

215 Uppsatser om Metal sorption - Sida 12 av 15

Produktkalkylering vid bearbetande småföretag

Background - Swedish trade and industry primarily involves small corporations, including small manufacturing corporations. Currently, most costing models that are used are based on studies accomplished at large corporations. This conveys to the fact that product costing that occurs at small manufacturing corporations is based on all complexities that large corporations bring, which rarely match with small corporations. It occurs that small manufacturing corporations unconsciously rely on incorrect information that has been calculated based on great corporations? product costing.

Hard as iron or Hot as hell : En kvalitativ textanalys av kvinnoframställningar i Close-Up Magazine och Sweden Rock Magazine

Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom en genusvetenskaplig och socialkonstruktivistisk ansats undersöka hur kvinnor framställs i de svenska hårdrocksmagasinen Close-Up Magazine och Sweden Rock Magazine. Då majoriteten av den genusrelaterade medieforskningen har intresserat sig för reklam- och modebilder finns en kunskapslucka kring hur kvinnor framställs i bilder inom genrer vid sidan av dessa.Denna studie avsåg att genom semiotisk textanalys undersöka bilder i dessa magasin, för att identifiera de kvinnliga stereotyperna i dem och sedan jämföra dessa med etablerade stereotyper som tidigare forskning påvisat. Sammanlagt analyserades 28 bilder i 15 magasin från 2013 utifrån feministisk blickteori och Goffmans teori om könsframställning.Tre tydliga kvinnliga stereotyper framträdde i resultatet. Dessa benämnde vi som Den hårda, Den medkännande och Den objektifierade. De två sistnämnda är väl kända sedan innan inom forskningssammanhang medan Den hårda kvinnan, som bland annat uppvisar tecken på aggressivitet, avsky och överlägsenhet, inte påträffats i liknande studier innan.

En studie av en industrirobots beteende vid borrning

In the assembly process of airframe structures there are many drilled holes and on some parts the holes are mainly drilled manually with pneumatic handheld drilling machines. During conventional drilling in metal, burrs appear. To remove these burrs the parts of the structure must be separated and deburred before they can be put together for fastening. This is a time consuming measure and therefore expensive. To facilitate this process and lower production costs some parts of the process needs to be automated.A part of this thesis was a project in co-operation with Saab, Novator, Specma Automation and the University of Linköping.

Bergkyla och bergvärmeutredning för industrilokalen Rödbergsmyran 5 i Umeå, Västerbotten.

Grubbe Ventilation AB is a sheet metal and ventilation company who provides design, installation, service, and repair of ventilation. The company is expanding their business by building a new facility in Umeå, Västerbotten. The property is designed to be used for both office and industrial work.Grubbe Ventelation AB has not yet decided upon wish system which is to be established to provide the building with heating and cooling. The consulting firm Umeå Projekt Team has therefore been asked to investigate the possibilities to invest in geothermal- heating and cooling.If the investigation of a geothermal heating- and cooling system would provide favorable results it would be a very appropriate alternative that provides energy at low costs and are an environmentally friendly option as the energy comes from stored solar energy in the ground is provided by stored solar energy in the ground.The facility ´s heating and cooling consumptions are calculated in the program BV2 and the result indicate a heating demand of 185 000 kWh per year due to thermal transmittance, transmission losses, heating of warm water and a cooling requirement of 5500 kWh.Three different systems of geothermal heating and cooling were tested in the computer program Energy Earth Design. The results show no difference in the dimensioning of the drill hole if merely heating were to be used or both heating and cooling were to be established.

Mögel på Textil -vid import av textila varor

Under lagring och transport av textila varor från Asien kan risken för mögelangrepp vara stor, något som sedan vid uppackning kan vara skadligt för hälsan. Situationen så som det ser ut idag kan medföra stora problem och kostnader hos textilföretag och att hitta möjliga åtgärder för att förebygga skador är därför av stort intresse. För att kartlägga problemen med mögelangrepp på textila material har både informationssökning och praktiskt arbete genomförts. Mögeltillväxt sker då det är gynnsamma betingelser med hänsyn till klimat, näring och syretillgång. För att mögeltillväxt inte ska angripa textila varor finns en rad förebyggande åtgärder som kan vidtas, åtgärder som alla handlar om att göra förutsättningarna på ett eller annat sätt ogynnsamma.

When I die, I want to be recycled - a study of the view of the funeral industry on the handling of metals in cremation

Kremering är idag det vanligaste jordfästningssättet i Sverige, de allra flesta som avlider kremeras och gravsätts i urna. Frågan om hur de metaller som finns i kroppen men inte får plats i urnan hanteras har hittills inte väckt så stor uppmärksamhet, speciellt inte ur miljösynpunkt. Dock handlar det om åtskilliga ton metall som varje år grävs ner på kyrkogårdar runt om i landet. Denna metall påverkar dels miljön negativt, dels kommer det att ta upp mer och mer plats på kyrkogårdarna i framtiden, och att gräva ner metaller imarken är inte ett miljöoptimerat sätt att hantera dessa. Det finns dock andra saker än bara miljön att ta hänsyn till i denna fråga.

Haspelsystemet Camcoil 1500

Our employer Camatec Industriteknik AB gave us the assignments to increase theirs range of versions on Camcoil that is their own patent product. Camcoil is a capstan system that is used when steel band fabricated. Exist for example in production lines their steel band should be annealed. Our goal with this work is to come up with a completed production basis on a Camcoil for heavy industry. The basis should contain calculations, 3D-constructions, drawings and cost proposal on manufacturing and detail purchase.Demands on this project:1.

Växters förmåga att ackumulera metaller : Vass, bredkaveldun och gäddnate i Bergviks dagvattendamm

AbstractSurface-water includes different kinds of pollutants from traffic and roads. To prevent these pollutants to reach nearby lakes one can construct surface-water ponds on locations with heavy traffic. At Bergviks shopping centre in Karlstad, two ponds, one smaller and one bigger has been constructed in order to decrease the pollutant pressure from the receiving waters of Kattfjorden. Several heavy metals are essential for plants and animals in low concentration but when they occur in higher concentrations, they become toxic to the organism. The larger pond at Bergviks shopping centre has a sedimentation function so the heavy metals sink to the bottom thereby not releasing directly in to Kattfjorden.

XRF-analys av förorenad mark : undersökning av felkällor och lämplig provbearbetning

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) detection of heavy metals is a cost- and time-effective method for investigation of polluted areas. Compared to laboratory analysis, XRF analysis is limited by high detection limits and uncertainties in some situations. Preparation of samples is known to affect the results of measurements.The purpose of this thesis is to bring a deeper understanding of how different factors affect the results of XRF-analysis. A large number of measurements have been made with the instruments Niton XLt 700 and Niton Xli 700. Results from measurements of lead, zinc and copper have been analysed.This study has shown that a greater moisture content will give a lower measured concentration for the same sample.

The Hardscape Room : ett trädgårdsrum i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgårdar

This master thesis covers the design of a special garden room, The Hardscape Room, in The Rehabilitation Gardens at Alnarp, in southern Sweden, as well as describes the design process. The Rehabilitation Gardens are intended to serve several purposes. It will offer horticultural therapeutic treatment programs for people diagnosed as having had burnout disease for an extended period. Research is also aimed at studying the possible impact of different garden design hypotheses as well as different forms of horticultural therapy. In The Rehabilitation Gardens at Alnarp the most extreme and demanding garden room focused on cultivation and horticultural therapy is The Hardscape Room.

Charlie don't surf! : En studie av det postkoloniala perspektivet i amerikanska Vietnamkrigsfilmer

Syftet med denna studie är att i sex amerikanska filmer som tar upp kriget i Vietnam undersöka hur den västerländska och den orientaliska kulturen skildras i relation till varandra utifrån ett postkolonialt perspektiv. Både framställningen av såväl amerikanerna, fienden och sydvietnameserna har studerats ur detta perspektiv. Detta undersöks genom att koppla till teorier och begrepp såsom semiotik och ideologi och metoder såsom diskurs och diskursanalys, mise-en-scéne och filmanalys. Studien undersöker om det skett någon förändring av det postkoloniala perspektivet i filmernas framställning. Undersökningen inkluderar: Gröna Baskrarna, The Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now Redux, Plutonen, Full Metal Jacket och We Were Soldiers.

Avfallshantering på HFABs studentområden

?Halmstads Fastighets AB? is a local real estate company investing in sustainable development. One problem though is that the domestic waste, particularly the source separation, at the three resident blocks for students? isn´t working very well. This creates inconveniences for people and environment as well as decreasing the impression on the estates.This project has had the ambition to improve the domestic waste and increase the amount of source separation at HFAB´s student hostels.

Implementation av CUSUM/SPRT-algoritm för kvalitetsövervakning i realtid av robotsvetsning

Under början av 1990-talet inledde Volvo Personvagnar i Olofström en process där övervakning av robotiserad MIG/MAG-svetsning var i fokus. Det ledde fram till ett forskningsprojekt som resulterade i att Stefan Adolfsson, Lunds tekniska högskola/Blekinge tekniska högskola, 1998 presenterade avhandlingen Automatic Quality Monitoring in GMA Welding using Signal Processing Methods [5]. I den presenterades ett SPRT-baserat övervakningskoncept för övervakning av MIG/MAG-svetsning med kort- och spraybåge. För att få fram ett kostnadseffektivt övervakningssystem uppkom tanken att använda vanliga PC-datorer som plattform. De erbjuder hög beräkningskapacitet till förhållandevis låg kostnad.

Kemin bakom framtidens avgasrening : En studie av ureasönderfall under kvävgasatmosfär

The purpose of this work was to provide a better understanding of urea?s decomposition and byproduct formation in an SCR system on heavy trucks. In my experimental setup with TGA-DSC-FTIR (a combination of two thermal analysis methods and a method for gas phase detection), an FTIR method for urea in the gas phase was developed for the qualitative and quantitative determination of urea and its decomposition products. Chemicals such as urea, biuret, cyanuric acid and melamine of p.a. quality were used in this method development. Beforehand, there was no FTIR method available to detect these substances; hence, the aim of this work was to develop an FTIR method to understand the degradation chain of urea. The combination of TGA and DSC was used for analysis of different samples, where urea, biuret, cyanuric acid and melamine in varying amounts have been weighted in for various experiments in order to study the temperature at which a phase transition or reaction occurs, i.e.

Hållbar och framgångsrik? : samband mellan hållbarhetsprestanda och finansiella aspekter i börsföretag

Many companies have historically forced their interests through without any thoughts about the future needs of the humans and the society. In the last few years voices have been raised for a change, companies need to take their responsibility regarding sustainable development.The purpose of the report is to describe and explain possible relations between sustainabil-ity performance of companies and profitability, valuation, industry and size respectively.To be able to judge the sustainability performance of the companies Folksam (2006a) have been used. This is a solid investigation of the companies listed on the A- and O-lists of the Stockholm Stock Exchange by the end of 2005. The sustainability marks have been com-pared with the chosen key values for each hypothesis respectively. With this quantitative data as foundation, a quantitative approach and a deductive method have been used.In the first area of the investigation, profitability, the authors found correlation for the main hypothesis between sustainability performance and ?Return on Total Assets? through a statistical test.

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