894 Uppsatser om Mechanical properties - Sida 41 av 60
Solceller pa? Uppsalahems fastigheter : Ekonomisk potential fram till 2030
Uppsalahem is the leading housing corporation in Uppsala with its over 160 real estate properties. Uppsalahem is owned by the municipality of Uppsala, which has a climate and energy goal that aims for 100 MW of solar energy to be installed in Uppsala by 2030. The 100 MW goal, combined with Uppsalahem?s environmental policy, is a strong incentive to investigate the possibility of installing PV modules on the many available roof areas that Uppsalahem possesses. The objective of this thesis is to create a foundation for future decisions regarding PV systems for Uppsalahem.
Ytans djup : Visuell ikonicitet i den grafiska konstformen lyrik
This thesis revolves around an obvious fact: printed (or otherwise two- or three-dimensional) poetry is always and inevitably visual. By analysing a representative selection of poems, including conspicuously experimental and image-like poems as well as examples of more conventional poetry, the thesis points out that visual iconicity is an equally inevitable consequence of the visuality of printed poetry. The analysis applies terminology relating to iconicity and intermediality (presented by Lars Elleström, whose theoretical basis is the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce) to the selected poems, while avoiding making too specific interpretations, in order to maintain a discussion of the ever-present phenomenon of visual iconicity as such, and not just the individual examples.Rather than introducing visual iconicity specifically to confirm more or less specific interpretations of poetic texts, this method of approaching poems as two-dimensional works of art is what this paper mainly aims to propose, as a productive starting point for literary analyses in general; as is concluded in the theoretical framework by Elleström, the actual modal and iconic properties of printed poetry contradict mutually exclusive dichotomies such as verbal/visual and text/image. While indirectly visually iconic poems tend to have a wider range of possible interpretations at the outset, the existence of iconic potential, however, does not depend on any specific interpretation..
Sticklingsetablering av Sedum spp. för gröna tak : biokol som organiskt material i substrat
The popularity of vegetated, or green roofs, has grown over the past years due to their potential
function of maintaining urban environment quality. The aim of this study was to investigate if
substrates with different organic material, peat and charcoal, with two contents (3 or 6 weight%)
influenced the growth of the cuttings during the first critical period of the establishment. Biochar is
used as amendment to agricultural soils and has, theoretically, many of the properties suitable as
organic content in green roof-substrates. Peat is one of the materials that is commercially used in
green roof industry. The substrate has been treated with different amounts of water.
Färsk ved till Hallstaviks pappersbruk :
Hallstaviks papermill is an industry plant within Holmen Paper. Hallstavik is a mechanical
mill and produce newspaper and journal paper. During year 2000, Hallstavik used
approximate 1.200 m3f spruce, either as logs or chips from sawmills. Due to that the
production is running continuously the mill also needs raw material at the same rate. At some periods the supply of raw material cannot keep up pace.
Usability för svenska folkbibliotek : En undersökning av svenska folkbiblioteks datorsystem med hänsyn till användarvänlighet.
The aim of this essay is to examine three separate Swedish public libraries and their respective websites on the grounds of the usability sciences. I firstly had to summarize the main properties of the usability-field in order to gain an extended knowledge of its purposes and possible usage for today?s library systems. I was then able to apply the extended knowledge in the examination of the three library websites and the purpose of determining whether or not they were designed according to the standards set by the usability-sciences.Usability is a rather new science that deals with the dissection and examination of computer-based systems, in order to find the key components that make systems user-friendlier. With user needs being the main focus of its research, usability tries to meet all the different needs of the modern user and construct systems that are less system-centered and more user-centered.
Den rödbrusige öldansken : En kvalitativ underso?kning om hur danskar framsta?lls i tre svenska tidningar
The aim of this study was to examine how the Danish people and Denmark are represented in the daily Swedish press. We wanted to examine how the Danish people were represented, the characteristics given to the Danes and the differences we see between the different genres. We used theories about discourse, representation, stereotype and national community, too see what underlying messages was hidden in the texts. We analysed 30 texts from three Swedish daily newspapers: Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The method we used was discourse analysis based on Faircloughs theories and methods.One of the most interesting results we found was that the Danish people often were represented as different kinds of stereotypes.
Hardware-in-the-Loop simulering av motorservon på ett inbyggt system
This report presents a master thesis project performed at Elekta AB during the fall of 2013 and early 2014. Elekta is a medical technology company and their main product in the Stockholm office is a gamma knife used for radiosurgery. The gamma knife contains a cluster of a dozen motor servos and motors used for adjusting the patient and the radiation sources over a CAN bus. A self-developed hardware-in-loop simulator running on a PC with LabVIEW is currently being used for integration level testing of the control system of the gamma knife. The simulator has some problems with it not running in real-time and having other performance issues.
Hästunderstödd terapi - en hälsofrämjande rehabiliteringsmetod vid psykisk ohälsa
Hambert, M. Degree project in social work.
Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of social work, 2014.
Equine assisted therapy is for many a yet unknown form of rehabilitation. In the current situation there is a lack of documented research on horses' involvement in rehabilitation and social work. Studies show that animals, and especially horses, can have a positive impact on human well-being, both physically and mentally.
Kompensationskrav vid samboförhållanden
This study focuses on the use of animals in social work from the perspective of social workers. The purpose of this study is to examine social workers? experiences of animal assisted social work and how social workers view the integration of animals in various fields of social work. The research is based on a qualitative method and four semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers. The theories incorporated in the study are Attachment Theory and Sense of Coherence (SOC).The following results are presented: Social workers are considered to have a more comprehensive understanding of clients compared to their associates who do not hold a degree in Social Work.
Parkeringsköp ? ett verktyg vid plangenomförande?
Few issues raise such an engagement as parking areas, both by the municipality, property- and car owners. For car owners, it is of great importance where to park his car. Parking is not simply about availability but also about safety, security and how it affects the urban environment.When the land will be utilized for building development, there are regulations in Chapter 8, § 9 PBL how parking will be provided. Property owners have an obligation to provide parking space and it shall be arranged in an equitable manner, on the site or near it, which gives an opportunity for shared parking facilities. The guidelines for parking that the municipality has adopted should be the starting point for the extent of that space for parking is required when a building permit review.The first thing you should look at, is if the property owner has ability to provide parking space at his own property, but this is not always the best solution in areas such as inner cities.
Terapeuters val av hästen som terapeutisk resurs : En deskriptiv studie om terapeuters tankar om val av metod och hästen som terapeutisk resurs i hästunderstödd terapi
Fokus i studien ligger på terapeuters val av metod och synen på hästen som terapeutiskt resurs. Detta görs genom kvalitativ deskriptiv ansats. Terapeuterna intervjuas genom semistrukturerad intervjuguide med öppna frågor. Arthurs teori om vilka typer av terapeuter som, utifrån personlighet och epistemologiska uppfattningar, är disponerade till en viss typ av terapeutisk inriktning, användes för att försöka förklara varför de terapeuter som arbetar med HUT, väljer den metoden. Resultatet visar att terapeuternas val av HUT metod inte kunde förklaras genom Arthur's teori.
Engångs- eller returtransportförpackningar i livsmedelsbutiker
Master thesis for Mechanical engineering, at the University of Lund. Incorporated in project Pondora.The purpose of this master thesis is to compare the existing one way packaging system with a proposed return crate system not yet available in Sweden. The comparison is focused on packaging handling in the grocery store.The purpose is also to investigate how operating return crate systems in Norway and Finland function, identify, the problems they have encountered and survey economic and technical aspects. The knowledge we hereby have acquired was subjectively evaluated in the thesis.The Swedish survey has a focus on meat and bread. The surveys in Finland and Norway contain all the products utilizing the studied return crate systems.We have surveyed how the handling of transport packages for meat & provision and bread is done in the store.
Analys och utveckling avverifieringsenhet för säker kontakteringvid kalibrering av RRUS.
This report presents a master thesis project performed at Elekta AB during the fall of 2013 and early 2014. Elekta is a medical technology company and their main product in the Stockholm office is a gamma knife used for radiosurgery. The gamma knife contains a cluster of a dozen motor servos and motors used for adjusting the patient and the radiation sources over a CAN bus. A self-developed hardware-in-loop simulator running on a PC with LabVIEW is currently being used for integration level testing of the control system of the gamma knife. The simulator has some problems with it not running in real-time and having other performance issues.
Nytt koncept för linspridning
Projektet, Nytt koncept för linspridning, vilket tillhandahölls av Abu Garcia,
bestod i att vidareutveckla multiplikatorrullen, Ambassadeur Classic 5000c.
Målet var att konstruera en multiplikatorrulle, med vilken fritt utkast
erhålls. På dagens multiplikatorrullar passerar linan genom linspridaren, detta
medför att linan följer linförarens rörelse under utkastet. Till följd av
linförarens rörelse genereras friktion, vilket i sin tur ger ett kortare kast.
För att öka kastlängden, skall linspridaren ej vara i kontakt med linan under
utkastet. Det är dock viktigt att linan sprids direkt på spolen vid påbörjad
Simulering av bordläggningslucka
Kockums i Karlskrona har givit i uppdrag att ta fram lösningar till
öppningsmekanismen för större bordläggningsluckor på marina ytfartyg. De önskar
att luckans dimension ska vara max 10 * 3 m.
I uppgiften ingår att ta fram en lösning på öppningsmekanism, simulera öppning
och stängningsförloppet i Virtual Reality samt utvärdera konstruktionen enligt
givna lastfall. Acceleration är ett exempel på laster som luckan kan tänkas
utsättas för under öppet läge samt under öppning och stängning.
Första delen av rapporten innehåller principkonstruktionen, här har det tagits
fram ett antal lösningsförslag som visas med enkla skisser. Dessa utvärderas i
olika omgångar mot de krav och önskemål som tagits fram i samarbete med