

8787 Uppsatser om Materiality analysis - Sida 3 av 586

Hur doftar parfymreklamen? : En Studie i hur man kommunicerar doft genom bild i parfymreklamen

With the help of image analysis and scent theory, we have made an analysis that explains how the perfume smells in advertising. There are many different factors that play a role in our perception of smell by image. We have found that using the connotations we can get a sense of the scent. What helps us along the way, the colors, the women and the environment. From this one different conclusions are mad and we create a scent sensation..

I BRÄNNPUNKTEN: Samhällsekonomisk utvärdering av arbetsmarknadsåtgärder. Illustrerad med hjälp av Brännpunkt i Kävlinge 2002-2005

The purpose of this essay is to examine cost-benefit-analysis as a method of evaluation of labour market policy. To illustrate the possibilities and difficulties of the method chapter four contains a partial cost-benefit-analysis of the results of a labour market project in Kävlinge. The questions this essay strives to answer are the following: What possibilities and difficulties do cost-benefit-analyses entail? How would one conduct a cost-benefit-analysis of the project in Kävlinge?The method used in this essay is mainly a literature study of cost-benefit-analysis of labour market programs. The labour market project Brännpunkt is used as an example in a partial cost-benefit-analysis.The applied cost-benefit-analysis of the Brännpunkt project in Kävlinge shows that it is possible to calculate the profit for the society as a whole, given that the necessary information is obtainable.

Datorsystem för kvalitetskontroll och temperaturövervakning med värmekamerateknik

The work was carried out on Termisk Systemteknisk?s office in Linköping. The aim was to create a computer system with infrared camera technology for quality control and temperature monitoring of manufacturing processes in industry. The system should be configurable such that it can be used on several different issues, including those where the real-time analysis of camera images is required.The developed system is based on an existing framework, Panola, to deal with measurement results and images in a database. The framework is built for the system continually check for new data , and the task was to create a foundation upon which to build systems that use the framework, but fully or partially utilize direct calls .

Framtagning av analysmetodik för uppslutning av kemiska produkter

The purpose of this thesis was to develop and optimize a method of analysis for combustion of organic chemical products, followed by an ion chromatographic quantitative analysis. This was to be achieved with the decomposition equipment IKA AOD 1. The aim was to receive a precise and repeatable method that would be able to be applied to the process of qualification and technical marking of chemical products at the company, OKG AB in Oskarshamn. A complete instruction for the decomposition equipment and the method of analysis was written. A number of parameters were chosen from the general method of the combustion equipment, which then was tested parallel with a simultaneous development of an appropriate ion chromatographic method.

Analysmodellen ? verktyget för revisorers oberoende

Aim: The analysis model was introduced after several audit-scandals in order to enhance the confidence in the auditors? independence. Our purpose with this essay is to find out if the auditors experience that the stakeholders? confidence in their review of the financial information has increased as a result of the analysis model. We also strive to describe the function of the analysis model in order to give the reader a deeper understanding in this subject.Method: The scientific approch we have used in this essay is a qualitative survey method, in order to find out the auditors opinion and attitude regarding the analysis model and whether the stakeholders? confidence in the financial information has increased as a result of its introduction.

En upplysning om sexualitet : diskursanalys av det svenska samhällets syn på ungdomars sexualitet

The purpose of this essay is, using discourse analysis, to define how the Swedish society sees sexuality and how this is conveyed to young people. The questions at issue are; How is the term sexuality defined and delimited? How are the young people described in relation to sexuality? Are young people ascribed to different needs and qualities in relation to sexuality depending on their gender?There is previously a lot of research with great multitude about the sexuality of the youth. The research methods vary but text analysis within the subject area is unusual. The material used in this discourse analysis have been published by normative public institutions.

Analys av parathormon och joniserat kalcium i blod hos hund :

The calcium homeostasis in the body is normally strict regulated to be kept within very narrow limits. This regulation is due to the action of parathyroid hormone (PTH) which is synthesized in the chief cells of the parathyroid glands. In different diseases, the calcium homeostasis is disturbed and this could either be due to a dysfunction of the parathyroid gland itself, or it could have a completely different explanation. To investigate disturbed calciumhomeostasis, ionized calcium and PTH can be analyzed from a blood sample. There are a lot of different assays to measure PTH in humans.

"Världens bästa reklamfilm" : En studie i hur reklamfilmerna från ICA är konstruerade för att locka kunderna till konsumtion

This paper sets out to investigate how companies can create advertisement that focus not only on selling but also on entertainment. The research is based on seven TV-commercials produced by the Swedish food chain ICA. The commercials were analyzed according to the methods of discourse analysis, semiotic analysis and rhetorical analysis. Furthermore, the research compares the analysis made with the thoughts and ideas of Tobias Karlsson, Head of marketing and communications development at ICA to find out how the comprehension of the commercials correlate with the original intentions made by the company.The study shows that ICA creates a commercial that contains the perfect mix of rhetorical approaches, communication strategies and entertainment mixed with gravity. The study also shows that ICA fails with its primary goal which is to sell selected products; however, by producing the entertaining commercials, they manage to strengthen their brand.

ADHD som meningsskapande diskurs : om ADHD i socialt arbete i kriminalvården

The aim of this study is to discuss the diagnosis ADHD as a meaning-making discourse that is something more than just a diagnosis with a set of symptoms. I aim to discuss that the diagnosis is productive and can be seen as a means to control and to comfort individuals. The research was based on a method consisting of an idea analysis and a discourse analysis. I am using both a discourse analysis and a critical ideology analysis as perspectives. These perspectives are also based on a general theory of late modernity.

Den Fjärde Basfärdigheten

This analysis is about the fourth basic competence and how you can define it, what it includes and if it is possible to find it in the new curriculum for the Swedish high school; Gymnasiereformen -07. The analysis was focused on the following subjects; Mathematics, Social science and Swedish. The aim with this analysis has been to create a summary in the field of information literacy and to define the fourth basic competence. The analysis were focused on and delimited by the following conceptions; information literacy, digital competence and the information search process. The sources of information has primarily been taken from the field of information literacy and statements from professionals in the fields of information literacy and education.

Osäkerheter vid riskanalyser i samband med transport av farligt gods

Risk analysis in connection with transportation of dangerous goods is associated with great uncertainty. In addition there are a number of specific problems that the risk analyst faces when risks associated with transportation of dangerous goods are to be analysed. In this report those problems and uncertainties are described.One of the most important conclusions in this report is that uncertainty analysis within risk analysis in connection to transportation of dangerous goods has to be made more effective..

Sexköp och fiskmetaforer - En diskursanalys av prostitutionsdebatten 1993-2011

"A discourse analysis of the debate on prostitution 1993-2011" The aim of this essay is to investigate how prostitution is constructed in the debate. The analysis is based off debate articles from four of the biggest Swedish news papers. Articles from two periods of time has been chosen, 1993-1999 and 2008-2011. The specific periods were selected because they revolve around the Swedish ban on the purchase of sexual services in 1999, and when it was evaluated in 2008. With a constructivist aim based on gender research, the themes and subject positions of the debate are explored via discourse analysis.

Gränsöverskridande föreställningar : En analys av dansperformance utifrån tre exempel

The essay is an effort to examine and define three examples of liminal dance performances through an aesthetic, hermeneutic and semiotic analysis. The examples are three dance or liminal performances, made by three different choreographers and performed at ?Moderna Dansteatern? and ?Dansens Hus? in Stockholm during September and October 2005. In the effort to determine the liminal and cross-over in the performances, the analysis focus on aspects such as: the character of the work, choreography, the use of scenery, stage light, requisites, conception of place and interior room, the use of costume and mask, the use of different media as text, pictures, film, and music or not using any these, and the interaction with the audience. The analysis depends on a historical background and the use of literature in the subject.

Diagnosis of Leber?s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) : analysis of MT-ND1, MT-ND4 and MT-ND6 in patients with LHON

Leber´s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), a disease affecting vision, is caused by several point mutations in mitochondrial DNA. Mutations leading to a defect NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase protein will affect the respiratory chain and cause a disturbed ATP production. It is still unknown why this defect leads to the degeneration of retinal ganglion cells and cells in the opticus nerve as well as demyelination of axons in these areas. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA is an important tool in the diagnosis of the disease. At the present time analysis is based on cleavage by restriction enzymes, which only detects two of the most frequent mutations: m.3460G>A and m.11778G>A.

Kvinnligt och manligt i Veckorevyn : - En kritisk diskursanalys

The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .

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