

7026 Uppsatser om Management - Sida 36 av 469

Private equity - styrning av tre portföljbolag; En komparativ fallstudie av ett buyout-bolags styrning av tre portföljbolag

By identifying effects that a buyout-firm has on Management control systems in its portfolio companies, the aim of this thesis is to explain how such effects differs between the companies and finally to explain why the effects differs even though the companies are owned by the same buyout-firm. The study is conducted as a qualitative case study based on interviews with representatives from the studied buyout-firm and three of its portfolio companies.By analyzing the empirical findings with frameworks and theories within Management control systems and value creation, we cannot only identify effects that are common for all portfolio companies but we can also observe differences between the portfolio companies.The identified effects that are common for all portfolio companies are: increased internal reporting burden, increased perceived risk of getting laid off among managers and co-workers and replacement of the board immediately after acquisition.The effects that are observed only for two portfolio companies are: increased focus on short-term planning, higher financial targets, replacement of company Management upon acquisition and moving of decision authorities to higher organizational levels. Differences are observed although the portfolio companies are owned by the same buyout-firm due to: differences in Management and co-workers equity stake in the portfolio companies, differences in business complexity and differences in planned exit-horizon..

An Entrepreneurial Approach to Marketing Research: Drugstores in Sweden?

The aim of this study is to understand the situation on the Swedish Market for Drugstores and a creation of a new approach to marketing research, based on the thesis? methodological proceeding. With the help of different methodological approaches and different theories the study's purpose will be solved in an uncommon, untraditional way..

Finns det ett samband mellan avgifter och avkastning hos fonder? : En kvantitativ studie av svenska aktiefonder 2007-2011

Purpose:        The intention of this study is to distinguish if there is a correlation between mutual funds administration fee and their return. The study will also observe if there is a difference regarding the return between active and passive Management fees.Method:        The study is founded on a deductive approach because the study is based on existing theories. Quantitative research based on statistical data has been used. A correlation analysis has been applied to determine if there is a correlation between the chosen variables.Conclusion:   The conclusion of the study is that active Management of funds mainly do not give a higher return than passive Management funds. Neither is the administration fee dependent on the risk a fund has..

Hissautomaters påverkan på lagerhantering

Purpose: This study deals with warehouse Management with an emphasis on vertical lift modules (VLM). The aim is to examine the effect of the implementation of VLM on a business's warehouse Management. In order to obtain a result, the study has been based on the following questions:? How was the warehouse Management designed before the implementation of VLM?? How is warehouse Management designed after the implementation of VLM?Method: To be able to answer these questions, interviews with ten users of VLM performed. All users usually lift systems from the same manufacturer.

"De små kejsarna" - en segmentbeskrivning av unga kineser i åldern 15-24 år

Genom främst psykografiska variabler kommer segmentet ?de små kejsarna, 15-24 års? nuvarande och framtida beteende och livsstil beskrivas ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv. Ansats kommer även att göras till att undersöka huruvida segmentet har berörts av den samhällsförändring som skett i Kina..

Earned Value Management - Ett projektstyrningsinstrument mellan FMV och Kockums -

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Earned Value Management ? Ett projektstyrningsinstrument mellan FMV och Kockums. Seminariedatum:2007-06-05 Ämne/Kurs:FEK 582 Kandidatuppsats, 10 poäng Författare:Dennis Andersson, Anders Ellström, Viktor Tornberg Handledare:Per Magnus Andersson, Olof Arwidi Nyckelord:Projektstyrning, projekt, Earned Value, Earned Value Manage¬ment, EVM. Syfte:Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera Earned Value Management (EVM) som projektstyrningsinstrument mellan Försvarets materielverk (FMV) och Kockums vid halvtids¬moderniseringen (HTM) av minröjningsfartyg Landsort. Metod:Kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts med respondenter som har ledande projektbefattningar inom FMV och Kockums.

Effektiv fastighetsförvaltning : En beskrivande jämförelse av goda exempel i praktiken och tillämpliga teorier

 Bachelor thesis within Business AdministrationTitle: Effective estate ManagementAuthor: Joacim StåhlPatrik StyrbjörnTutor: Gunnar WramsbyDate: 2008-06-05Subject terms: Estate Management, efficiency, key figure, good examples, manager, real estate Abstract:Background: Concerning the global economy and the picture given in real estate business that efficiency and profitability are needed to survive is it intresting to study and search for good example to reach an effective and profitable estate Management.Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe the work of real estate concern to reach efficiency and profitability from the owner/manager perspective.Method: Through qualitative interviews with eight respondents in four different real estate concerns describe good examples on effective estate Management and with this fulfil the purpose of this essay. Two interviews per company were made, one at the company and one over phone to reach better security concerning the answers.Theory: The theory is divided in to four mainparts were the first two explains estate Management and financial control. Thereafter comes an impression concerning efficiency and how efficiency is secured in estate mangement from a theoratical perspective.Empiri: This part of the essay is about the interviews made and through them show how real estate concern works with efficiency by focusing on good examples in which the companys find themself efficient.Analysis: Comparing the theories and the empirical research to analys and try to describe efficient estate Management.Conclusions: Efficient estate Management is about controlling the costs and especially about the opreating costs. Important to reach operative efficiency is therefore to continuosly follow up the costs and to do readings every month. To compose and continuosly work with budget and action plans for each estate is important in order to reach efficiency in the Management of estates.

Bolagsvärdering enligt valuebased management : - tillämpning på Skistar

Level: Thesis in Business AdministrationDate: 20009-06-11Authors: Anders Johansson & Johan MyhrE-mail: anders@clubsilk.nu,  johan@clubsilk.nuTutor: Mona AnderssonTitle: Company valuation according to Value Based Management ? application to SkiStarProblem: Different operators constantly supervise Companies listed at the stockmarket. The stock exchange market is continuously updating the companie?s present value and their forecasted value. It is important that the companies are able to communicate with the market so that the stockvalue reflects the real value of the company.

Ett eller flera affärssystem?

Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att ge en helhetsbild av fenomenet virtuell word-of-mouth. För att åstadkomma detta har vi delat in huvudsyftet i två delsyften där det första undersöker vad virtuell word-of-mouth innebär. Det andra delsyftet analyserar de områden som har betydelse för fenomenet och dess spridning, nämligen budskapet, individer och grupper samt Internetmiljöer.

Kan intern marknadsföring skapa bättre förutsättningar för att nå en reklamkampanjs marknadsföringsmål? - En fallstudie av Svenska Statoil AB

Uppsatsen ämnar beskriva den interna marknadsföring som finns mellan företagets ledning och dess personal före, under och efter en reklamkampanj. En analys av hur reklamkampanjers budskap och effektivitet kan förändras då teorierna om intern marknadsföring i högre grad implementeras i organisationen..

Analys och urval av svenska hedgefonder med Lower Partial Moments-modellen

Uppsatsen undersöker med användande av rangsummetest om LPM-modellen är mer lämplig än riskmått baserade på varians och systematiska riskmått baserade på CAPM för analys och urval av svenska hedgefonder under perioden 1996 - april 2001..

Ekonomistyrning och Ägande: Förändras ekonomistyrningen vid ett byte av ägarform?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the Management Control System is affected by a change in the owner structure from family owned to not-family owned. The study also tries to identify explaining factors behind the possible effects to the Management Control System. The study is based on a comprehensive case study on the company Alcro-Beckers which, in year 2001, was acquired from the owner Lindéngruppen fully owned by Ulf G Lindén. The acquirer was the non-family owned company Kemira OY, a Finnish stock listed group. The empirical foundation mainly comes from interviews conducted with people who were/are directly connected to the company, either as employees or as representatives for the owner.

En kommunal One Stop Shop: Kan en gemensam kundtjänst verka som motor för verksamhetsutveckling?

The aim of this study has been to examine if an implementation of a One Stop Shop in the public sector and its IT-support can serve as a motor for business development. By examine the relation between the One Stop Shop and the public administrations we have tried to answer this question. The municipality that we have examined underwent a big change, seven years ago, when they implemented a One Stop Shop including a IT-support called Flexite. But despite these seven years and the fact that Flexite has changed approach from a Case Management System to a Support System for Business Development the municipality have not adapted to this change. .

Påverkan mellan ekonomistyrningen och inköpsfunktionen : En studie av Sandvik och Scania

AbstractTitle:The Impact of Management Control Systems on the Purchaser Function - A study of Scania and Sandvik Authors: Mohammad Reza Akhbari and Johanna Sullivan Svensson Published: 2011 Keywords: Management control, purchasing function, impact, control, control instruments, Key Performance Indicators, measurement, communication and organizational structure. Background and problem formulation: In order for a company?s business idea or vision to be fulfilled, the Management of a company needs assistance from various means to intentionally affect the operation in the desired direction. Management control concerns activities of both financial and non-financial character in order to implement the strategy of a company and to reach profitability. Since the purchaser function is responsible of spending 50 percent of a company?s total revenue, the function has an optimal starting point to be a key actor in the shaping and execution of a company?s strategic plan.

Ursäkta, är det min tur nu? - En undersökning av orsakerna till långa väntetider på en akutmottagning ur ett effektivitetsperspektiv

En upprörd patient sitter i väntrummet på en akutmottagning. Patienten har väntat på vård i flera timmar och äntligen kommer en sjuksköterska in. Patienten reser sig upp och bereder sig på att följa med. Tyvärr utropar sjuksköterskan någon annans namn och den väntande patienten frågar undrande: ?Ursäkta, när är det min tur?? Problem:Vi anser att det finns problem i arbetsprocessen på akutmottagningen som orsakar att patienten får vänta onödigt länge.

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