

4268 Uppsatser om Met-before concept image - Sida 57 av 285

Frihetens bakgård en litteratursociologisk studie om självets identitetsvåndor i det senmoderna samhället

This Masters thesis is analysing four Swedish novels written by first time authors published between 1993-2002. The purpose is to make the fictitious main characters illustrate what conditions and obstacles there can be for the individual of today to create a self-identity. Anthony Giddens ideas about the self in the late modern society are used as a theoretical framework. In the core of Giddens theory is the concept of reflexitivity which means that the self must be constructed in a continuous fashion because the overall conditions in society are subject to constant change. The questions posed in this study are dependable on Giddens in general and the concept of reflexivity in particular.

"Nu är det riktigt, riktigt, riktigt, riktigt besvärligt" : En kvalitativ analys av TT:s rapportering om barn och unga som flyr ensamma till Sverige.

Today many separated children and youth up to 18 years - children in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - flee from war and armed conflicts around the world. Many of them come to Sweden for protection and to apply for asylum.The aim of this study is to examine how the national Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå - TT - constructs the image of separated children and youth. The main research questions have been: How does TT construct the image of the separated refugee children? The more detailed questions put to examine this main question have been: what are the issues being focused in the reporting and what discourses, voices and sources are let into the journalistic material?The theoretical perspective should be considered as social constructionistic where the basic idea is that the image of the separated child also constructs the way society looks upon them, their rights and their needs, affecting how these children will be welcomed and treated when thay arrive in our society. The empirical study is a qualitative analysis of text, produced in the span 2007- April 20th 2010.

Kommunal demokrati : En studie av kommundelningen Vaxholm-Österåker

Syfte: Arbetet syftar till att undersöka Försäkringskassans imagearbete och hur de arbetar med att skapa en image som rättvist avspeglar den nya identiteten ?Den Nya Försäkringskassan?.Metod: Vi utgår ifrån ett hermeneutiskt tolkande perspektiv för att skapa djupare förståelse i det som undersöks. Detta kombineras med en abduktiv ansats vid alstringen av kunskap där vi väger teori och empiri lika tungt, samt skapar dessa med hänsyn till varandra. Datainsamlingen består av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa insamlingsmetoder så som primärdata i form av semistruktureradeintervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Sekundärdata genom årsredovisning och budgetunderlag.

?Man behöver språket för att visa sig som människa? ? Språkcaféer ? en väg till empowerment

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether publiclibraries language cafés can support or enable the empowerment of the participants. Empowerment means that the individuals ability to take control of their own lives is strengthened and that the individual becomes more independent. Empowerment also means that the individual takes part in a community. An important part of this is the language. I have developed two research questions: What forms of empowerment can be seen in the respondents' statements? What role do language cafés play for people from other countries, in terms of empowerment? The thesis empirical material consists of interviews whit five people involved in different languages cafes in public libraries in the city of Malmö.


Under tio veckor har jag arbetat med skapandet av kollektionen Blandband. Utgångspunkten var ränder och lura ögat. Jag ville undersöka vad som utgör en rand och hur en tredimensionell rand ser ut. Redan i början av arbetet satte jag en färgskala bestående av dels kulörta, starka färger och dels två nyanser av grått samt svart och vitt. Jag angrep arbetet med hjälp av en designmetod bestående av fem faser: Målsättning och research, Idéutveckling, Konceptutveckling, Realisering, Presentation och kommunikation.

Hur står det till idag? : eller kan man ta tempen på kultur?

This study is focused on some individuals' experience of the concept of culture in their everyday life. Some questions about culture were asked to some persons living in a small village in the isle of Gotland and some persons in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, in the autumn in 2007 in a field study.The study showed that peopele tend to shape their own life world in the continuous activity in their near surroundings, in the garden and in reading literature and listening to music. There were some differences in the life world depending on where they lived,  in the country side or in town. Urban life has more offers as to popera and theatres but negatively more violence and stress.A study of literature on the ethnological concept of culture is included. The answers of the individuals also led to different topics such as nostalgia, mind, fear, feelings, body and soul which were enlightened by scientist from the respective fields..

Gränssnittsutveckling till Creative Media Concept

Hur ska ett användargränssnitt utformas för att det ska vara lätt att använda i stressade situationer? Hur skapas ett program som uttrycker professionalitet och samtidigt enkelhet? Dessa frågor och många fler uppkom vid starten av arbetet med gränssnittsdesignen till programmet CMC (Creative Media Concept).Huvudpoängen med CMC är att användaren på mindre än en minut ska kunna presentera t.ex. en företagspresentation. Eftersom CMC endast varit en idé i tankarna tills nu, så har målet med detta projekt varit att utveckla idén och skapa en gränssnittsprototyp åt företaget Cascade Creative Media i Luleå. För att uppnå detta så har en enkätundersökning och teoristudier utförts, detta har sedan legat till grund för de olika idéer som tagits fram.

Utveckling av en webbaserad donationstjänst för företag  som involverar medarbetarna i processen

In recent years, employees at large companies have started to demand that their employer should work more for good causes. The money the company wants to donate to charity is distributed mostly through a vote to decide where the money will be remitted. The purpose of this design case is to develop a design concept for a web-based donation service that involves all employees at a company. Furthermore, the authors of this study intends to explore how the motivation for employees of a company can be affected by participation in this service. In this design case, the service function, quality and concept was tested and evaluated.

Bakslag och handslag: En fallstudie över Nordirlands process mot provinsregering

This essay is about the Northern Ireland Conflict and the Belfast Agreement. Its focus is on the development in Northern Ireland politics after the implementationof the Agreement which was ratified in a referendum. The essay is a case studywhich analyzes the progress towards an Assembly Government and powersharingbetween the unionists and the nationalists/republicans. The development is analyzed with Robert D. Putnam's theory of Two-Level Games? The essay first analyzes the changes in the unionist society where the opinion towards the agreement has been negative which depends on the concessions made by the unionist.

All invited : waterfront park design for sustainable tourism in Miches, the Dominican Republic

Hidden away in the pristine landscape on the northeast shore of the Dominican Republic, the remote village of Miches is on the verge of shifting its economic resource base from traditional fishing into what could become an international model for sustainable tourism. The aim of this thesis was to produce a vision of a waterfront park near the center of the village; demonstrating concept-based landscape design that reflects the goals of sustainable development originating from the local incentive structure. A composite landscape analysis and design concept both served to inform and guide the design work, which was executed through model building, hand drawings, and production of a visual presentation in the format of an architectural competition entry. The design concept, All invited, signifies the distinction between the development that is about to take place in Miches and the otherwise common all-inclusive resorts, where tourists are set apart from the local community and spend most of their time within the fenced-off premises of the hotel. All invited also captures the typical Dominican hospitality, and mirrors the aspirations of turning Miches into a safe and welcoming place for visitors. The result is a public park design that is equally inviting local residents as it is to tourists, and where the unique qualities of the site are emphasized without being exploited.

Produktutveckling av dryckespump

This work is a product development of a product which facilitates enduro drivers swallowing fluid while driving. My own experience of the problem and a custom survey gave me some frames and requirements of how such a product would look. To obtain the different concepts the method of brainstorming was used where I outlined the various proposals. The basic concept was that some kind of pump would build pressure in the liquid and when the user opens the nozzle the liquid will come out without the need to use the mouth to suck. The screening phase consisted of two steps.

En bild ljuger aldrig? : En studie om digitaliseringens inverkan på trovärdigheten i fotografier

The concept of the photographic truth has had a special status for almost 200 years. Yet with the emerge of digital technology and especially digital photography there has been a loss of the particular connection photography has had in reference to reality. The aim of this study is to see in what ways digitalization has affected the credibility of photography from the perspective of professionals in the field of photography. The digital technology that has enabled the large-scale manipulation of photographies is not, however, the main reason for the decreased credibility of photography. The ongoing discussion about the available possibilities concerning digital imagery and manipulation has had a far more powerful effect on the concept of the photographic truth.

In search for something "real" - consumers' perceptions of authenticity in regional food brands

Marketing research has acknowledged the concept of authenticity. It is argued that consumers in modern society increasingly search for something real, in contrast to what they perceive as mediated and distorted. Producers of regional food brands has acknowledged this trend, and started to market their products as being authentic. Given the potential practical and theoretical contributions in studying the concept of authenticity in this context, this study aims to explore how consumers perceive these claims of authenticity. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to extend knowledge on how consumers come to perceive a regional food brand as authentic.

Jämställdhet : definitioner, attityder och jämställdhetsåtgärder i praktiken

The object of this essay is to discuss the relationship between the definition of the concept of gender equality and attitudes towards gender equality and their consequences for gender equality measures. The point of departure is feminist political theory and interviews about attitudes towards gender equality at a department at the University of Linköping. The conclusions of this study is that there are a wide range of definitions and attitudes, and these conceptions are not necessarily the same as those being pointed out in the official gender equality policy at the University of Linköping. In this study the opinions of measures for gender equality among the interviewed are widely spread. Some finding Swedish men and women already being equal and therefore there is no need for measures, since this would result in discrimination of men since women would gain advantages from being women.

Om man är fri, är man då lycklig? : En studie av begreppen frihet och lycka i Thomas Hobbes politiska filosofi

With a background in the 17th century?s English political events, but also the ideological scene of that time, the purpose of this essay is to analyze two concepts, freedom and happiness, in Thomas Hobbes?s political writings. Hobbes is well known for his political works, mostly for Leviathan, where his thoughts about government and religion are exposed. But what does he say about freedom? And what about happiness? The study shows that Hobbes?s political thought is quite original from this aspect too.

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