

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 54 av 124

Mätningar och analys av elnätet hos FHP, Basproduktion

This report is a degree project performed at Freudenberg Household Products AB, (FHP). The degree project comprises measurement and analysis of the power net at FHP Basproduction. The content is divided between one theory-part, one document- part with measurements and also conclusions and a list of measures to be taken. During the project the purpose and restriction change from a quality investigation to only concentrate on harmonics and finding the reason why they exist, and also to find a solution to the problem with harmonics. The measurements shows that the power net contains harmonics of different order and intensity.

Dövblindas upplevelser av pedagogiska möjligheter

Studiens syfte är att söka få en utökad kunskap och förståelse för dövblindas upplevelser av sina villkor till högre utbildning och möjligheter till ett pedagogiskt samspel med utbildningspersonal. Det är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på intervjuer med dövblinda respondenter. Intervjuerna har utförts via E-post eftersom det hade blivit allt för tidskrävande och kostsamt med resor till respondenternas hemorter och hjälp från taktiltolk. Respondenterna var från början fem personer med handikappet dövblindhet av olika kön, tyvärr föll två personer ifrån av olika anledningar. Ett hermeneutiskt vetenskapligt perspektiv har använts eftersom detta betonar betydelsen av tolkning och förståelse.

"Skimmer över AIL" - en textanalys om arbetsintegrerat lärande

Syfte: Högskolan Väst har sedan 2002 regeringens uppdrag att utveckla AIL/arbetsintegrerat lärande i högre utbildning. Högskolan ska vara ledande nationellt men också en nyckelaktör internationellt. Syfte för studien var att undersöka vad AIL är och hur AIL praktiseras enligt texter om AIL på högskolans hemsida. Syftet var också att undersöka varför AIL används; d.v.s. vilka argument Högskolan Väst använder sig av i sin marknadsföring av AIL.

Jämförelse av programvaror för konstruktion i råa punktmoln

Laser scanning is a method of surveying that has evolved rapidly in recentyears. The technique is based on a laser scanner set up, which can document a structureusing pulsed laser beams. Each time the laser hits a surface it is partly reflectedback to the scanner that stores the point. By using strategically placed targets, storedpoints from different scans can be merged into a point cloud. A point cloud is avisualization of the scanned object with a very high accuracy.

Analys och utvärdering av trådlösa nätverk i Kalmar : En säkerhetsundersökning

Syftet med arbetet är att ta reda på hur väl privatpersoner informeras om hur de ska skydda sina trådlösa nätverk och varför. Genom arbetet ska följande frågor besvaras:- Vid beställning av bredband inklusive trådlös router från en bredbandsleverantör: informerar leverantören sina kunder om att det trådlösa nätverket bör säkras upp och varför?- Blir man informerad om säkerheten när man köper en trådlös router i en lokal affär?- Skyddar invånare i Kalmar generellt sett sina trådlösa nätverk?Genom användning av kvantitativa metoder i form av observationer har vi svarat på två av frågeställningarna. En kvalitativ metod användes genom att vi skickade enkäter via e-post till fem bredbandsleverantörer.Resultaten från vår undersökning visar att majoriteten av invånarna i Kalmar skyddar sina nätverk, men att det är vanligast med en svag kryptering. Undersökningen visar att informationen från lokala affärer och bredbandsleverantörer är bristfällig..

Svenska Basketbollförbundets Regionsutvecklingsprojekt U15 : En studie av förändringsprocessen för regionsutvecklingsprojektet och regionsledarnas attityder till organisationsförändringen

In 2009, the Swedish Basketball Federation started a Region U15 development project in order to change the structure of the regional organization to get into a more transparent and similar operations throughout the country. My purpose is to study the attitudes to the change among the region leaders in the regional operations and evaluate the change from an organizational perspective. The study is primarily based on the following questions: What are the experiences of the change process among the region leaders in the regional organization? How involved have region leaders been in the changing process? Which are the positive and negative aspects with the regional operation today? What can be done further to develop the regional operation and to what extent do the organizational change follow general organizational theories? In my study, a qualitative method was used in terms of interviews with 8 regional leaders to understand their attitude to the project and the changing process. To analyze the results of the region leaders ?responses, a transcription have been made.

Rektors systematiska kvalitetsarbete ur ett helhetsperspektiv

A systematic quality work is essential for anyone working in preschool, school,kindergarten and adult education to give children and students an equal education.Skollagen (2010:800) indicates that quality work should be focused on the nationalgoals of education. According to Skolverkets allmänna råd med kommentarer omsystematiskt kvalitetsarbete - för skolväsendet (2012) is the work to develop quality acontinuous process. Everyone's involvement and participation is therefore essential.Systematic quality work means to systematically and continuously monitor theactivities, analyze performance against national targets and based on that plan anddevelop. Although the work has been driven outside governmental policy documentssince 1997 shows, among others, Skolinspektionens audits of municipalities andschools that there is major deficiencies in the obligation to conduct a systematicquality work. It appears that more than half of the surveyed schools had deficienciesin its system quality work.This is the starting position this study takes on to and through literature review,document studies and interviews of principals is the subject problematized.

SCA Skogs arbetsmetoder för att fastställa nyttan av en väginvestering

The basis of road investments is to minimize the transportation cost. The forest industry wants roundwood to be available during the whole year. One way of determine which road to invest in is to do a cost/benefit calculation. SCA Forest lacks a uniform approach to determine the utility of a road investment. The goal of this report is to describe how the organization works today and find areas of improvement. The data collection was done through interviews.

?Man får inte vara som man vill? : En studie om hur ett antal barn i årskurs 3 diskuterar normer och normbrott

The aim of this study is to investigate how 20 children discusses norm breaking based on a children?s book with a focus on following questions:How do the children discuss norms based on the children?s book?Are there differences in opinions and comments between children with Swedish as their first language and children with Swedish as a second language, and if so, which ones?The investigation is based on four discussions of children?s literature, which are a method Chambers (2004) means enable the children to put their thoughts and feelings about the book into words.The theoretical frame of the study is founded on post-structuralism feminism and particularly Butler (Ambjörnsson, 2010) and Davies (2003) theories about gender and gender roles.The investigation shows, among other things, that the children are basing their discussions on the norms accepted by the society. But it also shows that there are differences in the way that the children with Swedish as a first language and Swedish as a second language discusses norm breaking. .

Motivation till motion : hur gruppträningsinstruktörer upplever att de påverkar motionärerna i fråga om motivation till motion

En stor andel människor i Sverige har en stillasittande fritid, ett stillasittande arbete eller är fysiskt inaktiva. Folkhälsoinstitutet (2010) rekommenderar minst en halvtimmes fysisk aktivitet per dag. Denna rekommendation kan vara enklare att nå upp till när människor hittar en träningsform som är rolig och motiverande. Gruppträningspass med instruktör har visat sig fungera motiverande (Olsson & Stalsky, 2010). Därför syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur instruktörer upplever att motionärerna blir motiverade av deras metoder till att motivera dem.

Bilder av konflikternas Sydafrika : Två svenska lokaltidningars rapporteringar om Sowetoupproret i Sydafrika 1976

In the year of 2006 I moved to South Africa for a year, a land that has fascinated me because of its history. During the time of my stay I became very surprised how strongly apartheid permeates the community where the white South Africans today are building walls around themselves. Through media we get surrounded with pictures that media creates and to find information regarding what?s happening in the world this is, most often, the primary source. Therefore I believe it?s interesting to explore how two different local newspapers from the county of Kalmar, with two different ideologies, present pictures of the same event, namely the revolt of Soweto in 1976 and how these two newspapers relates to racial policies.

"En drottning behöver ingen kung" : En studie om kvinnans gestaltning i QX magasin

The portrayals of women in lifestyle magazines has been a continuous subject in genderresearch, but have mainly been focused on research about heterosexual women. However, how women are being portrayed through editorial content in an LGBT magazines have shown to be a gap in gender research.The purpose of this study was to find out how female identities were portrayed in theeditorial content in the LGBT magazine QX ? Sweden?s largest magazine aimed atmembers of the LGBT community in Sweden.The analysis of the material was conducted through a semiotic and a narrative analysis. Patterns and reoccurring themes were selected, and furthermore were analysed againstfeminist theories and views such as queer theory, radical feminism and post-modernfeminism.Four different gender archetypes derived from the result of the study: The strongfemale, The passive female, The stereotypical female, and The intimate female. Thestudy did show that women featured in QX magazine were portrayed throughheteronormative patterns, although the magazine represents a larger alternative group..

Byte av kontaktdonsgränssnitt för Scania bromssystem

This master thesis was carried out at Scania in Södertälje, Sweden. It investigates the possibility of changing a connector interface that is used when there is a need for splicing the wheel speed sensor and thereby determine the consequences.The problems that exist with the current connector interface occur during assembly, as more time is required to complete a connection in a reliable manner. A complete connection requires joining the male and female connector, insert the connection into a protective retainer and then strap a cable tie on each end of the retainer. This process makes it more time consuming and it requires 20-30 seconds to complete the connection. Solving this problem would save time and enable easier assembly, therefore resulting in economical benefits.This thesis was accomplished through discussions with different sections at Scania, studying available documentations, observations during assembly, writing a requirement specification and contacting suppliers.The aforementioned methods resulted in four connector suggestions, the DT and DTMH connector from Deutsch, MCON connector from TE connectivity and MLK connector from Kostal, each of them compliant with the set demands of the surrounding environment.

Att utvärdera vetenskapliga tidskrifter: En kritisk analys av Journal Impact Factor: en metod inom citeringsanalys.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make a critical analysis of Journal Impact Factor JIF. JIF is today the most widespread quantitative measure for evaluating scientific journals. Although it is internationally used and is considered authoritarian many problems have been observed. This has led to that the validity of JIF has been questioned. To identify JIFs limitations the following issues have been raised: Which are the problems with citation analysis? What criticisms have been directed towards Journal Impact Factor as a measure for evaluating scientific journals? The theoretical framework consists of theories about citation behaviour and a discussion about the characteristics of a scientific journal.

Kristian Lundbergs gudomliga komedi : En intertextuell analys av Yarden, Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset och Och allt skall vara kärlek

This essay explores the intertextual qualities in and between Kristian Lundberg?s works Yarden, Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset and Och allt skall vara kärlek. Read as a trilogy, it bears a thematic resemblance to Dante Alighieri?s Divine Comedy; an autofictional depiction of emancipation from alienation by grace. To reach this conclusion, I use Julia Kristeva?s theory of intertextuality and Roland Barthes? post-structuralist differention of Work and Text together with his notion of the Paper-Author.

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