4833 Uppsatser om Media storm - Sida 31 av 323
Reklam och kritiskt tänkande i gymnasieskolan
I mitt arbete vill jag visa på hur man med hjälp av reklamanalys kan uppnå läroplanens för kritiskt tänkande i gymnasieskolan, samt ge eleverna en möjlighet att utveckla en förmåga att kritiska granska media. Detta sker först genom en teoretisk ram och här utreder jag begreppet media literacy och genom att finna en definition på vad kritiskt tänkande är. Sedan lyfter jag fram två pedagogiska verktyg som kan användas i arbetet med att analysera reklam, semiotisk bildanalys och textanalys. Slutligen gör jag en analys av en reklamannons och gör pedagogiska och didaktiska kopplingar till analysen. Jag visar genom mitt arbete varför det är viktigt att odla kunskaper och förmåga att kritiskt granska medietexter, och vilka pedagogiska verktyg man som lärare kan rusta sig med..
(O)sociala medier? : En jämförande kvalitativ attitydundersökning om människors användning av sociala medier och dess inverkan på deras liv och umgänge
This essay aims to find out what impact social media have on the daily lives of Swedish people in regard to their usage and sociability. In order to find that out we have performed four group interviews with a total of 16 people from two different age categories that were later compared. To analyze the empirical data we?ve used the theories on the Network Societies by Jan Van Dijk as a help of understanding. The results show that social media have become an integrated part in the lives of our informants and that a consdierable amount of time is spent on them everyday. In the younger group Facebook was considered the most useful medium as it makes the planning of events easier and can be used as a way of keeping oneself updated on news as well as on the lives of others.
Kommunikationsforum för egenvård : En undersökning i hur en diabetikers behov av egenvård kan tillgodoses via sociala media
Diabetes är en kronisk sjukdom som klassas som en av vår tids folksjukdomar. Diabetes gör att sockerhalten i blodet är för hög då kroppens förmåga att ta hand om socker inte längre fungerar. Personer med diabetes är därmed i behov av att själva ha kontroll över sin blodsockernivå genom egenvård, utan inverkan från hälso- och sjukvården. Dagligen används olika sociala medier inom exempelvis underhållning och utbildning men behovet finns även för människor att skaffa sig information, stöd och rådgivning inom hälsa. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka möjligheten att hjälpa personer hitta kommunikationspartners via sociala media inom hälsa i liknande situation och förhållanden samt identifiera de problem som uppstår när människor delar med sig av sin hälsa på sociala medier och att skapa en internettjänst som föreslår en eventuell lösning på problemet.
Politiska åsikter och attityder - hur mediepåverkan skiljer sig mellan äldre och yngre : En kvantitativ studie
Syftet med studien är att undersöka till vilken utsträckning människor upplever att de påverkas av media i sina attityder och åsikter kring politik, Och studera åldersskillnader mellan åldersgrupperna 18-25 och 65+. Vi ville även undersöka vilken inverkan medias politiska rapportering har på respondenterna. Det gjordes en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkätstudie. Enkäter delades ut till 104 respondenter, 52 i åldersgruppen 18-25 och 52 i åldersgruppen 65+. Resultatet visade att det finns vissa ålderskillnader i hur espondenterna upplever påverkan från media i sina politiska åsikter.
Anabola Androgena Steroider : En analys om hur AAS skildras i svensk media
AbstractTitle: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids ? An analysis of how AAS is portrayed in Swedish media.Author: Jens SundénTutor: Philip LalanderKeywords: AAS, Anabolic steroids, social problems, media, drug abuse, genderThe purpose of this study was to investigate how Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are portrayed and described in the media, how AAS is constructed as a social problem, and how society in a social context uses knowledge and power for disciplinary and educational means. The study is based on the perception of AAS as a constructed social problem and analyzes the discourses surrounding AAS depicted in three Swedish newspapers. The sample was prepared on the basis that it represents different aspects of daily Swedish press. The method used in the paper is a discourse analysis with social constructivism and gender as theoretical tools used to analyze the sample material.
Idrottsmän och idrottskvinnor : Slaktar rekord och får folkets kärlek på kvällstidningarnas sportsidor
Purpose/Aim: The aim of this thesis was to study the construction of gender and to compare Media?s portrayal of male and female athletes.Material/Method: 140 articles covering seven famous Swedish male and female athletes were selected from two Swedish newspapers (Aftonbladet and Expressen). The articles has been analysed within the frames of Norman Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis.Main results: Male athletes are often described in powerful ways and are framed as being strong and successful. Skills and strengths of women athletes are often devalued in comparison to standards of hegemonic masculinity and self-control. They are often framed as women and girlfriends in advantage of the fact that they are athletes..
Ditt liv genom andras ögon : En kvalitativ studie om yngre kvinnors personliga integritet på Instagram
Since social media is used more today than just a few years ago, it is easier to share our lives to the public in just a few seconds. Social media is easily accessible on smartphones, tablets and computers which allow us users to use them whenever we want.Instagram is an example of a very popular social media today. In this paper we focus on how younger women think about their privacy when using and publishing pictures on Instagram. We have been using a qualitative research method in which ten people were interviewed. All respondents agreed that privacy is important when publishing pictures or videos on Instagram, but there were also some differences between users with public and private accounts.
Behöver du företag på sociala medier eller behöver företagen dig? : En studie om kunders behov av företag på sociala medier och påverkan på relationer
Social medias impact recent years has been huge and an increasing number of companies have started using the services. The benefits for companies to be available thru social media are many and the costs are low. Social media makes it easier for companies to get in touch with their customers and at the same time they reach out to a lot of people since the number of frequent user?s constantly increase. A major part of the information that is available is seen from a company?s perspective and what benefits they can take advantage of thru social media.
Ny teknik, samma behov : En kvalitativ undersökning av två generationers mediebruk i ljuset av den moderna bruks- och belöningsforskningen
ABSTRACT Title (English): New technologies, same needs? A qualitative research of media usage in two generations, in the light of modern uses and gratifications research Title (original): Ny teknik, samma behov? En kvalitativ undersökning av två generationers mediebruk i ljuset av den moderna bruks- och belöningsforskningen Language: Swedish Author: Frida Ivansson Tutor: Sven Ross Course: Media and Communication Studies, Bachelor's Thesis. Period: Spring term 2013 University: Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMK) atStockholm University Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper is to, in the light of todays uses and gratification research, highlight the differences in media use in adolescents and adults. I focus on the informants' television viewing and I compare this cross-generational, and in relation to other media use. Material/Method: The method I used in this thesis is qualitative interviews. My choice fell on this method because I believe it to be the most suitable for obtaining the data needed.
Stora stygga vargen? : Om mönster i medias rapportering om varg och svenskars attityd till djuret
Denna studie underso?ker hur media, i form av Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet, rapporterat om varg under 2010, 2011 och 2012 fo?r att sedan sta?lla detta resultat mot nationella attityder till varg. Syftet a?r att so?ka svara pa? om rapporteringen och attityderna fo?ljs a?t i ma?rkbar riktning fo?r att da?rav kunna peka pa? media som opinionsbildare i fra?gan. Eftersom vargdebatten tenderar att vara synnerligen infekterad trots att djuret a?r sa?llsynt a?r det intressant att underso?ka hur media skildrar det nationellt sett och da?rav ocksa? pa?verkar den majoritet av den nationella opinionen som saknar egna erfarenheter av varg.
"Hela inlandet ligger ju i medieskugga" : Vilhelminabors upplevelser av lokaljournalistik
In the light of the problems the media industry are struggling with, local news reporting is only one of the challenges the news organizations are facing. When local editors is being moved to the cities the tie with the local community is being severed.The aim of this study has been to analyze how the inhabitants of Vilhelmina municipality talks about their experiences of local journalism. With methodological inspiration from the Critical discourse analysis (CDA) this study examined the discourses of local journalism, social media, journalism's role and municipal policy. The theorectical framework consisted theories of media and democracy, convergence culture and discourse theory.The survey was conducted with four focus groups interviews. The focus groups were divided in different cathegories based on the participants experiences, ages and employment.
World of Warcraft : En virtuellt social värld
In today?s modern society with high-speed connections covering the globe people are more than ever finding themselves gazing into the cold lights of the computer screen. On the other side a strange and exciting world yet to be explored awaits. Many are those who spend hour after hour running over green hills swimming in vast blue oceans in the lands of Azeroth, the playfield in the MMORPG game World of Warcraft. In media we often read and hear alarming reports on players stuck in this virtual world, ceasing to play a part in the real world.
Motivation för kreativitet : - En studie om hur ledare kan påverka produktiviteten i svenska medieproducerande företag
Since the mid 1900s the organizational perspective in media producing companies has changed. The focus has shifted from just being a laborer to the person behind the effort. The most important for an efficient and smooth organization is the motivation of the employees and the social working environment. Former research argues that managers must be coaches and that crucial factors for the survival of organizations are creativity, innovation and adaptability. With this study we investigate what motivates employees to use their creative skills.
Ett vidgat textbegrepp i praktiken : Fem lärare om undervisning utifrån ett vidgat textbegrepp
AbstractThis study deals with Swedish upper secondary school teachers' approaches to an expanded text concept. Attitudes mediated through media as well as ?the new languages? that media give rise to, imply new conditions for the activities in school. As a necessary adaptation to the new conditions given by the media forces, the Swedish upper secondary school 1994 incorporated ?an expanded text concept? in the syllabus for the Swedish language.The focus of the study is how Swedish upper secondary school teachers' work to meet and challenge the students' in an expanded text concept.
Den amerikanska drömmen Rika fruar och lyxproblem : En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur familjerelationer ironiseras i Svenska Hollywoodfruar
This study highlights the stereotypical depictions of journalists in film using a narrative analysis of four major Hollywood productions, starting with All the President?s Men from 1976 through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2011. Its purpose is to highlight traits given to journalists in the movies and re-occuring themes in the portrayal of the media and the journalistic occupation. Differences and commonalities between the films are concluded in a discussion of ethics, personalities and the media?s self image.