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En fallstudie av konsult-klientsamspelet vid ERP-implementering. : En fallstudie från den Polska marknaden.
For many providers of ERP-system, Poland is one of the most valuable markets in Central andEastern Europe. The Polish market for ERP-systems is still a growing market, especially; wecan see the low utilization of ERP-systems among small and medium-sized enterprises. Thisis due to several factors, primarily the cost of implementing the system and the necessary infrastructure.Subsequently due to the lack of knowledge, where there is no sufficientknowledge of the benefits arising from the use of an ERP-system in their business, and thereis a fear within the companies that its business would start stagnating.This paper investigates the implementation process of a Polish consulting company whichworks towards small and medium-sized businesses. The key success factors will be studied inthe implementation of ERP-systems, and the instance factors of the interrelationship betweenthe consultant and client from a consultant perspective. The review of the literature has beenidentified and discussed in relevance to the empirical study.
Produktsäkerhet i livsmedelsindustrin : HACCP inom bageri och konditori
During the last years, producers and consumers have become increasingly aware of food safety. Foodborne illness and foodborne injury are in best case unpleasant but they can also be fatal. HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a preventative food safety system which is aimed to guarantee production of safe food free from pathogens, foreign materials and substances with potential to cause adverse health effect. In order to succeed in developing, installing, monitoring and verifying a HACCP system, there is a mix of hurdles for the company to overcome. While larger food companies meet a difficult challenge, small and medium size enterprises often feel that the hurdles are almost impossible to manage.
Genusvurpor : en essä om hur samhällsnormen frodas i förskolan
In my thesis I have chosen to examine pre-school from a gender perspective, focusing on the current norms of society that are also influencing pre-school. My thesis is written in the form of an essay, which means that reflections are a substantial part, and writing has become a part of my process of learning. My thesis originates in three different situations that I have experienced during the years I have been working in the pre-school. These situations show how I, as a pre-school educator, unconsciously am a part of creating norms, patterns and gender. The curriculum of the pre-school has been the basis of this thesis, and an important part has been to interpret what the mission of pre-school is in practice.I start by explaining the concepts of sex, gender and norms, and continue by describing how preschool can be viewed as an institution preserving the norms.
Ledarskap i en agil verksamhet : En kvalitativ studie om hur ledarskapet påverkas vid en förändring
Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att utforska och förstå hur ledarskapet påverkas när en organisation genomgår en förändring till en agil verksamhet. Bakgrunden till undersökningen grundar sig i den traditionella synen på ledarskap där chefen ledde och fördelade arbetet. Under 1950-talet förändrades synen på arbetsledning och arbetsfördelning där medarbetarna blev allt mer delaktiga i arbetsprocessen.Med utgångspunkt i detta har vår forskning behandlat de effekter på ledarskapet som inträffar när en organisation går ifrån ?command and control? till ?empowerment?. Därav har vi ställt upp följande frågeställningar; Hur har kontrollen (över teamen) förändrats för linjechefen i övergången från Classic Waterfall till Agile, På vilket sätt har förändringen påverkat linjechefens informationshämtning till att genomföra IPM-samtal och Vilka effekter får förändringen på ledarstilen när organisationen övergår till en agil organisation.Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod där åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med linjechefer ur två avdelningar för att samla in vårt empiriska material.
Design av PID-regulator baserad på kommersiell processormodul
The idea to develop a platform for a PID-controller came from the need to control the temperature in an espresso machine in a more exact way than a thermostat could perform. In discussions with Syntronic AB the idea developed into PID-control for industrial use. Syntronic AB suggested that the platform should be based on a commercially available processor module to shorten the development time. The suggestion included the use of the microcomputer Raspberry Pi, which supports USB, HDMI, memory card and Ethernet.The work began with establishing a schedule for the 10 weeks of the projects duration, and after that a system specification listing all functions, implementation and limitations was made. When the foundation of the system specification was done, a preliminary system design took shape.Because of the Raspberry Pi´s lack of Analog-to-Digital converter, a circuit board containing Wheatstone bridges, differential amplifiers and a two channel Analog-to-Digital converter was fabricated.
Tillsats av biokol till en svensk sandjord : effekter på lustgasavgång, kväveretention och andel vattenfyllda porer
In a column experiment the effect of three different biochars on nitrous gas emissions, nitrogenretention and water filled pore space (WFPS) were studied in a Swedish sandy soil, classified as aCryopsamment. Ammonium retention was positively correlated, while KCl-extractable ammoniumwas negatively correlated, with the specific area of the biochars. The question was raised whether thenegative correlation between extractable ammonium and biochar specific area reflects the amount ofammonium present in the soil or its extractability from the biochar, and whether methods forextracting soil mineral nitrogen, like KCl-extractions, have to be modified for application on biocharamended soils. There was a tendency of increased nitrate retention and KCl-extractable nitrate withbiochar and KCl-extractable nitrate was positively correlated with the specific area of the biochar. pHwas higher for all biochars compared with control, although the differences were not significant, andWFPS was lowered by biochar addition, significantly in one case.
Scanias produktionssystem inom den finansiella tjänstesektorn : Ett beslutsunderlag för Scania Industrial Control, omorganisering för effektivisering av en utfaktureringsfunktion
Denna undersökning är resultatet av en kandidatuppsats skriven vid handelshögskolan, Umeå universitet på uppdrag av Scania Industrial Control vid Scania CV AB i Södertälje. Scania arbetar efter ett produktionssystem (SPS) som har grunden i Toyota Production System (TPS) och tar formen av ett hus där Scanias värderingar, principer och prioriteringar framgår. Scanias framgång anses bygga på att nyttja personalens kompetens inom förbättringsgrupper, ett arbete som sker genom SPS. Historiskt sett har SPS tydligast återfunnits inom Scanias produktionsavdelningar, emellertid har arbetssättet börjat överföras i alla Scanias verksamheter för att genomsyra hela företaget. Scania ser i dagsläget över sina verksamheter för att nå långsiktiga effektiviseringar med målet att öka sin framtida konkurrenskraft.
Ekonomiskt ansvar i en modern situation
Bakgrund: Grunden till området som på svenska brukar benämnas ekonomistyrning och på engelska"management control"lades av Anthony 1965 och dominerar än idag litteraturen på området. Sedan dess har dock ytterligare decentralisering och en orientering mot processer och flöden ägt rum i företagen. Detta, menar vi, inte har gjort några avtryck i"management control"-litteraturen. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga den ekonomiska ansvarsfördelningen i svenska kommersiella decentraliserade företag. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att beskriva hur personer ålagda sådant ansvar upplever detta samt hur dessa använder ekonomisk information.
Lika möjligheter till ett livslångt lärande?: en studie av svensklärares förhållningssätt till användningen av skönlitteratur och skolbibliotek
The purpose of this study is to examine the view of Swedish language teachers on the role of fiction and of school libraries within the compulsory school?s teaching of Swedish of form 6-9. The questions to be answered are:? What part do Swedish language teachers (hereafter called teachers) think fiction is playing regarding the pupils inclination to read and reading promotion?? What is the attitude of teachers regarding the function of fiction in the Swedish subject?? What do teachers consider being the role of the school library in education, and can this be related to the local school library resources?To answer the questions a questionnaire was sent out to thirty-five teachers. Four qualitative interviews were also carried out among the fourteen teachers that answered the questionnaire.
Stump treatment with the root rot antagonist phlebiopsis gigantea : - sensitivity of P. gigantea spores to high pressure stress; - reduced water consumption for stump treatment
Stump treatment today requires large quantities of clean water mixed with the protective product Rotstop, to fully cover the stump surface. In order to reduce the
water consumption without reducing the coverage of the stump surface, the pressure in the stump treatment device can be increased. Therefore, the Phlebiopsis gigantea
(Fr.) Jül. suspension used as a biological control agent to prevent Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. infection was pressure-tested.
Kraven som inte infriades - Efterlevandet av regeringens och Riksrevisionens krav inom kontrollverksamhet och kvalitetsgranskning hos Försäkringskassan i Skåne
This thesis is dealing with the programs of control regarding deceit and quality assurance within the Swedish social insurance administration in Skåne, the years 2002-2005. In 2005 the Swedish National Audit Office released a report regarding the lack of measures towards deceit and fraud, and the lack of quality in the data for decision making within the administration. The questions to be addressed are why the administration does not make up to the demands regarding quality and measures towards deceit that the government and The National Audit Office demands. The main source for data has been interviews with workers within the administration and annual reports from public authorities. To understand and be able to explain the problems within the administration the theory by Michael Lipsky regarding street-level bureaucrats is used.
Barn i sekter
Ämnet barn i sekter är bristfälligt belyst. För 12 år sedan gjordes en statlig utredning SOU 1998:113 I God tro men sedan dess har inte mycket hänt. Sekter tenderar att isolera sig från samhället vilket gör det svårt att komma åt barnen, både för insatser samt studier. Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa barns situation i sekter samt vilka svårigheter det kan medföra för barnen själva samt dem som ska hjälpa, framför allt socialtjänsten. Studien är kvalitativ med en explorativ deskriptiv ansats.
Framgångsfaktorer för återgång i arbete inom Jämtlands läns landsting : en kvalitativ studie
Tidigare forskning visar att det finns olika framgångsfaktorer för återgång i arbete efter en långtidssjukskrivning. Syftet med studien var att identifiera framgångsfaktorer för återgång i arbete för personer som haft en långtidssjukskrivning, d.v.s. längre än 60 dagar, inom Jämtland läns landsting (JLL). Utifrån resultatet i denna studie ville vi se om det förelåg ett behov av mer stöd eller utbildning för JLL:s chefer. Studien var kvalitativ med semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem anställda som varit långtidssjukskrivna.
Anpassningar till standardisering inom Software Configuration Management : En fallstudie om standardisering inom mjukvarukonfigurationshantering
Change is inevitable when software is built and deployed. It?s not particularly problematic to manage change if there is just one system. But in a large global IT organization, with several systems and people who develop, problems may arise. If organizations don?t control change, change will control the organization.
Transkulturella möten inom mödravården : Barnmorskors egna erfarenheter
The purpose of this study was to look at the experiences of midwives in maternalhealth care encounters with non-european-born women and men, and to determine ifmidwives deem any special competence necessary to handle these encounters well.We gathered information by means of qualitative interviews and semi structuredquestions with eight midwives all of whom matched the inclusion criterias and gavetheir personal consent. Midwives from four district health care centers in Uppsalawere included. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by means of qualitativecontent analysis.The results reveal the experiences from encounters with non-european patients to betwofold. On one hand the encounter is a positive, exiting experience with anopportunity to learn more about a foreign culture and exchange experiences. On theother hand complications can occur as patients may have unexpected expectationsregarding the health care, have great difficulties with the language or haveexperienced traumatizing incidents, all on top of coming to Sweden alone withoutrelatives.In the encounter with non-european-born patients the midwives consider it importantto have special competence in form of knowledge of other cultures and religions asthis provides a greater understanding of the reasoning behind the patients? decisions.Cultural competence is also important as it helps avoid inadvertently insulting thepatient during the encounter.The special competence held by the midwives has been attained from their basic andspecialist education as well as from self acquired experiences and interests.