

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 55 av 124

TV4 Sverige och annonspaketet Sumo

Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom en fallstudie titta på TV4 Sveriges säljprocess av deras annonspaket Sumo, genom en modell bearbetad utifrån Roger Bests (2005) andelsutvecklingsträd (eng. Share Development Tree) samt marknadsföringssmixen (eng. Marketing Mix)utifrån Kotler et al. (2002).Metod: Metoden som har använts i denna uppsats är kvalitativ, då syftet var att göra en fallstudie av ett företag. En personlig semistrukturerad intervju med bandspelare genomfördes och två intervjuer via e-post gjordes då dessa två respondenter inte hade tid att träffas personligen.

Problembaserat lärande i historia och elevers motivation

Syftet med denna rapport är tvådelat. För det första görs ett försök att på ett djupare plan studera stödet för användandet av problembaserat lärande som metod inom den gymnasiala historieundervisningen. Det föreligger en stor likhet mellan den problembaserade arbetsmodellen och den metod som historiker i allmänhet använder sig av. Det går också att finna stöd för metoden ur ett samhällsperspektiv. Den snabbt växande, och skiftande kunskapsmassan kräver ett problematiserande, och kritiskt förhållningssätt.

Massdigitalisering och kvalitativ digitalisering: En jämförelse av digitaliseringen på nationalbiblioteken i Norge och Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to compare mass digitization and qualitative digitization, to see how the digitization process and the digitalized material differ. The study emanates from the mass digitization as it is performed at the National Library in Norway, and the qualitative digitization at the Royal Library in Sweden. The method used is document studies combined with mail interviews. The focus is upon the practical operation, to which counts: ?purpose & selection?, ?preparation, image capturing and processing?, ?metadata & text encoding?, ?quality assessment?, ?storage of digital originals and copies? and ?display?.

Diagnostik av Encephalitozoon cuniculi hos kaniner

Encephalitozoon cuniculi är en obligat intracellulär parasit som orsakar sjukdomen encephalitozoonos hos kaniner. Infektion kan även ses hos människor och parasiten är därmed zoonotisk. E.cuniculi-infektion sker via intag eller inhalation av sporer, överföring in utero eller okulär överföring. Predilektionsställen för parasiten är centrala nervsystemet, njurar eller linsen. E.cuniculi är en vanlig parasit hos kaniner men den exakta förekomsten i Sverige är okänd. Att diagnostisera E.cuniculi-infektion hos kaniner är viktigt för korrekt prognos och behandling samt på grund av parasitens zoonotiska potential.

Fairtrade coffee, fair enough? : a study comparing Fairtrade certified coffee producers and uncertified coffee producers in Aceh Tengah, Indonesia

This study compare if there is any differences between Fairtrade certified and uncertified coffee producers in Aceh Tengah, Indonesia. The aim was to compare the way the two groups of farmers produces their coffee and see if there were any differences between them, income, post harvest, production etc. During a visit in the district of Aceh Tengah, producers from both groups were given a questionnaire with questions about their farm and their production. The results of the questionnaires showed that the certified producers felt they had benefits being a part of a certified cooperative. Even with the experienced benefits the certified cooperatives gave the connected producers, like agronomy consultation and workshops the uncertified producers had a higher income from the coffee per hectare. This study also indicated that introduction and presence of Fairtrade and the connection to the world market Fairtrade brings with it, has gained the entire area, for example with more stabile coffee prices..

Boendepedagog: strävan från yrke till profession : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av boendepedagogik

The aim of the study was to look at a particular work group of housing supporters, whomhave implemented two special working methods in their work. The methods have been implemented by two of the housing supporters that also have special education in the methodsSOC (Sense of Coherence) and solution focused brief therapy. The study is based on anethnographic observation and analysis of documents that are used in the implementation. To analyse the information that was given at the observation and in the document I´ve used a theory which illustrates the significance of developing professions so their knowledge become legitimate. I´ve also used a theory that illustrates the importance of implementation and how it´s done at its best.

Informationssystem för service av truckar och städmaskiner

This paper describes the evolutionary development of an information system for a small company. The company performs overhaul of forklifts and cleaning machines. The company has already an information system that handles the reports from these overhauls but it needs a supplementary tool that assist the chief planner to plan forthcoming overhauls.It should be able to display coming overhauls in a timetable and eventually print them, either to a PDF file or to a document. The timetables this function produces will help the chief planner and the assemblers to get a good overview of their day-to-day work.The tool needs to be intelligent in that way that it takes into consideration were in the country different assignments will be performed. So that time consuming travels over great distances can be avoided.

Medborgarinflytande i detaljprocessen : En jämförelse mellan PBL 1987 samt PBL 2010 ur ett demokratiperspektiv

In the year 2002 a commission wasappointed by the government and taskedto clear up possible flaws in the lawgoverning spatial planning (Plan ochbygglagen, PBL). The commission's reportlaid the foundations for a new law whichwas adopted by the Swedish parliament onthe 20th of June 2010 and is scheduledto come into effect on the 2nd of May2011.The purpose of this thesis has been toexamine the changes made in the new law,primarily from a civil-rights point ofview, focusing on the appeal process.This is a highly interesting subjectconsidering one reason behind the newlaw was to simplify and streamline theplanning process while keeping civilrights intact.Through a comprehensive literature studyand interviews with experts the currentplanning process was mapped out andrelevant changes in the new law wereexamined. After the study had beenconcluded we were able to distinguishseveral areas that underwent especiallyinteresting changes;The requirement of a plan program wasremoved and the exhibition process wasremoved and replaced by a writtenreview. Individuals were given thepossibility of requesting a plan notice.The different spatial plan documentswere merged into one single document andthe number of responsible authoritiesfor spatial plans is no longer limitedto one.The study has shown that the aspirationfor a more effective spatial planningprocess has mostly been conducted at theexpense of individual rights.The single biggest obstacle forachieving a democratic planning processis learning how the law works and howthe spatial planning process isimplemented, this is has been proven tobe a very hard and time consuming taskfor individuals to undertake..

Ger läroplanen vägledning? : En fallstudie i hur personal på förskolan tolkar och resonerar kring förskolans uppdrag

I intend to examine how teachers interpret the purpose of preschools and the national curriculum and how they handle any problems rising due to the fact that the curriculum is just an instructional document and freely interpreted. Personnel working within the school system have different opinions on how to maintain a functional educational activity. How do they interpret the national curriculum and why? Are there any similarities or differences between different teacher?s views and is it possible to approach this in a constructive way? Is it really possible that personnel working at Swedish preschools are unaware of their purpose or is there another explanation?In this study I have worked according to the qualitative method and have been conducting interviews with the possibility to open follow-up questions with room for interpretation. A total of six people on four different preschools have been interviewed and their answers have been analyzed as a whole.The result from these six interviews shows that there are both differences and similarities in their interpretations of the purpose of the Swedish preschool.

Vilka hinder förekommer utmed gångstråk och hur kan de åtgärdas : samt hur kommunerna använt resultatet från tillgänglighetsinventeringar och hur de upplevt stödet från Vägverket Region Mälardalen

To be able to compete on the market environmental Management System has become an important part of operations work. However, many companies still haven?t implemented an environmental management systems due to lack of time and the high costs. One of the companies with this problem is Falu Bildemontering. Their goal is to accredited according to the ISO 14 001 certificate.

Karlstad och vattnet : En studie av hur förhållningssättet till översvämningsrisk har förändrats i Karlstads kommun sedan 1950-talet

The location on the river delta of Klarälven, adjacent to lake Vänern, makes Karlstad one of the Swedish cities where a significant flood risk is present. The city has several major floods in its memory which has caused great material damage and economic losses, the latest of which occurred in the winter of year 2000/2001. The purpose of the study is to examine how the approach to flood risk has changed in the municipality of Karlstad since the 1950s, and how this change has affected the current situation regarding the city's vulnerability to flooding. To investigate this, a document analysis was conducted, where key documents in the media and from the municipality of Karlstad was studied. Furthermore, an interview study was conducted with respondents who currently are employed or previously have been employed in the municipality of Karlstad, who in various ways work with issues of flood risk. The result of the study shows that several changes have taken place since the 1950s in terms of the municipality's approach to flood risk, which for instance has led to preventative measures being taken to a greater extent than previously in the physical planning.

På spaning efter Socialpedagogik : en studie om utredningssystemet BBIC

Den här studien utgår ifrån en dokumentanalys med syftet att undersöka på vilket sätt socialpedagogik tar sig uttryck i Socialstyrelsens rapport om utredningssystemet BBIC, Barns behov i centrum. Centrala begrepp för studien är socialisation och inklusion och det är även utifrån dessa vår frågeställning utgår ifrån. Undersökningen är gjord med hjälp av en riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys med ett socialpedagogiskt perspektiv som tolkningsram. I vårt material fann vi två kategorier för inklusion och två för socialisation. Kategorierna för inklusion är Med barnet i fokus, där vikten av barnet som en central del i allt som rör barnet betonas, och Delaktighet, där innehållet tar upp vikten av människors deltagande i barnavårdsärenden och i samhällets olika system.

Originalskrift i flerspråkiga bibliotekskataloger

Romanization as a method in the bibliographic environment makes retrieval difficult in many aspects. The object of this thesis is to illustrate the importance and the possibility to include non-Roman script in the records of the library catalogue. The questions at issue are about the consequences of romanization, the technical requirements for implementing non-Roman script, and bibliographical resources that have been developed during the last 20 years. The thesis is based on a literature study and correspondence with people who are familiar with the subject. The thesis points out that Romanization causes information to be distorted in various ways and is inconsistent with the requirements of exactitude in bibliographic control.

Att minnas det förflutna : Historieskrivning i strävan efter ett gemensamt Sydafrika

This thesis is intended to respond to the extent to which South African textbooks on the subject of history is linked to the governmental policy documents and whether they are producing and reproducing national identity. The two textbooks are aimed at students in grade 10. Both books were produced in 2008 but published by different publishers.The essay is based on Norman Faircloughs critical discourse theory which has been supplemented by Michael Billings theory Banal Nationalism, which assumes that it is the national words that remind us daily of our homeland that is producing and reproducing national identity.  The survey shows that both textbooks are closely tied to the government policy document for the teaching of history. The textbooks refer to the policy, both explicitly and implicitly. The two textbooks reproduce a common national identity in South Africa based on the discussions taking place in society.

Vem har makten över kulturarvet? En fallstudie av urvalskriterier vid digitalisering på Kungl. Biblioteket.

This thesis is performed as a case study, and has had the aim to study who has the power over cultural heritage, by studying the digitization selection criteria at KB and what influences there can be on the digitization selection process. The theory of the arm?s length principle, (Mangset, Kunst og makt, 2013) the professional model, (Rothstein, 2010), that digitization re-shape and re-contextualize cultural heritage material, (Dahlström et al. 2013), and different concepts will influence the digitization selection process has been used in this study. A qualitative research with document study and informant interview and e-mail interview has been conducted.

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