

4268 Uppsatser om Met-before concept image - Sida 16 av 285

Automatisk testning av WebGL på mobil- och desktopenheter

WebGL is a standard for drawing graphics in a web browser. Currently it isn?t widely understood how consistently WebGL performs across a majority of the de- vices that support it. Determining if an image looks correct to a human observer is an interesting problem. The solution for this is useful when developing WebGL applications, since a developer could make better informed decisions during de- velopment.

Airtours : Slutet för begreppet kollektiv dominerande ställning?

Both the Commission and the Community Courts have on several occasions stated that a concentration that will cause the creation or strengthening of an oligopoly under certain circumstances might cause what?s referred to as a collective dominant position in the market. The concept of collective dominant position has gained a lot of criticism for being poorly defined and thereby create an uncertainty. The Commissions approach when applying the concept has also gained criticism for its lack of consistency. As a consequence of the Court of First Instances (CFI) decision in the case Airtours v.

Lärare i idrott och hälsa? : En etnografisk studie om begreppet hälsa i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Health is a complex concept and therefore difficult to define. The concept today playsan important role in society as well as in school, due to the inactivity of today?s youth. Thelatest curriculum for the compulsory school, Lpo 94, has increased the focus on the concept ofhealth, as a part of the physical education, but how the teacher chooses to construct theeducation is still up to each individual, which leads to a vast room for personal interpretation.This is the starting-point of our qualitative, ethnographical, study, that has resulted inthis composition. By passively participating during four lessons as well as interviewing twoteachers in physical education we have been able to analyse how the education regarding theconcept of health was constructed.

Rekrytering- en bit imageskapande

Vi har tagit del av teorier inom företagsidentitet, företagskommunikation, rekrytering och image. Vi har valt att arbeta utifrån fallstudiemetoden och skomodeföretaget NilsonGroup AB blev vårt studieobjekt. Primärdata har samlats in genom intervjuer och observationer på central och lokal nivå det vill säga båda på huvudkontoret och ute på de enskilda butikerna. Uppsatsens ändamål har varit att se om rekrytering kan användas som kommunikationskanal av företagsidentiteten. Utifrån teori och empiriska studier har vi dragit slutsatsen att rekryteringen har betydelse och kan hjälpa till att förmedla företagets identitet för att på så sätt uppnå en önskvärd image.

Nätneutralitet och yttrandefrihet : Hur trafikstyrning påverkar yttrande- och informationsfriheten på internet

Syfte:  Syftet a?r att underso?ka diskrepansen mellan Karria?rcentrums och studenternas uppfattningar av Karria?rcentrums verksamhet. Detta fo?r att kunna sta?rka sin image, identitet och profil fo?r att o?ka deltagandet pa? fo?rela?sningarna.  Metod och empiri: Studien baseras pa? en kvalitativ underso?kning i form av enskild intervju samt fokusgruppsintervju. De som studerats a?r Karria?rcentrum och studenter.

Är det nödvändigt att förbjuda slöjor i ett demokratiskt samhälle? : Diskussion om hur slöjförbud har rättfärdigats av Europadomstolen

Syfte:  Syftet a?r att underso?ka diskrepansen mellan Karria?rcentrums och studenternas uppfattningar av Karria?rcentrums verksamhet. Detta fo?r att kunna sta?rka sin image, identitet och profil fo?r att o?ka deltagandet pa? fo?rela?sningarna.  Metod och empiri: Studien baseras pa? en kvalitativ underso?kning i form av enskild intervju samt fokusgruppsintervju. De som studerats a?r Karria?rcentrum och studenter.

Elevinflytande genom pedagogisk samsyn : en undersökning av ett specifikt arbetslag

In this study we wanted to have a closer look at how a specific working team of pedagogues in the senior part of elementary school works with student influence through a pedagogical concept created by themselves. We have used qualitative interviews as a method to achieve relevant information from the pedagogues, and from students teached by the same.The purpose of the study was to investigate how the working team, through the concept, pursue real student influence within different school subjects and how the individual student is favored in his/her learning process. Another intention was to find out to what extent the students experience this influence. We also wanted to elucidate the advantages as well as the disadvantages of this concept, and to shed some light on how the informants view the future development of the concept.The result shows that consensus prevails to a large extent among teachers and students regarding the signification of real student influence in the everyday learning situation. It also appears that the students? abilities to exercise influence vary between different school subjects.

Fokus på folkbibliotekarien ett arbetslivsperspektiv

The purpose of this Master thesis is to illustrate the public librarian. People in general, including library users and leading personalities in the field of culture in the communities do not know the tasks of the public librarian. We presume that the vague picture of duties of the public librarian might cause problems. In this dissertation we mean to examine only public librarians, hereby we exclude for example, university- and company librarians. The sentences of this thesis are: How are the public librarians viewed, in meaning of, tasks, role/-s, comptetence/-s, status and image? And can we call it a "profession" in the classical sense? We answer these questions by using relevant literature, interviews and conference paper.

Motstånd - inte tröst. En studie om förståelsen av motståndsbegreppet

Based on hermeneutic tradition, the goal of this thesis is to further my understanding of what the concept of resistance means in a psychoanalytical context today, primarily within clinical practice. My methodology has been to seek an understanding of the concept of resistance by reading excerpts from the original texts of Sigmund Freud, as well as conducting interviews with practicing psychoanalysts that focus on how they relate to the notion of resistance. The idea was to then present my understanding of these sources in relation to one another. The results suggest that an understanding of the concept of resistance in a clinical context is highlighted by a dichotomy between theory and practice..

?Ungefär som man har det hemma ska man ha det på jobbet.? : Kontaktmannaskap på HVB för barn och unga ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to analyze how the key staff concept is used in residential care for children and young people and which role the key staff concept plays in the organization.The study was based on semi-structured qualitative interviews with six key staff and two managers from two different residential care facilities for children and young people. The theoretical perspective used was the neo-institutional theory and Hasenfeld´s term Human service organizations.One of the conclusions of the study was that the key staff describe that they have a central role when it comes to the treatment of the children. Another conclusion showed the variety of tasks that the key staff have, like the administrative work that they do. They also have an educational role, similar to the one that parents normally have which means that they are responsible of parenting the children. They also described themselves as a link between the children and their social network.

Senior Concept Vehicle

We can see an increasing middle age population in large parts of the world. People are healthier when they retire than they were before. As people grow older, physical and mental changes occur that can make the use of cars more complicated. The possibility to travel by car is important for many people to keep the connection with the society and to feel independent. How can Volvo cars face the needs of this growing target group?The purpose of this project is to make a car concept that responds to those needs, it is therefore important to maintain the values of Volvo cars.

Svensk affärskultur kontra brasiliansk affärskultur - våra förväntningar och vår självbild

We want to identify the gap that consists of the expectations we have of Brazilian / Swedish culture with the self-image of these individuals included in the culture of question. This gap, we believe, creates a problem for business across borders. The reader is therefore made aware of the issues that affect our expectations and our self-image, and how this can be used to explain cultural differences..

Digitaliseringen av bildämnet : Hot eller möjlighet?

With theories of creativity and aesthetic learning processes as a basis, this study explores the usage of the concept of creativity in the curriculum for the Swedish compulsory school (Lgr11) and in the various syllabi?s commentaries and the assessment guidelines for the subject of Sloyd produced by the Swedish National Agency for Education. The purpose of the study is, to examine to which extent an education and assessment that is directed towards the development of creativity among pupils in the subject of Sloyd, is underpinned and supported for in these texts, and furthermore how these wordings relate to the various other subjects? wordings about creativity. Creativity is a concept around which there is no proper consensus.

Utvecklingens dimensioner: utifrån ledarskapsutvecklarnas perspektiv

The market for management training programs is growing and the supply of the service is increasing and getting further diversified. A consequence is a market with a wide variety of definitions of the very concept of development, and subsequently a wide variety of practices and methods to achieve development. The individuals that are subject to these programs seldom know what they are purchasing, or what to expect. When assuming a transfer of the developers view on development to the subject, a need for a greater understanding of the concept arises. The purpose of this thesis is to understand what views on development do exist among management trainers and map underlying dimensions of the views to increase the understanding of the concept of development.

Habitus - ett arbete om klass

 Why is it that we still live in a society where an individual's social background plays such a big part in their chances of reaching a higher education? Despite the numerous educational policy reforms, especially in Sweden, it still seems that an individual's career choices are pretty much related to what kind of social class they grew up in. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu claimed that social class is reproduced in the school system, and that students from the lower classes are much less likely to reach a further education than students from the middle or upper classes due to injustice in the school system. One thing that plays a big part in this "Catch-22" situation is the concept that Bourdieu calls habitus. Habitus could be explained as an individual's taste, knowledge, ability to master the spoken language, etc. Your habitus is manifested in the choices you make, the music you listen to, how you dress and the way you speak, and it determines your relation to the education system and life in general. As part of my essay, I wanted to interview students from lower or working class at my school, Konstfack, to see if they have had any negative or positive experiences from their encounter with a higher education. And if so, could they be linked directly to their social background? As a reaction to my own and my interviewees? experiences and frustration, I use the concept of habitus in my practical work.

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