
Ungas syn på integration

En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars syn på integration

The aim of this essay was to acquire an enhanced knowledge about young immigrants? point of view of integration. During a former practical training semester I became interested in what the young immigrants thought about their own integration, what their conception was about this issue. I found that it had different meaning to different persons, to some it meant assimilation, to others it meant being able to interact with the opposite gender. To examine this I used interviews and interviewed an amount of young immigrants in different stages of their studies in Swedish. The essential theme throughout the work was to determine what the young people?s point of view was. I found that there is a profound interest from the professionals working with integration, to make the integration process as good as possible for the individuals undergoing it. But the most frequent opinion was that communication is most essential in this issue, the newly arrived young people couldn?t learn Swedish fast enough so that they would be able to communicate with there peers and the rest of the society.


Hanna Awad

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan Kristianstad/Sektionen för Hälsa och Samhälle


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