126 Uppsatser om Mergers and Acquisitions (M - Sida 4 av 9
Rätten till språk : En studie av hur folkbibliotek arbetar med inköp av barnböcker på andra språk än svenska
The purpose of this essay is to examine how public libraries work with children's books, in other languages thanSwedish, regarding acquisitions. The purpose is also to describe what the libraries assignments are in regard tochildren with non-Swedish backgrounds. This is then put in a relation to the libraries democratic assignment.The main questions are: What are the libraries' assignments, as described in the libraries regulations? How do thelibraries work to fulfil their assignments?To answer these questions a survey in two parts has been carried out. The first is a study of the libraries'regulations, and various handbooks that serve as an inspiration for librarians.
?Vi läkare är inte utbytbara!?: - en studie om identitetsskapande vid fusioner i sjukvården
During the last 20 years, the Swedish health care system has faced major changes. One of them is the increasing pressure to generate economic profit due to private businesses entering the market. Health care units are forced to make some structural changes in order to become effective and efficient. As a result merger and acquisitions has become a part of the health care sector, and seems to be an increasing phenomenon. Mergers and acquisitions have mainly been studied in the industry.
Deloitte & Touche - en lönsamhetsbedömning av samgåendet med Andersen
Vårt syfte är att utreda huruvida de två revisionsbyråerna Andersen och Deloitte & Touche i Sverige har större möjligheter att skapa lönsamhet som ett företag efter samgåendet. För att utreda detta inriktar vi oss på tre nyckelfaktorer integration, strategi och finansiering. Två stora områden där synergieffekter kan uppkomma är inom finansiering och strategi. För att dessa ska kunna uppkomma är det av högsta vikt att integrationen blir lyckosam. Blir den det kan det även uppkomma synergieffekter av integrationen i sig.
Mergervågor ur ett företagsperspektiv
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad som styr det enskilda företagets val av tidpunkt för att genomföra M&A-transaktioner. Metod: Studiens metod är en kvantitativ och kvalitativ beskrivande undersökning bestående av företagen IBM och AT&T. Tre kvalitativa telefonintervjuer samt en personlig intervju genomfördes med fyra investmentbankrådgivare inom M&A för att komplettera den ovan nämnda empirin. Detta för att få en djupare förståelse kring varför företag väljer att genomföra M&A vid specifika tillfällen. Valet av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ datainsamling ansågs relevant i förhållande till frågeställningen och syftet.
Mergervågor ur ett företagsperspektiv
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad som styr det enskilda
företagets val av tidpunkt för att genomföra M&A-transaktioner.
Metod: Studiens metod är en kvantitativ och kvalitativ beskrivande undersökning
bestående av företagen IBM och AT&T. Tre kvalitativa telefonintervjuer samt en
personlig intervju genomfördes med fyra investmentbankrådgivare inom M&A för
att komplettera den ovan nämnda empirin. Detta för att få en djupare förståelse
kring varför företag väljer att genomföra M&A vid specifika tillfällen. Valet
av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ datainsamling ansågs relevant i förhållande
till frågeställningen och syftet. Det empiriska materialet ställdes sedan mot
uppsatsens teoretiska referensram.
Slutsatser: Våra slutsatser är att det enskilda företagets val av tidpunkt för
att genomföra en M&A-transaktion påverkas av ett samspel mellan
finansieringsmöjligheter, företagsvärdering och industrikonkurrens.
Varumärkeshantering vid företagsförvärv i designbranschen
Background: The design industry is relatively immature in Sweden but large on the international market, where companies have used services from industrial design firms for a long time. Companies incresignly realise that design is an efficient mean to gain competitive advantages on the market. Several design companies fancy growth and to receive a wider market share to expand on the international market. One of them is Design Communicaton who has made a couple of acquisitions, to receive wider comptences and to cover different segments. That has lead to an increased brand portfolio with different subbrands, which can be complicated to handle efficiently in the internal and external communication.
Due Diligence - En resurskrävande process : En checklista som mindre privata aktiebolag kan följa innan de ska utföra en Due Diligence
Abstract ?Due diligence - A resource demanding process?Date: June 8th 2012Level: Master thesis in business economics, 15 ECTSInstitution: School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors: Erdinc Kirik Pär Matsson 11th January 1987 31th May 1985Title: Due diligence - A resource demanding processTutor: Staffan BoströmKeywords: Due diligence, the acquisition process, acquisitions, business valuationResearchquestions: What are the main factors that Bank X, Nordea and Almi is focused on an examination of a due diligence for an acquisition, focusing on private limited companies?Does the approach between the various banks and Almi differ?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to create a checklist for private limited companies to use in the context of application for fundingMethod: The study was based on a qualitative study, based on primary data in terms of interviews in the subject of due diligence. Secondary data used in the study consisted of relevant literature and scientific articles.Conclusion: The study showed that the respondents in general focuses on the same areas within Due diligence. The most important point which the respondents agreed on was profitability and repayment capacity. In overall, all elements in a Due diligence process that has an impact on profitability is important to examine.
Barriers to Provide Cross Border Services/Case Study Nordea
There is an increase of financial integration, which can be seen in recent mergers of banks, financial institutions etc. in the European Union especially in the Nordic countries. However there are some weaknesses in providing consumers cross border services in the sector of banking, such as cross border bank account transfer of payments. The existing transaction costs do not encourage cross border services. Nevertheless a customer of a global or European bank can anticipate to be treated the same way in all of its branch offices inside the EU countries.
Utvecklingsmöjligheter inom Due Diligence i fastighetstransaktioner
Due Diligence is today an important part of the transaction process through sales of properties and isan important process for both sellers and buyers. The process intends to review an asset before atransaction to minimize the risks associated with the acquisition by detecting weaknesses and verifythe asset's characteristics. The use of Due Diligence has become increasingly common over the pasttwenty years in the Swedish real estate market and there is no indication that this trend will decreasebut rather increase. Although there is widespread use of the process both in acquisitions ofcorporations and properties, both in Sweden and in the rest of the world, it is costly for thepurchasers and the concept is far from fully developed.This thesis aims to clarify what the real estate market thinks about the potential development of theprocess itself and the role of the actors. The main question is what opportunities exist to develop theconcept of Due Diligence in real estate transactions.
Carlsberg Sverige AB : en företagskulturell studie i en fusionstext.
Lot of mergers are not successful, due to several reasons and one reason can be found within the organization. Since organizations consists of people, who are involved in the merger, the importance of cultural aspects must be stressed. Six months before this essay, Carlsberg Sverige AB formed through the merger of Pripps and Falcon. These two companies are in the start up process of the merger, which is the focus of this essay. The awarness of differences and similarities is crucial for the merger.
A Scenario Analysis of Nissan Diesel?s Purchasing Department Integration into Volvo 3P
Problem Discussion: Nissan Diesel became a part of the Volvo Group in the end of March, 2007. A year has passed and the integration process is making progress but it is perceived to lack some momentum. Our sponsor would like to understand if there are any potential barriers to the integration process. (Haspeslagh, et al., 1991) and (Pablo, 1994) presents two different sets of determinants that can be used to decide the level of integration; ?difference in organizational culture? and ?strategic task? (Pablo, 1994) and ?Need for Organizational Autonomy? and ?Need for Strategic Interdependence? (Haspeslagh, et al., 1991).
E-böcker på högskole- och universitetsbibliotek ? En studie kring det digitala förvärvet
This study aims to find out how the selection and acquisitions of ebooks made by university libraries is affected by vendors terms of sale. The empirical data is based on interviews with libraries working with selection and acquisition of ebooks. The interviews points out, according to Evans? model of collection development, that the collection development doesn´t work the same way with printed and electronic books. The study also finds out that the complexity of the ebook marketplace implies the application of new method of ebook selection, by libraries..
Företagsförvärv : En studie av onoterade små och medelstora företag
Sweden is facing a shift in generation where the people born in the 1940s are starting to retire which results in consequences. Before the year of 2013 more than 180 000 companies will have to change owner. A study indicates that the majority of all Swedes in the age of 18-70 can consider becoming company owners.Only ten percent of the companies for sale will reach the company broker and another 15 percent will be mediated by legal experts and accountants. This means that 75 percent of the companies for sale will not be available for the public market. As a potential buyer this is a problem.
Managing the integration process in a merger. Case: Cloetta Fazer
Background: Mergers have been increasing during the latter part of the 1990s. In the Nordic region many previously national companies have joined their forces to create a new Nordic company. This will lead to many challenges when the companies are integrated.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the integration phase. Our goal is to study the integration of Cloetta Fazer and learn how the company can handle the two types of integration. Procedure: To be able to prove our assumptions, that were made on the basis of literature, we have collected empirical material by interviewing eight managers at Cloetta Fazer.
När liten blir stor : organisationskulturers förändring vid fusioner av myndigheter
Fusioner av myndigheter har blivit ett allt mer vanligt inslag i Europa och innefattar bland annat samgåenden mellan starka universitet och mindre högskolor. Anledningen till fusionerna är att skapa kvalitet i utbildningen, framförallt hos den mindre högskolan. Dock finns det aspekter som talar emot sammanslagningar då de kan skapa negativa effekter, främst på grund av kulturskillnader mellan de samgående myndigheterna.Förändringar är något som uppstår frekvent i organisationer och något som då påverkas i stor utsträckning är organisationskulturen. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur organisationskulturer förväntas bli påverkade i samband med en fusion. Fokus ligger på de kulturella skillnader som finns mellan samgående myndigheter, där den ena organisationen är större och har mer inflytande än den andra.I teoridelen av uppsatsen behandlas förändringar i organisationen, där människan har en huvudroll för utfallet av fusionen.