

3352 Uppsatser om Marketing function - Sida 65 av 224

Sälj- och köpprocessen av IT-relaterade tjänster

Background: Companies and organizations of today spend large amounts of money on IT-based business solutions. Such business solutions normally include business- consulting and software-creation (IT-related services). Due to the rapid development of the technology within this field of business the IT-customers find it difficult to select among potential suppliers on objective grounds.Purpose: To increase the understanding for the professionl approach of the people involved in the sales- and purchase process of IT-related services in a business-to-business context. The study is taking the buyers'as well as the sellers'perspective into account when analyzing the process. Method: The empirical findings were collected from eight companies in Linköping and Stockholm.

Starkare varumärke genom användande av sociala medier : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Volkswagen Sverige

Problem-definition: How companies work with social media to strengthen their brand equity and what other purposes might lay behind this usage.Purpose: How Volkswagen Sweden use social media in order to strengthen their brand equity.Method: Qualitative case- study of Volkswagen Sweden where a number of respondents will be interviewed with the help of a semi structured interview guide.Theories: A number of theories in the field of brand equity and communication theory will be used in this paper, some of these theories are, Post-model, Social technographics ladder, brand equity and word of mouth.Empiric: A semi-structured interview guide will be shaped from theory and answered through interviews with people who have knowledge within the field.Conclusions: Extracted from the results the research members has identified a number of important factors that business should consider when they work with social media or planning to. They have also answered how business can strengthen their brand equity with social media..

Varumärkesexponering i televisionen : - en jämförelse mellan SVT och TV4 2003 och 2006

AbstractTitle: Brand exposure in television. A comparison between SVT and TV4 2003 and 2006.Number of pages: 57 including appendixAuthor: Axel VictorinPeriod: Spring 2008Course: Media and Communication studies CUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalance of brand exposure in Swedish public service television, SVT and TV4. The Swedish public service TV broadcasting company, Sveriges Television (SVT) advertises itself as purveyor of free television, without commercial or political interference. A B-level essay, written some years ago, showed that the SVT policies were not always observed throughout the entire organisation. The aim of this essay is, by using quantitative research, to study whether SVT is letting commercial interests have their say in the programmes by exposing brand names and logotypes.Material/method: The study is performed through examining 40 hours of television from SVT and 40 hours from TV4, as reference.

Branding in Trade Unions - case of Unionen

Trade Unions are finding it increasingly challenging to appeal to employees and all trade unions alike are encountering new challenges to attract and retain members. Additionally a more diversified and educated labor market is creating demands for trade unions to better meet individual needs. The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the role of branding in Unionen, the largest white-collar trade union in Sweden, and how branding efforts help in attracting and retaining trade union members. The theoretical foundation of this thesis is based on theories related to corporate branding and relationship marketing. Furthermore, the study develops and introduces the concept of member branding in the context of trade unions.

Applikationsutveckling med nätverkstrafikfunktioner : En jämförelse av tre mobilplattformar avseende nätverkstrafikfunktioner

The objective of this study was to examine three common mobile phoneplatforms in relation to their network traffic features. The platforms to beexamined are Android, iOS 5 and Windows Phone. After the investigation wascompleted a prototype application was implemented in order to demonstratethese features in the most suitable platform. The application will function as atelephone call exchanger. In addition, the application must also send the userstatistic to a Web server, accept contacts from a Web server, as well as having aspecial administration part in which the userstatistc can be presented.

Reklamfilm av nyskapande och kreativ karaktär

This paper consists of a comprehensive look at the advertising industry as a whole and communication mould various guises in the context of technology development. It also describes a production in the form of a commercial for a network of ten companies called The Lodge. The result is discussed based on questions on the subject communications and marketing. The discussions of this work will then be transferred to a proposal for further research..

Media advertising in Europe - The issue of standardisation from both the business and legal perspective

It is clear that media advertising is one of the crucial marketing tools for companies in order to promote their products and services. As we are moving towards more and more economic integration, both on a regional and global scale, the question about standardisation of media advertising has become increasingly important and is nowadays subject to discussion in most international companies. This thesis deals with the issue of standardisation in a region where the process of political, legal and especially economic integration is taking its course, but where cultural and linguistic diversity is still a remaining fact: Europe. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential gains from a standardised advertising approach but also to identify its limitations. Especially on a market place like Europe, with its diverse cultural and linguistic background, a fully standardised approach might be difficult to implement.

Kackel, kvitter eller pip - uttryckssätten i twitterskogen är många. En kvantitativ studie om olika strategiers potential på Twitter.

Internet and social networks have become important features in today?s society. We spend numerous hours on browsing and communicating through these platforms. This development has also led to a shift of power from businesses to consumers. Today?s consumers have more control of if, when and what messages they are exposed to.

Bloggning- en ny pjäs i marknadsföringsspelet. : En kvalitativ studie av företagsbloggen som kanal för marknadskommunikation.

 Bloggen har under senare år vuxit i popularitet, både bland privatpersoner och företag. En mängd praktiker har hyllat bloggen som det nya kommunikationsmediet inom marknadsföring, främst på grund av bloggens potential att skapa förtroende och bygga dialog med företagets kunder.Marknadsföringen har idag blivit mer utmanande och företagen får allt svårare att vinna kundernas uppmärksamhet i dagens informationstäta samhälle. Kraven på företagens kommunikation förändras: kunderna vill bli talade med istället för till och det finns ett tilltagande behov av att kommunikationen ska bygga förtroende med externa publiker. En trend som kan uppfattas är att alltfler företag går mot ett relationsorienterat synsätt av marknadsföring för att knyta kunderna närmare sig.Trots företagsbloggens ökande populäritet är de många företag som väljer att inte blogga. Orsakerna menas vara rädsla för exponering.

Formgivning av ögonduschkork : Examensarbete, formgivning

This Master thesis was written for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping concerning the layout of their finished goods inventory and unloading of feed after introducing a new product mix. Lantmännen Agroetanol has two production lines which produces feed. Both lines lead to six silos, used as inventory of finished goods. The feed from the two production lines differ in terms of quality, where as Lantmännen Agroetanol wants to separate their finished inventory in order to charge a higher price, by selling the better product as a premium. With two different feed products the yearly revenue is expected to increase which motivates a research about the current capabilities and necessary changes to be made in the factory.

Att be om hjälp utan att fråga

This report is our Master thesis. Our work has taken place at a one-stop-shop in Sölvesborg during the spring of 2002. We have conducted ethnographical studies concerning the one-stop-shops frontdesk and telephone exchange. During these studies we became aware of some differences under which the daily work was to be carried out. When operating the switchboard the staff usually work alone and perform the tasks individually.


Have you ever had problems sorting your cables, are the winders you use too big and crude then the EC-winder is the product for you. The EC-winder concept is a compact and intelligent winder for home application. Its simple design and subtle looks enables it to blend in with the surrounding environment. Its function is designed so that it with ease can be handled by any one after only a couple of instructions. You simply thread the cable trough the opening on the winder and then you rotate the upper part until the cable reaches the desired length. After use the winder can be opened to enable easy extraction of the cable..

Göteborgs konstmuseibibliotek : En skildring av bibliotekets historia till och med 1939

The subject of this thesis is the history of the library at The Göteborg Museum of Art. The aim of the thesis is to depict and analyze the emergence and the expansion of the library?s holdings until 1939. To fulfill the aim, two questions are asked. The first question is: Is it possible to argue that the library?s holdings were collected to document the entire world of art? The question is formulated in relation to a comment by Susan Wyngaard.

Från naturkatastrofdrabbat kaos till rofylld solpaus : En studie om hur reseföretag marknadsför en krisdrabbad destination

Syftet med vår studie är att först ta reda på hur reseföretag har han-terat en katastrofsituation på en destination för att sedan kunna hitta strategier som ter sig lämpliga kring marknadsföringsarbetet för att locka tillbaka resenärer till den drabbade destinationen. Vi har valt att fokusera vår uppsats kring tsunamikatastrofen 2004 och hur olika reseföretag har gått till väga för att vinna tillbaka sina kunders förtroende.Vi har i denna uppsats valt att använda oss utav en kvalitativ me-tod med en abduktiv och fenomenologisk ansats då vårt syfte är att undersöka fenomenet tsunamikatastrofen 2004 i Thailand och ta reda på hur reseföretag har hanterat katastrofsituationen. Den abduktiva ansatsen har varit central under arbetets gång då vi har kompletterat teorin allt eftersom empirin vuxit fram. Vår empiri består av fem stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som har stor erfarenhet och kompetens inom det undersökta området.Vi har utgått från en modell som förklarar hur återhämtnings-processen för en destination bör gå till och implementerat denna modell på reseföretag. De marknadsföringsfaktorer som vi under uppsatsens gång sett vara extra vitala är relationen med kunder samt relationen med media för att kunna återhämta sig efter en kris.

Upplevelsemarknadsföring enligt Generation Y: En fallstudie med undersökning om målgruppens erfarenheter kring upplevelsemarknadsföring

Då samhället har utvecklats från att ha gått från informationssamhälle till ett upplevelsesamhälle ställs det högre krav på att företag och organisationer ska se individen och dess behov av meningsskapande. Upplevelser används inte bara för att sälja produkter och tjänster, utan även i marknadsföringen av dem. Marknadsföringsbranschen är också i ständig utveckling för att hitta nya kreativa vägar och lösningar att nå ut till sina konsumenter. I dag är människor konstant uppkopplade på nätet via sina smarta mobiler och surfplattor. Ungdomar i denna fallstudie, även kallade generation Y, har visat sig ha en stor påverkan på utvecklingen av internetbaserade tjänster och produkter.

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