

2965 Uppsatser om Means of coordination - Sida 18 av 198

Svensk Kod för bolagsstyrning : Intern kontroll avseende bolagens finansiella rapportering

The Swedish Code for Corporate Governance was introduced on July 1, 2005. All companies then listed at OM Stockholmsbörsen A-list and those on the O-list with a market value of more than three billion SKr must implement the rules in the Code. The Code includes rules for corporate governance as a complement to the legislation. The Code is based on the principle comply or explain. This means that the companies are aloud to diverge from the rules if they explain why.

Lärare och skolbibliotekariers samarbete : Utifrån TLC-modellerna

This two year masters thesis is written in the scientific field of library- and information science. The purpose of the study is to investigate the collaboration between teachers and librarians in different types of school library organisations. Two school libraries with only the school as a target group, two integrated public- and school libraries, one school library division and one public library that provides the school with school library services has been studied. The study takes place in Uppland.The theoretical framework used is based on Montiel-Overall and her four models of collaboration: coordina-tion, cooperation, integrated instruction and integrated curriculum. The first research question focuses on the col-laboration between teachers and librarians based on each of the TLC-models.

The Hardscape Room : ett trädgårdsrum i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgårdar

This master thesis covers the design of a special garden room, The Hardscape Room, in The Rehabilitation Gardens at Alnarp, in southern Sweden, as well as describes the design process. The Rehabilitation Gardens are intended to serve several purposes. It will offer horticultural therapeutic treatment programs for people diagnosed as having had burnout disease for an extended period. Research is also aimed at studying the possible impact of different garden design hypotheses as well as different forms of horticultural therapy. In The Rehabilitation Gardens at Alnarp the most extreme and demanding garden room focused on cultivation and horticultural therapy is The Hardscape Room.

Ersättningen som övervakning eller rekrytering : En studie utifrån ägarstruktur i svenska börsbolag

Master Thesis in Business Administration, School of Business Administration, Linaeus University, Finance 4FE03E, Spring 2011Authors: Benni Hansson, Axel SandquistTutor: Christopher von KochExaminer: Sven-Olof CollinTitle: Compensation as a means of monitoring or recruiting ? a study on ownership structure in Swedish listed companies.Keywords: CEO compensation, compensation structure, ownership structure, ownership types, ownership concentration, agency theory, resource dependence theory, managerial theoryBackground: There has been extensive research on CEO compensation, however not a lot on Swedish listed firms. Many studies have an agency theoretical perception on CEO compensation. In accordance with this, compensation is used as a means to solve monitoring and incentives problems.Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the role of CEO compensation, by studying ownership structure.Method: To examine the role of CEO compensation we use a multi-theory approach, based on agency theory, resource dependence theory and managerial theory. The companies examined are Swedish listed firms the in years 2005 to 2009.

Revisorernas dilemma - tala eller tiga?

Since 1999 auditors have an obligation, according to 42-44 §§ aktiebolagslagen (2005:551), to report suspicions of crime. The obligation to report means that the auditor is legally obliged to report any suspicious economical crime potentially committed by the executive director or a member of the board to a district attorney. Prior to the enactment it was almost impossible for the auditor to report any criminal suspicion due to the professional confidentiality. According to Ekobrottsmyndigheten the number of crime suspicion reports filed by auditors has reduced by 50 percent in the Stockholm-region between 2006 and 2010. However, after the enactment crime suspicion reports increased successively each year.

Google digitaliserar bibliotekssamlingar En analys av hur biblioteksvärlden reagerar på Google Book Search

The wide spread of the Internet and new information technologies in recent years has come to effect how libraries manage and disseminate information. Search engines like Google are widely used by people who often find the information retrieval systems of libraries to be too complicated. In 2004 Google announced plans to digitise five major library collections. Organisations representing the publishing industry and authors have since then filed lawsuits against Google claiming that Googles scanning of library books infringe the rights holders copyright. Due to Googles potential impact on libraries this thesis aims to examine how Googles digitisation project, Google Book Search, has been received in the library community.

Livskvalitet efter en hjärtinfarkt. Sjuksköterskans stödjande åtgärder.

As a public nurse there is a great probability that you will meet patients that have had a myocardial infarction. We want to contribute to create a greater understanding of how a nurse can support and understand these people. The last 30 years the infarction care has made a big progress. Still many conceptions remain which means that for many people a myocardial infarction leads to a belief that this is the end of the working life, social life, sparetime activities and travelling. Due to this misbelief it is important that the nurse creates good conditions for the patient right from the start.

Extreme Village Makeover : En studie om religionsskiftets betydelse för byarna Kyrkheddinge och Fjälkinge.

This essay revolves around the Christianisation of the Danish kingdom during the middle ages. Issues like; the length of the Christianisation process and the influence it had on thevillages? structural appearance in the Danish kingdom. A special case study of the villages Kyrkheddinge and Fjälkinge, Scania, is an essential part of the essay. Through writtenmaterial and excavation reports from the both villages the study enlightens the structural appearance of the village and the hierarchy of the farms in the village.

Klassisk pianoimprovisation som konsertform

The thesis contains mainly personal experiences relating to classical piano improvisation, based on the CD record Härlig är jorden, Piano improvisations in Various Classical Styles. Sex classics: Mozart, Stravinsky, Bartók, Chopin, Debussy and Liszt play the main roles in that record.The idea is (apart from aiming at stimulationg the styles as faithfully as possible) to look at the various classical styles as different musical rooms created by the composers for us to enter and use. It is also a personal pedagogical goal to structure my ideas, including formulating the strongest possible requirements on the quality of my improvisations. A leading theme manifesting itself in different quises (depending on the style used) is not only a means for improving quality further. The audience has shown a great interest in this form.

Telefonrådgivning : kritisk granskning av aktuell forskning

The telenursing service deals with offering the public guidance as what to do with their health and illness concern. More specifically this service includes triage, support, advice, education, referral, information and coordination. To conduct telephone advice is a complicated task to perform and put specific demands of the nurse?s communication skills.The purpose of this study was to critically review the impact of telephone counseling focused on context of implementation, perspective, design and clinical relevance by a sample of studies within the field.The critical review focused on inconsistencies in the material. Strengths and weaknesses of the studies were explored, with emphasis on detecting areas of skill gaps.Twelve of thirteen studies were made in the context of telenursing.

Att locka fler studenter till Energiingenjörsprogrammet : En studie om studentrekrytering

Datum:                     2012-01-06Nivå:                        Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi med inriktig marknadsföringInstitution:               Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, HST,                                 Mälardalens HögskolaFörfattare:               Aiman Hadrous        Ashkan Mortazavifar              Nancy Saad                                 25 juni 1987               7 december 1990                26 november 1986Titel:                        Att locka fler studenter till Energiingenjörsprogrammet: En studie om studentrekrytering.Handledare:             Johan GrinbergsNyckelord:                Attrahera, Energiingenjörsprogrammet, Konsumentens köpprocess, Means- and Value ChainFrågeställning:                   Hur skall fler studenter bli attraherade av att söka till Energiingenjörsprogrammet?Syfte:                        Arbetets syfte är att undersöka och analysera hur Energiingenjörsprogrammet kan attrahera fler studenter i framtiden.                     Metod:                                I detta arbete utnyttjas både den kvalitativa och den kvantitativa metoden. Insamlingen av sekundära data gjordes genom studier av relevanta artiklar inom ämnet konsumentbeteende. Till grund för resultat och slutsats användes en enkätundersökning på gymnasieelever inom Västerås kommun.Slutsats:                   Undersökningen visade att flera aspekter påverkar studentens val av utbildning. Energiingenjörsprogrammet ska arbeta med positionering av programmet och anpassa detta utifrån studentens mål och behov, för att kunna skapa ett attraktivt val..

Tidsåtgång i mjölkproduktion under betessäsong : inflytande av besättningsstorlek, samt mekaniserings- och automatiseringsgrad

Time studies in dairy production are an essential tool when deciding about level of mechanisation and automatisation both in investment situation and improving efficiency in existing operations. In previous investigations such studies have been carried out during normal barn conditions during winter. Since there is a compulsory to have dairy cows grazing 3 to 5 months during summer time in Sweden time studies during this season is important to have a full picture of needed working time. During grazing season time studies was carried out at 14 dairy farms representing herd sizes from 66 to 450 dairy cows of which 6 farms with AMS. 8 farms were the same as studied during winter season.

Bilfri stadskärna i Borås - Utopi eller framtid?

The purpose of this study is to examine the view of Swedish language teachers on the role of fiction and of school libraries within the compulsory school?s teaching of Swedish of form 6-9. The questions to be answered are:? What part do Swedish language teachers (hereafter called teachers) think fiction is playing regarding the pupils inclination to read and reading promotion?? What is the attitude of teachers regarding the function of fiction in the Swedish subject?? What do teachers consider being the role of the school library in education, and can this be related to the local school library resources?To answer the questions a questionnaire was sent out to thirty-five teachers. Four qualitative interviews were also carried out among the fourteen teachers that answered the questionnaire.

Spårtrafik i norra Stockholmsregionen

Northeast Stockholm is a region developing fast. There is already a great need for new transport solutions for the people commuting to the city, since long queues slow down car traffic and the local railway, Roslagsbanan, needs to be upgraded to attract more travelers. The competitive advantage of rail?traffic over the car when it comes to greenhouse gases and air pollutants is another reason to develop Roslagsbanan.This report investigates the differences between car and train to create a basis for a proposed expansion of Roslagsbanan. Once the proposal is presented, costs, emissions reductions and public benefits are analyzed.

Unga Bestånd - en tillgång i park- och landskap : woodlandkvarter från Alnarp till Jönköping

This is a thesis about design of young stands of trees. A big source of inspiration has been Västerskog and Tor Nitzelius Park in Alnarp which both consists of a structure of squares. I wanted to examine if this type of planting could be valuable from an aesthetic and recreational point of view. One problem today is that many people believe that we have to wait for decades for a planting to grow up so that we can enjoy the ?ready result?.

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