

3352 Uppsatser om Marketing function - Sida 53 av 224

Barnbibliotekariers kompetens och kärnkunskaper på området litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande arbete

This paper conducts a qualitative examination based on interviews with six childrens librarians. The purpose is to put a perspective on the librarians competence and focal knowledge within the area of reading promotion and reading stimulation aimed for children, and also to examine how this competence and knowledge is constructed. The work is based on the following questions: How do childrens librarians experience reading promotion and reading stimulation within their profession? Which competence and what knowledge do childrens librarians experience as most important in order to make their work with reading promotion and reading stimulation function? What can be concluded regarding the construction of their competence and knowledge? The analysis is carried out from theories about competence, tacit knowledge and reading promotion. Following primary conclusions are drawn from the study: The professional role is mainly experienced as promoting reading as pleasure, but also as an important factor for childrens language development.

Marknadsföring på webbplatser för ungdomar. Hur bibliotekarier arbetar med bibliotekets webbplats för att nå ut till ungdomar

The aim of this study was about how librarians in Sweden work with their web page to reach young people between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. Most of the youths in Sweden today use Internet every day for several reasons, and the library should have an obvious place there as well. It shouldbe obvious because almost all youths uses Internet every day and therefore the library needs to be seen there as well to reach out to them. Earlier research has shown that librarians and youths think differently in this question. Youths think that the library web page is more important for the librarythan the librarians do.How do the librarians work with marketing for youths on the web page? Do their policy documents help them in their work?To study this area we have interviewed librarians from six quite large public libraries from different parts of thecountry.

Rehabilitering med samtal och yoga i grupp : En utvärdering av Akademiska Sjukhusets projekt för cancerpatienter

Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the effects of ?Rehabilitation with psychotherapy and yoga in group? with cancer patients, regarding physical, social, emotional and functional wellbeing. The participants? health and satisfaction with the project were also evaluated. Method: The evaluation was made with quantitative method and descriptive, longitudinal design.

"En skola för alla" med specialklasser? : En intervjustudie bland lärare angående deras uppfattning om specialklasser

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

Gerillakriget : En kvalitativ studie om taget utrymme

Forskningsfråga: Vad karaktäriserar framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att tydliggöra de väsentliga inslagen i gerillamarknadsföring för att öka förståelsen för denna marknadsföringsmetod. Vi gör detta genom att analysera och klarlägga kärnan i gerillamarknadsföring, metodens olika inslag samt dess styrkor och svagheter. Vi kommer sedan att analysera den funktion gerillamarknadsföring kan ha i företags och organisationers samlade marknadsföring. Metod: Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ studie som utgått från en deduktiv ansats med en induktiv karaktär. Den empiriska datainsamlingen gjordes främst utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter med spetskompetens inom det valda forskningsämnet. Slutsats: Vår studie visar att framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring karaktäriseras av stor kreativitet, men att gerillaaktiviteten inte får ta över budskapet.

Det öppna vardagsrummet ? Folkbiblioteket som mötesplats i den svenska dagspressen.

The purpose of my essay is to study the current debate on public library as a meeting place in the Swedish daily press. I have examined how the meeting function is used and how it is perceived and what it might mean to the public library. Through a selection process, I chose 18 relevant newspaper articles from the year 2006 to 2012. By implementing a content analysis, three themes were distinguished; ?the meeting place as a place to reside on?, ?the meeting place as an inclusion? and ?the meeting place as a culture and activity house? I have used Andersson, Scot-Hansen and Rabers theoretical models of the library's roles for my analysis.

Saklighet, öppenhet och profilering : arbete med information och marknadsföring på Linköpings universitet

With this essay we have had the intention of observing Linköping University as an example of a public authority undergoing change. In the information society of today, the increasing competition and internationalization affects, not only companies and organizations, but also the public sector. After having been concerned with neutral information spread only, according to"the third mandate", employees at the Department of Information at Linköping University has also started dealing with marketing, so as to increase the recruitment of students. As a result of this, the work team has been divided into an editorial staff and a department with emphasis on market issues. To strengthen the trademark of Linköping University one has chosen to mediate certain values representative for the university - an interdisciplinary and innovative approach and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Värdering och redovisning av varumärken : En studie av företag noterade på OM Stockholms Fondbörs A-lista

Background: Accounting of intangible assets have increased during the last years which have created a debate about if trademarks should be accounted as assets with the uncertainty of the value in mind. Valuation and accounting of trademarks are of interest for accountants and investors. These should be able toget information about the assets that are of importance for the company. A solid brand can be of great value for a company, which should be accounted for. Purpose: The purpose of this master is to examine the function of the brand in the different companies in the study and map the definitions that the different companies have of brands.

Entreprenöriell marknadsföring : Hur marknadsförs småföretag startade av entreprenörer

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och precisera innebörden av entreprenöriell marknadsföring sett ur småföretags perspektiv samt huruvida marknadsföringsmetoderna karaktäriseras av entre-prenören eller av den bransch som denne är verksam i. Metod: För att uppnå vårt syfte valde vi att genomföra en kvalitativ studie. Studien bestod av fem djupintervjuer med entreprenörer i Karls-krona. Vid intervjutillfället lade vi även fram ett case för att få en djupare insikt i hur entreprenörerna skulle agera i en given situa-tion. Detta för att de verkar i olika branscher.

Reklam i mobilen? En studie av förutsättningarna för tidningsföretag att använda mobiltelefon som marknadsföringskanal

Titel Reklam i mobilen? En studie av förutsättningar för tidningsföretag att använda mobiltelefonen som marknadsföringskanal Författare Beata Jungselius Kurs MK1500 - Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Termin VT-09 Uppdragsgivare Dagspresskollegiet Handledare Oscar Westlund Syfte Att studera förutsättningarna för tidningsföretag att använda mobiltelefonen som marknadsföringskanal. Metod Omvärldsanalys med hjälp av analysmodellen PEST samt intervjuer Huvudresultat Mobiltelefonen som marknadsföringskanal har visat sig vara väl lämpad för olika former av marknadsföringsåtgärder för tidningsföretag. Särskilt väl kan den antas fungera för tidningsföretag som utlåter annonsutrymme i form av så kallade reklambanners på sin mobilanpassade webbsida då dessa i regel ger ett högt observationsvärde såväl som en hög klickfrekvens. SMS-utskick kan även de fungera väl, förutsatt att mottagaren gett företaget tillåtelse att kontakta dem på detta vis helst på eget initiativ.

Hur betydelsefull är CRM data? : En studie om användandet av CRM-system inom livsmedelskedjorna ICA och Coop

During the last few decades a new kind of business operation have developed and this hasforced organisations to adapt themselves to a new competitive environment characterized byincreased customer demands as well as a larger amount of competitors. Therefore companieshave had a shift in their strategies from focusing on sales numbers to focusing on thecustomer. To build lasting customer relationships, in order to create customer loyalty, havebecome an important part of the organisational strategy and the collection of consumer datais essential in achieving this loyalty. Customer relationship management systems assistorganisations in managing information about individual customers as well as managing allaspects of customer contact, with the purpose of increasing customer loyalty towards thecompany. The collection of consumer data also enables for companies to design personalizedoffers to individual customers in the form of direct marketing.

Psykiska avståndets påverkan på internationell handel

The global market is becoming increasingly integrated and to keep up with growing competition and to achieve even greater success, companies expand to foreign markets. Previous studies have shown that the concept of psychic distance has an important impact on international performance regarding small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The aim of our study is to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of how psychic distance influences export performance regarding Swedish SMEs. Through a single case study of a Swedish SME, we chose to research three different markets in three different continents. Our findings show that psychic distance influences export performance through export marketing strategy and active learning.

Perceptuell och akustisk bedo?mning av ro?stfunktion hos barn med tonsillhypertrofi : Effekter av kirurgi

In Sweden over 10.000 patients annually, mostly children, undergo tonsillar surgery. The most common surgical method is total removal of the tonsil, tonsillectomy (TE). During the last decade partial tonsil resection, tonsillotomy (TT), has been reintroduced and is associated with lower primary morbidity and less postoperative pain. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if and to what extent 4-5 year old children?s voice function are affected by tonsillar hypertrophy compared to controls and to study the effects of the two surgical techniques on vocal function.

Se inte ner på golvmarknadsföring! - En kvantitativ studie om effekter av golvmarknadsföring i köpcentrummiljöer

Shopping malls have been growing in numbers during the last few decades. As an effect, consumers are increasingly placing a greater amount of their purchases under one roof. The problem is that stores within these malls have to fight for the consumers' attention in competition with all the other stores. Thus, making consumers noticing their store is critical for success. Creating attention through floor advertising could be a potential way of doing so.

Funktioner och roller i skolbiblioteket ? En studie av två F-6-skolor i Växjö

The purpose with this study is to examine school-leaders?, school-librarians? and teachers? expectations and aims for their school-libraries at two different schools in the city of Växjö. The study is based on these five questions:· How do school-leaders, school-librarians and teachers think about learning?· What function does the school-library have?· What roles do school-leaders, school-librarians and teachers have in the school-library?· How do school-leaders, school-librarians and teachers experience the co-operation in the school-library?· How would school-leaders, school-librarians and teachers wish that the co-operation should be?To be able to answer these questions I have done thirteen qualitative interviews and studied literature relevant to the subject. Three different theories are used as a theoretical framework; the traditional perspective, individual constructivism and social constructivism.

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