

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 4 av 1091

Handledande samtal i förskolan : -kompetensutveckling eller akut problemlösning?

Preschool is a place that is continually undergoing change at a rapid pace and developing the skills of our educators is essential for their ability to keep up with these changes. Guidance conversations can be used as a vital tool for the educators competence development.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how educators, special educators and preschool principals think and reason about the use of guidance conversations in preschool.A qualitative method has been used in the shape of interviews with educators, special educators and preschool principals working within different districts of a medium sized city in the south of Sweden.These interviews revealed that the use of guidance conversations is often controlled by specific needs and is used when a problem arises amongst the children. There are many expectations on the special educators role in these conversations, one of which is the role of conversation leader with the purpose of guiding the conversation amongst involved parties and give them the tools they need to resolve problems by themselves instead of delivering packaged solutions..

Självkänsla och motivation : En studie kring gymnasieelevers självkänsla och motivation inom ämnet matematik

The objective of this study was to bring further knowledge to the subject as to what influences students motivation and self-esteem. The study had focus on role that the teachers play in these aspects. The study was done by using both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The qualitative method was interviews based on six interviews with two teachers and four students from two different classes. The quantitative method was a questionnaire study that was done in both classes.

Inte bara ord : Klassrumskommunikation om subtraktion i årskurs 2

 Title:              Not just words, classroom communication about subtraction in year 2Language:      Swedish with summary in English.Keywords:     Communication, mathematics, subtraction, teaching The purpose of this study is to analyze the mathematical communication in a classroom during a lesson in the field subtraction, and to find out how students describe their perception of mathematics that is communicated in the classroom.The study consists of the observations through the videotaping of two lessons in primary school grades 2 and student and teacher interviews related to these lecture occasions.Research indicates that Swedish pupils' mathematical skill continuously deteriorates in a national and international perspective, and that student experiences of mathematics in general are negative. The literature emphasizes the importance of communicating mathematics in various forms to deepen and develop understanding of concepts and mathematical operations. Communication must be generated between teachers and students but also between student and student to have a beneficial impact for the student.Our result demonstrate the different types of communication in the classroom but that communication does not always have a clear mathematical content in spite of teachers' mathematical intentions with teaching. The result also indicates that the mathematical communication that takes place, in essence, is a one-way communication where the teacher has a great opportunity to speak. The teachers perceived as oblivious to their own ways of communicating, but stressed in the interviews with an understanding of the importance of communication learning.

Begreppsbubblor/Visuella representationer i matematikundervisningen : En studie om bemötandets och undervisningens betydelse och möjligheter för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter

The aim is to examine how students with attention difficulties may demonstrate their mathematical understanding through visual representations. A curiosity about how students think about mathematics, national tests and Concepts cartoons has also permeated the study. With help of observations combined with interviews and actively work for a week, the study shows an idea of how visual representations can help students with concentration difficulties to stay focused on their tasks. I chose a selection of pupils to do some mathematical tasks from the national tests which they had not been able to solve before. Now in the form of Concepts cartoons, which I designed, they managed to solve the same mathematics data. In my study treatment and interaction reveals as key pillars for a successful educational work with the students with concentration difficulties. Thus, all pupils who previously have been unable to solve these assignments on the National test were now able to show their mathematical understanding supported by visual representations..

Tillsammans i en trygg hamn : Utveckling av bristande sociala, känslomässiga och beteendemässiga färdigheter genom samarbetsbaserad problemlösning

Syftet med studien var att utvärdera om samarbetsbaserad problemlösning (SBP) är ett effektivt verktyg för pedagoger att hjälpa elever som har bristande sociala, känslomässiga eller beteendemässiga färdigheter. Studien avsåg också undersöka om implementeringen av SBP hade någon ytterligare inverkan på pedagogernas arbete utöver det direkta arbetet med enskilda elever. Studien kastar också ljus över vilken betydelse relationen mellan lärare och elev har för elevers utveckling. Studien baseras på pedagogernas egna uppfattningar av vad implementeringen av SBP har bidragit till. För att utvärdera effekterna och upplevelserna av den samarbetsbaserade problemlösningsmodellen användes det standardiserade bedömningsinstrumentet, The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) samt en egen utformad kvalitativ enkät. Resultatet av denna studie visar att pedagogerna upplever att SBP är ett effektivt verktyg för att hjälpa elever att utveckla bristande sociala, känslomässiga och beteendemässiga färdigheter.

En problemlösningsapplikation för Sveriges schackförbund

The purpose of this project was to investigate whether it was possible to develop a type of application, where users would solve chess problems. The main goal of the project was that there would exist an functional application after the study has ended with which users could solve chess problems on a computer. One subgoal of the project was to create corresponding application for mobile phones. The study was limited to require users to have at least Internet Explorer 9 +. For other browsers, there were no corresponding limitations.

Betong - Förvånansvärt lättflytande!

Concrete is a very common construction material. It´s characteristics are strength, durability and formablility. Superplasticizer is a common admixture, which changes the properties of concrete. Today (spring 2007) there are no certian mathematical methods to calculate the required percentage of this admixture needed to give the necessary set slump flow in the overall concrete recipe. Concrete batching companies must therefor experiment with different amount of superplasticizer in order to meet the specified slump and strength. The purpose og this report is to investigate if any mathematical relation can be established between the amount of superplasticizer used and the slump flow achieved. After carrying out some practical experiments using four different superplasticizers a direct relationship can be establish between the percentage of admixture used and the slump/flowability achieved. Unfortunatly at present due to the numerous variables, the calculation of mathematical formula can not be achieved..

Matematik i förskola : En studie av lek i undervisning

The purpose of my study is to examine how four preschool teachers go about using the term play in children's early mathematical development. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, I have the following questions:How the preschool teachers visualize mathematics in children?s play?What reflections have the preschool teachers about the importance of play for children's mathematical learning in preschool?How do the preschool teachers see on their own role in the children's play?In this study, I have conducted a semi-structured qualitative interviews based on the interviews with four preschool teachers from various departments in a preschool. I have also conducted some observations to complete my study. Whereas in my analysis of the researched material, I have used Vygotsky's theory.The survey shows that the preschool teachers are aware of the use of mathematical language and concepts in children?s different activities which were conducted daily in the preschool.

Konflikthantering : med elever i mindre undervisningsgrupp med psykosociala problem

The purpose of this study is to portray conflict managing associated with children in a small class and what problems they may face each day at school. What types of conflicts and what consequences do teachers practice? This study is based on these following questions:Is there any difference for solving/measure for students with psychosocial problems or ADHD in a conflict or does teachers still works with the same methods?What types of conflict solving does schools use?What is important to consider with students in a small class who has psychosocial problems and ADHD to prevent conflicts?Summary: To answer my questions in this study, I´ve used qualitative methods, interviews and observations. I have used my cellphone for recording the interviews so that all content from the informers are accurate. My theoretical points concerns on having strict rules both inside and outside the classroom.

Efficient Frequency Grouping Algorithms for iDEN

This Master?s Thesis deals with a special problem that may be of importance when planning a frequency hopping mobile communication network. In normal cases the Frequency Assignment Problem is solved, in order to plan the use of frequencies in a network. The special case discussed in this thesis occurs when the network operator requires that the frequencies must be arranged into groups. In this case the Frequency Assignment Problem must be solved with respect to the groups, i.e.

Betydelsen av IT-stöd i problemlösning : Analysverktyg för att studera hur IT-system stödjer problemlösningsstrategier hos servicetekniker

Scania Top Team is a competition where the best mechanics in the world are competing against each other. In 2011, the world final was recorded and this material is now used to see which problem solving strategies these top of the line teams are using to solve the realistic problems assembled in front of them. To help them, the mechanics are allowed to use two of Scanias IT-systems: Scania Multi and Scania Diagnose and Programmer 3. This report consists of two parts. The first part is the development of a method to analyze the recorded material.

Kunskapssystem - ett nytt sätt att betrakta företag

Title:Knowledge system - a new way of observe the company Authors:Malin Pärmborn och Susanne Gidlöf Tutor:Anders Nilsson Department:Department of Business and Management Blekinge Institute of Technology Problem:How can processes of problem solving in a project contribute to generation of organizational knowledge in a knowledge company? Course:Master thesis in Business Economy Purpose:By describe the processes of problem solving in two different projects of our two chosen knowledge companies, we will clarify whether problem solving contributes to the generation of organizational knowledge. The purpose of this research is to increase the management consciousness concerning everyday processes that will contribute to the creation and transfer of knowledge. This is a condition to transfer human capital to structure capital and thereby decrease the company?s vulnerability. Approach:We gathered the data we needed through conversations and interviews with people on the two knowledge companies.

Matematikverkstad : hur kan lärare och elever arbeta där?

The starting point of this work has been to get knowledge about teachers working in a mathematical workshop with the students. I also wanted to investigate what students think about math, both within the workshop and in traditional teaching.To achieve this I chose to interview a teacher in charge within the framework of a mathematical workshop, and six students in the 5th grade. I also did a lesson observation with the purpose to see how well the teacher?s tutoring agrees with the results of the interview.In this study I have discovered that the lessons in the mathematical workshop are planned after what the students are working with in the textbook. The teacher opens the lessons with the whole class and then splits it up in groups.

"Got Skills...?" : En kvalitativ studie om kompetensutveckling baserat pa? StarCraft II

The use of computer games has grown exponentially in the past few years and StarCraft II is one of the most popular e-sports today, played by millions of people worldwide. This study investigates the game?s effect on skills, as perceived by the players of StarCraft II.The study was conducted by using an empirical survey and interviews. The skills being investigated were both physical and mental in their nature. The conclusion was that the majority of players perceived that their skills regarding reaction speed, multitasking, APM, analysis and strategy were increased the most, while there was a smaller change in social skills and language skills.

En studie om styrkor och svagheter hos sudokulösande algoritmer

Sudoku is a popular game of logic in the form of a puzzle. Sudoku puzzles are printed daily in Swedish newspapers. The challenge of solving these puzzles have inspired many programmers to develop Sudokusolving algorithms. These algorithms use different approaches in order to quickly and efficiently solve the puzzles. One such approach is the use of logical strategies initially developed for human players.

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