
Undersökning av Informationssystem i småföretag

En studie av hur Växjös små företag är nöjda med sina Informationssystem

In todays sociaty the use of information systems is wide spread and many corporations and buisnesses both in large and small spread make use of more advanced and sopisticated systems. Larger corporations have their own IT sections that maintain and updates their systems on a daily basis. They have the money and resources for it by how do the small businesses coop with it. How satisfied are the small businesses that are maybe runing on systems that might not be supplying the needs that the business is in need of. In this paper we investigate this question in the form of a questionnaire. The investigation is conducted in a selected part of the market in the swedish city of Växjö. The purpose of the investigation is to see how satisfied 30 businesses are with their information systems. The investigations background comes from a similar american investigation and it?s the papers purpose to compare the results that arose during the american studie with the swedish results to see what diffrences and similaritys there is. The investigation spans over 3 sector of bueisnesses, trade, service and consult. The investigation studies how these 3 sectors satisfaction relates to one and other, how satisfied and disatisfiedthey are in different parts of their IT systems.


Filip Goreta

Lärosäte och institution

Växjö universitet/Matematiska och systemtekniska institutionen


Detta är en C-uppsats.

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