2456 Uppsatser om Likets position pć bćlet - Sida 26 av 164
Förslag till ombyggnation av klipp- och bockningsmaskin
This thesis work has been performed on request by SWT (Scandinavia WeldTech AB). SWT manufactures, develop and sell ready to assemble building systems for concrete rafter beam applications. The beams in this system consist of a u-beam that is welded to a flange. To be able to fill the beams with concrete there is holes in the beams top end. The holes are made in a ?punching machine?. These holes are cut out and the remaining steel piece is bent down in the u-beam.
Liberal högersvÀng? : En jÀmförande analys av folkpartiet liberalerna och Det Radikale Venstres ideologiska positionering
The aim of this paper is to empirically examine the ideological trends and positioning of the Swedish liberal party with the Danish social liberal party. This paper also aims to analyze the reasons behind the trends. By examine the development in these two Nordic liberal sisterparties, this paper contributes to our understanding of why and how party change is initiated. The paper commences with an intuitive notion that the Swedish party has in fact, made a lurch towards the right, during the past ten to fifteen years while the Danish party has retained their social-liberal position in the centre of the Danish political spectrum. The questions then asked are: can this hypothesis be verified empirically? If so, how can this phenomenon of divergence, be explained?The method used in this thesis is process-tracing and the empirical material does to a large extent rely on interviews with central agents as they are specified in the theory of each party.
Beteendeskillnader mellan könen och inhysningens inverkan pÄ vitryggig hackspett (Dendrocopos leucotos) pÄ Nordens Ark
Vitryggig hackspett Àr Sveriges mest hotade hackspettsart. Som en del i bevarandearbetet bedrivs avel, uppfödning och utsÀttning av arten. Avel av vitryggig hackspett sker pÄ Nordens Ark men reproduktionsframgÄngen har varit varierad. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om nÄgra beteendeskillnader mellan könen förelÄg vilka skulle tyda pÄ att honorna Àr mer stressade i fÄngenskap Àn hanarna, vilket tidigare studier visat tendenser pÄ. Vidare var Àven syftet att jÀmföra beteenden mellan fÄglarna i tvÄ olika inhysningssÀtt för att se om individerna i den ena eller andra hÄllningen visar tecken pÄ en högre nivÄ av stress.
Prediktionsmodell för graviditet vid in vitro-fertilisering med ett frys-tinat embryo
SEB Merchant Banking provides to its institutional customers a true market neutral product called Dynamic Manager Alpha (DMA). The DMA is constructed by a long position in an exceptionally well performing mutual fund and a beta adjusted short position in an appropriate index. The key to making the product market neutral is adjusting with the correct beta, since the beta changes, it is very important to have a good model for predicting beta in the future.This master thesis begins with describing what beta is in a CAPM sense. It then continues with recognizing the so called ?Two Beta Trap?, which separates two kinds of beta.
InbÀddade kartor för geografiska presentationer pÄ webbsidor
This is a survey of different techniques that may be used for embedding geographicdata into web pages. Different models of GIS communication are examined and a testsubject in the form of an application is implemented and evaluated.The test application (?StudentKarta? eng. ?Student Map?) lets students submit theirresidential data and shows their position as pins on an embedded Map.An expire date is used to let the pins fade away and disappear.The application uses the popular Google map engines to display the geographicalpresentations.
VD-bytets pÄverkan pÄ aktiekursen : En studie ur ett genusperspektiv
In the last decades the Swedish labor market has been characterized by a stereotype perception on women?s role and position on the market. The perception speaks of the characteristics of female leadership as being less qualified causing the gaps between the two genders to transform into a gender segregated society. The historically slow progress has limited the career opportunities for women to reach top management. However the increasing discussions during the 21st century on how to reduce the gender differences in the labor market has made it more acceptable with women on higher positions.
Ljumskskador inom fotboll: riskfaktorer och prevention: En systematisk litteraturstudie
Ljumskskador tillhör en av de vanligaste skadorna inom fotboll och hÄller mÄnga spelare borta frÄn match och trÀning. Det finns faktorer som utsÀtter en spelare för ökad risk att skada sig och dessa Àr viktiga att kÀnna till för att förstÄ orsakerna till att skada uppstÄr samt för att kunna förebygga skador med preventiv trÀning. Syftet med studien var att granska den vetenskapliga litteraturen avseende riskfaktorer och prevention för ljumskskador inom fotboll. En litteratursökning gjordes i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl och AMED vilket resulterade i att 20 artiklar inkluderades. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades och poÀngsattes med PEDro-scale eller ?Bedömningsmall för riskfaktorer?.
Turkiskt EU-medlemskap : En kritisk idéanalys med civilisationernas kamp som teoretiskt perspektiv
This thesis aims to study obstacles which Turkey faces regarding EU accession. The main focus will be at the historical context and background information to clarify Turkey-EU relationship and institutional aspects such as; the Copenhagen criteria will be analyzed. Interaction between identity politics and Turkeys Europeanization project will be examined by analyzing arguments regarding this issue. The historical context is important for realizing in how Turkey's negotiation process is affected and how the process is evolved. By examining this, a more transparent understanding is going to develop in the issue of why Turkey never will be able to identify itself with the EU.Analysis regarding why Turkey as a secular state develops into an increasingly Islamized state is highlighted.
Leder ett mixat grepp jÀmfört med ett pronerat till skillnader i posturalt svaj vid utförandet av ett marklyft?
Bakgrund: Fysioterapeuter arbetar traditionellt med redan intrĂ€ffade skador i syfte att Ă„terfĂ„ funktion och minska smĂ€rta. Inom idrottslag arbetar dock fysioterapeuter ofta skadeförebyggande. Marklyft Ă€r en tĂ€vlingsgren inom styrkelyft men anvĂ€nds Ă€ven ofta inom andra idrotter för sĂ„vĂ€l prestationsökande och skadeförebyggande syfte. Marklyft utförs ofta med stora belastningar som Ă€r pĂ„frestande för greppet och för att klara av de stora belastningarna anvĂ€nder sig mĂ„nga av ett mixat grepp. Det Ă€r idag okĂ€nt hur ett mixat grepp pĂ„verkar symmetrin vid utförandet av ett marklyft.Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om det uppstod skillnader vad gĂ€ller asymmetriska rörelser i form av förskjutning av center of pressure (CoP) vid ett mixat grepp jĂ€mfört med pronerat under ett marklyft.Metod: Ă
tta erfarna manliga styrkelyftare deltog i denna studie.
Bildterapi och Àtstörningar, en kvalitativ studie av patienters upplevelser. : ?Jag slÀppte pÄ kontrollen och lÀt saker bli som dom blir?.
Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att via beskrivningar av upplevelser och erfarenheter hos patienter med Àtstörningsproblematik som erhÄllit bildterapi i grupp, skapa en fördjupad förstÄelse om den bildterapeutiska processen. I resultatet framtrÀder hur processen gestaltats. Bildprocessen indelades i tre utvecklingsfaser med övergripande teman; avvaktande- prövande- bearbetande. En gruppindelning tydliggör hur mÄnga av patienterna som pÄbörjade en utvecklande process i bildterapin. För de flesta blev bildterapin en viktig behandlingsinsats dÀr en bildprocess startade, nÄgra fÄ stannade upp i en kontrollerande lÄst position. .
Androgynitetens betydelse för det kreativa uttrycket i To the Lighthouse
A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of UmeÄ developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of UmeÄ in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of UmeÄ in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of UmeÄ in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.UmeÄ is displayed as an expanding city.
Doby?ins fokus : Detaljerna och debatten om Gud i ?urkina rodnja
Nathan Söderblom, Swedish archbishop 1914 - 1931, understands his role as bishop from an integrated theological conception that episcopacy is a gift to the church and the apostolic succession a heritage of utmost value. Episcopacy is an important tool to make the churches come together. in his work for peace during the Great War it was through his position without any power that he could approach the politicians. His calling was not only for Sweden; he had a responsibility for the whole world. In the Ecumenical Cope for the 1925 Stockholm meeting Söderblom expressed his views on the importance of the Uppsala see.
Kvinnan slÄr tillbaka : Sexualitet och vÄld i slashergenren
A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of UmeÄ developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of UmeÄ in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of UmeÄ in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of UmeÄ in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.UmeÄ is displayed as an expanding city.
Detaljhandelns stora utmaning : en studie om detaljhandelns försÀljningskoncept och detaljhandelns kunder
The society has strongly developed and changed the condition of the trades. The retail trade is no exception; it has changed and developed in the same pace as society. The retail trade is a very broad and extensive trade as all people come in contact with frequently. In the past people shopped locally but nowadays people have the entire world as their marketplace because of the development of Internet. Globalisation gives customers wider opportunities, which demands new and different sales concepts.
Maskuliniteter : En intervju- och observationsstudie av gymnasiepojkars konstruktion av maskulinitet
Uppsatsen handlar om maskulinitetsbildning hos gymnasiepojkar i Sverige. Mitt syfte var att ta reda pÄ vad maskulinitet kan vara och hur det uttrycks i skolan hos en grupp gymnasiepojkar. För att göra detta ville jag beskriva och analysera hur pojkarna i en gymnasieklass diskuterade begreppen manlighet, kvinnlighet, vÀnskap och kÀrlek och hur de agerade i skolan inom dessa teman. Jag ville Àven se om det i dessa sammanhang fanns en hegemonisk maskulinitet i pojkgruppen och vilka uttryck den i sÄ fall tog sig i pojkarnas relation till varandra. Som sista forskningsfrÄga ville jag ta reda pÄ om andra maskuliniteter Àn den hegemoniska visade sig, och om sÄ var fallet, hur gruppen hanterade dessa.