1510 Uppsatser om Leadership at a distance - Sida 26 av 101
Närliten blir stor : ett företag på väg ut på den globala marknaden
This is a study about a company in Norrköping, called Stadium AB, and its first steps into the global market. We have studied how the conditions of the company have changed during their expansion. This study is not written from the viewpoint of business economics, it is rather a study from a cultural and social studies perspective. The study deals with subjects such as the globalization of society, organizational theories and leadership. The empiric material consists of Stadium?s staff magazine Tracks, the company?s swedish homepage on the Internet and an interview with Sussi Calås-Jonsson, Chief of the Department of Information at Stadium AB.
?Transformell, transaktionell och laissez-faire ledarskapsstil : en kvantitativ studie gällande manliga och kvinnliga chefer
The aim of this study was to see if there existed any differences between male and female superiors. The theoretical framework was based on transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leaderships styles. The sample was employees in three companys (n=24). Three hypothesis were formulated: (1) female superiors are more transformational than male, (2) male superiors are more transactional than female and (3) male superiors are more laissez-faire than felmale. The method of measurement was a modified version of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.
Hur leds en organisation på distans? : En intervjustudie med ledare inom laboratoriemedicin.
I denna studie har jag undersökt hur ledarskap på distans bedrevs av ledare med chefsuppdrag inom laboratoriemedicin. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur cheferna beskrev vad som utmärkte ledarskapet på distans, vilka egenskaper en ledare behövde för att leda en organisation på distans och hur de kommunicerade med sina medarbetare. Jag har i denna studie intervjuat åtta ledare på olika nivåer. Sex av informanterna arbetade inom två olika landsting och två arbetade åt en privat vårdgivare. Vid genomgången av intervjumaterialet framkom nio olika teman vilka var specifika egenskaper, delegering, resor, motivation och feed-back, avstämmande kommunikation, kommunikationsformer, mötesformer, medarbetarsamtal och information.
Förklaringsmodell för cykelresor i Trondheim : Fysiska och demografiska faktorers betydelse för det geografiska resmönstret
The work examines geographical variations of bicycle use in Trondheim municipality with the aim to create an understanding of what influences the use of bicycles and explain the geographical travel pattern for cycling. The work focuses on the how physical structures generates different transports effects. Where bicycle travels in Trondheim municipality are undertaken is described by using network analysis in ArcGIS, based on aggregated data from the travel habit survey (RVU) in 2009/2010. Trondheim municipality is divided into smaller geographical units (zoner) whose characteristics are described by 19 variables, categorized into 6 groups; Distance, Land use, Topography, Bicycle Facilities, Road characteristics and Demographic factors.By linear regression analysis in SPSS and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, an explanatory model is elaborated. The variablesdistance to the regional center, workplace density, percentage separate bike paths and hilly terrain explains 78 percent of where cycle journeys are undertaken.
Datorprogrammets gränssnitts skyddsomfång : en vidgning av upphovsrätten i ljuset av EU-rätten
This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.
Attraktiv arbetsgivare : en jämförande studie i tre oilka organisationer
This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, SwedishAirports and Air Navigation Services), AstraZeneca and Svenska Spel. The purpose of the study was to examine and compare how these companies work towards becoming, and maintaining to be, an employer of choice. Facts were sought about the companies and their work to become an employer of choice.To get a discerning and profound picture, a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with twelve key persons in this work was conducted. The method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used for analysis.The results showed that an amount of factors have an input on how attractive the employer is. Common were compensation and benefits, competence development, leadership, information and health-related activities.
Accelerometertillbehör till mobiltelefon : - Utveckling av Blåtands ansluten accelerometermodul till smartphone
This master thesis has been carried out as a prototype development project. The project hasbeen performed in cooperation with ÅF Combra AB. The purpose with the master thesis is toconstruct a Bluetooth interface between an accelerometer and a smartphone and constructinga physical prototype containing an accelerometer. This is done to test a new user interface tomobile phones. The master thesis has also included a research about the possibility toimplement distance measuring with Bluetooth.
Skogen i barnlitteraturen : Kan den fungera som en källa till naturvetenskaplig kunskap?
The amount of various phosphorus (P) fractions in the sediment and the relationship between the amount of P and sediment particle size were investigated in a constructed wetland southwest of Linköping. Furthermore, the possible correlation between clay content in the sediment and distance from the inlet was investigated. Sediment samples were collected along three transects from the inlet to the outlet, with six samples in each transect. In order to measure the soluble P, an NH4Cl extraction was done. This was also analysed for total soluble P after oxidation with peroxodisulphate.
?När högskolan kom till byn..? Folkbibliotekets roll vid högskolestudier på distans.
The purpose of this Master's thesis is to investigate the role of the public library when the local government in the municipality arranges distance education at university level. The thesis has two main areas of questioning and these are goals and resources. In the study it is examined if the local goals have changed during the period 2000 until 2005, due to the development of distance education. It is investigated if change actually has occurred and if it has, in what way the goals have changed. It is also examined if and how the goals correspond with the work that is being performed in the public library.
Särskilt utsatt situation : om skyddet för den sexuella integriteten i våldtäktsparagrafens utnyttjandefall
This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.
Sedimentation av lera och fosfor i en anlagd våtmark
The amount of various phosphorus (P) fractions in the sediment and the relationship between the amount of P and sediment particle size were investigated in a constructed wetland southwest of Linköping. Furthermore, the possible correlation between clay content in the sediment and distance from the inlet was investigated. Sediment samples were collected along three transects from the inlet to the outlet, with six samples in each transect. In order to measure the soluble P, an NH4Cl extraction was done. This was also analysed for total soluble P after oxidation with peroxodisulphate.
En studie i "situationsanpassat följarskap" : att välja att följa en ledare baserat på frivilligt engagemang
Title:A study of ?Situational followership?.Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Lykke SilfwerbrandSupervisor:Jonas KågströmDate:2011 ? JanuaryAim:This study looks at the new concept: ?situational followership?. It discusses howfollowership and leadership are connected and takes the approach of the follower. The studymainly looks into the following questions:·How can situational followership can be described?·What is the most important parameter for a follower?·Does the choice of leader differ according to the situation?·How is situational leadership and situational followership connected?Method:This is a qualitative study with ten respondents.
Ledarskap och ideologisk implementering
Abstract: A public service sector in constant reformation is a common phenomenon in Sweden. This also includes the municipal care organisations. A central role in those reformations has the public middle chief who often is the one to implemented reforms to the organiza-tion's staff.This study is examining the role of the public middle manager in care organisations dur-ing the implementation of common ideologies value foundation in a present organisa-tion's reform. The study tries to elucidate in which way the public middle managers in municipal care organisations experience their roles, which expectations the management of the organisation has on their roles and how a present organisation changes inflict on the contents of the role. If the middle manager in a municipal care organisation feels like normative for the personal group is another aspect.There are four concepts used as theoretic framework in the study, organization, imple-mentation and public middle managers in a general aspect and the middle manager in a municipal care organisation in a specific aspect.
The Way We Produce : Möjliga kvalitetsförbättringar på Atlas Copco
The purpose of this master?s thesis was to find problems that occur in the production line at Atlas Copco Rocktec Division, in order to decrease the costs of defect in quality. When the problems were distinguished, the authors ought to choose the problem with the highest improvement potential. One request from the constituent at Atlas Copco Rocktec Division was to connect the improvement to the document The Way We Produce. The document provides information and values about Atlas Copco and consists of 10 principles to be able to reach their vision.
Ledarskapets betydelse i subarktisk miljö
Att verka med ett militärt förband i subarktisk miljö är krävande då det alltid finns en naturlig fiende närvarande ? den ständiga kylan. Det finns mycket skrivet om ledarskap, subarktisk miljö och Finska vinterkriget men jag har inte funnit något om ledarskapets betydelse i subarktisk miljö. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om utvecklande ledarskap är en applicerbar ledarstil i subarktisk miljö. Denna uppsats bygger på kvalitativ text analys med en analys av subarktisk miljö, utvecklande ledarskap samt om Finska vinterkriget 1939-1940.