4833 Uppsatser om Media storm - Sida 36 av 323
Originell, exceptionell, kontroversiell : Bildningsdiskursen i media
Vad är bildning och vem är egentligen bildad var frågorna som inspirerade till denna studie. Bildningsdiskursen har en lång tradition bakom sig vilket inneburit en mångtydighet i begreppets betydelse. Debatterna har gått upp och ner och än idag finns konflikter som sätter prägel på kultur, utbildning och samhällsdebatten. Frågor som uppdagats är vad bildning innebär och till vilken samhällsnytta den har i en modern tid. Den digitaliserade närvaron med dess makt i meningsproduktion ligger till grund för att undersöka hur bildningsdiskursen ser ut i media.
Alarmerande nyheter i media : En studie om uppfattningen av larmrapport i media på nätet
Den här studien behandlar ?alarmerande nyheter? på internet och är en studie om publikens mottagande av larmrapporter i media på nätet. Allmänheten översköljs dagligen med information gällande kost, hälsa och livsstil från olika mediekanaler. Ständigt uppmanas allmänheten till att ändra sina vanor, trots att det i vissa fall har varit helt obefogat.
Barn möter information och media; En fallstudie om det pedagogiska arbetet på ett högstadium rörande kritiskt förhållningssätt och helhetsperspektiv gentemot information och media.
The purpose of this thesis is to draw a picture of pedagogical work at the senior level with a critical perspective of information and media. As a method for gathering material for the analysis, a case study was made with qualitative interviews together with documents that describe the case. Relevant literature for the subject has been used as an introduction and as a theoretical basis. The literature concerns subjects such as a childrens relation to media, the schools intructions, the role of the school library and some theories regarding learning. The conclusion is that the respondents focus on conversations and reflection regarding the sources of information and its use, and that the childrens adaption of the material is an important factor in teaching.
Cigaretten : en resa genom tid och samhällsförändringar
My essay explores the public view on smoking in Sweden over the last few decades. I've studied how changes in social structures through media, laws, studies and education has brought about a change in the opinions about smoking. I found that even though there have always been different opinions on smoking it seems to have become less accepted in the Swedish society, particularly in the past twenty years. I discuss the different reason as to why (and how) the view on smoking might have changed the last decades amongst the Swedish people. To be able to do this I have done interviews on which I have applied narrative analysis..
Yttrandefrihet eller utrikespolitik? : En diskursanalys av Muhammedkarikatyrerna i svensk dagspress
The aim of this study is to analyze the discussion on the publication of twelve caricatures of the prophet Muhammad, in two Swedish newspapers ? Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. The caricatures were originally published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, in September 2005. Even though the violent protests and attacks against Danish interests gained major media attention in Sweden few ? if any ? major Swedish newspapers published the caricatures.Using Fairclough?s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), a theory and a method that critically examines the relationship between text, the discourse practice in which text is produced and consumed, and the wider social practice, this study examines why Swedish newspapers chose not to publish any caricatures.The study concludes that the relationship between orders of discourse continuously affect, and is also affected by, Swedish media content.
Tingsryds Travbana
Our bachelor thesis is a visualisation made in 3D-graphics of how the horserace
track in Tingsryd perhaps will look like in the future, complete with a
miletrack, steeplechase, and other horserace courses. Today, the race track is
only in it?s building phase. The inner field-group in Tingsryd needed
presentation material to show their eventual sponsors, so they contacted us at
Media Technology, and we instantly decided to give their idea a try..
En studie av antisemitismen i texterna hos tre vit makt-band
Denna uppsats handlar om förekomsten av Antisemitism i den svenska s.k. Vit makt-musiken. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga förekomsten av antisemitism i tre vit makt- band: Pluton Svea, Storm och Dirlewanger. Analysen sker genom att texterna till två album av varje band studeras. Metoden är både kvalitativ som kvantitativ och bland annat så undersöks olika typer av antisemitiska uttalanden som därefter nivåsätts enligt en, av författaren, modifierad skala konstruerad av forskaren John C.G.
Skapa ditt digitala skyltfönster : En studie om skapandet och betydelsen av dendigitala identiteten i mediebranschen
Googling their employees and job seekers are becoming more common andin that we live our lives more and more on the internet it becomes moreimportant how we act and to think about what you publish on the internet.Each time you press a key, will leave a digital footprint behind and thereforeit?s important to know how to deal with this. The purpose was to describehow a person strategically can proceed to build an identity on the internet toget benefits in the job seeking process in the media industry and to describethe importance of the digital identity in the recruitment process in a smallertown. We?ve used a qualitative approach and made eight interviews withrecruiters from the media and also people who have built a digital identity.We?ve used Bauman?s theory about consumer society, Montoya?s eight lawsof personal branding and also theories about profiling, and communicationsplanning to analyze the material.
ADHD i skolan : En undersökning om anpassningar i skolverksamheten för elever med ADHD
In the new media society, social media has become an important part of many organizations' daily lives. Organizations, whether public or private, must be where their audience is and many times, these can be found on social media channels like Facebook. Leading researchers in the fields of crisis communication and relationship management believe that social media is a great tool for managing relationships between an organization and its' public, whether it's before, during or after a crisis.The purpose of this study is to examine how the Karlstad municipality use Facebook to manage civic relations before, during and after a crisis. The municipality's approach will be compared to the citizens' experiences of the municipality's communication in different stages of a crisis.The theoretical framework used in this essay is the research on crisis communication and relationship management. How these two frameworks can be integrated with social media like Facebook, is an important part of understanding how the Karlstad municipality make use of Facebook to manage civic relations and communicate before, during and after a crisis.The empirical study consists of a qualitative interview, two qualitative content analysis and an online survey.
En kommunikations hemlighet : En studie om externkommunikation inom en ideell organisation
My essey concern the non-profitable organization Ung företagsamhet and their extenal communication with collaborators. I have done three intervjues with three of Ung företagsamhets 24 district in Sweden, and these are Kalmar, Jönköping and Skåne. My qustions conserns their rethoric and strategic communications channales, and the focus lies in their external communications with collaborators. I have also made a secondary data analysis about their media coverage and seen how they consciously works with it.Ung Företagsamhet is a non-profit organization that need good partnerships in order to survive financially. My analysis shows that the three different regions works variously with their external communication.
Starkare varumärke genom användande av sociala medier : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Volkswagen Sverige
Problem-definition: How companies work with social media to strengthen their brand equity and what other purposes might lay behind this usage.Purpose: How Volkswagen Sweden use social media in order to strengthen their brand equity.Method: Qualitative case- study of Volkswagen Sweden where a number of respondents will be interviewed with the help of a semi structured interview guide.Theories: A number of theories in the field of brand equity and communication theory will be used in this paper, some of these theories are, Post-model, Social technographics ladder, brand equity and word of mouth.Empiric: A semi-structured interview guide will be shaped from theory and answered through interviews with people who have knowledge within the field.Conclusions: Extracted from the results the research members has identified a number of important factors that business should consider when they work with social media or planning to. They have also answered how business can strengthen their brand equity with social media..
"Din jävla hora, du ska dö!" : En studie i hur näthatet påverkar kvinnliga journalister
With the expansion of the internet, the conditions for the online journalists have changed. Feedback is faster and more blatant than offline. The online abilities of anonymity and dispersion attracts people to both use and misuse. During 2013, the online expressions of hate towards women has been brought to attention in the media more than ever before. Nevertheless, the phenomenon is far from new.Our qualitative research including interviews intends to find out how the afflicted women journalists are affected in their exercise of their profession.
"Den typ; BOOP ? BORTA, liksom!? en studie av åtta tioåringars upplevelser av litteratur, film och sociala medier
The Syllabus for Swedish Language and Literature for Elementary School includes literatureand multimodal texts, such as web texts. From a Swedish educational perspective, it isimportant to consider the students' experiences. This study examines a couple of ten year oldsexperiences of literature, film, and social media. It also examines how these medias are usedin School according to the pupils. The theoretical basis for this research is based onhermeneutic phenomenology and the concept of life-worlds.
Offer eller förövare? : En analys av Dagens Nyheters rapportering om mäns våld mot kvinnor under perioden 1994-2009.
The purpose of the study was to analyze how media, in this case, the daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, produces the men and women in men's violence against women in close relationships in news articles and if there has been a change over time in this production. It is a qualitative study in which 40 news articles from DN were analyzed. The starting point in the tanks around the analysis is from a social constructive perspective. Critical discourse analysis is the method I chose to use in the processing of news stories. The result is divided into four different blocks where each block presents the results and the analysis for the following years: 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009.
Från apparat till App : Public service i ett förändrat medielandskap
This Bachelor thesis is a qualitative study of the public debate regarding the role of Public service in the media converged society today. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the public debate, that is the Swedish Public service television and people with broad representative knowledge about Public service, motivates a change of the function of the Swedish Public service television.Our issues are: What does the public debate say about the function of Swedish Public service television in our society today and how is a change motivated in this debate? How does the public debate look upon today´s media convergence and the fragmentation of the audience which, according to Denis McQuail, is a consequence of this?The method of this thesis is a qualitative analysis and we have analyzed ten opinion articles and Swedish Public service television magazine ?DittSvt?. The theoretical background was obtained from Henry Jenkins and Håkan Hvitfelts theories and thoughts about mediaconvergence. We have supplemented this with Denis McQuails theory regarding the fragmentation of the audience.In this thesis, we see that the public debate is a lot about diversity in Swedish Public service television programming and that the democratic base is still very important.