

1891 Uppsatser om Mental föreställning (imagery) - Sida 10 av 127

TvÄ pedagogers sÀtt att tala om lÀs- och skrivutveckling pÄ gymnasiesÀrskolans individuellaprogram yrkestrÀning

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka samband mellan de arbetsvillkor som berör grĂ€nslöst arbete och mental samt fysisk hĂ€lsa. Även att undersöka skillnader mellan olika anstĂ€llningsförhĂ„llanden sĂ„ som fastanstĂ€llning och ej fastanstĂ€llning och om de skiljer sig Ă„t beroende pĂ„ arbetsvillkor och hĂ€lsa. Deltagarna var 69 personer varav 42 stycken var kvinnor och 27 stycken var mĂ€n. Resultaten visade att det fanns starka samband mellan de olika arbetsvillkoren och mental samt fysisk hĂ€lsa. Det visade sig Ă€ven att det fanns ett flertal signifikanta skillnader mellan fastanstĂ€llda och ej fastanstĂ€llda.

Kan befattningen pÄverka inre arbetsmotivation och psykiskt vÀlbefinnande? : En studie med tjÀnstemÀn med olika grad av individuella krav och kontroll pÄ arbetet

The aim of this study was to examine differences in the experience of intrinsic work-motivation and to examine changes depending on profession, where the purchasers experienced a higher level of individual demands and control than the production leaders. Another purpose was to see how the intrinsic motivation needs predicted mental well-being in the professions. The study was carried out using an internet survey that was distributed by e-mail, there were 98 participants. Two questionnaires were used; Basic Need at Work scale (W-BNS) measured intrinsic motivation and GHQ12 measured mental well-being. The result showed that the staff overall had high intrinsic motivation with highest scores on relatedness followed by competence and lastly autonomy.

Barn i familjehem: En studie, om lÄngtidsplacerade barns fysiska och psykiska hÀlsa, tonÄrsgraviditet, skolgÄng samt om föÀldrarnas psykiska hÀlsa och mortalitet, i en undersökningskommun

The main purpose of the study was to analyse the well being of children placed in foster care for at least two years, in one sample municipality. An assessment was made of how the social service admistrated and took responsibility for these children in terms of schooling, physical and mental health. To further understand the situation of the children three areas of investigation were added concerning; teenage pregnancy, the mental health and mortality of the biological parents. To receive answers to those questions a qualitative interview method was used, with structured questions to social workers working with foster care. The author also studied journal notes and child investigations to receive a more comprehensive picture.

?Man bara Àr en vanlig mÀnniska tillsammans med andravanliga mÀnniskor, och det Àr vÀldigt skönt.? : Erfarenheter av det informella sociala nÀtverket hos personer med en psykosdiagnos

Purpose:mental illness and the effect it has on individuals social network and relationships, and vice versa.The purpose of this study is to shed light on the rarely mentioned subject of severe Method:analysis was performed on a total of 15 interviews, which consists of three individuals with severe mental illness. The focus of the study was the subjects? description of the social network, excluding clinicians and other professionals.This study is inspired and conducted in a Grounded Theory manner. A secondaryFindings:may it be with specific individuals or groups. They describe the importance of surrounding themselves with people who do not judge them and it is through them they get validated.Places have been emphasised as having special meaning for the social interaction and overall wellbeing for the subjects.There is active actions for social interactions/relationships taken by the subjects,Conclusion:their social network.

Arbetsmotivation och psykisk hÀlsa bland sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrin : En jÀmförande studie mellan yngre och Àldre sjukksöterskor

Background: The relation between work motivation and well-being are relatively well theoretically entrenched, but few studies have been conducted on nurses within psychiatry. Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the differences in intrinsic work motivation (autonomy, competence, relatedness), mental health and burnout between young (?40 years) and older (>40 years) nurses employed in psychiatry. Method: The study was an observational study with a cross-sectional design and group comparisons, conducted as a survey. The sample constituted of 60 employed nurses.

SkrylleomrÄdet - naturupplevelse som motivation till motion? :

Our lives in urban areas are becoming more and more inactive with negative effects on our mental and physical health. Natural environments and physical activity have the power to both prevent and reduce mental fatigue. Meanwhile we engage ourselves with physical activity, the nature fascinates us with its complexity. In April 2006, some of the visitors to the recreational area of Skrylle were asked to fill in a questionnaire which included questions about their habits within physical activity and the experience of nature. The questionnaires were then divided into two groups: those filled out by persons who exercise on regular basis (i.e. three or several times/week) and those who rarely exercise.

En grupp ungdomar i tvÄngsvÄrd: bakgrund, begÄvning och sjÀlvbild

The aim of this study is to describe a group of youths in compulsory care at a SiS institution in the south of Sweden. The study focuses on intelligence (measured with WISC-III) and self-report, i. e. what the youths think of themselves (measured with Jag tycker jag Àr). Attempts were made to see if background factors (based on information from the standardized ADAD-interview) seem to be coherent with intelligence and/or self-report and if so, what those background factors are.

Statelessness erases every trace of security : TillÀmpningar för implementation av plattformsoberoende RESTful webbtjÀnster med fokus pÄ anvÀndarautentisering och skalbarhet

Detta arbete Àr utfört i syfte att undersöka tillÀmpningar bÀst lÀmpade för implementationer av plattformsoberoende RESTful webbtjÀnster med fokus pÄ anvÀndarautentisering och skalbarhet. Arbetets resultat gÀllande anvÀndarautentisering menar till att problematisera det allmÀnt sedda tvÄnget av en kommunikation bestÄende av fler Àn tvÄ parter samt menar att en resursförfrÄgan, för anvÀndaren, först blir sÀker dÄ kommunikationen bryter mot REST och statelessness. Arbetets resultat gÀllande skalbarhet menar till att ifrÄgasÀtta den allmÀnna bilden av en applikations resurs samt menar att bildandet av ett slÀktskap, The Resource Kinship, möjliggör för en förenklad filtrering av resursers representation och en strukturerad uppbyggnad av resursers indelning och adressering..

OhÀlsa hos polisen : en explorativ undersökning av riskfaktorer och dess pÄverkan pÄ mental ohÀlsa

Earlier psychological research on stress and its complex of problems has identified several factors which have shown a relation with the occurrence of a poorer mental ill-health. In this study some of these factors have been examined in 69 police officers from Stockholm, Lund and Helsingborg. In the study, police officers with high and low self reported ill-health were compared considering trait anxiety, alexithymia and posttraumatic stress symptoms.The results showed that police officers with poorer mental ill health had a significant higher degree of trait anxiety, the dimension of alexithymia difficulty identifying feelings and the PTSD-dimension avoidance and hyperarousal. The results also showed several positive relations among the variables that divided the groups. On account of the last-mentioned the results will above all be discussed in an integrating perspective..

Patienters upplevelser av möten med sjuksköterskan i psykiatrisk vÄrd : en litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to illuminate how patients with mental illness experience encounters with the nurse in psychiatric care, in order to acquire increased understanding for the patients needs. A litterature study was used to analyse previously published scientific articles within psychiatric nursing care. Content analysis inspired by Graneheim and Lundman was used to perform the analysis. The result showed that the patients recovery depended on the relationship with the nurse. If the relationship was good, the patient was moore likely to regain his mental health, than if the relationship with the nurse was poor.

Ungdomars psykiska ohÀlsa i det moderna samhÀllet

AbstractWe are with this paper trying to identify some factors that have an influence on youths mental health. Our theoretical starting points are about how school, family, work, individualization, media and lifestyle effect youths mental health. This paper is based on three deep interviews and former reports. The result show how individualization in the community cause insecurity and the family band are breaking up more than before. Youth?s health effects negative by the ability to not get a job.

?Det finns alltid allting att l?ra sig? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om tidigare elevers erfarenhet av l?rande p? apl och betydelsen av apl f?r anst?llning efter anpassad gymnasieutbildning

Andelen unga med intellektuell funktionsneds?ttning som kommer i arbete efter avslutad gymnasieutbildning ?r oproportionerlig l?g. Forskningsl?get visar p? en bild av en marginaliserad grupp i samh?llet som i ?verg?ngen mellan skola och arbetsliv st?lls inf?r en komplex verklighet med flera inblandade akt?rer. Elevernas m?jlighet att under gymnasietiden prova olika typer av arbete n?mns som en av flera framg?ngsfaktorer f?r anst?llning men elevernas r?ster om betydelsen av arbetsplatsf?rlagt l?rande, apl, saknas i stort sett helt inom forskningen. Syftet med studien var att unders?ka hur n?gra elever som avslutat sina studier p? anpassad gymnasieutbildning upplevde och erfor l?rande p? apl och syftet var ocks? att unders?ka deras uppfattning om betydelsen av apl f?r att komma in p? arbetsmarknaden, vilket preciserades i f?ljande fr?gest?llningar: Vilka erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om l?rande p? sin apl-plats har tidigare elever p? anpassat gymnasium? Vilken betydelse anser eleverna att apl har f?r m?jligheten till anst?llning? Studien tog sin teoretiska utg?ngspunkt i sociokulturellt och specialpedagogiskt perspektiv och metoden som anv?ndes var semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer som sedan analyserades tematiskt. Resultatet visade att apl givit studiens deltagare viktiga erfarenheter och yrkesrelaterade f?rdigheter som f?r de flesta lett till syssels?ttning och arbete.

Support by a nurse to parents with a colic infant

Every six baby that is born gets colic. It means that the child cries for at least three hours three days a week. For the child?s parents this is one big strain and feelings like despair, helplessness and isolation are common. The nurse?s task is to support the parents through respectful and empathic actions in order to relieve sufferings and increase their feelings of confidence.

Svarta pengar : En studie av fo?retagares insta?llning till skattefusk

Denna studie underso?ker den enskilda fo?retagarens syn pa? skatteverket och o?vriga fo?retagare inom restaurangbranschen samt hur dessa pa?verkar fo?retagarnas insta?llning till skattefusk. Tidigare studier visar att kontroll och sanktioner har en motsatt effekt pa? medborgarnas samarbetsvilja. Sa?ledes genomfo?rdes denna studie med avsikt att underso?ka vilken inverkan ovan na?mnda relation har pa? samarbete, tillit, samt na?tverk av relationer ur ett fo?retagarperspektiv.

Barns upplevelse av psykosvÄrdens barngrupp : en undersökning av en grupp för barn till psykiskt sjuka förÀldrar

The aim of this essay was to study children?s experiences of their participation in a programme for children who have a parent with a mental illness. The study was written at the request of the Psychosis care in Örebro and was accomplished by qualitative interviews with five children at the ages of 11 to 16 years old. Previous research concerning children who have a parent with a mental illness and programmes for these children is accounted for. Antonovsky®s conception KASAM together with the conceptions of guilt and shame were used as the theoretical frame, from which the results of the interviews were analysed.

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