58 Uppsatser om Laurin Maritime - Sida 2 av 4
Förbud mot dubbelregistrering av fartyg
In a recently published official Report from the Swedish Government (SOU 2010:73) a leg- islative proposal has been introduced. Its main purpose is to prevent parallel registrations of ships that are bareboat chartered to other countries. The legislative proposal claims that by preventing parallel registration of ships the Swedish Maritime Code will better corre- spond with the UN convention on the law of the sea.The UN convention on the law of the sea clearly states that ships are forbidden to fly two flags. There is however no restriction concerning parallel registration, simultaneously, in two registers. A ship that is bareboat chartered out from Sweden does not fulfil criteria re- quired in order to be deregistered, according to the Swedish maritime code.
Guide till upprättande av säkerhetshandbok
This Projects goal was to develop a manual, which was to be used as help for a fishing company in the making of an SMS (Safety Management System). The manual was going to follow the guidelines presented by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) and the Swedish Transport Agency. The projects client was a smaller fishing company that was about to build a fishing vessel.The work has been carried out as a project, it was finished within the schedule and the client was most satisfied with the result. The client has used the manual in the making of the Safety Booklet (SMS) and they are now certified according to the rules of the Swedish Transport Agency..
I studien ställs frågan hur den historiska förordningen ?produktplakatet? från 1700-talet ska tolkas i ett modernt juridiskt perspektiv. Produktplakatet reglerar än idag ett förbud för utländska redare att bedriva sjöfart på svenska vatten. En sådan aktivitet kallas för cabotage, vilket är franska och betyder ?kustfart?.Produktplakatets lydelse och den praktiska tillämpningen av förordningen genom behörig myndighet skiljer sig åt på olika sätt.
Skeppsteknik : en studie om teknikutveckling hos skepp i Medelhavet
Techniques used in the building of a number of ships from the Mediterranean will be presented in this paper. The two techniques thnat will be discussed are shell-based technique and skeleton-basedtechnique. An attempt to clearify and delineate the transition between these two techniques will be made. The possible reasons for transition will then be described and discussed. The development ofthe techniques is going to be identified with help from four wrecks by analyzing their edge joineriesand this facts will be used as a basis for a chronological presentation.
Motivation i läroboken? : Hur motiverande faktorer kan ta sig uttryck i läroböcker i svenska
Abstract: Facebook in the Public Sector - qualitative interviewstudy with The Swedish maritime Administration, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, the Swedish prison and Probation services and the municipality of Katrineholm about their precense on Facebook.In my bachelor?s thesis I have studied how three government authority and one municipality uses or don?t use Facebook in their communication towards the citizens. I have chosen to study four different cases, to see if there are any significant similarities or differences between how the different services are working with their communication. I have chosen to explore my cases through semi-structured qualitative interviews, where I met communications officers of every organisation face to face.I have found out that there is not one right way to communicate through Facebook, every organisations decisions must be based on their own mission, aims and objectives. And I have seen that both the transmitter and the receiver need to mature into the new acting of this new channel - Facebook..
Facebook i offentlig sektor : - en kvalitativ intervjustudie med Kriminalvården, Sjöfartsverket, SMHI och Katrineholms kommun om deras närvaro på Facebook.
Abstract: Facebook in the Public Sector - qualitative interviewstudy with The Swedish maritime Administration, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, the Swedish prison and Probation services and the municipality of Katrineholm about their precense on Facebook.In my bachelor?s thesis I have studied how three government authority and one municipality uses or don?t use Facebook in their communication towards the citizens. I have chosen to study four different cases, to see if there are any significant similarities or differences between how the different services are working with their communication. I have chosen to explore my cases through semi-structured qualitative interviews, where I met communications officers of every organisation face to face.I have found out that there is not one right way to communicate through Facebook, every organisations decisions must be based on their own mission, aims and objectives. And I have seen that both the transmitter and the receiver need to mature into the new acting of this new channel - Facebook..
Räcker metoderna till? : En fallstudie om ammunitionsröjning i marin miljö
Denna uppsats är skriven inom ramen för ämnet Krigsvetenskap under författarens studier på yrkesofficersprogrammet 2009 -2012 till nautisk officer. I studien beskrivs risker och metoder i samband med att ammunition omhändertas. Syftet är att belysa en problematik som ammunitionsröjare skulle kunna möta idag då de metoder som finns idag främst är avsedda för röjning på land. De senaste åren visar en ökad frekvens av attacker utanför Somalias kust. I samband med den här typen av attacker finns chansen att behov av nya metoder också uppstår.
Beckholmen : Varv & Marina
A new shipyard on the island of Beckholmen consisting of a new ship hall and complementary workshops. The program is extended with rentable industrial space for other smaller companies to take advantage of synergies with the yard and to create an active maritime cluster around Beckholmen. By building a marina and a port at the northern shoreline of the island the shipyard can expand their potential customers to non-commercial and larger recreational boats that are becoming increasingly common in Skärgården. The port is also supplemented with a combined naval fuel station, harbor office and a small café. The boat traffic in the region gets a additional stop at the end of the port and act as an additional gateway to Djurgården. Several small retail spaces with direct access to the water is created along the promenade between the port and Djurgården. The shipyard gets a modern and efficient industry building, while the island is made available to the public again, and Beckholmen will hopefully take an equal place in the city's consciousness as it does visually in the inlet to Stockholm..
Gemensamberedningen av EU:s Maritima Grönbok ur ett Resiliensperspektiv : En studie om den adaptiva kapaciteten i Regeringskansliets inre processer
The study aims to give a description of the conditions in which matters is prepared withinSwedish Government`s offices, to describe the adaptive capacity in the agency`s internalprocesses by investigating the experiences of some civil servants restricted to the Ministry ofEnterprise and the Ministry of Environment in their work with the EU Maritime Policy GreenPaper. The results have been analyzed against the basis of eight identified criteria of buildingadaptive capacity in socially dominated systems. The criteria are comprised of both individualand organizational abilities. Only two of them were fully met; the criteria about diversity inexperiences and knowledge and the criteria about information and how the information hasbeen applied. However, the process has traces of all the identified criteria.
LNG träningsmanual för M/T Bit Viking
Denna uppsats är gjord på uppdrag av Tarbit Shipping som år 2011 konverterade sin tankbåt M/T Bit Viking från konventionell drift på tjockolja till LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas).Uppdraget som gavs var att upprätta en tränings manual till fartyget då det är ett krav från IMO (International Maritime Organization). Manualen skrevs i 3 st huvuddelar Kategori A, B och C. Kategori A är till för att manskap ombord ska få en kännedom om gasen och säkerhet runt den, Kategori B är skriven till däcksbefäl där det krävs en större kännedom om gasen och Kategori C är till för maskinbefäl. Manualen finns nu ombord på fartyget och på rederi kontoret för utbildning av nypåmönstrad personal och fortlöpande utbildning av ordinarie personal. Manualen är ett resultat på tolkning av IMO´s IGF kod (ANNEX11.
Tillståndsbaserat underhåll till sjöss : Vad föranleder den begränsade användningen av tillståndsbaserat underhåll (CBM) till sjöss?
Today, maintenance is a big part of the daily life on board ships. It is also one of the bigger expenses a shipping company has and without any loss of quality tries to run as economically advantageous as possible. In the hunt for economical savings the shore-based industry has subsequently applied the use of condition based maintenance, CBM, were a component is maintained according to its actual state. This leads to a reduction of maintenance costs since no parts are unnecessarily replaced. However, within the maritime sector a periodical maintenance is still the most commonly used maintenance system.The purpose of this paper is to chart the factors that are the reason for the low implementation of CBM on board the Swedish merchant fleet's ships.
Högre bemanningsnivåer? : En studie med avseende på sjöarbetskonventionens intentioner och förväntade effekter.
Arbetets syfte var att undersöka intentionen och förväntade effekter av den nyasjöarbetskonventionen som nu ska implementeras vad gäller bemanningsnivåer ochvilotider på svenska fartyg. Genom att först genomföra en litteraturstudie lades grundenför arbetet. Med anledning av att konventionen inte var implementerad genomfördes enkvalitativ intervjustudie mot tre sakkunniga representanter från svensk sjöfartsnäring föratt utreda vad konventionens verkliga intention var. Därefter genomfördes en kvalitativintervjustudie mot fyra aktörer i den svenska sjöfartsnäringen för att utreda vad dessaförväntade sig för effekter av konventionen, gällande bemanningsnivåer och vilotider.Resultatet av undersökningarna visade på att konventionens intention är att höja deninternationella standarden vad gäller just bemanningsnivåer och vilotider till en nivåsom liknar den svenska relativt höga nivån. Vad gäller förväntade effekter avkonventionen tror de svenska aktörerna att den svenska sjöfartsbranschen kommer att seganska små förändringar om några alls..
En korporativ sjöfartspolitisk utkik? : En fallstudie av tillkomsten av TAP-avtalet, och skapandet av en globalt anpassad marknad.
The thesis examines the crisis that the Swedish-flagged merchant marine underwent in the 1990s, that resulted in a narrow market for the Swedish-flagged fleet. In order to save the industry, the TAP- agreement was created, consisting of three parties, government- market and interest organizations. Purpose in this thesis, is to exam how the TAP-agreement was carried out in relation to the parties, and how it correlates in relation to how the global political economy affected the Swedish maritime politics. Two questions are presented. Is the TAP agreement an expression of Swedish corporatism? Which aspect of Global Political Economy is characteristic for the TAP agreement? A case study is preformed in three steps. The different parties of the TAP-agreement have been interviewed. A comparative study of two Swedish crises has been performed, in order to establish the correlation between them, in regards to corporatism. A survey, with the aim to pinpoint which aspect of Global Political Economy is characteristic of the TAP agreement. Findings in this thesis are that the TAP-agreement was designed through corporatism, and that the most important aspect of all, the Swedish flag was worth saving, for all parties. .
Elektroniska konossement - ?r Sverige med p? b?ten? En studie av m?jligheterna till inf?rande av elektroniska konossement i Sverige
This paper aims to analyze the legal functions and characteristics of bills of lading in their basic form to examine the legal framework for the adoption of electronic bills of lading under Swedish law. With a comparative analysis against English law, particular attention is given to the 'document of title' function. This has been claimed to pose challenges in the transition to electronic bills of lading. While Swedish law presents potential parallels, critical aspects like negotiability and indirect possession require resolution. It analyzes international regulations such as the Rotterdam Rules and Model Law, addressing challenges and potential solutions for digitalization.
Lotsbåtsolyckor : En studie om olyckor som involverar svenska lotsbåtar
Denna studie genomfördes i syfte att kartlägga och analysera mönster mellan olyckor sominvolverar svenska lotsbåtar. Studien utfördes som en kvantitativ litteraturstudie medkompletterande textanalys. Samtliga rapporter från lotsbåtsolyckor från de senaste 14 årenbegärdes ut från Transportstyrelsen. Dessa kategoriserades efter de vanligaste olyckstypernaoch analyserades därefter. Resultatet visade att flest olyckor sker i samband med transportenfrån kaj till fartyget som ska lotsas och vice versa, medan haverier och grundstötning är devanligaste incidenterna.