

1006 Uppsatser om Line Extensions - Sida 2 av 68

"Att göra saker rätt" : -En studie av gräsrotsbyråkraters handlingsutrymme

AbstractEssay in political science, C-level, by Line Säll, spring semester 2007.Tutor: Susan Marton.?To do things by the rule of law -A study in the discretion of front-line bureaucrats?This essay has it´s starting-point in the theoretical problem of social science to unite democracy and bureaucracy. The purpose is to illustrate the problems with the discretion of front-line bureaucrats in a democratic state. The theoretical approach is front-line bureaucracy-theory. Certain characteristics of the work of street-level bureaucrats makes it impossible to severly reduce discretion.

Gummistövlar hos IKEA och skolkritor hos Biltema - En kvalitativ studie av detaljhandelns utvidgning av produktutbud och dess band till varumärket

Denna studie fokuserar på att se till hur företagen resonerar i samband med val av produkter och brand extensions specifikt och hur konsumenterna ser på företagets agerande i det här sammanhanget, med avseende på produkterna. Vi utgår här ifrån problemformuleringen; hur väl överensstämmer företagets avsikt med en brand extension med kundernas syn på denna? Studien bygger på insamling av kvalitativa data genom intervjuer med företags beslutsfattare samt med fokusgrupper av konsumenter. Vi tillämpar här ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv och har inslag av både induktion och deduktion i vår ansats. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av teorier inom dels aspekter såsom vad ett varumärke och en vision innebär men framför allt vilka fördelar och nackdelar respektive möjligheter och begränsningar som kan påverka varför företaget vill göra en brand extension.

Att implementra integration En diskussion kring integrationsbegrepp och integrationspolitik med frontlinjebyråkrater som utgångspunkt

The aim of this study is to discuss the implementation of Swedish integration policy from the perspective that public officials, so called front-line bureaucrats, are the real creators of this policy. The concept of integration is far from unambigous; it can have different meanings depending on the theoretical perspective applied. This give topical interest to the question of how the concept is conceived on the national level versus the implementation level. I also aim to uncover how these front-line bureaucrats look upon their role as creators of integration policy. My material consists mainly of interviews with front-line bureauctrats.

Underlag för framtagning av målningslina : Hantering och layout

Seabased Industry AB develops system for extracting electrical energy from ocean waves with a Wave Energy Converter (WEC). The components is bought from subcontractors and then assembled into wave energy converters, buoys and marine substations by Seabased. In the future Seabased will produce more of the components themselves to reduce costs and to have better control over tolerances. The production line will also include the painting of the WECs and substations, which is performed in a painting line.The purpose of this thesis work is to study what is required to build a painting line, regarding the types of stations, transporting types and the space needed. This will result in layouts for the painting line.To receive the necessary information about production theory and corrosion and surface treatment, literature concerning this area has been studied.

Lyxkonsumtion ur Generation Y:s perspektiv ? En studie kring attityder, värderingar och varumärkesuppfattningar

Intresset för lyxprodukter har ökat runt om i världen vilket också blivit allt mer framträdande i Sverige. Marknaden för lyxprodukter har de senaste åren förändrats och banat väg för en ny kategori av lyx tillgänglig för en globalt växande medelklass. Den nya kategorin benämns ofta som new luxury vilket innebär en åtkomlig kategori av statusgivande produkter som är lägre i pris än de traditionella lyxprodukterna. Allt fler lyxföretag väljer att expandera för att kunna nå en bredare kundbas och tillämpar därför produktlinjeutvidgning eller varumärkesutvidgning. En alltför omfattande expandering kan dock innebära risker eftersom den uppfattade exklusiviteten hos ett lyxföretag kan gå förlorad.

Identifikation av produktionsstörningar och obalanser vid tillverkning av golvskenor

Our report procedure identification of instability and disturbance in an automatic manufacturing line of processing and assembling of chair sliding rails at Sapas manufacturing department in Vetlanda.To obtain a stabile ground we have mapped the material flow to receive a comprehensive view and to visualise connections.We have examined cycle times at different stations in purpose to identificate bottlenecks. The result of our examination showed that the bottleneck of the line was the brush station. This leads to that the expected bottlenecks identificated by Sapa gets a delay time and by that a longer cycle time.Interruptions has a clear negative influence at the line performance so we have also assemble data through the operators report list and compiled these in order to find out the interruptions effect on the line. The outcome during our assembled period was that the reported interruptions corresponded about 30 percent of the total available production time. This has a clear negative effect on the line productivity and efficiency as we have calculated in order to get the present status..

Mineraliseringar utmed REE-linjen i sydvästra Bergslagen

This paper briefly summarizes Bergslagen as a bedrock province in order to give background to the genesis and presence of REE-bearing minerals (short for Rare Earth Elements) in the region. These mineralizations mainly occur along the REE-line, a line aproximately a hundred kilometers in length between Norberg in the north and Nora in the south with a width of a few kilometers. Situated in the southwest of Bergslagen it is currently one of only a few places in Sweden where REE-bearing iron oxide mineralizations are potentially economically viable for mining. Ore microscopy has been conducted in order to characterize an ore sample from Myrbacksfältet, one of few sulphide rich iron oxide mineralizations within the REE-line. Additionally, an electron microscope analysis of a sample from Stålklockan, a suspected REE-bearing mineralization also within the REE-line was confirmed by EDS (short for Energy Dispersive Spectrum) analysis.

Linjeutvidningens värde : Konsumenternas utvärdering av linjeutvidgade produkter och dess relation till prissättningen

A common assumption in marketing is the wider variety of product a corporation has, the better for the consumer: more product - more choices. Companies often develop a line extension to broaden consumer range through product attributes including quality, function and design. These developed attributes within the product are not always optimal for the consumer. As a result, companies often become entangled in having a price higher than the cost and benefit of the products. This essay aims to analyze the consumer value of line extension products and how these evaluations relate to extended line product pricing.

Utveckling av en ny tillverkningslina

This report contains results of our study at CTC in Ljungby. CTC produces heating products such as boilers, heat pumps and additional products to their heating systems.The purpose of the report is to make a proposal how CTC will supply their new production line for heat pumps with materials. The proposal includes a production layout and a scheme for how to place the material in the production storage.The new production line will produce two different products and both of them have several variants. The line will also have a mixed flow, so the products can be produced in a random order. These conditions demand that the production line has great flexibility and that the material to all the variants can be stored in the production storage.With these conditions as input we made a layout proposal to the company.

Ledarskap inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie om chefernas syn på motivation till sina medarbetare och hur dessa ledarkunskaper förvärvas

The purpose of this essay was to explore how the first-line managers in eldercare motivate their employees. In addition, we intend to study how the first-line managers acquire their leadership skills. To find answers to this purpose, we asked ourselves the questions; how acquires first line managers knowledge of how to motivate their employees? What is the first-line manager?s perception of motivation against their employees? The method we used was qualitative interviews with eight first-line managers in elderly care in Stockholm area. The results were analyzed by using two theories, Maslow?s hierarchy of needs and Hertzberg's two factor theories.

The Low Line : ett gestaltningsförslag med inspiration från The High Line

In the summer of 2009 the High Line opened in New York, a park built on an out-of use elevated rail viaduct. The park meanders its way through the buildings and allows the visitor to see the city from a totally different perspecive than we are used to.I have made a Design proposal in Eriksdalslunden, Stockholm, with inspiration from the High Line. The proposal is based on design ideas of a park I logically call the Low Line, as the place isn't elevated as in New York, but lowered. The two places have some similarities, mainly the strong urban identity and the tracks crossing both areas. They also have very obvious differences, above all the fact that Eriksdalslunden is situated in a swale and is defined in a third dimension by the high bridges that crosses the area.The High Line is designed by James Corner Field Operations, and they have been working using their motto 'Keep it Simple, Keep it Wild, Keep it Quiet and Keep it Slow' during the whole process, words that normally aren't associated to Manhattan.

Att arbeta med en arbetslinje : Närbyråkratens syn

Malmö, like many other bigger cities in Europe, faces a double undertaking when facing the challenges the future. Not only must the municipal be able to provide its citizens with welfare and a high standard of living, it must also establish a level of economic growth that allows the city to act as catalyst for the surrounding area. In order to provide the population with welfare and the economy with a qualified working force, these two challenges have been combined into one plan for the future called Welfare for Everybody. As part of this plan, new organisations have been created with the purpose collaborating with the social services office and support people in their transaction from welfare recipients to self-providing workers. The purpose of our thesis is to build on Michael Lipsky's classic work "Street-level Bureaucracy" and by conducting interviews with a number of front line workers study how they view their role, the client group and how they motivate the working line.

Managing IT Costs by ABC

The purpose of this essay is to identify costs for providing First-line and Second-line support, and then allocate these cost to different goods and services (cost objects) being supported. The thesis also intends to improve the overall cost awareness in IT settings..

Peripherally inserted central catheter-PICC-line

PICC-line är en central venkateter som läggs in via en perifer kanyl i överarmen med hjälp utav ultraljud. Patienter som behöver intravenös behandling i mer än fem dagar är i behov av en central venkateter för att säkerställa tillförseln av dessa läkemedel. Inläggning är kostnads effektiv, den kräver ett minimum av resurser och görs utav picclinesjuksköterskor. Denna kvalitativa studie med semistruk-turerade frågor syftade till att ta del av patientens upplevelse av att få en PICC-line kateter inlagd. Kände patienten sig lugn under ingreppet, var han eller hon väl informerad och upplevde personen någon smärta? Tio intervjuer genomfördes och resultatet visade att informanterna kände sig lugna och att smärtan var låg.

Utveckling av förpackningssystem för torra insatsvaror i livsmedel

This project includes development of new packaging for dry spices and an investigation of how to automate the production line. The preliminary investigations show needs of an environmental friendly packaging possible to re-close. After screening for suitable materials three concepts were developed, a stand-up pouch, a plastic jar and a metal can. The pouch was excluded in a concept choosing process. In this process it was also decided to further develop the metal can concept.

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