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Pedagogisk dokumentation

In July 2010 the curriculum Lpfö 98 was readjusted and was enhanced with new chapter, and the purpose of this essay is to study how preschool teachers discuss and describe how their conduction to the new chapter 2.6 of the readjust Curriculum Lpfö 98. I want to understand how they experience their work with the documentation.My question formulations are:How do three pre-school teachers reason around what they document in the pre-school?Which practical conditions do the pree-school teachers claiming to have on the pre-school to perform the documentation?How do they describe that they use the documentation to advance the tutoring in the preschool?In order to find out more, I interviewed three pre-school teachers, and analyzed the results I got based on prior research on documentation, and quality in preschool. My results show that the main focuses for documentations are how the children interact with each other, how they react and behave with new materials or activities. My informers emphasize that the main purpose of documentation are to be able to show the children their own process of learning.The practical conditions differ among my informers, which can lead to consequences when they want to make documentation and/or use the documentation for its purpose.  My results also indicates that the documentations are used to plan the pedagogical activities in regard to the children?s interests and according to the curriculum Lpfö98 rev.2010.

Strategi för IKT i skolan ? att integrera teknik i ett komplex sammanhang : MÀtbart, jÀmlikt, statusfritt

Today there are many studies that have shown positive results in the treatment of ICT at an early age. The focus of the studies vary, and they target everything from the actual implementation of teaching resources in ICT, to student performance with ICT support. Regardless of the amount of studies on the subject, there is no precise strategy for how to implement, working with ICT, integrate ICT in different subjects, utilizing the hardware and software that is or how it will eventually respond to new technologies. This work will there by focusing on trying to develop a basis for further research and hopefully in the future to develop an ICT strategy at a national level.In order to provide a basis, a comparison was made of ten different schools. The schools were entered into a table showing the similarities and differences .

Jag & min framtid : En kvalitativ studie om HVB-hemplacerade ungdomars syn pÄ sig sjÀlva och sin framtid.

Studies have shown that young people in residential care homes tend to be low achievers in school and are at high risk of entering adulthood with a low level of education. This group has also shown tendency to adverse psychosocial outcomes. The aim with this study is to reach an understanding of how teenagers and young adults view themselves and their future, what ambitions they have in life and how they see their opportunities to realize their goals. The study is based on a qualitative method and was conducted with semi structured personal interviews with five youngsters 15-21 years old in two different residential care homes. The theoretical viewpoints have been based on E.H Erikson?s theory about identity as well as the theory about resilience.The result of this study indicates that the persons we have interviewed have expressed difficulties in describing themselves.

En undersökning i riskhantering för vidareutveckling av redan existerande projekt

Digimergo Àr en digitalisering av Emergo Train System, ett system dÀr personal inom rÀddningstjÀnst kan öva pÄ olika katastrofscenarion. För att göra Digimergo anvÀndbart behövdes ytterligare programvara: ett administrationsverktyg till övningar och en scenarioeditor. I det programvaruutvecklingsprojekt som denna rapport behandlar har ny programvara utvecklats och integrerats med det ursprungliga Digimergosystemet.I den hÀr rapporten diskuteras vilka risker som existerar nÀr ny funktionalitet skall lÀggas till ett gammalt projekt samt hur dessa risker kan minimeras. Rapporten undersöker ocksÄ vilka utvecklingsmetoder som lÀmpar sig i projekt dÀr ny funktionalitet ska lÀggas till befintliga system.Resultatet visar att den största risken med att utöka befintliga projekt Àr att underskatta tiden som krÀvs för att sÀtta sig in i projektet i frÄga. Det mest effektiva sÀttet att minimera risken för detta Àr att mycket tidigt studera det tidigare arbetet och utbilda projektmedlemmarna i det gamla systemet.

Den demokratiska processen - en betydelsefull del av föreningslivet : Konsulenternas uttryck om delaktighet och inflytande i föreningslivet

Intresset för studien kom genom upptÀckten av ?Idrott hela livet ? strategisk plan för idrottens folkhÀlsoarbete? som Àr ett dokument frÄn Riksidrottsförbundet som tar upp att idrotten vill: ?agera för ett starkt föreningsliv byggt pÄ demokratiska principer och stÀrka medlemmarnas engagemang, inflytande och delaktighet?. Syftet med studien blev följaktligen att beskriva hur konsulenterna pÄ Hallands distriktsidrottsförbund uttrycker vilka processer och strukturer som Àr förutsÀttningar för medlemmars delaktighet och inflytande i föreningslivet Valet grundar sig Àven i det faktum att delaktighet har bevisats betydelsefull för bÄde lÀrande och hÀlsa. Genom vÄrt val av att vilja se hur konsulenterna uttrycker sig om sitt arbete passade kvalitativa intervjuer, som genomfördes med alla (fyra) konsulenterna pÄ valda distriktsidrottsförbund. Intervjuerna bearbetades genom en kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys och det som framkom var att den demokratiska processen, med Ärsmötet, var en struktur och process som har stor betydelse för delaktighet och inflytande i föreningar.

Matematik i förskolan : Ur pedagogers och vÄrdnadshavares perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to find out how the teachers in preschool work with mathematics. How educators working to promote children's mathematics learning and how educators visualize math work. How they plan, implement and document the work of mathematics. I also want to find out how legal guardians perceive their children's mathematics learning in preschool.I have chosen to do interviews with the educators and survey legal guardians to make visible the work of mathematics in kindergarten. I interviewed six teachers who work at both younger and older children department.

SÀkra rÀtter i restaurangköket : en handledning för ökad kunskap om mikrobiologiska risker i rÄvaror, i rÀtter och med tillagningstekniker

I samma takt som intresset för mat har ökat i Sverige det senaste decenniet har uteÀtandet pÄ framför allt privata kommersiella restauranger ökat. Den molekylÀra gastronomin har blivit ett nytt inslag, men Àr kontroversiell dÄ matlagningen Àr förenad med att överskrida grÀnser som finns i den traditionella kokkonsten, exempelvis lÄgtemperaturstekning av kött. Sedan 1 januari 2006 finns krav pÄ införande av HACCP-principer i alla verksamheter som hanterar livsmedel. Av dessa anledningar Àr det viktigt att personal inom restaurang ökar sin kunskap om vilka mikrobiologiska faror som finns och som Àr förknippade med olika livsmedel, rÀtter och tillagningstekniker. Syftet med studien var att utforma en handledning som tar upp hur mikrobiologiska faror i olika matrÀtter och rÄvaror kan minskas inom restaurang. Handledningen Àr avsedd att anvÀndas i utbildning av restaurangkockar och ska upplysa om vilka mikrobiologiska faror som finns med olika rÄvaror, rÀtter och tillagningstekniker.

Projektering av vindkraftspark i Juddhult, SmÄland

The aim with this study was to collect fundamental information, and to plan, a windpower farm in Juddhult , SmÄland in southern Sweden. The goal is to collect the bestavailable projecting planning support. The pieces of this projecting planning supportthat will be presented is; Environmental Consequence Description (MKB), productioncalculations, comparisons between different plant types, economic calculations, evaluatethe economy and give some farm design suggestions. The imagined wind farm will belocated in forest environment and which may cause a number of new problems. Specialinterest that will be affected, where special consideration because of the forestenvironmental is requested is, hunting, wetlands, ancient monuments and windturbulence.

"Jag Àr ju som ganska mycket pÄ min vakt hela tiden..." : En kvalitativ studie som belyser unga kvinnors resonemang kring sexuellt vÄld

The aim of this essay was to gain a deeper understanding about how school employees interpret and practice school law regarding cyber-bullying that occurs between pupils on the internet. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We completed eight interviews with five teachers, one headmaster, one school welfare officer and one special educationist. These eight school employees were from four different high schools. In our interviews we found that the school employees thought it was difficult to define different concepts within the school law such as in association with the occupation and offensive behaviour which prohibits them from interpreting the school law in the same way.

Bedömning av loggbok : Bedömning av loggbok med en uppgiftsspecifik matris

The purpose of my independent work was to develop and test a task-specific assessment matrix to the students writing logs that occurs in connection with their APL (workplace-based learning). The matrix is based on upper secondary school subject plan House building from The Swedish National Agency for Education and the four courses House building process, House building 1, House building 2 and House building 3 - conversion. Due to the matrix structure, I used the example matrix of Malmö University. The task-specific assessment must both serve as a guide for students in the implementation of the log writing, and in the evaluation of the assessment work. Both students and teachers then get a common assessment tool for evaluation.

Kundfokuserad miljökommunikation med CRM-system : En Fallstudie hos Green Cargo

BackgroundToday a common approach to solve a complicated problem is to assemble a temporary workforce in order to solve the problem by working together within a project. One of the difficulties with working in projects is to maintain the planned budget. Working hours and costs are often exceeded. Many companies presume that any certain project will succeed, a presumption that leads companies not to anticipate risks involved in a project. In companies today there is seldom time for evaluation or moderation of a project, in order to have time for evaluation there is a great need for an adequate planning of the project.IntentThe intention with this study is to create a model for planning, budgeting and evaluation of projects within consultancy companies.MethodWith the help of interviews and discussions within the group Hamnar och Byggkonstruktioner at Sweco has evidence to present a proposal on planning, budgeting and monitoring been developed.ResultsA model has been developed to ease for consultancy companies to plan, budget, monitor and evaluate projects.

Kvalitet och grÀnssnitt i strategiskt ledarskap

Benchmarking is an established method of working which is often used in order to develop the quality of the organization. However, almost 70% of the organizations with benchmarking fail due to the lack of planning and structuring of the benchmarking exercise. Maintenance sections in the paper and pulp industry are one of those who have decided to conduct benchmarking. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of how the maintenance sections in the paper and pulp industry deliberately structure and plan to use benchmarking as a driving force for quality development in the maintenance sections.The study is a hermeneutic case study. Telephone interviews and document analysis have been used as data acquisition methods.The results show that there is a lack of both planning and structuring in the benchmarking process, and lack of management commitment for quality improvements within industrial maintenance.

?Till Skriptoriet i hopp om excerpering? ? Om uppbyggnaden av Svenska Akademiens Ordboks bibliotek

This thesis deals with the question of why the Swedish Academy Dictionary has its own Library when, for almost a hundred years, it has been located at the University Library of Lund. Looking at the library functions: librarian, users, room and books and their external factors: economy, internal actors, external actors and the development of the Swedish Academy Dictionary helped to shed light upon which relations between these factors have been important in the development of the library. The results show that there has not been a conscious plan behind the Library. A large number of the books in the Library was given by those who have worked at the Dictionary and also by their friends and collegues. Another part was given by the Swedish Academy and was partly gathered when the project was still in Stockholm.

Simulering av stelkroppssystem

Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingen av en stelkroppssimulator. Syftet Àr att föreslÄ en generell design som tillÄter stor flexibilitet i val av algoritmer för implementeringen. Rapporten förutsÀtter att lÀsaren Àr bekant med linjÀr algebra och objektorienterad programmering. Teoriavsnittet ger en introduktion till rotationer i tre dimensioner, grundlÀggande fysiska begrepp och fysiksimulering. Den slutgiltiga produkten baseras en objektorienterad modell implementerad i C++.

LikvÀrdigt utvecklingssamtal : tolk eller inte vid utvecklingssamtal och skrivande av IUP

Det hÀr arbetet handlar om i vilken omfattning eller hur ofta tolk anvÀnds vid utvecklingssamtal och skrivande av individuell utvecklingsplan (IUP) samt om det har nÄgon betydelse för elever med svenska som andrasprÄks resultat i skolan. FörÀldrars delaktighet i sina barns skola Àr en viktig faktor för att stÀrka eleverna i deras studieresultat. Skolan ska verka för likvÀrdighet i skolan och dÀrför Àr det viktigt att förÀldrar som inte behÀrskar svenska ska ha samma förutsÀttningar att hjÀlpa sina barn som förÀldrar till barn med svenska som modersmÄl. EnkÀtstudien skickades ut till sex olika skolor i olika delar av landet. NÄgra skolor hade mÄnga elever med svenska som andrasprÄk, andra hade nÄgra fÄ.

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