

782 Uppsatser om Mild Cognitive Impairment - Sida 7 av 53

Valet och kvalet kring kapitalstrukturen : om kognitionens inverkan på finansieringspolitiken

Background: A company?s choice of capital structure is influenced by the access to internal and external capital but also by the opportunities and threats that the management perceives in the environment and the management?s attitude towards risk. How an individual perceives and interpret the environment depends on the cognitive structures, which are shaped by personality, background and earlier experiences. Accordingly cognitive structures can be expected to influence the choice of capital structure. Purpose: Out of a cognitive perspective we intend to study the relationship between the way a company views it?s environment and what capital structure it chooses to have, in order to contribute to an increased understanding about what lies behind a company?s capital structure policy.

Livskvalitet hos personer som genomgått en total höftledsplastik - en litteraturstudie

The purpose of the study was based on scientific literature to describe the quality of life of persons who have undergone a total hip replacement. The method was a descriptive literature review. The results showed that pain was the most obvious change after surgery. Mild pain before surgery was strongly associated with mild pain after surgery. But despite less pain were experienced early, it took 1 year to achieve the full benefits of improved physical function.

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap som kunskapsområde En bibliometrisk studie.

The objective of the study is to map the cognitive structure of Library and Information Science, using a quantitative, bibliometric method. This empirical study shows how co-citation analysis combined with word-frequency analysis can be used to describe the subject content of the field. The research questions to be answered are: -Which clusters of authors can be identified? -How can these clusters be described in respect of their subject content, if the descriptors associated with the authors in the clusters are counted? The results show that the cognitive structure of Library and Information Science can be described by 13 clusters of authors, where each cluster is representing a specific aspect of the subject- domain. For the description of the subject content of the clusters, descriptors DE of the LISA database have been used..

Legalisering av sidotjänster : En studie av den nya Fastighetsmäklarlagen

This study is about how to develop younger teens problem solving ability and their social competence. The study carried through by using a qualitative method, two observations and ten interviews. The observations where preparatory for the structured interviews. The respondents where pupils in a class were it is an ongoing project which purpose is to develop childrens problem solving ability and social skills with cognitive training and an empowerment based reasoning model that is called rahyab. Rahyab is a Persian word and it means path- finding.

Att väga varje ord på guldvåg : Om kriskommunikation och katastrofpsykologi

This study is about how to develop younger teens problem solving ability and their social competence. The study carried through by using a qualitative method, two observations and ten interviews. The observations where preparatory for the structured interviews. The respondents where pupils in a class were it is an ongoing project which purpose is to develop childrens problem solving ability and social skills with cognitive training and an empowerment based reasoning model that is called rahyab. Rahyab is a Persian word and it means path- finding.

Förändring = Förbättring? : En studie av hur några användare skattar och upplever förändringar i ett datorstöd

Human-computer interaction is central for computer assisted development. The aim was to investigate the user experience of a new (U2) compared to an old (U1) computer system, within a cognitive psychology frame of reference. Six subjects, frequently using the system, participated in the study. It was shown that the new (U2) compared to the old system (U1) enhanced and supported more the users? system related procedures/tasks.

AKKTIV-KomIgång inom barnlogopedi: pilotutvärdering av en utbildning till föräldrar som har barn med grav språkstörning

The purpose of the present pilot study was to evaluate the parentalintervention ComAlong at the Division of Child Language, for parents ofchildren with severe language impairment. ComAlong is one of the parentalinterventions developed in the AKKTIV project. AKKTIV stands foraugmentative and alternative communication ?early intervention. Thepresent study consists of a case study, a compilation of course evaluationsand an interview with the two leaders of the course.

ACTUA! : En utvärdering av ett internetbaserat självhjälpsprogram med beteendeaktivering för behandling av depression

Beteendeaktivering är en effektiv behandling vid depression. Forskningen är mer begränsad gällande effekten av internetadministrerad beteendeaktivering. Denna studie utvärderade således behandlingseffekten av två olika internetadministrerade självhjälpsprogram med terapeutstöd.  Totalt 42 deltagare med mild till måttlig depression randomiserades, efter bedömning, till två olika behandlingsgrupper och en kontrollgrupp. Behandlingen innehöll åtta textmoduler med tillhörande övningar.  En signifikant huvudeffekt av tid påvisades för alla grupper gällande depression och livskvalitet. En signifikant interaktionseffekt påvisades för ångest mellan behandlingsgruppen och kontrollgruppen.

Underlättar medicinering av barn med ADHD barnets pedagogiska situation i skolan?

Persons suffering from Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) struggle with complications within the functions that regulate and control the brain activities, due to deficiencies in these functions within the affected nerve-paths. ADHD is a cognitive function impairment characterised by inattention, impulsiveness and over activity. According to Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV), certain diagnostic criteria of ADHD must be fulfilled in order for a person to be diagnosed with ADHD. The everyday problems caused by ADHD are individual and medication can have positive effects relieving the person?s impairing behaviour.

Kognitiv beteendeterapi vid morbid svartsjuka: med psykoedukativt tillägg baserat på evolutionspsykologisk teori

Morbid jealousy is a relatively common problem that often results in relational conflicts, frequently involving violence. Eventually many relationships break down as a consequence of these conflicts. Despite of this morbid jealousy is considered to be under-researched. As regards the treatment of morbid jealousy there is however some evidence that cognitive behaviour therapy is a worthwhile treatment, and there is also a growing body of evidence that jealousy, normal as well as morbid, is an evolutionary adaptation. This study integrates an evolutionary psychological approach with cognitive behaviour therapy in the treatment of morbid jealousy.

Kognitionsforskning i djurhållningen: grisars kognition och dess tillämpning vid slaktsvinshållning

Pigs are often mentioned as relatively intelligent animals when compared to other nonhuman species. Despite this knowledge, the vast majority of pigs are kept under conditions that lack opportunities to satisfy their cognitive needs. Therefore, a need to evaluate the present scientific studies about pig cognition was acknowledged, in order to evaluate to what extent the knowledge is applied in the husbandry of finishing pigs. If a considerable lack of application was determined, suggestions about how to use the obtained information to improve pig welfare were also to be made. A synthesis of the present literature was made, and it could be concluded that a considerable amount of studies had been carried out in the present area. The pigs of today appear to have the same behavioural and cognitive needs as their ancestor, the wild boar.

Webbaserade kurser - traditionell förmedlingsundervisning i ny förpackning? En undersökning av den pedagogiska diskursen i webbaserad användarundervisning

This Master?s thesis examines library courses, a relatively new form of user education. Our focus is on the pedagogical point-of-views reflected in the text in these library courses. The primary purpose of the study is to analyze the pedagogical discourse displayed in the library courses to determine if the perspective is behavioural, cognitive, constructive or socio cultural. We are investigating if the pedagogical discourse differs from course to course, and if so, how are they different? In addition we aim to find out how the pedagogical discourse in the library courses relates to university websites and governmental and legal texts, at the discursive and social practice level.

Att känna igen smärta hos personer med demens : En litteraturstudie ur vårdpersonalens perspektiv

Bakgrund: Studier visar att smärta är vanligt förekommande (80-88 %) hos äldre personer. Demenssjukdom är en neurologisk skada i hjärnan där den verbala och kroppsliga kommunikationen försämras. Detta bidrar till problem att känna igen smärta hos personer med demenssjukdom. Syftet: Syftet var att belysa hur vårdpersonal kan känna igen smärta hos personer med demenssjukdom. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie där datainsamlingen genomfördes i databaserna Cinahl, PsycINFO och PubMed.

Kognitiva störningars inflytande på dagligt liv hos en person med mild Alzheimers sjukdom: en fallstudie

Att leva med demens innebär att livet påverkas då tidigare förmågor inte längre kan tas för givna. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva kognitiva störningars inflytande på dagligt liv hos en person med mild Alzheimers sjukdom. Studien genomfördes som en fallstudie, där forskaren genom observationer och i intervjuer följde en hemmaboende kvinna i hennes dagliga aktiviteter. Fokus för studien var kvinnans sätt att ta sig an dagliga aktiviteter såsom enklare hushållsgöromål och vistelse i olika miljöer. Det insamlade datamaterialet analyserades med en metod för kvalitativ innehållsanalys med latent ansats.

Inflammatory cytokines induced by Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) subsets

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is the causative agent of a complex of disease syndromes in cattle with high economical and welfare impacts. BVDV occurs as two biotypes; cytopathic (BVDVcp) and noncytopathic (BVDVncp) determined by differential effects on cultured cells and can also be divided into two genotypes (BVDV1 and BVDV2) on the basis of genomic diversity. The interaction between BVDV and the host?s immune system is regarded a key aspect in the sequel of BVDV infection. Infection with BVDV normally causes an acute transient infection, with mild to subclinical signs, but occasionally results in severe and even fatal disease.

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