

899 Uppsatser om Learn - Sida 14 av 60

Resursskolans betydelse för eleverna

Students who regularly cause trouble in school, how can they Learn anything? That is what we asked ourselves after having visited a special school for ?troublesome students? (in Swedish resursskola). Our main purpose has been to find out how these students have experienced the help they have been given in those schools.We have interviewed students, parents and a social worker in order to find out if the alternative pedagogical methods used by those schools give the students better opportunities to perform their schoolwork. The interviews have been made two or three years after the end of their studies in compulsory school (grade 9). We have used a qualitative method with semi structured interviews and also an evaluation model.

?Var ligger en kompromiss?? : Om några andraspråkselevers upplevelser av parskrivning.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the collaboration of four Learners of Swedish as a second language during a pair-writing task, as well as their experiences of the process, in order to draw conclusions about how to execute pair-writing in the L2 classroom. The study has found that the establishment of compatible partners are of great importance to achieve success and Learning through pair-writing. One of the pairs studied managed to work well together and use each other?s knowledge to improve their text, while the other pair continuosly battled for dominance, which had a negative impact on their performance. The two successful students had enjoyed the task and believed they had Learned something from it and that pair-writing can be a useful source of knowledge.

Incentive programmes – a corporate governance perspective on Swedish commercial state owned firms

We would like to Learn more about how the restrictive policy against incentive programmes affects the board’s of Swedish state owned commercial firms ability to govern management in an efficient way. We also want to find out if there are different consequences in reference to this that are not directly linked to corporate governance issues. Our empiric observations have been made in order to profoundly explore the subject and examine it through the eyes of professional individuals, all expressing different views and standpoints. We conclude that the most efficient structure is when an active board is complemented by a well structured and individualised incentive programme. However, this thesis conclude that this structure is not possible given the current guidelines and policies employed by the state, which in turn might lead to sub optimizations in the governing..

Läsa med förståelse : Lässvaga elever och SO-undervisning

Most pupils Learn good reading strategies during their first years at school. Pupils who don´t do that will have difficulties understanding written data. As the pupils meet text filled with lots of data they will have difficulties understanding the written text. International studies show that the rusults of Swedish pupils are dropping. This issue got me thinking: What help is given to those pupils with difficulties so that their reading comprehension will increase? Are the teachers actively teaching reading comprehensions and in that case how and when? By observing two teahers of intermediate level, I wanted to find out how theachers help pupils with reading comprehension.

Ungas syn på integration : En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars syn på integration

The aim of this essay was to acquire an enhanced knowledge about young immigrants? point of view of integration. During a former practical training semester I became interested in what the young immigrants thought about their own integration, what their conception was about this issue. I found that it had different meaning to different persons, to some it meant assimilation, to others it meant being able to interact with the opposite gender. To examine this I used interviews and interviewed an amount of young immigrants in different stages of their studies in Swedish.

IT i bilen : En fallstudie av ubikvitär datorisering

This paper aims to study the possibilities and challenges the car industry has to face with applying information technology in cars. The goal is to describe and analyse all the existing technology in the cars out on the market today as well as future possible technologies in cars. By interviewing people who has been working or are working with information technology in cars, we aim to clarify the obstacles and opportunities in the process of implementing informatics in cars. With this knowledge we want to Learn more about Ubiquitous computing and how humans interact with Ubiquitous computers today and will be interacting in the future. Technology has a rapid development pace and we find it interesting to examine how the car industry can keep up with the rapid development pace of technology. .

Autonom bil med enkapseldator och ultraljudssensorer : tillämpning av en Arduino mikrokontrollerplattform och HC-SR04 sensorer

 Autonomous cars or robot cars havebeen on the agenda ever sinceHollywood started with their Sci-Figenre, maybe even before that. A lotof things have happened since then andnow the self-driving vehicle is notfar away. In this project, theAutonomous car with microcontrollerand ultrasonic sensors, we are lookingat a way of making a small, regular RCcar autonomous with relatively simplemeans and investigate how the bigcompanies does it to Learn more aboutthe development of the autonomous carsand their technology.We used an Arduino Uno R3 supplementedwith an Arduino Motor Shield R3 as ourmicrocontroller board and three HCSR04ultrasonic sensors. By removingalmost all of the old parts of the RCcar,except the two DC motors, andreplacing them with these new parts wemanaged to make a vehicle that drovearound in a room without crashing intoanything. We could have used entirelydifferent sensors, or supplemented theexisting setup with other sensors tomake it even more accurate andobstacle avoiding.

Elevernas egenplanerade lektioner i hem- och konsumentkunskap. : Arbetsuppgift för delaktighet i planering av lektionerna.

The purpose of this developmental research was to test the new way of working when the students were to take part in planning of cooking during the lessons in home and consumer studies, because the aim of the school is to teach the students to take the responsibility for their studies. The two first lessons should be used by students in the group to plan and organize their meal. During the third lesson the students must be responsible for cooking ready their meal and afterwards they must evaluate the results. The results of this new way of working was new for the students and they thought it was fun to be responsible for cooking during these lessons in home economics. The students in the groups were of wixed ability and they developed their knowledge from the levels of their ability.


This report describes the scientific work of designing and manufacturing an intelligent controller module prototype for automobile trailer connections. The functions of the module are both to drive the lamps and detect failures. The module also contains functions to handle other functions of the trailer. To Learn about controller modules the group does extensive feasibility study.The group receives three already existing modules, the functions of the three modules are studied and tested in the lab, this is done too get a overview of the construction. The method used I called reversed engineering, a way of constructing by analyzing constructions already done.When the modules are analyzed, the functions of the prototype are tested and designed without copying the analyzed modules.

Dyslexi och Likvärdighet : Finns det en genväg till en likvärdig utbildning?

The purpose of this paper is to find out if technology within pedagogy can help pupils with dyslexiaperform on the same level as their peers without using compensatory aid. Is it possible to replacethe compensatory aids with the technology in question? Can the same technology also be used tosupport other pupils as well and in turn removing the stigma of needing compensatory aid?To Learn the answers to these questions I have done a qualitative text analysis. This analysis focuson technology in the form of podcasts and Web 2.0 based teaching platforms. The analysis alsofocus on pupils with dyslexia and what kind of help compensatory aids can be.

Genus och jämställdhet bland tibetaner i exil

This work presents the way exiled Tibetans I?ve met view gender and equality. The world is becoming increasingly global and in order to educate future world citizens it is important to make sure that they Learn about gender and equality. Males and Females have different cultures and where manly is the norm female is the exception, but it is important to try and level out these differences while children are still in school. This work originates from studies of literature and several interviews with exiled Tibetans in the Indian city of Dharamsala. They are Tibetans with different roles in the exile-Tibetan society and also of different generations and gender.

?Att slänga bensin där det redan brinner? : En studie av expansionen i Åre by och turismens påverkan på Åres samhällsutveckling

This essay is about children in grief. This subject is very wide, therefore I have chosen to focus on childrens questions in relation to losing someone close to them. I got the idée for this study in 2004 when the tsunami hit south Asia.The result in this study reflects three different pedagogues experiences about how they have experienced childrens questions when they have lost a person near to them. During this study I have reached the knowledge that as an adult you should answer childrens questions straight and honestly. It is important that children get information about what has happened, they must get a chance to participate.

Barn i sorg : Hur bemöter jag som pedagog frågor som elever ställer i samband med en närståendes bortgång

This essay is about children in grief. This subject is very wide, therefore I have chosen to focus on childrens questions in relation to losing someone close to them. I got the idée for this study in 2004 when the tsunami hit south Asia.The result in this study reflects three different pedagogues experiences about how they have experienced childrens questions when they have lost a person near to them. During this study I have reached the knowledge that as an adult you should answer childrens questions straight and honestly. It is important that children get information about what has happened, they must get a chance to participate.

Barns lärande i leken : Studie utifrån pedagogers perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to investigate what teachers in preschool thinks of play and how they use play to create Learning. In my study I have proceeded from three questions which are: How do the teachers describe how the children Learn through play? How do the teachers describe their participation in the children´s play? How do the teachers describe what they do to involve Learning in play? To examine my purpose and the questions at issue, qualitative interviews were done with three different teachers. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed and the result showed that teachers´opinion and experiences of Learning through play. The result shows that teachers belive that playing is very important and that it should be fun and joyful.

Besjälad pedagogik : Utifrån en lärares livsberättelse

The aim of this essay is to bring up and mediate a teacher?s life story and professional history to take part of her experience of an animated pedagogy. As a tool I use the life story method, which is a qualitative interview method which purpose is to put the narrative person?s life history in the centre.One of the goals for an animated pedagogy is to Learn how to be. Animated pedagogy is about making teaching living and making it meaningful and exciting.

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