11519 Uppsatser om Management Control Systems - Sida 20 av 768
Undersökning av Informationssystem i småföretag : En studie av hur Växjös små företag är nöjda med sina Informationssystem
In todays sociaty the use of information systems is wide spread and many corporations and buisnesses both in large and small spread make use of more advanced and sopisticated systems. Larger corporations have their own IT sections that maintain and updates their systems on a daily basis. They have the money and resources for it by how do the small businesses coop with it. How satisfied are the small businesses that are maybe runing on systems that might not be supplying the needs that the business is in need of. In this paper we investigate this question in the form of a questionnaire.
En dörr emellan : En kvalitativ studie om sex pedagogers arbetssätt kring en överlämning
Den professionella tjänstesektorn är på frammarsch och har på senare år blivit en utav de snabbast växande sektorerna. Anställda inom denna sektor besitter stor kunskap och har en ovilja att bli styrda. Således är det svårt för företag att utforma styrmedel för att styra och kontrollera sina anställda. Denna studie undersöker hur styrningen inom ett professionellt tjänsteföretag påverkar arbetarnas utrymme för självständighet och självstyrning. Självstyrning och styrning diskuteras utifrån samlingsbegreppet Management Control Systems.En kvalitativ studie genomfördes på ett konsultföretag där chefer och konsulter intervjuades för att få en inblick i hur företag kan tänkas lösa problematiken.
Styrning för framgång
Styrning för framgång - En fallstudie i telekombranschen.
Noa byggde arken innan det började regna -Crisis Management ur ett styrningsperspektiv
Vad som skiljer en organisation från mängden kan i många fall vara hur god kapacitet som finns för att bemöta det hot en kris kan utgöra. Därför är det viktigt för organisationen att hela tiden aktivt arbeta med att förbättra denna kapacitet, genom att på ett så brett plan som möjligt försöka förbereda sig för de potentiella kriser som kan drabba organisationen. Således blir det en strategisk fråga att ha crisis management-kapacitet, och för att etablera denna måste ledningen styra organisationen i rätt riktning. Därigenom kan en kris hindras från att fortplanta sig som ringar på vatten, och drabba en allt större del av organisationen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och beskriva hur en organisation, ur ett styrningsperspektiv, kan etablera eller förbättra sin crisis management- kapacitet.
Kartläggning av produktionsprocesser och identifiering av problem i dessa : En fallstudie på företaget Lasermax Roll Systems AB
The existence for companies today consists of constant challenges with customers that want more individual products with high quality as quickly as possible. For a company to be able to have a short delivery time, it must also have a short production time. This makes streamlining and improvement of processes a big part of a company?s workThis thesis has been carried out together with the company Lasermax Roll Systems AB, a world-leading manufacturer of feeding, finishing and monitoring systems for high-speed digital printers. They manufacture their products according to the assembling for costumer order principle.The purpose with this thesis is to map and analyze, the assembling process and the test process at Lasermax Roll Systems AB.
Dokumentation av en experimentell biogasanläggning
This thesis is focused on identifying and documenting all electrical equipment, such as devices, power lines / cables, and connectors in the facility and also on presenting a brief technical description and information of the systems around the reactors. Furthermore there will be a brief description of LabVIEW - which is a graphical programming language- and which devices / elements are programmed. For further notification, I am not responsible for the programming of the devices in LabVIEW which I have only used as a tool in my work. The plant for production of biogas consists of four reactors of which the third reactor (Lakbädden) is connected to another reactor (UASB) where they cooperate with each other. The reactors are used for producing biogas in the form of methane gas.The reactors I and II are connected to, various electrical devices as, flow meters, temperature sensors, frequency converter and more.
Styrning och självstyrning : En fallstudie av Konsultica AB
Den professionella tjänstesektorn är på frammarsch och har på senare år blivit en utav de snabbast växande sektorerna. Anställda inom denna sektor besitter stor kunskap och har en ovilja att bli styrda. Således är det svårt för företag att utforma styrmedel för att styra och kontrollera sina anställda. Denna studie undersöker hur styrningen inom ett professionellt tjänsteföretag påverkar arbetarnas utrymme för självständighet och självstyrning. Självstyrning och styrning diskuteras utifrån samlingsbegreppet Management Control Systems.En kvalitativ studie genomfördes på ett konsultföretag där chefer och konsulter intervjuades för att få en inblick i hur företag kan tänkas lösa problematiken.
Betyg och identitet : En undersökning av elevers föreställningar om betyg
A major issue that has been a subject for quite some time is whether there will be a scarcity of metals in the bedrock in the future and whether or not we might end up with a problem similar to that of the big oil crisis in the mid-seventies. Following the oil crisis many oil companies started up with risk management to control future risks. This work presents how Swedish mining companies work with risk management to handle risks that might come up in the future due to metal scarceness. How Swedish mining companies look at the possible metal scarceness and if they use risk management in their decision-making process is studied. By doing interviews with Swedish owned mining companies it was found that the mining companies did not see the future metal scarcity as a risk, even though 2/3 of the companies acknowledged the scarceness to be a reality.
Miljöchefer : - ledarskap och medarbetarskap inom kommunalt miljö- och hälsoskydd
Environmental management officers ? leadership and employeeship in local environmental health authorityThe purpose of this study was to illustrate the working situation of municipal environmental health management officers. This is a qualitative study where I have interviewed ten environmental officers in ten municipalities in Sweden. The interviews were based on a half structured interview guide with questions. I have interpreted the interviews through different leadership theories.
SAB-systemet och Yahoo! En jämförelse rörande traditionell och ny klassifikation
The aim of this Master thesis is to investigate the similarities and differences between a traditional and a new classification scheme. Two classification systems are compared, "The Swedish Library Classification System" the SAB-system - and Yahoo!. The SAB-system has been used in Swedish libraries since the beginning of the 20^th century, and Yahoo! has been online since 1994. Yahoo! has a Swedish version of its international original, which is used in this study to get a similar starting point with the SAB-system. The method used for this is a content analysis, which in this case is not a quantitative analysis.
Automatisering av spraytorkningsprocess
ABB Surge Arrestors in Ludvika have for a long time had a problem to keep the moisture at a steady state in the production of their ZnO-powder, that is used to produce varistors.Some black-box models of the spray drying process have been designed and evaluated to find a solution for the problem. After evaluating the collected data it has been found that variations in the supply voltage causes control difficulties for the operator. A cascade control system was designed, consisting of three PI control loops designed with lambda tuning. The disturbance in the supply voltagewas used as a feed forward in the control system.At the end of the project the control system was installed, and tests were made to verify the functionality of the regulator. It was shown that most of the variations in the moisture of the powder could be eliminated using small resources, through purchase of a process controller and four power meters.
Informationshantering och organisatoriskt lärande i samband med företagens etiska handel
The purpose of this essay is to examine how four Swedish retail companies describe their information management in connection to ethical trade. My purpose is also to examine how this information management relates to organizational learning. My questions at issue are ? ?Which activities related to information management in connection to ethical trade is described by the companies?? and ?How can these activities and statements be related to organizational learning?? My method of investigation is to perform qualitative interviews with representatives from the retail companies and relate the results to theories on information management and organizational learning, mainly theories of double-loop- and single-loop learning. The information management literature address issues such as information needs, information sources and information seeking.
Arbete med etiska och moraliska frågor i styrning av företag
Syfte:Syftet med vår undersökning var att skapa förståelse för hur företag
arbetar med etiska och moraliska frågor i samband med ekonomistyrning.
Metod:Vår undersökning har gjorts i tre svenska företag genom personliga
intervjuer med personer i chefs- eller ledarposition på varje företag. Den
insamlade empirin har sedan sammanställts och analyserats genom att jämföra den
med vårt teoriavsnitt.
Slutsats:Vi har kommit fram till fyra punkter som enligt vår undersökning är
centrala för arbetet med etiska och moraliska frågor i de företag vi undersökt.
Dessa är värderingar, förståelse, ledarskap och företaget.
Purpose:Our purpose was to clarify how companies work with ethical matters in
relation to its management control system.
Method:Our thesis has been prepared at three Swedish companies where we have
completed personal interviews with people in management or leading positions in
each of the companies. The collected data was analyzed and compared to the
different theories presented in our theory chapter.
Result:We have found four central elements, which according to our research are
central for the work with ethical matters in the companies we have researched.
They are values, understanding, leadership and the company itself..
Tillämpning och utvärdering av kriterier för eTjänstetydlighet och handlingsbarhet : Actability, eTjänstetydlighet, MA/SIMM
A sequence of actions in the world have influenced the information science, one of these actions is the lateral movement in how companies use their IT-systems. IT-systems today, in comparison to before, are used by companies to improve their relationship with their customers. Every year a big amount of money is spent on developing and improving IT-systems. That is why it is important to develop and create IT-systems that are clear, and which encourage, enable and simplify a user?s action.
Intranät och dokumenthantering vid ett mindre till medelstort företag En fallstudie
The aim of this masters thesis is to learn how an organization has solved its information management via intranet and document management. The purpose is to identify what different types of information are made available via an intranet, how this information is structured and what functions the intranet includes. Conventions, directions and advice about intranets and document management were studied, with the purpose to compare whether the systems of the company correlate with these. Other issues considered in the thesis, are how the employees of the organization use the intranet and how the document management is organized. To get an understanding of these questions the structure and functions of the intranet were studied empirically and a questionnaire on what the employees need and use, concerning the intranet, was sent out to 130 employees.