

7974 Uppsatser om Media and political agenda setting - Sida 49 av 532

'Occupy' ? värre än SARS? : Kritisk diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Hongkongs nya Occupy-rörelse i regionens engelskspråkiga press

This thesis uses critical discourse analysis to examine how the English-speaking press in Hong Kong constructs the conflict between the political movement Occupy Central and the Chinese central government. The empirical material consists of ten articles from the region?s two largest English-speaking newspapers, Hong Kong?s oldest newspaper, the South China Morning Post, and China?s only national English-speaking newspaper, the China Daily. Building on the works of Teun van Dijk, Norman Fairclough, Ruth Wodak and John E. Richardson it examines what political ideologies that are favoured by the press and what attitude the press shows for democratic development.

Det afghanska valet i svensk media : En diskursanalys av svensk medias rapportering om parlamentsvalet 2010

Den här uppsatsen analyserar svensk medias rapportering om valet i Afghanistan 2010. Med hjälp av metoder framtagna av Van Dijk har en analys av artiklar som berör valet 2010 gjorts. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är postkolonialism och orientalism. Med hjälp av de perspektiven och Van Dijks medieanalys analyseras materialet för att tydliggöra strukturer i media..

Utveckling i Latinamerika, En teoriprövande studie med fokus på Costa Rica och Nicaragua

This essay deals with development in Latin America. We have picked out some factors that the theories in development theory emphasize on. The first section of the study consists of a statistical analysis, were the main purposes are to study the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent and to choose which two countries we should focus on in the next section. The countries we decided to study were Costa Rica and Nicaragua, because these countries have shown very different levels of development. From this study we have concluded that political stability, economical investements and human investments are the most important factors when creating development..

De kallar oss landskapsarkitekter : om identiteten hos en yrkeskår

SammandragUppsatsen behandlar yrkesverksammas landskapsarkitekters syn på sitt yrkes kunskapsgrund och bas och i vilken utsträckning värderingar påverkar arbetet och yrkesidentiteten. Frågeställningen är uppdelat på två frågor: Finns det en unicitet i landskapsarkitektyrket och hur yttrar sig denna? Finns det en gemensam agenda eller ambition bland de yrkesverksamma landskapsarkitekterna? Målet med uppsatsen är att lyfta en diskussion kring yrkeskårens gemensamma kunskaper, värdegrund och arbetsprocess för att öka medvetenheten kring dessa i syfte att definiera kåren landskapsarkitekter. Uppsatsen fokuserar på yrkesidentiteten och yrket landskapsarkitekt snarare än på resultatet av yrkesutövningen, landskapsarkitektur. Studien har gjorts genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem yrkesverksamma landskapsarkitekter med sin bas i konsultyrket men med erfarenhet från undervisning, forskning, tjänstemannaarbete samt engagemang i fackliga- och intresseorganisationer.

Taxed Enough Already : en analys av Tea Party rörelsen i USA

The aim of this thesis is to describe the rise of the Tea Party movement in the United States. By using a known theory within social movement studies, the political process theory, this thesis look into the factors that could have played a role in the rise and fast mobilization of the Tea Party movement. The political process theory consists of three parts and hence looks into both the political structure of, in this case, the United States, how mobilizing structures have been used and into the cultural framing used by the Tea Party to create their identity. In order to bring structure to the thesis, the three theory parts have been transformed into analysis models. These give a very good idea of all the factors that could have played a part and therefore also a good way to describe the rise of the Tea Party movement.The research confirm what the political process theory says, that the Tea Party movements rise came at a time when there were a mix of factors at play, both structural and cultural, creating an opportunity that the Tea Party took.

Det stora cancerlarmet : En studie om riskrapportering i media

This essay is about the risks of reporting science through media. We have exemplified the problems with the alarm about acryl amide that came in 2002 through the diffusionist model. From the beginning it was a debate about how dangerous acryl amide is to us humans, but later on it developed to be a debate about whoever did wrong in the intermediation, because later on it came out that acryl amide maybe didn?t cause cancer at all and the scientists didn?t know how to prove if it did or didn?t. In our essay we have based our theories about how the diffiusionist model often is inadequate, with theorists as Stuart Allan, Anders Ekström and Dorothy Nelkin..

Kulturen bakom kulturen - En komparativ studie av kultursynens inverkan på tyska och svenska kulturpolitiska strukturer

This thesis aims to develop a theory in the under researched field of international comparative cultural policy studies. lt does so by combining theories from the fields of political scienceand cultural studies, researching how and to what extent the concepts of culture of different states have an impact on the way cultural policies are constructed.The thesis uses this theoretical development in order to research a specific problem, namely the perceived possibility that Swedish and German cultural structures are slowly converging. Two recent official policy documents from each country are the objects of study. Through comparative idea analysis and with Michiel S. D Vries theories on decentralization, the thesis explains the convergence between the countries by differing cultural views between them.

Mediabilden av kvinnor i topposition

Denna uppsats har haft som ändamål att undersöka hur kvinnor i topposition beskrivs av media. Utgångspunkten har varit studier av medias bild av kvinnor i topposition på nationell nivå i Sverige, Storbritannien och USA. Även mediebilden av kvinnor i absolut topposition i internationell miljö, dvs. kvinnliga presidenter och statsministrar, har studerats. Det som undersökts är bland annat huruvida kvinnor i topposition har samma tillgång till media som män i motsvarande position och om de skildras utifrån genusstereotyper.

Det bortglömda valet? ? En kvantitativ undersökning av mediernas bevakning kring Europaparlamentsvalet 2009

Title: Det bortglömda valet? ? En kvantitativ undersökning av mediernas bevakning kring Europaparlamentsvalet 2009Authors: Elin Kullander and Sara LundinSubject: The media coverage of the election of the European parliament 2009Term: Spring 2014Supervisor: Mats Ekström, JMG, Gothenburg UniversityPages/words: 44/11 065Purpose: The purpose has been to investigate how great the media coverage was on the European parliament elections in 2009 and then compare the result to previous elections. The discussion is based on media?s role as a multiplier in a democracy.Method: We have used a quantitative method and studied the media coverage in four Swedish newspapers 23 days before the Swedish election on 7th of June 2009.Results: We have come to the conclusion that media is in fact meeting its democratic role as a multiplier, in any case as long as we only take in conclusion the amount of articles that has been published. We have seen that the media coverage for the first time has increased both in number of articles and in how big the articles were.

Media som spåtant? En studie av tidningarnas förutsägelser under Asienkrisen

This is a study of predictions made by the press during the financial crisis in Asia in the autumn of 1997. The study includes a qualitative, quantitative and comparative analysis of the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Industri. In the last chapter a quantitative analysis of the newspaper Finanstidningen, that today no longer exists, has also been made for comparative reasons. A theoretical framework is also set in the study to explain how the predictions can affect the economy. The quantitative analysis shows that 2/3 of the texts in the traditional morning papers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet included predictions about the crisis from an Asian or global perspective, while only 1/3 of the texts in the financial newspapers Dagens Industri and Finanstidningen included such predictions.

Instant Messaging - Ur ett Media Richness Theory perspektiv

Under tidigt 80-tal växte olika sorter av kommunikationsmodeller fram, bland annat Daft och Lengels, Media Richness Theory. Denna teori var baserad på den tidens kommunikationsmönster. Idag nästan 20 år senare har vi sett explosionsartad IT-utveckling vilket har medfört förändringar i det dagliga kommunikationsmönstret. I denna uppsats undersöker vi om Media Richness Theory fungerar på ny teknik med hänsyn till dagens utökade kommunikationsmetoder. Vi studerar bland annat användnings- och påverkningsmönster ur ett abduktivt perspektiv, det vill säga både kvalitativt och kvantitativt.

Gender, labor and decision-making : the woman?s situation in family businesses in a Swedish agricultural setting

The inequality and separation of sexes seen in organizations may lead to inefficient use of human resources. Therefor, a more equal organization could lead to higher productivity and efficiency. Inequality within organizations is a problem also for the society as a whole since who is chosen for a position is not depended upon merits, leading to inefficiency. To not reflect upon traditional division of labor and decision-making could also lead to an undemocratic and unjust society. The aim of this thesis is to explore women and men?s engagement a family business in an agricultural setting. Gender theorists argue that gender arises from the social situation in society.

Väljaren i centrum? En jämförande studie om valkretsrepresentation

In this essay I discuss and analyse if we can witness any signs on regional dimension due to regional representation from our elected representatives in the five constituencies Malmö, Blekinge, Norrbotten, Uppsala and Stockholm. Two seperate terms of office between 1991-94 and 1998-2002 has been compared. In political science there has been much debate about the relationship between voters and their elected. By measuring each and everyone elected representatives in the work of produce introduced bills towards their own constitiency during both terms I have tried to see if there is an occurence of a regional dimension.The theory that´s been applied is based on geographical representation where one might aspect that central metropolitan areas and peripheral regions is somewhat over-represented in legislatures. By using a method of comparison between the five chosen constituencies and theirs elected representatives I have come the the conclusion that there is a weak tendency that this might be the case seen to a regional dimension perspective..

Ger ministerstyre en effektivare krishantering? Lärdommar från tsunamikatastrofen 2004

After the tsunami disaster in December 2004 many arguments were heared that one oft the major reasons behind the poor Swedish effort connected to the evacuation and health care of the Swedish citizens in Thailand right after the incident is the Swedish model with independent government authorities. By comparing the constitution, the political decision making tradition by the ministers and the handling of the catastrophe in the tree Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway and Finland, plus analysing the behaviour of the Swedish foreign and prime minister from a rational choose inspired individual decision making theory the research shows that there is no proof that a constitutional change in Sweden into the traditional model with government authorities controlled by the ministers alone would led to a more effective crisis handling by the government due to crises concerning Swedish citizens out states. Although the research shows that the constitution and the tradition of decision making in the government provides the basic condition of the ministers individual rational decision making.

Vi och Dem=Oss : En uppsats om hur vi kan leva tillsammans

This essay is about boundaries between, "us and them", in the Swedish culture and immigrant culture in Sweden. The focus is to examine the political interest of the citizens to understand other ethnic cultures who lives in Sweden. One question concerns how the borderlines between different cultures has been painted partly through blogs but also by the media. Is this a result of ignorance or does it depends because of the influence of certain individuals. To find this out, I will study various electronic sources such as blogs, forums and news articles.

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