

1006 Uppsatser om Line Extensions - Sida 3 av 68

'Jag vill bli alldeles vansinnigt älskad' : en närläsning av Line Knutzons dramatik

This essay investigates the function of fictional space and thematics in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works.My main theoretical concept is thematic unity, factors that unite several plays by one author.I have found three major themes: the encounter, identity and childhood, which I study in five of Knutzon?s plays: The Splint In The Heart, The Latest Thing, First You?re Born, The Air Others Breathe and The Time Will Soon Come.I study three aspects of space: fictive space, where the play is set, the characters? inner space and exterior space, that which is outside fictive space: society. Fictive space is shown mainly via dialogue and context.It is evident that the themes, most clearly visible in the five chosen plays, are very important in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works. Most typical is the way she portrays childhood memories, in monologues showing that her characters exist in a ?hole?, in the void between childhood and adulthood.My investigation leads to the conclusion that Knutzon deals with existential matters: there is a kind of constant chaos, within her characters, expressed in actions and thoughts.

Westhelicopter AB Aircraft Technical Status Report

Westhelicopter INC. has an aviation workshop providing qualified helicopter maintenance in accordance with PART-145. Maintenance and administrative base is situated in Luleå at Kallax airport. The types that Westhelicopter INC are currently authorised to service are: Eurocopter AS 350 Base/Line Maintenance, Eurocopter EC 120 Base/Line Maintenance and Robinsson R44 Base/Line Maintenance. The thesis work has been to make new maintenance programme for Westhelicopter INC. This maintenance programme will be used to follow-up the time of the components, service bulletins and ADs.

Nyckelfaktorer vid exportetableringar i Tyskland : - En studie gjord på fyra norrländska företag

A common assumption in marketing is the wider variety of product a corporation has, the better for the consumer: more product - more choices. Companies often develop a line extension to broaden consumer range through product attributes including quality, function and design. These developed attributes within the product are not always optimal for the consumer. As a result, companies often become entangled in having a price higher than the cost and benefit of the products. This essay aims to analyze the consumer value of line extension products and how these evaluations relate to extended line product pricing.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö bland chefer vid kommunala vård - och omsorgsboenden : - en intervjustudie

Introduction: First line managers in the public sector, are under a great pressure from both senior management, leadership, politicians and often from a large group of employees. Few studies have been made on the first-linemanagers psychosocial work environment, even though in the studies found that the manager affects their employees work environment.Aim: How first line managers in municipal elderly describes the psychosocial work environment on the basis of demand-control - support model.Methods: The study was conducted through individual interviews with six first line managers. Respondents were recruited through a strategic selection in a medium-sized municipality in Västernorrland. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide. Qualitative content analysis with an deductive approach was used as a method of interpretation of the results.Results: First line managers point out the difficulty in balancing the requirements and several managers also mentioned the importance of having clear role descriptions and objectives.

Kommunikation, Motivation & Relationer : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers erfarenheter av ledarskapets inverkan pa? ha?lsan bland ansta?llda

The aim of this study is to understand first line managers experiences of the impact leadership have on the health of employees. The study focuses on leadership behaviours and actions, experienced by first line managers working in elderly care, with either positive or negative outcomes on the employees health. To answer the purpose of the study a qualitative method was used and the data was collected through seven individual interviews. The analyse was conducted using theories of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. To enable a broader dimension to the study the concept of health-promotion leadership was also used in the analysis.

Vindfällning i naturliga och skapade bryn och kanter :

The aim of this work was to study if the edge of the forest is more resistant to heavy winds than the trees located further in from the edge, and how this edge effect changes between different types of tree species and site types. The data was collected from an electric power line going from the north to the south of Sweden. The mean value of the clearcutted area around the power line was 120 meters. The main direction of the storm in January 2005 was west-southwest and thus the power line was a perfect place for gathering a large data set. The main parameter studied was the damage frequency at the edge of the forest compared to the trees located further in from the edge (up to 100 m from the power line). Tree species mixture, soil moisture class, soil type, topography, stand height, stand height of the stand on the other side of the power line and wind exposition was estimated. The results showed a distinct edge effect. The edge of the forest had clearly lower damage frequency for all tree species. A marked difference was observed between tree species and damage frequency.

Första linjens chefer, administration och New Public Management : En studie av New Public Managements inverkan på första linjens chefers administrativa arbete i vården

Title: First line management, administration and New Public Management Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, 15hp.Author: Patrik Jansson & Victor HolmlundSupervisor: Pär Vilhelmson, Kristina Mickelsson & Elena AhmadiDate: 2015 - May Aim: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how first line management in public organizations is effected by New Public Management related reforms and how they handle related administrative tasks.  Method: The study is based on a deductive and qualitative methodology. We conducted 10 semi-structured interviews with first line managers in Swedish public healthcare organizations. A result is reached by a thematically constructed analysis were citations are presented and analyzed. Result & Conclusions: The study shows through the model that has been used that first line managers are highly affected by administrative tasks that can be linked to New Public Management. The participant managers see these related tasks as important for the organizations and natural in their profession. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with an increased understanding of the managing of first line managers and how it is affected by New Public Management related administration through a perspective that is lacking in previous research. The new perspective gives a nuanced view of the manager?s role as administrators and gives rise to suggestions of future research. Key words:  New Public Management, Administration, First Line Managers, Healthcare..

Konstruktion och utveckling av en självbalanserande robot

This project is part of the course MF10YX, introductory mechatronics. The purpose of theproject is to integrate modules from the group members previous specializations into amechatronic system in the form of a self-balancing robot. The prototype ?Charlie? should be ableto race along a 10 - 30 m line. It should be able to start manually and autonomously detect andstop after the finishing line.

Flödesanalys av plåtsammansättning : Strävan mot Just-In-Time och minskat slöseri

The Volvo Trucks plant in Umeå is a highy complex manufacturing facility where the same production line handles a variety of different models. This require flexible and agile processes with high quality standards. This thesis studies the flow of material through a production line and how Volvo can use their existing manufacturing monitoring system to optimize the flow of materials.The goal with the thesis is to identify eventual problems with the flow of materials and to deliver a few proposals on how the production line can improve its productivity. The theory of LEAN, Just-In-Time and Supply Chain Management serves as the scientific reference to this project. By analyzing the flow of material, performing interviews and observing the processes a few problems are identified.

Energimodell över processerna i byggnad UD, Volvo Lastvagnar

På uppdrag av Volvo Lastvagnar har detta examensarbete genomförts under våren 2013 för att undersöka potentialer av energibesparande åtgärder i måleriet. Syftet med uppdraget var att utveckla en energimodell över måleriet i byggnad UD, där användaren kan testa olika driftparametrar för att se måleriets potentiella besparingar ur en ekonomisk och energimässig synvinkel. Energimodellen byggdes i Microsoft Excel och arbetet innefattar tydliga redogörelser över de energikrävande processerna, samt över de data som ligger till grund för modellens beräkningar. Data över 2012 års driftsituation har använts som grunddata i modellen och analyser av dessa tyder på att stora energibesparande åtgärder är möjliga.De lastbilshytter som lackeras i Line 3 är de i särklass dyraste, då Line 3 i dagsläget används väldigt ineffektivt. Av den maximala kapaciteten på 12,9 hytter per timme, använder Line 3 endast mellan 8 % och 15 %. Modelleringar visar att en reduktion av drifttiden på Line 3 från ca 95 timmar per vecka till 40 timmar per vecka skulle medföra en minskad driftkostnad på en dryg miljon kronor per år.

Upplevelser av konferensdeltagande - fysiskt på plats och on-line

Sammanfattning Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka skillnaderna mellan en fysisk och en on-line konferens för att se om de kompletterar varandra eller kan ersätta varandra. Uppsatsen är baserad på The Conference ? en mediakonferens av Media Evolution i Malmö. För att uppnå syftet ställdes en huvudfråga och två underfrågor: Är det fysiska mötet på The Conference och on-line mötet på internet kompletterande eller ersätter de varandra?? Underfrågorna är: Vad vill arrangören att deltagaren ska få ut av The Conference på plats ? i förhållande till en konferens on-line? Hur används sociala medier för att knyta ihop on-line och fysiska möten för The Conference? Det teoretiska ramverket för uppsatsen består av teorier och artiklar om interaktion fysiskt och on-line.

Catch And Run "On LINE" : grovmotoriskt test

SammanfattningSyfte och frågeställningarPeabody Developmental Motor Scale 2 (PDMS-2) är ett motoriskt test för barn upp till sex års ålder. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka genomförbarheten hos Catch And Run On LINE (On Line), ett nytt grovmotoriskt test för förskolebarn, samt att utvärdera överensstämmelsen (concurrent validity) mellan On Line och den grovmotoriska delen av PDMS-2. Frågeställningarna som ställdes var hur den totala poängen överensstämmer mellan On Line och PDMS-2 och hur lång tid det tog att sammanställa resultatet av de två olika grovmotoriska bedömningarna.MetodOn Line utformades som en kortare variant av PDMS-2. Alla barn (n=26) som remitterades till sjukgymnastiken på Sachsska barn- och ungdomssjukhuset för en grovmotorisk bedömning och som besökte författaren där under 4 månader erbjöds delta i studien om de hade börjat gå, men inte hade fyllt 6 år. Barnet bedömdes vid ett tillfälle.

Varumärkesstrategier i kampen om hyllplats -en studie av dryckesmarknaden

Denna magisteruppsats har för avsikt att öka kunskapen kring de varumärkesstrategier som brukas i varumärkesportföljer. Uppsatsen undersöker om varumärkesstrategier är ett fungerande verktyg i den rationaliserings- samt effektiviseringsprocess som råder inom dagligvaruhandeln. Åtta kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med dryckesansvariga på ICA, Coop samt Axfoods butiker i Lund och Helsingborg. Vidare har tre dryckesansvariga på centralnivå intervjuats på respektive företag. Undersökningen visade att varumärkesstrategier har en stor betydelse i den eskalerande konkurrensen om hyllplats.

Avvikande brand extensions - påverkar de ett företags image?

Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka och förklara hur brand extension produkter kan påverka ett företags image. Vi har valt att undersöka Jaguars, Porsches och Ferraris brand extension produkter då dessa avviker mycket från deras core product. Uppsatsen besvarar även hur konsumenterna uppfattar dessa brand extension produkter och företagens bakomliggande motiv till dem. Vi har under uppsatsskrivandet gång pendlat mellan teori och empiri. Vår empiri består av kvalitativa undersökningar.

Visual User Interface for PDAs

This report is a part of a diploma work, conducted as a part of a Master of Science degree. The diploma work consists of a preliminary study, two case studies, a user study, a paper and this report. It was created at the Linköping University for the department of Science and Technology, in cooperation with Unilever Research in the UK, and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. Hand-held, mobile devices like Personal Digital Assistances (PDAs) are becoming increasingly popular in today?s wireless world.

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