

4268 Uppsatser om Met-before concept image - Sida 56 av 285

Malmö som stad, upplevelse och varumärke: En diskursanalys av en postindustriell stads framtidsvisioner

This is a discourse analysis concerning the visions for Malmö's future. Three concepts are studied to see which meaning these are given in the Malmö context. The studied concepts are ? development (utveckling), industry (näringsliv) and citizen (befolkning).The meanings of these concepts are studied against a backdrop of theories of inclusion/exclusion in general and inclusion/exclusion in the city more specific. Michael Foucault´s notion of a discourse which stigmatizes those not following a behaviour which is defined as being right and normal is central to this.

Systematik eller subjetivitet? : En studie kring individuell lönesättning för lärare

The purpose of this study was to examine the routines of performance related pay systems in two Swedish municipal upper secondary schools. A second purpose was to examine what data was included for evaluation of a co-worker?s performance and how a principal collects data. The purpose was also to examine a principal and teachers´ view of performance related pay systems and if it was possible to note an agreement. Principals have been interviewed and teachers have answered a questionnaire to fulfil the purposes of this study.The study shows that the municipality had a good routine that included individual discussions with co-workers about their salary and had fixed municipal criteria.

Sony Ericsson : En studie av värdeskapande ur kundperspektiv

This study intends to elucidate which view customers has about Sony Ericsson as a trademark compared with it?s biggest competitors and how the company can expand and create added value around its products. The aim with this essay is to study and to analyze Sony Ericsson?s creation of value and to increase understanding about strategy development. We have chosen to do this study on the basis of customer perspectives.We have used existing theories that treat matters: added value, marketingmix and trademark image.

Vi döpte om biblioteket till Bibliotek and läranderesurser: Om imageskapande på högskolebibliotek

The aim of this thesis is to examine how four decision makers at a University College and a library director at the same University College perceive the profile, image and identity of their library. This University College library is used as our main example. We have evaluated the main example in relation to two other University College libraries, in order to obtain a deeper understanding of how these library directors view their own libraries and to attain a more multi-dimensional view of the main example of our study. Our intention is to analyse the current situation, not the past nor the future. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with decision makers and library directors have been conducted.

Extrema sportutövare : Heroiska äventyrare, naiva idealister eller galna risktagare?

Man has always in one way or another had to take risks in order to survive, but in today's society, voluntary risks increased markedly. It is about both physical and financial risks. The aim of this essay is to problematize what it is for properties that drive people to extreme sports and adventure travel. We want to see how extreme sports performers own picture looks compared to how the media presents them. We have in this essay interviewed two long sailors, a BASE jumper and an ex-mountain climber to see how the performers own picture of reality looks.

Trender : Som ett verktyg i konkurrensen

SyfteUppsatsen ämnar att analysera och utreda:- sambandet mellan trender och erbjudande i resebranschen.- hur trender kan fungera som differentieringsfaktor. MetodVi har i denna uppsats valt att skriva en kvalitativ studie då den ämnar skapa en djupare förståelse för hur företag kan använda trender för sin positionering på en marknad. Undersökning har kommit att anta en abduktiv karaktär då vi utgår från den teoretiska referensramen som sedan anpassas utifrån empirin. Det empiriska datan är insamlad genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem respondenter som verkar inom den svenska resebranschen. SlutsatserI studien har det framkommit att om företag i ett tidigt skede av en trend anpassar sitt erbjudande kan de differentiera sig genom trenden och skapa konkurrensfördelar. Det beror på att om ett företag är först med att ta till sig en trend ökar deras chans att förknippas med trenden i kundernas medvetande. Något annat som framträder i studien är att företagets position kan komma att påverkas negativt om trenden de tagit till sig inte stämmer överens med företagets identitet och kundernas image av varumärket..

Never ending story ? Storytelling som en varumärkesstrategi

We were accepted to the field study Dignity and therefore chose to write our thesis in connection with it. Our subject is the oasis of Siwa in Egypt. The society has long been isolated, and therefore, the city has been able to preserve their handicraft methods and values. We chose to study the Ecological and Handicraft Development Center, which is a newly opened center for craft production. We wanted to see how the centre could use storytelling as a marketing strategy.

Corporate Social Responsibility ? ett samtidsfenomen : Uttryck, intryck och avtryck

CSR is a far reaching concept and practice, whose popularity and diffusion has increased rapidly in recent years. Research indicates that CSR has made an evolutionary journey from primarily being characterized by reactiveness to develop into a risk minimizing and proactive competitive advantage and should be looked upon as an answer to heightened societal pressure and awareness. Based on a review regarding different relevant theoretical perspectives, this master thesis discusses CSR as a concept and practical matter in relation to various strategically chosen representatives of a selection of professions.Moreover, the data were collected through in-depth semi structured interviews. The findings show that CSR is a contemporary and highly context dependent phenomenon whose inherent multiplicity brings a distinct aspect of uncertainty to it, in terms of both meaning and practice. And in some parts there is a reluctance to communicate CSR due to a fear of missing out of important aspects.

I Staffan Wermes skugga : I maktens korridorer med en hegemonisk kommunstyrelseordförande

In this essay I try to find out how the local political climate in the Swedish Municipal Örebro looks like through the eyes of Michel Foucault. I?ve been focusing on the concept power, knowledge and politic. I?ve been applying the discourse theory on the study and the founder of that theory is Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau, the discoursetheory is a refinement of Foucaults thoughts about discourse.

Mundekulla : En studie om det personliga företagets konferensverksamhet

The purpose of this essay is to review Mundekulla, which is a small, relatively newly established Swedish company operating in the field of conferences. Today they are serving ecological and environmental friendly food to their customers and we choose to investigate if this is a successful concept by asking the customer?s opinions. Our task is to analyze and understand how this company can develop a stronger concept regarding their conference area. This essay will also focus on trends and how the ever changing world can affect Mundekulla in the future.

?Thy sanningen bliwfer ändånäst Gudz hielp alltid ochallena bestående.? : Naturrättsliga influenser i några karolinskakrigares källor kring 1700.

This study aims to describe the influence of natural law on the common concept of justiceamongst Swedish officers around 1700. Through this study I intend to establish that therewere discrepancies and expressions of other norms in 17th and 18th century military culture.Both from natural law but also from Christian belief. A secondary aim is to establish howsuch variances were manifested and how they can be explained.A few theoretical starting-points have been used as a guide in developing the purpose andrelevant questions for this study. I intend to describe the key features of the concept of naturallaw as thoroughly as needed, through relevant legal literature. The next step will be to mapthese outlines against texts from the time, through a qualitative close reading.This study has investigated, at least, seven diaries from the time.

Multi-Channel Strategy : -med fokus på POC Sweden AB:s potentiella försäljningskanaler

Idag är det relativt utbrett bland företag att använda flera försäljningskanaler. Flera kanaler möjliggör att företaget kan nå flera kundsegment och på så vis öka sin lönsamhet. POC Sweden AB designar och marknadsför alpina skyddsprodukter och har idag planer på att använda flera försäljningskanaler. Deras potentiella försäljningskanaler utgörs av fysiska återförsäljare, konceptbutiker och e-handel. POC:s mål med de potentiella försäljningskanalerna är att öka sin lönsamhet utan att varumärkets image reduceras.

Bilden av tjejen i svensk ungdomslitteratur: En litteraturanalys av nio ungdomsböcker ur ett genusperspektiv.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how the image of the girl and her environment in the Swedish youth literature has changed during the 1980s to the 2000s. We have focused on how the girls creates gender in fiction. The introduction chapter in this essay covers a short history over Swedish youth literature and how the Swedish youth culture has developed, followed by a description of how the girl in the real world relates to gender. The books we have chosen are written by Swedish authors and the plot partakes in Sweden with female protagonists. We decided to do a close-reading of the novels and analyse them by an analytical model, consisting of several questions.

Apor i fruktdisken!: eller påverkan av icke-musikaliska ljud inom detaljhandeln

Retail marketing is a field with many different enbranchements. Some of these can be considered relatively well explored, while the lack of knowledge concerning others is almost total. For example, the existing knowledge regardng the possible impact that non-musical sound can have on the customer can be considered non-existent. With this in mind, the intention with the thesis was to closer investigate how non-musical sound can influence the customer's decision process and attitude in and to a grocery store. The authors started out with theories on associative networks and automatic processing.

Profilering av Södertörns Högskola : Studenternas inställning till lärosätets marknadskommunikation

Either if you are a company or a state owned organization, in our case Sodertorn University collage, it is very highly demanded and needed that there is a well-defined definition of the area you perform in. It is also highly recommended that you have an accurate and informal profile of the type of company you are and that you have an effective communication to your surroundings, so that they can perceive it the way the company wishes mediate the message. In this essay we have tried to explain the kind of profile Sodertorn University collage has, and how its current students perceive this profiling strategy.Sodertorn University collage profiles itself through three significant areas: the school claim themselves to be multicultural, multiscientific in an aspect when it comes to courses and programs, and as a school with an ambition to educate and form more critical thinking students. This has become Sodertorn University collages trademark and is quite significant for the school, something that we have examined in our survey among the current students. What we will examine in our essay will only be the two first mentioned components, multicultural and multiscientific programs and courses.We have also had the intention to do a comparison with an earlier essay from 1997 made by two economics students, and put our results in contrast to the earlier results since there were no previous research after this one.

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