

2273 Uppsatser om Language constructions - Sida 29 av 152

Litteratur i förskolans verksamhet : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger använder och förhåller sig till litteratur som ett pedagogiskt redskap

The purpose of this study is to examine how four educators in two different departments at two different preschools in Stockholm, selects children's literature in preschool and how literature is used in the activities and how much influence children have in the choice of literature. Based on qualitative interviews as a method we have interviewed pedagogues to get answers to our questions. We will also interview some children to find out how involved they are in the purchase of literature on the departments we examined. We consider the social cultural perspective to be a well rounded starting point for our survey, because the theory gives us the opportunity to study how the interaction and meetings between educators and children develop for each reading encounter. And through the analysis a thorough display between educators and children towards literature will be shown.

En kartl?ggning av inv?ndiga f?nsterluckors utbredning och konstruktion

Interior window shutters can be found in historical buildings, but they are an uncommon occurrence in modern buildings. In modern contemporary construction, large glass panels are often the ideal because of increased light inflow and for architectural purposes. However, this can generate several negative effects, such as increased energy loss, lack of privacy and high sunlight penetration. Problems that window shutters could have accommodated historically. This thesis identifies a lack of knowledge about interior window shutters in the Swedish building stock.

Get Rich or Die Tryin' : En undersökning av kapitalismen som modern mytologi i samtida självhjälpslitteratur

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether or not capitalism, viewed here as the system that is currently the dominant economic system in the Western world, can be seen as a modern myth or not. An author, Brian Tracy, of several popular self-help books is the target of this investigation and the language he uses in his books have been scrutinized in order to see whether or not he uses a religiously influenced, and more importantly, myth-creating language. In order to do so, Bruce Lincolns theories of myth have been used in correlation with Stefan Arvidssons definition ov myths. Also of interest is whether or not Tracy in his books uses any of the instruments of power defined by Michel Foucault to support his claims.The investigation shows that capitalism indeed can be seen as a modern myth. This claim is supported by the facts that Tracy not only uses a language heavily influenced by Christian texts and belief but furthermore because he descirbes himself and the people he claims to have helped in a way that strongly resembles the narratives of myths.

Röst, kausalitet och läsbarhetsindex i historieläromedel från ett andraspråksperspektiv

This essay focuses on four different aspects of readability: voice, causality, advanced words and the LIX-value of words. Each of these four facilitates or aggravates reading comprehension for students, which is further defined in the paper. The study is an analysis of textbooks in history for 8th grade from a second language perspective. In terms of voice, causality, advanced words and the LIX-value of words, the study shows that books with higher grades of causality and voice and lower grades of advanced words as well as a low degree of LIX-value are better for students to work with..

Offer, aktör eller överlevare? : En diskursteoretisk analys av unga tjejers utsagor om att leva med sex som självskadebeteende

The purpose of this study is that through a discourse theoretical perspective, analyze young girls 'statements about living with self-injuring by sexual behavior. The aim is to locate the discourses that surround them, visualize how discursive constructions affect these young girls' identity as victims and/or actors in relation to self-injury, the sexual violence and in meetings with the professionals within the health authorities. In addition discourse theory as an analyze method, the authors also use Nils Christie's (2001) theory of the ideal victim and Ingrid Landers (2003) theoretical perspectives on normative femininity. The authors of the study show a diversity of discourses that surround the young girls. All discourses contain normative actor- and victim?s positions that young girls constantly are obliged to relate to, which partially conflict with social constructions of the idea of victim and femininity.

Design för lärande och multimodala texter i svenskämnet : En produktorienterad studie av två läromedel i svenska

This paper presents a study of educational materials used in Swedish language education. The aim of the study is to understand in which way multimodal resources can be used in texts, to benefit in the process of meaning making among pupils in the nine-year compulsory school. The theoretical framework used as a basis for understanding and analysing these educational materials is the social semiotic multimodal perspective and the design theoretical multimodal perspective. The study is a multimodal text analysis but it also involves analyses of the syllabi connected to the subject of Swedish language education. The extended concept of text was introduced in the year of 2000 in the syllabus and today multimodal texts are supposed to be part of the Swedish language education.

Allt som kommer emellan mig och skrivandet dödar jag : Melankoli i språket i Mare Kandres Bubins unge

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the melancholic, poetic language in Bübins unge (Bübin´s brat) by Mare Kandre (1962 ? 2005). In my opinion the novel, which is about a teenage ritual, also gives an imaginary arena for archaic and unmentionable experiences of the libido. It is therefore a witness to the truth of the subjects complex mind. To my assistance I have Julia Kristeva´s theory on the abjection, the successful melancholia and her concepts of the outsider and the catharsis.

Åtskildheten : En lacansk läsning av Birgitta Trotzigs roman Sjukdomen

While almost 23 percent of the students in the Swedish upper secondary school are foreigners, only a fraction of the school libraries? collections consists of literature written in other languages than Swedish or English. This study examines how five school librarians experience the task of working with literature composed in foreign languages in the multicultural and multilingual school of today. The results of the qualitative interviews are analyzed in relation to the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries are working by, and also in relation to the theoretical framework of sociocultural theory and the theories on second language acquisition developed by linguist Jim Cummins.The study shows that while multilingualism is discussed as an important matter in the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries work by, the librarians in this study largely view the question of foreign literature as peripheral. Most part of the librarians connects first language reading to leisure-time activities rather than curricular activities, and stresses that the Swedish language should be prioritized in Swedish schools.

Institutet för språk och folkminnen : En arkivförteckning för teckenspråksmaterial som överlåtits av Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund

This thesis at the Institute for Language and Folklore has as its purpose to lay a foundation for a continuinginventory work. The tasks I have performed during my time there was to create an archival description, anintroduction to the material and a process map showing the process of incoming delivery of documents. The aimwas never to finish the list of work, but to structure the material to get an insight into the material and to theproblems that existed within. The documents are of a very unique nature and require that the archivist is familiarwith and have knowledge of sign language. One of the problems I encountered was how fragmented the materialwas.

?W? zh? ramla-le? : Om kinesisk-svensk kodväxling hos tvåspråkiga barn i Sverige

This thesis focuses on Chinese?Swedish code-switching of bilingual children in Sweden. The purpose is to, through a case study, study what Chinese?Swedish code-switching looks like in daily conversations between bilingual children and their parents. Three main questions are formulated from the purpose of the thesis, foucusing on the types and frequencies of code-switching, the grammar of code-switching, and the motivation of code-switching.The linguistic material comes from voice recordings of naturally occurring conversations between three children and their parents, which are transcribed afterwards.

Hur klär man ett moln i svenska byxor? : En komparativ analys av svenska översättningar av Vladimir Majakovskijs poesi

Abstract of How to dress a cloud in trousers? ? A comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poetryIn this essay I present a comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poems ??????? ? ??????? and ??? ???? ??????.[1]My ambition is to analyze and understand methods of translation and reasons of devices in transforming Majakovskij?s poetry into a Swedish language and context. On the basis of my theoretic perspectives (which contain fundamental problems of translation, the development of the subject ?translation? and English translations of Russian texts) I methodically execute a parallel reading of the original poems, literature concerning Majakovskij as a poet and selected, biographic literature with a concentration on the works of the Swedish translator and scientist Bengt Jangfeldt.[2]The chapters of my analysis was formed during my methodic reading of theoretic and biographic literature and creates a frame for my results: the analyze of three different kinds of transforming the Russian rhymes into Swedish, the way of translators actualizing and making poems more understandable by placing it in a different context by changing names/national clichés, the effect of using hard or vulgarized language and the inevitable transformation from Russian to Swedish when translators are showing underlying meanings in the strophes by using more poetic language, a discussion of errors in translation, implicit difficulties in Russian use of certain words and the ideology of Majakovskij?s poetry and the Swedish publication/relationship to the authorship.[1]?A cloud in trousers? and ?At the top of my voice?[2]An interview with a Russian-speaking reader is also executed for another perspective of the Russian language.

Thank you for Smoking! The Discursive Battle about the Meaning of Smoking

Thesis purpose: The purpose of the master thesis is to analyse the battle of meaning creation regarding the notion of smoking and to reveal the production of unequal power relations. The battle is fought by different stakeholders through means of language and the study focuses on the tobacco industry in Germany. Methodology: A critical discourse analysis is applied with a qualitative research strategy. Our data collection was inspired by grounded theory and is limited in scope through a relevant case within the context of smoking in Germany. Empirical data is collected by means of an internet based document study of publicly available texts.

Bild : Kommunikation och uttryck

The aim of this study was to search for a link between the subject pictorial studies in means of expression and the ability to communicate in written and spoken language. To do so findings in relevant literature and a few complementing theories was addressed to cast light on interviews made with teachers dedicated to the subject pictorial studies in a subject-integrated curriculum.Interviews were conducted with nine teachers and all but one were teachers in the subject pictorial studies, spread across all of the nine grades in compulsory school. Informants were located in areas of socioeconomically high as well as low status, in central and densely populated areas as well as areas less densely populated. The diverse theoretical background consisted of semiotics, constructivist theory, social constructivist theory and genre theory. Theories and literature partly both contradicted and supported each other, depending on situation and circumstance.No evident conclusion could be made that discriminated one affecting cause from another on speech or writing skills.

En empirisk studie : Om att arbeta med skriftspråket utomhus på I Ur och Skurförskolor

I Ur och Skur preschools base their teaching on outdoor activities and all educators are called leaders, disregarding their educational background.The purpose of this study is to find out how the leaders of six I Ur och Skur preschools are working, specifically with the written language, in the outdoors environment. The study discusses the concept of literacy, methods leaders use and the advantages and disadvantages they experience with outdoors education and the thoughts they have about outdoor activities. The basis for this study is the objective pursued in the curriculum: "preschools should strive to ensure that children develop an interest in written language and an understanding of symbols and their communicative functions". Respondents have also been asked what outdoors education means to them on a personal level.To achieve my research results five qualitative interviews, with room for follow-up questions, were conducted. One of the respondents felt that she lacked time but still wanted to participate and doing so by answering questions by email.

Maskuliniteter : Genusnormernas inverkan på individers sociala förutsättningar

The purpose of the thesis Masculinities ? Gender and its Impact on the Social conditions of individuals is to perform a critical study of how gendered norms influence the social conditions of individuals. This has been done by a problematization and the attempt to answer the question of how the hegemonical masculinity can be analyzed as a discourse, and how the structural aspects of this discourse inflict on the social conditions of masculinities.The question was divided into the analytical themes: the boarders of the discourse, the institutionalization of the discourse, the actuation of the discourse and the agents of the discourse. The theoretical frame is constituted by the theory of discourse by Michel Foucault, the theory of the hegemonical masculinity by R.W. Connell and a subversive identity theory by Judith Butler.

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