

782 Uppsatser om Mild Cognitive Impairment - Sida 8 av 53

Kommunikation av smärtuttryck hos älde personer med demenssjukdom

 AbstractBackground: Among elderly people with dementia pain is a common problem. In older persons, particularly those suffering from dementia and cognitive impairment pain is often underdiagnosed and undertreated causing unnecessary pain, suffering and affect quality of life negatively. Dementia complicates the identification of pain when the natural ability to communicate decreases when a person is suffering from dementia. It is important that health professionals working with older persons with dementia are aware of the person?s pain expression.Aim: To clarify how older persons with dementia communicate pain expression.Method: To study this area a literature review was used.

Korrelationen mellan fotgängares skador i verkliga olyckor och Euro NCAPs testresultat för fotgängarskydd

The aim of the present study was to estimate the correlation between Euro NCAP pedestrian rating scores and injury outcome in real-life car to pedestrian crashes, with special focus on long-term disability. The study also surveyed most frequently injured body regions and risk differences for specific elements of pedestrians hit by cars. Another aim was to determine whether Brake Assist systems affect the injury outcome in real-life car to pedestrian crashes and to estimate the effect in injury reduction of a high Euro NCAP ranking score combined with Brake Assist.In the current study, the Euro NCAP pedestrian scoring was compared with the real-life outcome in pedestrian crashes that occurred in Sweden 2003-2010. The real-life crash data was obtained from the data acquisition system STRADA, which combines police records and hospital admission data. The medical data consisted of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) diagnoses and Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) scoring.

Träning av lexikal förmåga hos ett svensk-arabisktalande förskolebarn : Utredning och intensiv intervention av det svenska ordförrådet

Sweden has a growing proportion of children living in a multilingual environment. It is thus highly important that caretakers as well as professionals who meet these children have knowledge of multilingualism and its impact on language development. Also, an increase of referrals of multilingual children with suspected language impairment to speech and language pathology clinics is seen.The objective of this study was to investigate the linguistic ability in both Swedish and Arabic in a four year old child with suspected language impairment. A further aim was to implement an intensive intervention and evaluate the efficacy of it. Language testing in both languages showed that the boy?s greatest need was in the lexical domain.

Yogans påverkan på högt blodtryck och livskvalitet

Bakgrund: Hypertoni är en vanlig folksjukdom i dagens samhälle och en vanlig riskfaktor för utveckling av bland annat kardiovaskulära, cerebrovaskulära och renala sjukdomar. Stress uppkommer vid fysiska och psykiska påfrestningar och ökar aktiviteten i det sympatiska nervsystemet i kroppen. Långvarig stress är en riskfaktor för att utveckla hypertoni. Livskvalitet är en subjektiv upplevelse som innefattar bland annat personers uppfattning av fysisk och psykisk hälsa, sociala relationer samt förväntningar och mål. Yoga är en träningsform som är känd för sin stressreducerande effekt och hälsofrämjande innebörd.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord, eller?: en studie om inferens

Without being aware of it, cognitive processes continuously take place in our heads. We are forced to fill in the information gaps that we meet in our everyday life in order to create an understanding and to form a whole, and that?s where the importance of inference comes in. To create inference implies creating meaning from something that is not explicitly given. Having knowledge about this process offers great possibilities, while not taking it into account may involve risks.

Nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill - En studie av de WACC antaganden som gjordes av svenska noterade bolag under åren 2007-2009

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine the companies on Nasdaq OMXS Large and Mid Cap to see if there are interesting patterns regarding their WACC assumptions, used when performing impairment tests on goodwill, during 2007-2009. If so, can we explain these patterns? MethodWe have gathered information about the WACC assumptions presented in the annual reports of the 133 companies that were listed on OMXS Large and Mid Cap during the spring of 2011. To complement this quantitative information we have also conducted an interview with Peter Malmqvist and contacted eight of the companies that were in the study.ConclusionWe can conclude that not all companies present their WACC assumptions in the annual report, even though IAS 36 states that this should be done. Of the 45 companies that were included in our study, eight had lowered their WACC during 2008 and increased it in 2009.

Värderar venture capitalbolag koncerngoodwill och har värderingen påverkats av införandet av IFRS 3: en fallstudie av fyra venture capitalbolag

Goodwill är ett omtvistat ämne inom redovisning. I dagens samhälle har företag haft friheten att kunna välja vilken regel i anknytning till goodwill de vill använda och det med hänsyn till vilket resultat de eftersträvar. Våren 2004 offentliggjorde International Accounting Standard Board en ny standard, IFRS 3 för redovisning av företagsförvärv. IFRS 3 går ut på att goodwill inte längre är föremål för planenliga avskrivningar utan istället ska företag genomföra ett ?impairment test? som innebär att företagen genomför en ingående analys av goodwillvärdet årsvis.

Barn med språkstörning interagerar : -en samtalsanalytisk studie av samtal mellan barn och barn samt barn och logoped

This paper explores the interaction of children with language impairment (LI). The present essay is a conversation analytic study of child-child and child-therapist dyads. The aim was to explore in what ways children with LI reach common understanding. Another purpose was to investigate if there are differences in interaction between dyads with children with LI and dyads with children with LI and speech language therapist. Seven children, three girls and four boys, with LI participated in the study.

Logopedisk intervention för barn med språkstörning ur ett historiskt perspektiv : en uppföljningsstudie

One of the largest work areas for speech and language pathologists is intervention for children with speech and language disorders. The purpose of the present study was to describe and analyze the clinical management of language impairment in children by studying and comparing medical records and literature from the years 2000 and 2009. The present study is a sequel to two previously published papers by Christina Samuelsson (1997; 1999), in which medical records and literature from the 1920-, 60- and 70?s were studied and a paper by Helén Sämfors (2001), in which the years 1985 and 1995 were studied. The medical records used in the present study came from a medical ward for speech and language pathology at a university hospital in Sweden. The results showed that significantly more children were referred to the clinic for speech and language problems in 2009 than in 2000, and more children were treated for their impairments.

Samsyn som grund till förändring? : En studie om vad som skapar samsyn och dess betydelse i förändringsprocesser

Globalization has among other tendencies led to the emergence of new ways of doing business. One of the ways for organizations to meet the demands of a new competitive landscape has been through management accounting change, a field which has become increasingly popular in research. This paper builds on that research and seeks to investigate the case of the implementation of a new management accounting system in a Swedish company which was triggered by strategic change. Commonality through the interactive approach is by some researchers seen as a key to successful change. This approach is contrasted to the importance of symbolic constructs and change recipients? cognitive effort to understand the meaning of change for which Framing theory is applied.

Konsten att tänka först och handla därefter : En studie om att utveckla yngre tonåringars problemlösningsförmåga

This study is about how to develop younger teens problem solving ability and their social competence. The study carried through by using a qualitative method, two observations and ten interviews. The observations where preparatory for the structured interviews. The respondents where pupils in a class were it is an ongoing project which purpose is to develop childrens problem solving ability and social skills with cognitive training and an empowerment based reasoning model that is called rahyab. Rahyab is a Persian word and it means path- finding.

Lämna inte slumpen åt slumpen - En studie om hylloptimering i den digitala butiken

This paper examines the impact of conscious shelf management on online grocery stores. An S-O-R framework is used to unveil if some established shelf management techniques from physical stores are applicable in an online context. We also explain some of the cognitive processes customers experience as they get exposed to online buying situations. A main study with two data sources is conducted: one quantitative website experiment with 168 participants who got exposed to five different organisation patterns within five different categories; and one more qualitative eye tracking experiment with 20 participants. The results indicate that a disorganised product page evokes not only different scan paths and cognitive patterns but also generates higher sales.

Undersökning av artikulation, nasalitet och förståelighet hos 16- och 19-åringar födda med isolerad gomspalt

This study highlights the differences in articulation, nasality and intelligibility between twenty 16-year-olds and thirteen 19-year-olds born with isolated cleft palate and control groups. The test groups are compared in a longitudinal perspective and based on earlier evaluations of velopharyngeal impairment. Significant differences were found between test groups and control groups using quantitative comparisons based on SVenskt Artikulations- och Nasalitets-TEst and NasometerTM. The longitudinal comparison also showed a positive but not significant development of the speech. Differences emerged in the comparisons based on velopharyngeal impairment but no significance analysis was made.

Personer med synnedsättning och deras erfarenheter av tillgängligheten i utemiljön och på offentliga platser

Syftet med studien var att beskriva vad personer med synnedsättning har för erfarenheter av tillgänglighet i utemiljöer och på offentliga platser. Författarna valde en intervjubaserad metod för att besvara studiens syfte där nio personer från två olika län intervjuades utifrån semistrukturerade intervjufrågor. Inklusionskriterierna för studien var att deltagarna skulle ha en synskärpa på mindre än 0,3 och vara medlem i synskadades riksförbund. Data analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som mynnade ut i tre kategorier ?tillgänglig miljö, skillnad mellan självständighet och beroende?, ?tillgänglig miljö, skillnad mellan trygghet och otrygghet? och ?allmän okunskap om tillgänglig miljö?.

Konsekvenser av införandet av IFRS 3

Denna uppsats behandlar konsekvenserna av IFRS 3. Vårt syfte har varit att belysa vilka konsekvenser IFRS 3 har medfört för företag två år efter införandet. För att få en mer varierad syn valde vi även att intervjua en auktoriserad revisor. Dessa svar har sedan sammanställts för att undersöka vilka konsekvenser det nya regelverket inneburit för bolagen i fråga. Regeländringen har bland annat som syfte att öka harmoniseringen vad gäller redovisningen från företag världen över.

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