11445 Uppsatser om Means-end-teori - Sida 6 av 763
Elektronisk mobbning : En kvantitativ studie om elektronisk mobbning med fokus på genus, anonymitet och konsekvenser
Abstract:Today many adolescents have access to computers and mobile phones. They prefer to socialize through these means which has led to a new kind of bullying, the electronic bullying. The purpose of this study has been to examine the electronic bullying from the perspective of gender, anonymity and the consequences that it may lead to. We have chosen a quantitative approach by using a questionnaire survey targeting young people between the ages of 15-16 years in Kalmar county. 163 respondents took part in the survey, 78 girls and 85 boys. The gathered material is presented by means of contingency tables and has been interpreted by gender socialization, deindividuation and dehumanization.
Användbarhet och turism, är det lätt att kombinera? : En studie om turismsajters användbarhet
In this essay we discuss the broad area of website usability from a tourism perspective. Our goal was to investigate the usability in smaller and bigger tourism websites. We have declared what website usability means and the importance of involving the users when designing a user interface. In a pilot study, we conducted three interviews with people who work with usability and then used the information we got to form questions to use in a focus group interview. In this focus group, we asked three people to assess two Swedish tourism websites, one bigger and one smaller, to find out if they were considered usable and if there was any difference in usability depending on the size of the site.
Höga hus med deformerbara fundament på pålar : Pålkrafters avvikelse visavi klassisk teori samt förskjutningar beroende av vindlast
When forces in foundation piles are calculated according to classic theory, thefoundation are assumed to be infinitely rigid which means that the foundation will notbend. High buildings need their whole width to be stable and use the ground floorwall as a foundation. But when, for example windows are needed in the ground floorwall, the stiffness of the foundation decreases which change the forces in the piles. Inthis report the difference of pile forces versus classic theory has been analyzed, and ifpile forces can be calculated as in classic theory. Further on, the effects of the wallmovement were analysed and how the buildings crack safety would be affected by themovement at the ground floor.
Wardens inverkan på krigen i Irak
Överste John A. Warden III (USAF) har sedan 1980-talet utvecklat en teori om hur enfiende på bästa sätt kan besegras. Hans teori grundar sig på att problemet angripsdeduktivt, d.v.s. man börjar resonemanget från det allmänna ner till det enskilda. Vidarebaserar sig hans teori på att fienden består av ett system som i sin tur kan indelas idelsystem.
Konflikten Om Arktis
The Arctic region has not been a topic of discussion or a reason for a conflict in the past, but with the development of environmental issues which has resulted in melting of the ice, so has the interest for the region developed. This has resulted in a conflict over the area, with five countries as main actors. This paper investigates the five main actors? goals with increased influence in the area, using the thoughts of Rational Actor Model, with states as utility-maximizing actors and foreign policy as the expression of national interest. Furthermore the paper investigates the means of getting to the goal, what kind of tools they use.The paper shows that all of the countries are interested in the economically benefits that are buried under the melting ice and the short cuts in sea routes that will be a possibility to use ones the ice melt more.
Besittning av och rådighet över medel innestående på konto
The possession over bills and coins has, on the whole, been replaced with a credit balance on an account. Almost all payments today are processed by transmitting digital data and not by using cash. The credit balance on an account is a demand that the holder ofthe account have towards his bank. Law regarding three part relationships: By using Göranson?s theory you can say that the credit balance on an account may be object of possession.
Ett re(el)lt hot? Om elprisets betydelse för investeringar inom basindustrin
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the correlation between the price of electric power and investments within the Swedish basic industry. Using regression analysis, the authors test for correlation between the electricity prices and the basic industry, defined as the pulp and paper industry, the mining industry, the steel and metal industry and the basic chemical industry. Moreover, five variables found in the literature on investment decisions are being used as a means of comparison. The results suggest that the electricity price affects the investment decisions within the basic chemical industry as well as the steel and metal industry. On a more abstract level, this thesis contributes to the understanding of one of the properties of the Swedish GDP..
Är sociala medier mest ett hinder? Ungas lärande i sociala medier
A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions that occur there. The accessibility which social media brings, means that you can reach and be reached in several ways and there are many different ways in which information can be disseminated. Social media supports the learning process. The aim of this study is to examine how upper secondary schools students' use of social media and how it can be used as a tool for informal learning. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective where interaction and social cohesion is a big part.
Kampen om dagordningen : Kan media anses vara en enskild politisk aktör
Abstract Essay in political science, C-level, by Patrik Larsson, autumn semester 2007.Tutor: Susan Marton The battle over the agenda-Can media be regarded as an individual political actor? The purpose of this essay is to study to what extent media can be regarded to function as an individual political actor. In other words, do the media have more power over the political agenda than the politicians and do the media influence how the politicians make their decisions. This research is a case study and to be able to complete the intention of this study I have used Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaws theory, the agenda-setting theory. From this theory I have used four aspects to analyse my material which has consisted of editorials from a Swedish newspaper, interpellations and debates that belong to the interpellations. The aspect I have worked with are, how the problem is defined, who is responsible for the problem, what values and which solutions are expressed. I have used a qualitative text analysis as my methodological approach which means that the results of my study are my interpretation of the material. My conclusions are that the media in this case shouldn?t be regarded as an individual political actor because there is no tendency that shows that the media has influenced the government in their decisions concerning the real-estate tax.
Petrus ? sveket och upprättelsen
Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and other philosophers. According to Whiteheads religious philosophy Hartshorne claimed that there is a dualistic transcendence within the Godhead. A dualistic transcendence where one unity/transcendence of God is abstract, outside the creation and time and therefore is eternal. The other unity (or transcendence) is inside time and creation and closely in process to it .
Litteraturhistoria i Gymnasiet : En undersökning över hur nationalitet skapas i läromedel och hur det förhåller sig till läroplanen för Svenska i gymnasiet
This essay discusses the problem of literary history in the Swedish school system. The aim of the essay is to discuss whether the textbook, Den Levande litteraturen, in literary history for Swedish high school students measures up to the demands of the curriculum in terms of obtaining knowledge about international literature and the historical and cultural framework that surrounds it. The essay establishes a theoretical framework that is used to distinguish the discourse that permeates the textbook and how it affects the means of sustaining the curriculum and the problems it may create.The textbook is broken down chronologically and analyzed showing quotes that points towards national and orientalistic discourses which in turn are discussed put in relation to the curriculum and the effects that these discourses might have on education in Swedish and literary history.This is in turn problematized with the current theories regarding comparative literary history..
Redovisningens internationalisering : Konsekvenserna av en potentiell frikoppling mellan redovisning och beskattning
Since 1928 the Swedish accounting and taxation has been closely linked by law which today as the European Union works with its harmonisation of the European accounting systems brings up difficulties. The Union strives to integrate the countries different ways of accounting in order to make it easier to use and understand foreign information. The Swedish connection between accounting and taxation means that a harmonisation would change the whole system as its known today. The purpose with this study is to examine what the link between the two means and how a decoupling would affect Swedish accounting and auditing. We also want to examine how the Swedish taxation office, who currently uses the accounting as a ground for taxation, could guarantee the quality of the declaration without a proper underpinning. The study shows that a decoupling could lead to an increase in quality on swedish accounting and that the administration would become more difficult to handle. The risk of dividend of untaxed profits is not seen as a problem in this context.
Institutioners makt - att integrera makt i institutionell teori
Institutionell teori förklarar socialt liv genom att undersöka institutioners påverkan på sociala relationer. Institutionella föreställningar ses som närvarande i alla sociala relationer genom kulturella, kognitiva och normativa institutionella element, som ges stor betydelse i denna teoribildning. Denna uppsats syftar till att problematisera institutionell teori genom att införa maktaspekter i teoribildningens förklaringsmodeller eftersom detta hittills varit ovanligt i institutionella analyser. Särskilt de förklaringsmodeller som betonar kulturella och kognitiva element har saknat maktaspekter. Uppsatsen är ett integrationsförsök mellan institutionell teori och maktteori.
Lärares syn på hur den fysiska klassrumsmiljön påverkar elevernas lärande
My main purpose for this paper was to find out what the four teachers I interviewed thought about the design of their classroom and how they linked that to pedagogy, pupils learning and policy documents. I also wanted to find out if classroom design were something they discuss and reflects on in the college.My questions for this study were: What do some teachers who work in the early ages in the school think about the classroom design? Do these teachers link the classroom design to policy documents or pedagogy? Do these teachers consider classroom design to be something that should be discussed in the same way as other factors (for example teaching aids, resources etc.) within the college?My method was to make qualitative interviews with four teachers, analyze their answers and link them to my main theories and research in the area of the study. My main theories were multimodal communication, which means that there are several systems of signs in communication, which all have an essential function for the meaning of the communicated. It also means that learning happens both individually and socially and that school is a social construction, and that the system of opportunities and boundaries in which it takes form is mediated within our multimodal systems.
Undervisning i ämnet teknik : En textanalys av styrdokument mellan Uganda och Sverige
The aim of this study is to examine how the way of teaching in technical subjects are in Uganda and to link those results to Swedish circumstances. A comparison is being done both of the teaching and what methods are used. Since I was living with my family in Uganda I could easily examine the system of school here. During four days I was at a school named Aga Khan School here in Kampala. I could there participate in teaching, talk to teachers, observe and participate during lessons.