

3352 Uppsatser om Marketing function - Sida 52 av 224

Smakar konsumenter med ögonen En undersökning om förpackningens visuella attributs inverkan på smakupplevelsen av singelmaltwhisky

Packaging has had little impact in marketing literature. Research has focused on a single transaction approach. Lately researchers are looking at packages as a tool for brand building purposes. Thus, the focus is moving towards a multiple transaction approach, where packages can affect the consumer also after the purchase. For a range of goods extrinsic cues has been shown to have stronger effect on consumers' evaluation than intrinsic ones.

Fibulas vikingaby på Åland - En undersökning om hur man kan förbättra, utveckla och tillföra nya idéer till en nutida vikingaby

In this essay I try to look into how to bring a new concept to an already established Viking village and how to develop the existing one. This essay also sheds light on some negative sides that a Viking village can experience in their activity.I have interviewed responsible persons at three different Viking villages: Foteviken Museum and Viking Reserve, Fornföreningen Fibulas Viking village and VikingaTider. I have also examined different kinds of literature dealing with my chosen Viking villages.I came to the conclusion that I should have chosen an other Viking village than VikingaTider because a lot of VikingaTiders activity hasn´t really started yet. On the other hand it has been interesting to see how they are trying to start the activity and which their plans are. I could have chosen an other already established Viking village to get a more varied material.There are a lot of things that Fibula can do to improve, develop and bring new aspects to their concept.I have found both advantages and disadvantages with the different Viking villages activity and strategi.

Automatisk benplockare för lax : En vidareutveckling av befintlig prototyp

This thesis describes a further development of an existing prototype named Automatic pin bone remover. The further development was requested from the Swedish consulting firm ATM AB. The request of automatic pin bone removers is high and has the potential to be a worldwide leading product.The goal with the thesis work is to further develop an existing prototype. In order to achieve the goal a pre-study of the prototype had to be made in order to define a customer demand specification. The thesis work is then continued by a function analysis which differs from a conservative one.

Användarspridd reklam på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie om hur användarspridd information på Facebook uppfattas av användarna

In this Bachelor?s essay we discuss whether eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) is perceived as advertisement or as normal information, which is not influenced by any company, on the platform Facebook. The information which we were interested in is the one spread by normal users, and user?s perception of it. To find our results we have conducted a study in which we have used the method interview, which gives qualitative results.

Biblioteksbloggen ? en studie om realisering av bloggverksamheter vid folkbibliotek

The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of and examine how library blogs are realized at public libraries together with the views among librarians regarding the realization of library blogs.The questions we wanted to answer were: ? How is the library blog realized at the public libraries in this study? ? What are the views among the librarians in this study regarding the realization of the library blogs?The analytical model in this thesis is Connie Crosby?s six steps on how libraries successfully can realize their blogs. Four of the six steps were selected: planning, implementation, marketing and measures of success. The methodology used for this study was semi-structured interviews. Two interviews were conducted with three librarians that have partial responsibility of their respective library blogs.The results of the study show that the process of the library blog can look different in different libraries, and that the respondents had clear views on how the realization of a blog should be done.

Utvecklingen av ett nytt såghandtag

SNA Europe?s handsaw concept is called ?Bahco Handsaw System? and is constituted by a saw handle with the possibility to switch between different saw blades. The sales of ?Bahco Handsaw System? products have not achieved the desired results probably due to the high price. Developing a more cost efficient handle, enabling a lower consumer price of the product, is assumed to increase the sales volume.

Ambush marketing. En studie och analys av det rättsliga skydd som erbjuds stora idrottsevenemang i Sverige med anledning av ambush marketing

Ambush marketing kan kortfattat beskrivas som en marknadsföringsstrategi där någon associerar sin produkt eller sitt företag med ett stort idrottsevenemang utan att ha betalat någon sponsringsavgift. Fenomenet har fötts och utvecklats i takt med en allt mer sofistikerad sponsringsmarknad där sponsorer givits exklusiv rätt att utnyttja den goodwill som förknippas med ett evenemang. I Sverige finns ingen reglering som specifikt tar sikte på ambush marketing eller stora idrottsevenemang. Istället är varumärkes- och marknadsföringsrätten av enskilt störst betydelse. Internationellt har dock flertalet länder infört s.k.

Möbius sekvens -Möbius sekvens samt effekter av leendekirurgi hos en person

Möbius sequence is a rare condition where affected cranial nervesoften lead to speech deviations due to reduced oral motor functioning. Thisstudy aimed to survey speech deviations, compensatory strategies and selfperceptionof speech in seven people with Möbius sequence, and to linkthese to oral motor function and intelligibility. Additionally, the immediateeffects of smile surgery were investigated in one person. The abovementioneddomains were studied instrumentally, perceptually and throughstructured interviewing. All participants displayed reduced oral motorfunction.

De traditionella flygbolagens överlevnad på den skandinaviska marknaden : en studie om SAS Sverige

The traditional airlines exist on a market that is distinguished by an increasing competition. They are often partly or completely owned by the government and are characterized by slow decision making. Because of their existing structure and old business culture the traditional airlines find it hard to use price as a means of competition. Consequently the traditional airlines need to create loyalty amongst their customers. The purpose of this essay was to analyze and evaluate SAS long-term marketing strategies through a comparative study of the companies? management, employees and customers.

Effect of TV displays on impulse purchase

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Rekryteringsstrategier inom marknadsföring och kommunikation : En kvalitativ studie avhur individer och organisationer hanterar sökandet efter medarbetare/arbetsgivare och hur rekryterare skapar matchning

This paper describes and analyzes how individuals and organizations that operate in careers in communications and marketing deal with the search for employees / employers, and how recruiting managers and recruitment consultants are working to create a match between the parties. The study was conducted on behalf of a recruitment agency that offers services in recruiting and staffing for organizations in communication and marketing. The empirical material consists of ten qualitative interviews from three different perspectives on the labor market, recruitment consultants, managers and employees. The interviews were analyzed from sociological and social psychological theories of organizations and individuals opportunities and strategies in today's western labor market. Conclusions that emerged are that organizations need for decreased amount of tied assets provides increased need for temporary employments.

Pedagogik - konsultens marknad

PurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the market of pedagogic consulting and how the customers look upon these kinds of services and what the consultants think about the market. The following five questions were investigated:What is the situation of the market of pedagogic consulting?-          What needs and what demands are there of pedagogical consulting services? -          What are the economic possibilities for schools and municipalities to buy professional development and consulting services?What do schools and municipalities think about their needs and what do they think about buying professional development from consultants?-          How are the professional development offerings of the consultants recieved by schools and municipalities and is there a difference between the private and public sector of education? -          What impact could professional development have on schools?In what way is the marketing for pedagogic consulting done?Method In this study I have chosen to have a qualitative approach with an abductive perpective. I made these choices to get closer to what I wanted to investigate. Through the abductive methodology it was possible to go between theory and empirics.

Läkares användning av medicinska tidskrifter ? Är sjukhusbibliotekets bestånd en viktig källa?

The purpose of this study is to find out how and to what extent doctors use the hospital library?s collection of print and electronic medical journals. Major changes have the last years occurred in the journal collection. The journals are very costly and little is known about the user satisfaction with them. Therefore it?s important to examine how satisfied the users are with the collection and how they utilize it.

Läsningens funktion på sjukhus. En kvalitativ studie av sjukhusbibliotekariers syn på barn- och ungdomspatienters läsning

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how a number ofhospital librarians look at child and youth patients' reading and itspossible role in a mental and physical healing process. We alsoinvestigate the knowledge, strategies and thoughts the librarianshave on bibliotherapy.Qualitative interviews have been used and seven librarians, at twodifferent hospital libraries with children's and youth activities, wereinterviewed during November and December 2011. The analysis isbased on one theory; we use Sten Furhammar?s model whichincludes four different categories of reading.We can see, according to the librarians? answers, that the mostcommon function of the patients? reading can be explained throughtwo of Furhammar?s categories. Our respondents believe that thepatients mostly read to relax from heavy thoughts and situationswhich can be connected to the category impersonal experiencereading.

Offentlig skyddad anställning: vad händer?

The Forthcoming Essay concerns the publicly protected employment (Offentligt skyddad anställning), it's content and what actually happens to its participants after they have retrieved it. We have also, during our research, discovered a great lack of background research concerning this subject. Beside statistics and publicly protected employment rulework there only exist a small amount of research. This is mainly focused on people with physical function disorders and socialmedicial function.Of that we believe there is an urgent need to undertake more research in this unexplored sector of the labour market. Our purpose with this essay was to examine what happened to publicly protected employment -participants after they had undergone the process.- In what ways has the participation in publicly protected employment altered their possibilities on the labour market?- What happens to the participants when they after the participation in publicly protected employment as judged qualified not for the labour market?In this essay we have chosen a qualitative method as an approach, mainly because we consider our material as being qualitative in its character.

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