

422 Uppsatser om Machine milking - Sida 19 av 29

Energi- och bullerlösningar för fastigheter i tågtrafiken

An environmental review has been carried out at FORIA AB, a transportation- and machine service company, to analyze the company?s environmental aspects from the transportation segment. This report describes the essential background and the methods of identifying and evaluate the environmental aspects. It also describes how the work with the environmental aspects often vary between different actors. The design of the ISO 14001 is intentionally broad in order to apply on all sorts of activities and organizations.

Omega System Kalibrering: Strål X-Separation mätning och kalibrering

Micronic Laser Systems AB produces and develops machines for the photo mask production market. One of their products is the Omega machine which exposes photo masks using 5 laser beams simultaneously. It is important that the distance between the each laser beam, the x-separation, is the same. The x-separation is today measured by exposing a photo mask with a certain pattern and thereafter measured with a metrology system. This takes to much time and it is desired to find a faster method to measure the x-separation without loosing precision.The task for this master thesis is to improve an existing measurement method which uses a calibration mask.

Att genomgå hjärtkirurgi med stöd av hjärt-lungmaskinen : kognitiva effekter

SAMMANFATTNINGFör att möjliggöra öppen hjärtkirurgi används hjärt-lungmaskin som leder blodet i en bana utanför kroppen sammankopplat med kroppscirkulationen. Möjliga komplikationer efter kirurgi med stöd av hjärt-lungmaskin kommer från det centrala nervsystemet och kan ge upphov till kognitiva symtom, dessa komplikationer har ökat sedan 70-talet. Kognitiva nedsättningar kan påverka både patientens livskvalitet och sjukvårdens ekonomi. Risker med att opereras med stöd av hjärt-lungmaskin är embolier, hypoperfusion, anestesi och inflammation. Detaljerad information till patienter som ska genomgå hjärtkirurgi gör dem mer förberedda på eventuella komplikationer.

Kulturmiljöhänsyn inom skogsbruket : En studie om fornlämningar och gränsmärken

Bakgrund      Skogsmaskiner har under många år förstört både fornlämningar och gränsmärken. Idén till databasen/tjänsten uppkom av egna erfarenheter vid en förrättning, där flertalet gränsmärken hade blivit överkörda av skogsmaskiner. Syfte              Examensarbetets syfte är att lyfta fram en ny idé för att minska skadorna på fornlämningar och gränsmärken som skogsmaskiner orsakar, samt hur lägesnoggrannheten påverkar den nya tjänstens ändamål.Metod           Examensarbetet består av en litteraturstudie med syfte att besvara och ge en bakgrund till problemställningen. För att undersöka hur vanligt det är att lantmätare/mätingenjörer stöter på att gränsmärken blivit skadade av skogsmaskiner genomfördes en enkätundersökning. För en djupare inblick av lägesnoggrannheten på utrustningen i skogsmaskiner och vilken kvalitet på koordinaterna som krävs för en mer ändamålsenligt tjänst gjordes en intervjustudie.Slutsats         De uppgifter som finns tillängliga idag ska vara användbara när det gäller fornlämningar, för en ändamålsenlig tjänst som ska fungera ute i skogen där lägesnoggrannheten inte alltid är den bästa.

Utredning av laserskärningens materialpåverkan inför drag- och slagprovning : Teknisk Fysik med Materialvetenskap

An investigation of the heat impact of laser cutting on the material properties when producing tensile and impact test specimens of different steel types of varying thickness has been performed. The purpose of the thesis project was to provide recommendations regarding how much material that needs to be milled from the laser cut edge before tensile and impact tests. The study has been performed partly by investigating the test specimens by heat camera when the specimens were cut in the laser cutting line and partly by performing hardness tests, investigation by microscopy, and tolerance and roughness measurements and tensile tests of the laser cut material and material produced in the traditional multi operation machine. The results show that the heat affected zone in the thicker materials is greater than previously thought of, and that the currently used recommendation has to be adjusted. The study clearly shows that the thicker the material, the greater the heat affected zone, independently of the steel type, since the thicker material takes longer time to cut.

Hackelselängdens betydelse för tuggtid och foderkonsumtion hos mjölkkor :

Today, our cows experience a harder pressure to achieve higher milk yield. To manage this challenge the animal needs first class feeding and treatment. An important aspect of the feeding is to fulfil the need from the cows of especially fiber; and fiber with a sufficient proportion of long particles. Both too much and too little fiber is bad for the wellbeing of the cow, and she might get diseases like acidosis. Many models for feed management have been developed to secure that the animal gets enough of e.g. fiber with a sufficient proportion of long particles.

Är vi artiga mot virtuella agenter?

The CASA-paradigm, Computers Are Social Actors, was introduced in the book "TheMedia Equation" by Reeves and Nass. One of their experiments concluded that we tend to be polite to computers in the same way as we are to people. In this study I have replicated Reeves and Nass experiment but instead of a text-based interface I have used a virtual agentin order to find out if we are polite to the agents, or still to the computer. Two experimental setups was conducted. The two setups had a common first part that was carried out on onecomputer with one agent.

Analysis of Quality of Service of Wireless LAN for IEEE 802.11e

Nowadays Wireless LAN is playing a more and more important role in network systems. After 1999, in which the IEEE organization published its Wireless Local Network standard 802.11[1], many people saw the advantages of the standard but also the lack of support for multimedia streaming. A lot of research work has been done on the proposed IEEE 802.11e standard draft during the past 4 years. It is supposed to be able to fully support Quality of Service. The final version will be published early in 2004.

Grovkrossning av stubbar : en produktivitetsstudie

The Swedish parliament has decided that Sweden should increase its usage of renewable fuel sources to a level of 50% of the total energy consumption in Sweden by the year 2020. One way to reach that goal may be to increase the usage of stumps as a bio-fuel. In Sweden stump harvesting is possible on about 5-10% of the total harvested area and thus contribute with 1,3 - 2,6 TWh per year. An increase stump harvest doesn't come without its drawbacks for the environment. When harvesting stumps a tracked excavator is used to pry the stumps from the ground and then cut the stumps into smaller pieces.

Bearbetningsmaskin för fälgar i kolfiberkomposit

Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av Koenigsegg Automotive AB, som utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer högpresterande sportbilar. Företaget erbjuder fälgar tillverkade helt i kolfiberkomposit, som ger betydande viktbesparingar i jämförelse med traditionella metallfälgar.Efter tillverkningen kräver fälgarna viss bearbetning vid anläggningsytan mellan fälg och däck. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka möjligheten att utföra bearbetningen av fälgarna in-house i Ängelholm, och målet har varit att konstruera en maskin för detta ändamål.Projektet inleddes med en litteratursökning, där svårigheter och möjligheter gällande bearbetning av kolfiberkompositer undersöktes. Till följd av de undersökningar som gjordes, valdes bearbetningsmetoden svarvfräsning och ett antal konstuktionskoncept genererades. Genom ett antal utvärderingar utvecklades ett speciellt koncept vidare till ett komplett produktförslag.Produktförslaget är komplett med analyser, beräkningar samt tillverkningsunderlag, som ger uppdragsgivaren bättre insikt i sina möjligheter.

Konceptframtagning av pelletsförråd

This thesis work resulted in a template for how the thermal spray process can be controlled through robot programs. The robots today and their programs need to be replaced, therefore a new structure which can be matched with the new robot systems is needed. The work is limited to only concern structured programming on the new robots on Thermal Spray Centre (TC) with the programming language Rapid. The basic data for the program was retrieved from interviews with concerned personnel at TC, from studies on process parameters for thermal spray and from existing specifications at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC). The thesis work briefly describes the process thermal spray and the four methods used at VAC.

Nyttjande av det digitaliserade stickvägsnätet vid skogsgödsling med traktor

Forest fertilization had its peak in the late 60´s, when almost 200 000 ha was fertilized annually. The silviculture of today has high demands for timber production at the same time as the demand for nature conservation increases. It means that it?s necessary to produce more volume in smaller areas in the future. The use of DGPS equipment has in modern forestry in Sweden become more and more common.

Uppföljning av planerat skotningsavstånd med hjälp av geografisk informationsteknologi (GIT)

The cost of forwarding corresponds to about one tenth of the forestry industries raw material cost. This gives a motive to do good follow-ups to get a good overview of the forwarding distance and, thus, enable improvements. Follow-ups are also justified by the possibility to make more accurate calculations of the harvesting costs, if better estimations of forwarding distance are achieved. Today (2009) Stora Enso has GPS and vehicle-computers in most of their forwarders. These are used mainly for the forwarder to follow the tracks of the harvester and for the planning leader to see how the forwarder has been driving within the stand.

Beräkningsprogram för gasfjädrar

This master thesis work was done by two students at Machine Design at KTH for Lesjöfors Stockholmsfjäder AB. The task was to develop a calculation program for gas springs. The program is going to ease the selection of gas springs for a given case of a lid that should be opened. The program is going to be used internal by sales people at Lesjöfors AB in Sweden and internationally. The program is therefore written in English.The program was developed in Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition.


!is began as a product design challenge, which stipulated broadlythat the designer be ?inspired by a subject?, whose ideas would leaddown a path of product idea evolution. From there, the goals forthe end-product would undergo rigorous revisions, re-de#nitionand re#nement. !e end-product itself would be the result of anentire thinking process.!e subject I have chosen is: Time. I want to challenge and evenalter our conventional sense of time, using principles ofdesign.

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