

2273 Uppsatser om Language constructions - Sida 28 av 152

Lärarens jämställdhetsarbete : Ordval & Litteratur i genusöverblick

The aim of this thesis is to show gender equality in school for teacher's choice of words with gender-sensitive language related to children's literature "Do you know Pippi Longstocking?". Work has focused on preschool and grade 1. The theme of the thesis is that the teaching profession should look human. The study provides a literature review of the teacher's choice of words in the gender order as the words hen, man, gender, sex, etc., and a review of Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren on the basis of the related concepts.

En skola för alla : Är denna skola integrerande eller segregerande för barn i behov av särskilt stöd

In this paper integration and inclusion were analysed in both theory and practice to see what they mean for pupils who reqire special support or pupils who have Swedish as a second language in compulsory school. The purpose of this work was to investigate whether inclusion is the best way of reaching the goal of a school for all children. A literary study, was conducted to test this hypothesis. The literature used for this purpose includes non-fiction books, handbooks, newspaper articles, declarations, conventions, and learning and course plans. Qualitative interwiews were held whit a remedial teacher, a Swedish-as-a-second-language teacher, and a class teacher who contributed greatly to this work thoough their experiences and vast knowledge.


The division of Electricity at Uppsala University runs a project called Lysekil project, they have designed a buoy that uses the waves to create electric power from a generator attached to the bottom of the sea.Uppsala University is closely connected with the company Seabased and the university makes use of their facilities in Lysekil. When they designed the buoy issues occurred, the geometric design was flawed, brackets with a short shelf life and it is generally uneconomic.A study visit was done in Lysekil on Seabased facility. With this visit the project started, which is to improve the design of the buoy and the attachment of wires leading to the generator. In this project we have chosen to use a beam system with three beams that are attached to the buoy. Then a wire attached to a plate that sits between the beams will be leading to the generator. Two proposals for construction are created, what distinguishes them are the brackets between the beams and the buoy.From these constructions, the design that is considered most optimal for our project is chosen.All parts of the buoy have been modeled and the drawings are designed in ProEngineer software.The two constructions are compared with each other, but the whole focus is on the second and final structure. The report begins with an introduction describing Lysekil project, and a task description of our project.The project aims to produce an optimal buoy that will be easy to design, materials restrictive with good durability and an economical solution.Wave power true function has been studied, mechanical and finite element analysis of beams, buoy and plate design.This has been presented in this report, where in the various chapters can read more about the processes. Although the relevant facts and information on this project and buoy development is included.

Matematik+andraspråkselever = matematiksvårigheter? : Varför och vad kan lärarna göra?

The purpose of my examination work was to show the need for support for students with another mother-tongue than Swedish, so that these students would be able to get through mathematics tuition better. To achieve this purpose, I chose to start from the perspective that presented itself at interviews with two class teachers and two mother-tongue supervisors. I also chose to use the qualitative research interview as study method, as I tried to understand those informing me in a thorough and in-depth way. In my study I have had a sociocultural perspective as starting point where the conceptions teaching, language and communication, support and individualizing are central for the development of knowledge. The questions for my study during this process were as follows: What difficulties, according to the teachers interviewed can occur for second language students in mathematics? What ways and methods of working do the teachers chosen give priority to, so that   the second language students` results in mathematics will improve? The results from my interviews show that the difficulties with mathematics for second anguage students can be perceived as being dependent on a combination of reasons, where amongst other things language plays a central part.

Utprövning av Fem Till Femton-formulärets småbarnsversion för utredning av barns utveckling och beteende i åldrarna 25?40 månader

The main purpose was to develop norms for the Five to fifteen questionnaire ? toddlers? version (FTF-S) in children aged 25?40 months. Apartial aim was to validate the language domain of the FTF-S against the linguistic scale in the test Bayley Scales of Infant Development ? thirdedition (Bayley-III). Another partial aim was to analyze parents' experiences of the FTF-S in order to provide suggestions for further development.

Språk genom musik - Musikens funktion som motivationsskapare för språkinlärning

Title: Language Through Music. Music as a Motivator for Language Acquisition.The purpose of this essay is to examine what there is to gain by integrating music and language to promote language learning. Theory: Different theories will be presented to orientate music in history. Theories on the connection between music and language will follow and among others suggestopedi will be explained. Theories that will be presented point to positive connections between music and language concerning language acquisition.

En bild säger mer än klara ord : En undersökning av visuella och narrativa komponenter i myndighetstext

According to law all Swedish authorities must express themselves using correct, plain and comprehensible language whenever they communicate with the citizens in order to make it easy to understand what needs to be known to participate in the Swedish democratic society. I would like to explore if there are more tools than the language that could be used to make their communication easier to comprehend, in this case images and stories. In this essay I will investigate the relationship between the written words and the visual components ? images and illustrations ? in brochures from Swedish authorities. I will also try to identify possible narratives in the brochures, and examine the functions of these narratives.

"Män skriver inte om tamponger" : En undersökning om människors bild av skribentens kön

The main purpose of this essay is to identify opinions of masculine and feminine language in a written text. The aim is to examine whether the reader of a text can define the anonymous author?s sex, judging only by elements such as choice of words or sentence structure. Are there any differences between the sexes as they appear in written language, and is the common man able to make this distinction? The essay is based on several studies on people?s ideas on masculine and feminine language, as well as studies on actual differences.

Kommunikation av smärtuttryck hos älde personer med demenssjukdom

 AbstractBackground: Among elderly people with dementia pain is a common problem. In older persons, particularly those suffering from dementia and cognitive impairment pain is often underdiagnosed and undertreated causing unnecessary pain, suffering and affect quality of life negatively. Dementia complicates the identification of pain when the natural ability to communicate decreases when a person is suffering from dementia. It is important that health professionals working with older persons with dementia are aware of the person?s pain expression.Aim: To clarify how older persons with dementia communicate pain expression.Method: To study this area a literature review was used.

En studie om hur Sva-lärare upplever att deras resurser används - på högstadium och gymnasium

Detta arbete belyser ämnet Svenska som andraspråk (Sva) genom fyra kvinnliga Sva-lärares upplevelser av hur deras kunskaper i Sva-ämnet beaktas av andra ämneslärare och rektorer. Studien genomfördes på ett högstadium och ett gymnasium i två olika kommuner. Förestående studie har en kvalitativ ansats innefattande inspelade intervjuer där intervjuaren utgick ifrån en intervjuguide. Resultaten pekar på likartade upplevelser hos alla fyra informanterna, nämligen att deras kunskaper i Sva inte utnyttjas av andra ämneslärare samt att det föreligger ett ointresse/okunskap hos såväl andra lärare och rektorer, som hos föräldrar och elever om Sva-ämnet. Samtidigt upplever informanterna att deras kunskaper behövs, men att det i nuläget inte förekommer något samarbete.

Sagor i förskola och skola : Tio lärares och tolv elevers syn på sagans roll i förskolan och skolan

The purpose of this study was to explore preschool- and primary school teachers? perceptions of fairytales, why they use fairytales and what thoughts they have about the impact of fairytales on children?s reading and writing development. We interviewed seven teachers and three preschool teachers in northern Sweden to find out how work with fairytales is carried out in preschool and primary school. We also interviewed twelve pupils who were seven and eight years old to find out what they thought of fairytales in primary school. The result showed that preschool- and primary school teachers had a positive attitude towards fairytales and the opportunities provided by fairytales.

Barns tidiga skrivande - En studie om förhållningssätt till barns tidiga skriftspråksförsök i förskolan

According to the Läroplan för förskolan, Lpfö 98, are pre-schools suppose to introduce the written language and embrace childrens curiosity about the ability to communicate with the written language. The purpose with this research is therefor to study the attitudes of pre-school teachers towards three- to five years olds writing and also to shred some light over which role teachers and other adults have when children learn to write. The earlier research contains different theories about how children in pre-schools conquer the written language and the teachers role in this process. Teachers attitudes towards and thoughts about childrens early writing could be made visible through interviews with teachers who all currently work at pre-schools. The results indicate that pre-school teachers have different attitudes towards childrens early attempts to write.

Betyg och bedömning : i en förberedelseklass år 9

Grades and assessment are a natural part in the school's everyday existence, deliberations about equivalent assessment is discussed all the time between teachers, students, home and school. They that in front are influenced of a grade or a judgement are in first hand the students and therefore are the important for the students to know which objectives and grade criteria that apply for them to achieve at the end of years 9. The aim with this survey is to get the knowledge about how a tutor grade family?s student in a preparatory class in stopped of years 9, in Swedish as a second language. Do the students in a preparatory class's get grades or a judgement? This is interesting also in order to know to which grade criteria students in a preparatory class have to achieve in the compulsory education?s later years and to know how a tutor assesses these students on the basis of those objectives and criteria that apply.

Integrationsdiskurser i tidningar : en analys av fyra rikstäckande tidningar

This essay is about integration's discourses in newspapers. It compares four different newspapers with each other and it compares them also in a time perspective. The four different newspapers that the essay compares are Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen. These are Swedish newspapers and they are distributed all over the country. The time perspective is a two months period, one month in the year 1994 and one month in the year 2002.

Språk och status

Denna studie handlar om språk och statusskillnader mellan språken. Syftet var att ta reda på om flerspråkiga grundskoleelever upplever att deras olika språk har olika status. Undersökningen är deskriptiv till sin karaktär. Sex stycken respondenter från åk 9 blev intervjuade. Intervjun består av två delar en skriftlig del och en muntlig del.

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