

7267 Uppsatser om Management and colleagues - Sida 10 av 485

Personalrelaterade problem vid en CRM-implementering

Uppsatsen ämnar studera personalrelaterade problem vid en CRM-implementering. Huvudsyftet kan delas upp i fyra delsyften som behandlar vilka implementerings-problemen är, när de uppstår, hur de undviks och hur de bearbetas..

Kunskap, motivation och stöd : En studie om kompetensutveckling inom statistisk analys av experimentella stöd

Testing and analysis of measurement data is a major part of the workday for development engineers within the section Fluid and Emission Treatment to assure the quality of products developed by Scania CV. The ineluctable variation and therefore uncertainty of results can be quantified and discussed with the use of statistical methods.The overall objective of this study is to examine how the competence of development engineers can be improved within the area of statistics. This has been done by relating the concept of competence with the use of statistical methods to analyse experimental data and by investigating which factors that influence the competence of the engineers. Observations of the daily operations, interviews and a focus group with development engineers and a workshop with management personnel, has been used as research methods in this study.The results show that the desired competence, from the perspective of the individual, consists of knowledge, motivation and support. It is important that none of these parts are neglected when the competence of engineers is to be strengthened.

Ett industriföretags ansträngningar med att minska sina garantikostnader

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Nya kapitaltäckningsregler -Hur påverkas de små och medelstora företagen?

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Riskhantering i IT-projekt : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsmetoder

Many organizations today work in projects, a method of organizing work to provide a clearer focus on goals and more control of every aspect of the assignment. A project is, simply put, a plan to achieve a specific result. In turn, project management means to use various tools and methods to facilitate and streamline the effort towards achieving the goal with the project.Risk management is the activity that refers to finding, identifying and quantify different types of risks and take appropriate action towards reducing or eliminating these risks to the extent possible. With increased use of projects as a method of working the demands for managing risks better become stronger. The question that this thesis tried to answer was: ?What kind of risks does the IT industry think are linked to their projects and in what way does these companies manage these risks??Among the project leaders interviewed, the authors could see a great variation in lines of thought and values regarding the importance of risk management and how risk management should be handled.

Nära ledarskap : En framtida ledarskapsstrategi i omsorgsarbete på Hemvårdsförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun

Trough the contact with the HR (Human Resources) department of home care management in Halmstad municipality, emerged from the management a wish for a documentation for what should be included in leadership at middle management level in the future. People in middle management positions have a large impact on the operation staff and are also in charge of the individual corporate performance and its success. As we have previously been active in the management of multiple role configurations, including middle-management positions, we have some prior understanding of the complexity of this position. The study was conducted with the aim to investigate different aspects of what leadership for middle managers in home care management in Halmstad municipality may mean to them. With the help of different theories and models various aspects were analyzed due to the impact of leadership.Due to the studies purpose and questions, two focus groups was conducted and interviews with respondents from both the lower and superior positions in home care management in Halmstad municipality was done.

Reporting Management för den interna rapporterings processen med hjälp av verktyget Tivoli Decision Support - TDS

Rapporten inleds med en beskrivning av WM-datas Network Management struktur och Reporting Management behov. Därefter följer en beskrivning av de två analys tekniker Datamining och On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) vilka är de mest använda databasbaserade tekniker. Verktyget Tivoli Decision Support (TDS) är ett stödssystem som ska underlätta för beslutsfattare inom organisationen. TDS baseras på OLAP ? tekniken och rapporten visar avslutningsvis de möjligheter som verktyget ger avseende WM-datas Reporting Management..

Arbetsmiljöarbete enligt OHSAS 18001 : En inledande undersökning

There are regulations in sweden that require organizations to manage occupational,  health and safetey (OH&S) issues in a systematic way. The contents of the management system vary depending of the activity of the specific organisation. An accurate management system is crucial in order to assure that rules and regulations are fullfilled. The OHSAS 18001 standard covering OH&S management is intended to provide organizations with the elements of an efficient OH&S management system. The work with this thesis was done at Swemat AB in Härnösand wich is a mechanical industry. In the thesis, the requirements of the OHSAS standard are compared with the current management system.

How does board structure influence CEO compensation? Evidence from Sweden

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Design management i produktutvecklingsföretag : Samarbetet mellan en design manager och en designkonsult

Design management är ett arbetssätt som har börjat tillämpas av allt fler företag de senaste åren, men det kan fortfarande vara svårt att förstå betydelsen av design management. I uppsatsen undersöks det vilken betydelse en design managers kompetens och position har för samarbetet mellan det designköpande företaget och en designkonsult under ett designinköp. Genom ett flertal intervjuer, utifrån både design managers och designkonsulters perspektiv, undersöks det hur samarbetet fungerar mellan dessa parter. En analys av intervjumaterial med hjälp av en teoretisk referensram bestående av design management-teori, design som en integrerad process och beslutsrollsteori har lett fram till ett antal slutsatser om design management. Några av slutsatserna är att design management, enligt teorierna, som arbetssätt inte är så vanligt och att det finns en viss samarbetsbrist enligt de intervjuade designkonsulterna, som i viss mån underlättas om design managern har kunskap om vad design innebär..

"Integration of VBM and BSC. The perfect match?"

Syftet är att beskriva och analysera VBM ochBSC samt diskutera möjligheten att integreradessa. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod därteoretiska begrepp inom Value BasedManagement och Balanced Scorecard analyserasoch jämförs med empiriska undersökningar iform av intervjuer. Kombinationen av VBM och BSC resulterar i ett lämpligt styrverktyg för många företag. Det är ingen perfekt kombination. Koncepten kompletterar dock varandra och ger en mer heltäckande bild av företagets verksamhet och strategiska möjligheter..

Laserinkopplingselement För XFEL Laser Heater : Från Idé Till Färdig Produkt I Designstadie

Uppsala University is involved in a large international collaborationto build the Laser heater system for the European Xray Free-electronlaser in Hamburg, Germany. In this thesis I describe a laser incouplingdevice into the vacuum chamber of this laser heater all the way fromthe specifications to a completed design.The laser heater is a very important part of the XFEL and thepart described here is a part of the vacuum system needed to couplean external laser into the electron vacuum system and align it withthe electron bunches in order to heat them. The task was started by studying the literature about the basic theory andthe design of vacuum systems. After this study and collection of ideaswith colleagues I started to prepare different concepts to solve thetask. The ideas can be put into two categories, in one case the couplingmirror is located inside the vacuum chamber and in the second caseoutside.

Utvandrande verksamheter

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Offshoring to India ? the New Silicon Valley? ? a Research Study about Capgemini

The purpose with our study is to investigate why Capgemini adopts the Rightshore strategy, how they implement this strategy and how it affects Capgemini?s core competence. We also aim to look at how the company?s knowledge management is supporting the offshoring strategey, in addition to how Capgemini ?keeps control of? its core competence in following the trend of offshoring to India?.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att uppmärksamma, bedöma och hantera somatiska symtom och problem i det psykiatriska omvårdnadsarbetet

Background:Patients with mental disabilities are more prone to somatic illnesses than the general public. Unhealthier lifestyles and side effects of medication might be causes of conditions that lead to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and premature death. According to the Social Board patients with mental disabilities receive poorer treatment than patients with only somatic diagnosis.Aim:The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences to identify, assess and manage somatic symptoms and problems within the psychiatric care.Method:The study is based on interviews with 12 nurses working in psychiatric outpatient and inpatient care. A qualitative content analysis was chosen.Result:The nurses performed nursing through talking, blood sampling and measuring for example blood pressure. They followed up side effects of medication.

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