

2564 Uppsatser om Miljöplan - Sida 9 av 171

Dragare, täckningsgrader och önskelådor : systematisering och råd för grönplanearbete

We came in contact with the project "Grönplan Danderyd" that aims to create a green structure plan for a municipality of Stockholm called Danderyds kommun. Our thesis is a part of this project and makes it's contribution through the gathering and systematization of the knowledge of the functions of an urban green structure. It also makes a contribution through suggesting how this knowledge can be applied during the construction of an urban green structure plan. We found that "Stadens parker och natur", published by the Swedish National board of Housing, Building and Planning, was a recurrent source of information in the green structure plans that we studied. We saw a need of complementary additions and updates to the rather old report and found literature that adds the developments of the last decade. First of all we have chosen to make themes based on the functions of a green structure that were presented by 'Stadens parker och natur'. The themes we suggest that a greenplanning document manage are: Recreation, Pedagogies and Heath, Biological Diversity, Green structure in the History of Building Cities, Cultural Identity, the Health of the City, Biological Technology in the Municipality and Use and the Users. We found good examples of how to handle these themes in documents that handle greenstructure planning from the municipalities of Göteborg, Strängnäs, Eskilstuna, Malmö, Lund, Västerås and Uppsala.

Öppenhet och rymd i det tidiga 2000-talets villaarkitektur

The aim of this Master´s thesis in Art History and Visual Studies is to examine the existence and theexpressions of openness and interior space in the contemporary Swedish architecture of singlefamilyhouses. Research has focused on open-plan housing with open connections between kitchenand living areas, large windows, walls of glass, high ceiling heights and entresol or loft levels, usingtwo case studies and analyses of seven reference objects. Interpretation is based onphenomenological theoretical perspectives.Houses that are more or less transparent permit views from both the inside and the outside. Adiscussion of this potential dilemma is supported by sociological perspectives on identity, life-style,self-presentation, privacy and publicity..

Överklagande och dess roll inom bostadsbyggandet : En granskning av plan- och bygglovsprocessen

The aim of this diploma work was to obtain a review of the appeal process in Sweden under the Planning and Building Act and the possibilities of appeal in the planning and building permit process. The work was intended to identify potential problems surrounding the appeal process and possible efficiency measures. The goal was to form a report that provides a satisfactory overview of the appeal process in theory and practical application as well as provide relevant concrete proposals on how the appeal process can be streamlined.Background and facts surrounding the work were taken from different types of literature and through several interviews with representatives in government, industry and politicians.The main problems related to the appeal process are in the long processing times and the high number of appeals. There is a great interest to streamline the appeals process and the government is going to launch studies in which possible future actions will be investigated.It is possible to appeal for up to two instances before you need a so called ?leave to appeal? in order for your complaint to be passed on to the next instance.

Konsekvenser av NORFOR-systemet vid beräkning av foderstater för mjölkkor :

För beräkning av foderstater till mjölkkor används idag det så kallade AAT/PBV-systemet. Detta kommer inom kort att ersättas av ett nordiskt fodervärderingssystem, NorFor. Den del i NorFor som behandlar foderstater kallas NorFor Plan. Stora skillnader mellan systemen är till exempel att AAT/PBV-systemet ger varje fodermedel ett konstant energi- och proteinvärde men i NorFor-systemet varierar detta efter foderstatens storlek och sammansättning. NorFor tar hänsyn till fler kemiska fraktioner i fodermedlen, fodrets nedbrytning och passagen genom djuret.

Hur skall skogen skötas? ? en analys av skogsfastigheten Fagerdal 2:10 i Jämtland

The forest property Fagerdal 2:10 was donated to the Swedish University of Agriculture in 1995 by Erik Rönnberg. The dominating species is Norwegian spruce (Picea Abies) and the average age is high due to selective cutting. The aim of this study has been to analyze how the forest on the property should be managed and demonstrate how a better estimated forest data affects the future management. The impact of the management on the carbon stock of the property was also examined. A forestry plan established in 2009 by Skogssällskapet was used as a basis for the analyses.

Politiskt organisationsbyggande - Vilken betydelse har samrådsprocessen haft i arbetet med att bygga upp en ny organisation för kollektivtrafiken i Värmland? : En fallstudie av arbetet med trafikförsörjningsprogrammet i Värmland

On the first of January 2012, a new public authority was formed in Värmland, due to a new legislation on public transport. The first task for the new public authority was to produce a plan for the development of public transport. In order to do so, it had to execute an extensive consultation process about the long-term goals of public transport. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how a public authority can use a consultation process as a means to clarify accountability and produce unified goals. To answer that, I have done a case study about how the new regional public authority in Värmland for public transport has acted in the process of writing a plan for the development of public transport.

Samhällsplanering i Sverige under 50 år : -en genomgång av tidskriften PLAN

In 1989 the United States choose, after years of conflict, to carry out a military intervention in Panama, to remove Manuel Noriega, convicted for drug dealing and for threatening the lives of the Americans living in Panama. The aim of this study is to examine whether George H. W Bush?s arguments for the military intervention comply with the principles of the just war.The method chosen for this study is a qualitative literature study, based primarily on secondary data. It is a case study with two complementing theories, the theory of the just war and the world system theory.The result showed that the American intervention both can be justified and unjustified following the principles of the Just War Theory.

Strategic forest planning using AHP and TOPSIS in participatory environments : a case study conducted in Vilhelmina, Sweden

When a decision is to be made on what long term strategic forest management plan to use, consideration must often be taken to multiple objectives. Such decisions are very complex and a promising approach to handle them is by Multiple Criteria Decision Analyses (MCDA). The study is based on the problem that the MCDA that have been implemented into forest management planning have only had capacity to compare and evaluate a limited number of management plans; which means that there is a risk the most suitable plan is missed. The aim with this study was to test the applicability of combining the MCDA tools: the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for including consideration to multi-objectives into strategic forest management planning. The study was based on the process of creating and selecting a management plan, using Heureka PlanWise, suitable for all the major objectives found in the forest holdings of a municipality in northern Sweden.

Tysta flickor och högljudda pojkar : Observation om pojkars och flickors könsroller med utgångspunkt från likabehandlingsplanen

This study is about gender in classroom situations. The purpose is to examine if gender still exist although the government has educated gender teachers. I have been observing students during lessons and taken notes on teacher´s comments, which analysed. I have come to the conclusion that the students are awase of the power roles conserning gender and gender. In this classroom the heteronormativity still is a common phenomenon.

Vad var egentligen problemet? : en analys av SOU Framtidsvägen och ämnesplanen i historia

The aim of this study is to analyze how problems are represented within SOU 2008:27. Further more, the aim is to analyze how the new subject plan for history can bee seen as a product of this document. The method used, and the theoretical frame of the study, is based on Carol Lee Bacchi?s ?what´s the problem represented to be?? approach, which basic principle is that policies are filled with representations of problems and that these representations need to be examined. These problem representations are then themselves subject for scrutiny, the second step being an analysis of the texts presumptions and assumptions concerning view of man and perception of knowledge. The results show, among other things, that a problem representations can be found in the SOU; the school system is too vague and unclear.

Sveriges prostitutionspolitik - har könet betydelse? : En diskursanalytisk studie av den svenska prostitutionspolitiken

This paper is a discourse analytic policy study with the intention to investigate the swedish government's policy action plan against prostitution and trafficking for sexual purposes. The document is called Handlingsplan mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there is a feminist gender understanding taking place in the action plan. This is made by both see how the problem of prostitution is produced partly by examining whether there is a gender-based power analysis in action. The research questions of this study are:What is considered being the problem with prostitution and trafficking fosexual purposes?Is there a feminist gender understandning in the government's prostitution politics?To answer these questions I use Carol Bacchis method Whats the problem represented to be? And the material being used is the government's actionplan.

PCB i byggnader : Handlingsplan för saneringsarbetet i Eskilstuna kommun

Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, were used in elastic sealants in buildings during the years1956-1973. Studies of PCB have revealed that it is harmful for humans and animals,especially water-living predators and other top-predators. It is also a persistent organicpollutant and remains in the environment for a very long time. To reduce the levels of PCB inthe environment, it has to be removed from the buildings. According to Swedish law, theproperty holder has to decontaminate sealants with a PCB level of 500 mg/kg or above.

Ett barnanpassat boende

This degree project is an inquiry in how plan layouts and functions should be designed to suit families with children. The project aim to, if possible, find good solutions and designed houses that satisfy the requirements a family have.Last spring we contacted Willa Nordic AB, a company that produce houses, and they had a suggestion to investigate living for families with children. Their motif were that they lacked in information and knowledge in how to design houses that correspond to a family's needs. We thought the idea was exiting and motivating.The autumn 2008 studies were made on earlier published reports, in the subject "living environment", to get a solid background. The earlier inquiries shows a clear development through the whole 1900's, from being without standards to have well defined norms.

Illustrationsplaneförslag för Trönningebjär, Varberg

When the purpose is to create an illustration plan for a new neighbourhood there arelots of things to think about. In this report follows a description of the three differentplan modells SCAFT/TRÃ…D, garden city and ekological planning. SCAFT is aplanning model that were used in the 1970s. It contains proposals how to make thetraffic enviorment safer. TRÃ…D replaced SCAFT in 1982 and it contains also adviceshow to make the traffic enviorment safer.

Föryngringsplan för en svårt stormskadad fastighet i Kronobergs län :

In January 2005 large forest areas in south Sweden were severely damaged by storm. This final thesis describes the work with creating an ecological and landscape-adapted regeneration plan for a severely storm damaged property in Kronobergs region in south Sweden. This regeneration plan, in difference to more regular plans, are focusing more on the owner?s use and goal?s for the property and seeing the property from a more comprehensive view in the regeneration process. Beside production and environmental values the plan also take in consideration other values as aesthetic, culture history, landscape picture and recreation values.

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