risks associated with the project. The empirical material also reveals that venture capitalists also evaluate factors such as ownership influence, the entrepreneur?s industry knowledge, product knowledge and the personal chemistry in their evaluation process.

Idéer om folkbiblioteket ? en idéanalys av ett urval kommunala biblioteksplaner

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine which ideas about the public library that appear in a selection of municipal library plans and to examine if these ideas are unanimous. The comprehensive questions are: Which ideas about the public library appear in each municipal library plan? How do the ideas agree in the different municipal library plans? The sub questions are: Which judgements of reality appear in the different library plans concerning each municipality and its library needs? How do the municipalities define the concept of development and future demands in the municipality on the basis of the judgements of reality? Which recommendations do the judgements of reality give and how is the plan of action that is established in each library plan justified? Which fundamental views of reality, i. e.

Dagsljusdesign för en god visuell miljö

During our education to become lighting designers at Jönköping University, the artificial lighting has been in focus. Therefore we wanted to learn more about daylight. We chose to do this from a visual approach in open plan offices. Since daylight is part of the architectsŽ responsibility to master, we wanted to examine what architects think of when they plan daylight environments in open plan offices and how this is expressed in the buildings with focus on the visual factors.Our questions at issue are:What knowledge do architects have concerning daylight planning, and how do they use this knowledge in their practice?How well do the chosen daylight environments meet the end-users need of a good visual environment? The study consists of three case studies, carried out in the same way.

Utveckling av en Àldre villatrÀdgÄrd : frÄn oplanerad till planerad

The result of this work is a plan for the development of an 1128 m2 elderly raised garden. The purpose has been to create an overall plan covering the long-term development of the garden. The work process has covered a description of the garden of today, review of requirements, analysis of the garden sections, design of a new plan as well as starting the construction of the new garden. The plan covers a time period of a couple of years to create the new garden since the construction work is carried out during spare time with small resources available. The planning must contain review of functions such as protection from insight, eating area and compost area. Also the esthetic expression must be planned. Colors, shapes, choice of material and plants together make up the esthetic expression. It is recommended to include anything you wish to create in the garden. In a raised garden one has to overcome the step to remove trees and shrubs and think different.

Rekreationsanpassade skogsskötselplaner för friluftsomrÄdena Mellsta och SkrÀddarbacken i BorlÀnge :

This Master thesis is performed at the request of the forest company Mellanskog and the local municipality of BorlÀnge in Sweden and aims to establish recreational adjusted forest management plan for the areas of Mellsta and SkrÀddarbacken in BorlÀnge. In all types of urban forestry it is very important that the management plan are accepted by the general public. To make sure that also these plans of future measures, pass in the public, interview studies have been performed in which the public wishes and interests have been examined and applied in the management plan. To make sure that future measures in the forest may be accepted by the public when the forest harvester enters the woods, it is very important that a well functional work of information has been made. The people living close by the forest shall have been informed a couple of weeks before the time of measures and it must also be good information available that explains what is to be done and why.

Vi sitter tillsammans : Upplevelser av samhörighet och ledarskap i ett traditionellt kontorslandskap.

The office is the working environment in which an increasing proportion of the population spends their days . One type of office are open plan offices which are characterized by several people sitting together in the same room without spatial boundaries . The general discourse of this kind of offices is that they constitute an advantageous design that allows organizational changes without the need for redevelopment . From a work perspective, this office design is both criticized and acclaimed . Problems with noise is frequently reported in research which can lead to ill health.


Holmström, M & Jangvert, M Protokolliserad urtrÀning frÄn respirator. Att ha en plan Àr viktigare Àn hur den ser ut och en plan fungerar bara om du anvÀnder den. Examensarbete i omvÄrdnad 15 högskolepoÀng. Malmö högskola: HÀlsa och samhÀlle. UtbildningsomrÄde omvÄrdnad 2011. Respiratorbehandling Àr en livsavgörande behandlingsinsats för kritisk sjuka in-tensivvÄrdspatienter.

Att stÀndigt vara beredd pÄ det okÀnda: En studie om hur charterresebranschen i Sverige förbereder sig för, och hanterar krissituationer

In the world of today, crises and crisis situations are inevitable parts of an organization?s everyday life and it is important for the organization to be prepared for these crises. The organization and its employees have to be in a constant state of alert and they should also have an organized plan for what they will do when (not if) the crisis occurs. The charter tour industry has during a long period of time been active in the global market. They serve thousands of travellers every day and it is the responsibility of the companies within the industry to make sure that their customers are safe and that crises can be prevented, or at least be handled.

MÄngbruksplan inriktning vilt och viltvÄrdsanpassning av skogen

This multiple use forestry plan is made on the property Basunda which is located in the southern parts of the province Östergötland. The owners of the property today are Jonas and Ulrik Saanum, but it has been in the family since their grandfather bought it 1933. There is a slaughterhouse on the property in which they take care of domestic cattle and animals from the forest. Jonas and Ulrik are also dedicated hunters. These are the two reasons to why the focus is wildlife and wildlife management. The question at issue of this work is simplified: what demands does the wildlife have; and how will the owners be able to fulfill these, what changes in the forest management must be made and will these changes result in a different budget, compared to the ordinary forest management. This work is based from a freshly made forestry management plan. I based my fieldwork on this plan, but made my own management proposals, that would benefit the game.

Den dolda smutsen : Vad döljer sig i nystÀdade hotellrum?

Inledning: Det har lÀnge varit viktigt att kartlÀgga de hygieniska riskerna i ett restaurangkök, men fÄ vet hur det ser ut pÄ hotellrum. KartlÀggningar har gjorts pÄ vad gÀster först lÀgger mÀrke till och stÀdningen Àr en av dem. FrÄgan Àr om man kan göra en HACCP-plan, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point för hotellrum.Syftet med studien var att undersöka och i förekommande fall avslöja den dolda smutsen som finns i nystÀdade hotellrum samt att undersöka om man kan göra en HACCP-plan för hotellrum.Metod och material: Bakterieprov togs för att kunna analysera vad som finns kvar nÀr rummet anses som rent. Tio mÀtpunkter har valts ut i rummet, provtagningen har skett pÄ fem hotell, tre rum pÄ varje hotell. För att kunna se den dolda smutsen i badrummen har en UV-lampa anvÀnts.Resultat: Proverna visar att sÀngklÀderna Àr relativt rena i jÀmförelse med fjÀrrkontroll, telefon och omrÄdena i badrummen.

Projektledare utan branschkunskap : Varför inte?

Our starting point has been to examine how a project manager without knowledge of the industry is able to plan a project. And also which difficulties that may arise. A qualitative study was conducted at project managers who worked in the construction industry and events industry. Seven interviews were conducted, four in the construction sector and three in the events industry. Respondents are active as project manager in VĂ€rmland and NĂ€rkes counties.

Nya plan- och bygglagen : Reviderade bestÀmmelser om bygglov och bygglovsprövningen - sÀrskilt om mindre avvikelser frÄn detaljplan

BestÀmmelser om anvÀndningen av mark och vatten samt bebyggelsemiljöns utveckling stadgas i plan- och bygglagen (PBL). PBL Àr dessvÀrre ett komplext och svÄrtillÀmpat regelverk. Sedan PBL:s ikrafttrÀdandet har behovet av en mer lÀttförstÄdd plan- och bygglagstiftning successivt ökat vilket föranledde utvecklandet av en ny plan- och bygglag (nya PBL) som trÀder i kraft den 2 maj 2011.Syftet med magisteruppsatsen har varit att studera bestÀmmelserna om bygglov och bygglovsprövningen inom detaljplan med sÀrskilt fokus pÄ mindre avvikelser frÄn detaljplan i PBL. Syftet har vidare varit att göra en jÀmförelse med motsvarande bestÀmmelser i nya PBL och dÀrefter sökt faststÀlla bestÀmmelsernas framtida rÀttstillÀmpning med utgÄngspunkt i nya PBL.BestÀmmelserna om bygglov och bygglovsprövningen inom detaljplan har till stor del tolkats i rÀttspraxis vilket i de flesta fall givit en klar bild av rÀttslÀget. BestÀmmelsen om mindre avvikelser frÄn detaljplan har dock varit svÄrtillÀmpad och givit upphov till subjektiva tolkningar av kommunerna.

Buller : Hur planeras en bullerfri stad?

Milosevic, S. 2014. Buller ? Hur planers en bullerfri stad?. Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsatser, Uppsala universitet. This essay is about noise pollution caused by urbanization.

Hur vÀl skogsÀgare följer ÄtgÀrdsförslagen i skogsbruksplanen : en enkÀtundersökning

This rapport is about how often private forest owners follow the measures proposed in their forest management plan. The survey is made in cooperation with the forest-owners association Norrskog. The private forest owners are relatively satisfied with the forest management plans and with the measures proposed. There are some differences between those who live on or near their property and those who live many miles away. The forest owners who live on their property are those who follow the proposed measure of precommercial thinning to the largest extent. That group also values precommercially thinned stands higher than thinned stands. The complete opposite is the case for the group that lives far away from their property. Almost all of the respondents thought that the forest management plan would be or had been a good help in the decision making about the forest..

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