7402 Uppsatser om Management of emotions - Sida 6 av 494
Mindfulness - framtidens ledarskapsverktyg eller dagens managementfluga? En studie om mindfulness påverkan på chefers ledarskap
Today's society is characterized by constant changes. In order to adapt to the development, organizations must continuously come up with innovations and invest in new projects. As a result, the responsibility of organizations' leaders has increased. Parallel with this development, more and more firms incorporate mindfulness in the organizations, and many managers choose to practice mindfulness themselves. This case study is based on interviews with business leaders that have completed a course in mindfulness.
"Min sociala anknytning" : -Tolv tjejer om relationen till mobiltelefonen
AbstractTitle: ?My social extension? ? Twelve girls on the relationship with the mobile phone (?Min socialaanknytning? ? Tolv tjejer om relationen till mobiltelefonen)Number of pages: 42 (43 including enclosure)Author: Mattias KöhlmarkTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring semester 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To investigate the emotional aspect of mobile phones and the source of thoseemotions.Material/Method: The data presented stems from three unstructured focus groups with participantsat the age of 16-19 years.Main results: The key findings largely supports Vincents theories that the emotional languageguided towards mobile phones comes from the friends it allows us connect with. Also emancipationcan be seen as a driving force behind these emotions.Keywords: mobile phone, mobility, absent present others, emancipation, cell phone, emotion,emotional language,.
Management - våra reflektioner och lärdomar
Uppsatsens titel: Management ? våra lärdomar och reflektioner Seminariedatum: 14 januari, 2004 Ämne/kurs: Management FEK 261, 20 poäng, magisternivå Författare: Emelie Bischoff, Staffan Cederwall, Christoffer Ekström och Daniel Lindström Handledare: Heléne Tjärnemo Företag: Sekretessbelagt Fem nyckelord: Management, lärdomar, reflektion, grupputveckling, självinsikt Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna rapport är att presentera våra lärdomar utifrån de områdena inom management, vi skaffat oss insikt i. Metod: 20 poäng projektarbete med en kvalitativ ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv: Management, grupprocess, team, ledare, chef, strateg, projektledning Empiri: Djupintervjuer med ledningsgrupp, gruppövningar, självinsikts- och personlighetstest, intervjuer med professorer och lärare vid EHL. Slutsatser: Vi svarar på vårt syfte genom att presentera våra viktigaste lärdomar utifrån oss själva, både som individer och som grupp, samt kommunikation och projekt..
Auditsystem - intressenter och medvärden
This report aims to identify and categorize suitable audit users and furthermore establish with values these users experience. The aim of the report has been fulfilled by analyzing interviews carried out with several companies using audits as a part of their risk management process. In addition to this, theories concerning management have been studied..
"Vi ska gå bra och må bra"
Working with health-management has become something most organizations would describe as essential for being legitimate today. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how this subject is handled in an existing company and how this work is percieved by the employees in the organization. Due to the fact that limited research has been conducted on this issue, we see this thesis as a potential for increasing the understanding of how health management is articulated in practice. Our results show that health management in our studied organization is far reaching in comparison with most organizations, but has room for improvement according to the Integral Theory. The consequence of differences in perceptions between management and employees could result in that health management does not become an integral part of the company and its daily operations to the potential extent..
Landskapsplan för Tosthult : en småskalig studie och skötselplan
The aim of this dissertation is the production of a landscape management document to protect and improve elements of biological, cultural and economic value found within the site at Tosthult. The study involves both analysis of the current grazing regime, comparison of today?s flora with flora collected in the fifties and a SWOT analysis of inhabitants? views on Tosthult?s landscape and neighbourhood. The resultant landscape management document applies to an area over 134 ha and is valid for thirty years. The proposal contains 26 separate management units, each with necessary information on the area, definition of management goals and the mix of management procedures to undertake.
Verksamhetsstyrning i grundskolan - En väg till goda förutsättningar för inlärning
This study investigates how performance management in primary schools can facilitate learning, relating to theories of efficient schools. This is done through a qualitative study of the performance management systems in two public primary schools in Sweden. The schools selected were similar in all major aspects, except pupil grades, where there was a clear difference between the schools. The analysis revealed differences in how the schools handled the process of management by objectives, the professional development of teachers as well as routines, rules, and policies. We conclude that having a rooted process for management by objectives, professional development of teachers, and clearly formalized values, gives a school a good foundation to support a pupil's learning and development..
Budgetlöst företagande : Praktikfallet Svenska Handelsbanken
Background: Budgets has always been a main factor for the management of organisations. Yet, lately has the role of budgets been increasingly questioned. But how is an organisation managed without budgets and what other alternatives can be used? And can these instruments work more effective?Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to describe how non-budget management distinguish compare to traditional management and how to design an effective non-budget system of management. Furthermore we intend to explain the reasons to such management and to present a model for how such a management can be performed.Research method: Empirical material has been performed based on seven interviews with persons within Svenska Handelsbanken.
Nätverksövervakning för IT miljön
Denna rapport handlar om Övervakning i en IT miljö som täcker både nätverk och system. Denna rapport inriktar sig på Fault Management och Performance Management..
Packaging - Its Role within Brand Management
The paper investigates the role of packaging within brand management of FMCG food companies and their attitude towards packaging. This study enhances the understanding of how FMCG food companies actually work and strive to work with packaging..
Systematiskt brandskyddsarbete med Hallsta pappersbruk som tillämpningsexempel
The aim of this report is to improve the fire safety at Hallsta Paper Mill in Hallstavik, Sweden. In order to do so large parts of a fire-protection management system for the paper mill has been created. The report begins with giving a general description of management structures and fire-protection management systems. An account is given for how management structures are designed, and how they should be implemented, maintained and updated. Thereafter follows a description of what routines and instructions should be included in a fire-protection management system..
Top-talents med förväntningar - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om att leda i spänningsfältet mellan performance management och top-talents på ett managementkonsultbolag
This paper aims to outline leaders' experiences of managing consultants from their company's performance management system. The study was conducted by qualitative interviews with senior managers and HR professionals within a management consulting firm. The aim was to describe the company's performance management system, their consultants and the challenges of leading in this context. The theoretical framework consists of previous research in leadership, performance management and management consulting. Within these research areas the authors identify a knowledge gap in leaders' perspectives on managing top-talents with performance management systems in the management consulting industry.
Skulden och skammen. : Närvaron av skuld och skam i missbruksbehandling av kvinnor.
The purpose of this study is to examine the personnel?s perspective on how the emotions shame and guilt are present in the treatment of female addicts on an LVM institution. Three questions have been designed to meet the objective: How do they work in the treatment with guilt and shame, how important is it to work with these feelings and what significance does genders have in relation to shame, guilt and treatment? A qualitative approach and techniques have been used to obtain the result. The study's theoretical starting point consists of three themes: gender theory, labeling theory and a theoretical approach to the concepts of guilt and shame.
En fallstudie av visionsstyrningsmodellen i Halmstads kommun : - Ur ett New Public Management-teoretiskt perspektiv
Uppsatsens syfte är att utifrån ett New Public Management-perspektiv undersöka i vilken utsträckning visionsstyrningsmodellen i Halmstads kommun följer New Public Management och utifrån det undersöka vad det resulterat i. Uppsatsen grundar sig i en intervjumetod där ledande politiker och tjänstemän från kommunen intervjuats. Den teoretiska ansatsen utgörs av en New Public Management?teori grundad på olika dimensioner av New Public Management. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga empiriska material kommer från de intervjuer som genomförts.