

7340 Uppsatser om Military theory - Sida 41 av 490

Coach, vän eller både och? : En kvalitativ studie om coachning inom arbetslivet

AbstractTitle: Coach, vän eller både och? ? en kvalitativ studie om coachning inom arbetslivetAuthors: Jonas Näslund & David ÖhrlingTutors: Ulla Moberg & Larsåke LarssonPurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to examine how coaching in working life serves, aiming to find what influences the interaction between coach and client. To seek to answer the purpose we raised a number of research questions which discussed, among other the coach's intentions and the parties' relationship.TheoriesThis thesis is based on a number of different theories, where the Leader-member Exchange Theory is considered the main theory. LMX is used when studying the relationship between a manager and an employee. Other theories used in this thesis are for example the Social exchange theory and one-on-one-coaching.MethodThe methods used in this thesis are semi-structured interviews, observations and recordings of coaching sessions.

Mot mer makt? - En studie om utvecklingsländers maktsituation i Världshandelsorganisationen WTO

This thesis examines the power of developing countries within the World Trade Organization (WTO). The research question is if there is a change in the power relations between developing countries and developed countries from the establishment of the WTO in 1995 and until mid 2006, and if so, why this change is taking place? The thesis has its theoretical starting-point within regime theory and views it from a critical theoretical perspective. A multidimensional why of dealing with the concept of power is being used to answer if there is a change in the power relations? The conclusion is that there is a small change in the power relations and that the developing countries are gaining more, but limited power.

Delat ansvar för ett enat Sri Lanka: asymmetriska relationers påverkan på fredsprocessen

Since 1983 the people of Sri Lanka has endured an ongoing Civil war, however the intencity has varied over the years. The aim of this theses is to examine what influence the asymmetric relationship between the Sri Lankan goverment and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has on the process of negotiating a solution to the civil war. I am also examining whether the asymmetical relationship has changed over time and if these changes have had any effect on the process.To analyze the asymmetries I divide them into material and non-material. I measure the material asymmetries in economic and military resourses, and to measure the non-material I use indicators such as commitment, alternative, controll and legitimacy.The results show that the asymmetrical relations between the parties in Sri Lanka have changed since the 1990s. Factors like 9/11 and the recurrent suicide bombings by the LTTE has had a great influence on the singalese-tamil relationsship.

Fräsch och strukturerad med attityd : Ett examensprojekt om tidningslayout

AbstractPresentation of the problem: The goal with this graduation project is to produce a new visual concept for the student newspaper Campus, this will be expressed in the form of page templates. The page templates will have a visual concept that appears through graphical elements. The client's wishes were that the student newspaper should be audience appropriate, attractive, inviting, reliable, modern and functional to work with.Theory: In order to implement the wishes and in a good way produce a consistent visual concept, we took a starting point in theory of graphic design. This theory has taken many of its principles from aesthetic theory, and therefore have we also used aesthetics to provide a deeper theoretical aspect. The principles we used in graphic design is; how to create a unity in the layout by using basic elements such as text, images, and white space.

Kan militär vilseledning skapa förtroende?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om teorin för ?Hearts and Minds? kan nå framgång med militär vilseledning. De teorier som finns sedan tidigare berör inte hur teorierna om att vinna befolkningens stöd skall gå till när militär vilseledning och upprorsbekämpning används. För att undersöka om militär vilseledning kan användas framgångsrikt inom arbetet att vinna ?Hearts and Minds? blir teorier för militär vilseledning och teorier för upprorsbekämpning beskrivna.

Twingly och Twitter på se2009.eu. En fallstudie av det svenska EU-ordförandeskapets användning av sociala medier på ordförandeskapswebben

Deliberative democracy theory holds that democracy is about active partaking on formal and informal arenas in the public sphere where fairly equal citizens can obtain knowledge, discuss, evaluate and affect the political agenda before decisions are made.In line with the deliberative vision of online deliberation social media such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Twingly offer such formal and informal arenas where people can obtain knowledge and interact with other people, and politicians.The Swedish EU-Presidency was the first EU-presidency to make use of social media and it was the first time the Swedish Government Offices used other social media than email and chat features.This thesis will examine the Swedish EU-Presidency?s ambitions of using social media as well as the actual use of social media on the Swedish EU-Presidency website in the light of deliberative democracy theory.The aim of this thesis is, through a case study, to analyze the Swedish EU-Presidency?s use of social media in the light of deliberative democracy theory..

Att vara allsidig och saklig : En intervjustudie om samha?llskunskapsla?rare

Jag har i den ha?r uppsatsen beskrivit hur det ra?der en otydlighet i vad begreppen saklighet och allsidighet inneba?r inom skolans va?rld. Jag har framfo?rt ett intresse fo?r hur samha?llskunskapsla?rare ser pa? begreppen och hur de tolkar dem. Jag har sen presenterat tidigare forskning om la?rares uppfattningar och visat att intervjustudier, fenomenografi och grounded theory a?r vanligt inom denna typ av forskning.

Besparingar inom Barn- och utbildningsnämnden : en jämförande studie mellan Landskrona och Kristianstad kommun

Title: Besparingar inom Barn- och utbildningsnämnden.Seminar date: 29th of May 2009Course: Degree thesis in Business Administration, bachelor thesisAuthors: Amela Smajlovic and Sten SundfeltAdvisor: Leif HolmbergPurpose: Our purpose is to explain the cost-saving process that many municipality organisations face because of the global financial crisis.Limitations: We have limited our study to the municipality of Landskrona and Kristianstad.Method: Our study has a qualitative approach. By using open interviews we have been able to get an open dialog with our respondents.Theory: We have compared with different theories, such as Rombach?s budget-theory and Wildavsky?s role theory.Empirics: The material is based on interviews and conversations with key figures in different levels of the organisations in Landskrona and Kristianstad.Conclusions: The success of a cost-saving process depends on the engagement, awareness and how inclined to changes the persons in the organisations are. Has everybody the willingness to take responsibility fore the organisation and the changes that the surrounding world claims?.

Framtidens medborgare : En ideologikritisk analys av den nya skolan i ljuset av demokrati och samhällsmedvetande

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the schools? pupils have the capacity to understand societal change through social consciousness. In order to investigate that a theory has been developed specifying what social consciousness means and how it is used. The theory has been used as a tool in an ideology critical analysis of the steering documents on which the schools? work is based.

Enhetschefernas roll i rehabiliteringsprocessen - Vilka möjligheter och hinder upplever de?

Abstract This paper seeks to answer how well the unit managers in a community live up to its responsibility for rehabilitation. What opportunities and obstacles center managers feel that they have in the rehabilitation process and their expertise in rehabilitation are adequate. The essay is based on qualitative, in which six interviews were conducted to help capture the Heads of Unit subjective experiences. Five of the respondents are heads of units in the elderly, and an interview with the rehabilitation coordinator of the municipality. Respondents' comments and relevant literature form the basis for this essay.

Åtta röster gällande omplaceringar i skolan

This study is about relocated students in the school. Research in this area is limited and the aim is to illuminate the area by listening to different people's voices that have been close to or involved in relocations. The study was made of a qualitative method and the collection of data was through interviews. A total of eight people were included in the study. The selected municipality is located in Sweden.

Samverkan mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna : En nulägesanalys utifrån samarbetet kring Close Air Support

There are many kinds of joint operations and combinations of combined arms. This thesis puts its focus on Close Air Support, CAS. Throughout history there have been several cases of success, regarding these kinds of operations, but also failure. Much can be taught from organizational behaviour studies, applied on these military organisations in their cooperation with each other. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the cooperation between the Swedish army and air force to determine the functionality of their process.

Social samvaro i sociala medier : En studie om digitalt utanförskap hos äldre

This study focuses on trying to understand the attitudes of people born in the 1940?s concerning their view on social media. This 1940?s group has been growing on the social networks such as Facebook, but their usage is not active. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to understand in what way they are affected by the using of these platforms.

Affärsmodeller inom E-commerce : ? Hur lyckas man som småföretagare på Internet

To start a company on the Internet is something that has appealed a lot of people during the last couple of years. Some of the companies have succeeded in their struggle but a lot of companies have failed to live out their ambition. This paper deals with the concept of e-commerce and aims to study whether or not the companies that has succeeded has made use of business models and what other factors that is important that you wont find in any written theory.The paper also aims to study the concept of business models and what a business model consists of. To be able to do this research we have interviewed three different companies that are all active in e-commerce and have survived for at least three years. Two of the companies are classical web shops that sell products to their customers and the last one is a site with articles about hardware and IT business in general.

Lyssna! : Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.

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