
Ritualer bland arkeologer - Vad är en ritual?

The goals of this essay are to identify rituals and ritual behavior at the department of archaeology and ancient history at Lund University. To do this a series of empirical examinations was conducted. Observations, interviews and polls revealed that some ritual behavior is in fact present. Two types of rituals were identified; the interaction ritual, as presented by Erving Goffman in the book Interaction Ritual, Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior, in 1967. The second type of ritual is a ?problem solving? ritual, such as meetings. The results of the research conducted at the department of archaeology and ancient history at Lund University are compared with Peter M. Magolda's similar research and results presented in his article ?The Campus Tour?, published in 2000. The rituals at the campus at Miami University, as Magolda describes them, have a somewhat different content and meaning compared to the rituals in Lund. The rituals at the campus in Miami create norms, or ideal states, which work through rituals in different types of communities. The communities are both physical, such as the campus area itself, but also mental communities, such as the values that the university in Miami seek to express. A discussion about the different types of rituals and how they make themselves visible and noted ends the essay.


Joen Leffler

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Arkeologi


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