

453 Uppsatser om Label machine - Sida 26 av 31

Provning av parallellkopplade hydraulpumpar i hjullastare

Volvo Construction Equipment is a world leading company in construction machinery. Tomaintain the best products, development is prioritized. The master thesis regards sound reductionof the hydraulic system on a wheel loader. The background to the master thesis is asimulation made on the hydraulic system, performed autumn 2005. The result of the simulationshows that the energy of the pressure ripple is reduced when the paralleled hydraulicpumps are phase shifted and reduces each others pump pulsations.

Viral Facebook integration i mobilspelet Gravel

This thesis has treated a three-axis robot which task is to serve a larger test machine tomove the modules to be tested, from the storage to the test site. The robot is composed ofthree linear actuators; two standard components of ball screw type and a custom-builtactuator of trapezoidal type. The work has mainly focused on the custom-built device to seeif it could be replaced with a standard component. Part of the work has been to look into thepicking tool and to see if there are any possibilities to improve its function.The report presents two different proposals which I decided to call Robot 1 and Robot 2 andthey aim to address the problems arising in the purpose-built linear unit and the X-axislinearity problems. Robot 1 focuses on eliminating the problems that arise around therobot's X-axis, with such simple means as possible and without making excessive materialchanges.

Pekska?rmar i turbulenta miljo?er : I vilken utstra?ckning kan precision uppra?ttha?llas

Pekska?rmar anva?nds i allt sto?rre utstra?ckning som interaktionsteknik fo?r hemelektronik. Tekniken har traditionellt sett inte anva?nts i kra?vande miljo?er, exempelvis i miljo?er da?r skakningar och g-laster fo?rekommer. Introduktionen av pekska?rmsteknologi i cockpitmiljo? fa?r konsekvenser fo?r utformningen av fo?rarmiljo?n vilka bo?r utredas.Denna studie syftade till att empiriskt utva?rdera anva?ndarnas prestation med avseende pa? precision vid olika interaktionsmano?vrar pa? en pekska?rm.

Tre dimensioner av rörelse : om koreografins bidrag till stadsplaneringen

What causes people to move within and between certain places and not within and between others? How do physical outdoor environments affect the way people act and move? Do different environments generate different body language and mimics in the bodies that inhabit them? In my pursuit for answers to these questions I studied literature and initiated and took part in dialogues in the form of workshops, all of which has resulted into this thesis. My questions have initially arisen from reflections of my own environment and how it not only affects my mental condition, but also my actions. Drawing upon the hermeneutic term ?preconception? I trust that what we label ?truth? is constructed by our lived experience and the society we grow up in.

Förbättrad lönsamhet i växtodlingsföretag! : en ekonomisk analys av ett samarbete i form av ett driftsbolag mellan två lantbruksföretag

The agriculture is today in a development that leads to bigger and bigger units in the primary production. To be able to follow this development many companies chooses to cooperate in different ways. The most radical change is when farmers fuses with other farmers and merge into to a big collectively owned operation firm. The reason behind this idea is that the firms achieve the big companies advantages by being complement to each other. The purpose of this essay is to make an economic analysis of two crop production companies who works together in an operation firm.


The main objective of this thesis was to develop appropriate strategies and find factors that affect the usability of parameterized designs. This was accomplished by investigate the user-interface and how it is designed to meet the user's information needs. The thesis also embraces the basic theories in terms of investigation, cognitive design principles and human behavior patterns in the interaction with the machine. The approach has led to an explorative investigation in this subject area.The thesis also had the purpose to achieve more efficient ways for development of motor chainsaws at Husqvarna AB's department Global Cutting Equipment. That can be achieved through reduce costs of development per sold unit.

Optimering av sintrade kugghjul

Powder Metal (PM) gears are machine element components which operate under the same principle as conventional gears, but, due to their intrinsic material characteristic need to be designed slightly different, and its manufacturing process offers advantages previously unobtainable by conventional steel gear manufacturing methods. The use of PM in similar applications, such as synchronous hubs, makes them a suitable candidate for production in such material. The current master thesis work focuses on gear design using PM by utilizing finite element method (FEM) to reduce weight and inertia taking into account root bending strength and tooth deflection.First a topological optimization is used to determine feasible candidates for different web designs which have as objective to reduce volume, similar topologies were shown during different loading conditions; and hence, this topology was chosen as a suitable candidate. A shape optimization of the topological candidate was performed having as state variables root bending strength, independent for compressive and tensile side of the tooth loading; and tooth deflection, which in concept can be correlated to static transmission error (TE).Another aspect in this thesis analysed is the possibility to incorporate non-trochoid root geometry, a trochoid root is always present when machining with a hob, into the gear root and hence reduce the stress concentration here. Due to the use of PM, a non-symmetric optimized root can be achieved and hence be optimizing compression and tension.Results showed significantly lower inertia, for example certain results showed 40% reduced when compared to solid gear, with adverse effects as increase in tooth deformation and increase in maximum principal stress.

Packning av lastbilsbyggsatser på Scania

Government regulations and customs duties restrict the import of trucks to some of the markets to which Scania tries to sell their trucks. The distribution problem due to these regulations is solved by the foreign assembly department, KD, at Scania. This means that competence is needed and costs are added not related to Scania's core operations.The aim of this master thesis has been to analyse and to evaluate alternative ways of managing the packing operations considering cost, quality and work organisation. To study and examine the work methods and operations of today and also to present methods measuring the operations effectiveness and productivity.We have used the system approach to maintain totality and to understand the component's relation to this totality. Field studies combined with studies of relevant literature and studies of other companies operations have given us the knowledge and the understanding of the packing operations needed.

Fixturutveckling : Utveckling och konstruktion av fixtur förskärande bearbetning

This thesis has been performed at International Aluminum Casting AB in Eskilstuna,Sweden.International Aluminum Casting is currently working with a number of improvementsin their production in order to achieve their vision of being the leading aluminum foundry in Sweden. As a step in their improvement efforts, focus was directed ondeveloping the company's fixtures for machining.Efforts were focused on two main objectives: to develop a complete proposal on afixture which leads to a more rational use of an assigned part and also form general design advice for development of fixtures in the future.During the work progress, discussions have been made with experts at International Aluminum Casting within the field of fixture design. The objective was to obtain sufficient knowledge about the underlying problems with the current fixture for the part. At this stage of the thesis, a number of essential criteria for fixture design were produced. Information and inspiration were obtained by examining the company?s currently developed fixtures.After gathering the necessary information the process of developing three different fixture concepts started.

Konsumentbeteende vid köp av färsk fisk : en kvalitativ studie för utveckling av ett produktkoncept hos ICA

Health and convenience trends dominate the food industry and retailing business of today. The health consciousness is spreading while appealing product attributes concerning taste and packaging also are increasingly important. At the same time, the competition is growing fierce in the Swedish market with hard discount formats and niche concepts who also are trying to provide the market with perishables. Therefore, the pressure to lower prices is increasing making economies of scale and rationalization progressively more important. In 2004, ICA launched private label meat packaged in a modified atmosphere. Consequently, many stores went from in-store cutting-up and packaging to selling centrally packaged and distributed meat. ICA is now developing a concept with fresh fish in modified atmosphere packages and needs to increase the knowledge about the market and the consumer.

Jag vill meddela mig : Exil, psykoanalys, 40-talism och det politiska i Peter Weiss tidiga svenska prosa

In Peter Weiss debut Fra?n o? till o? (1947) the ?I? travels from island to island as a castaway. The island here can signify, or work as a synecdoche for exile and the feeling of isolation that exile often induces. But the movement from island to island also implies a restless state: Peter Weiss shifting from painting to writing to filmmaking and theatre, from German to Swedish and then back to German. The years during exile and the years that followed the exile until his breakthrough in Germany with Schatten des ko?rpers des Ku?tchens (1960), Abschied von den Eltern (1961) and Fluchtpunkt (1962), were the formative years of Peter Weiss authorship.

Vad sjukvården kan göra för att förhindra läkemedelsfel och läkemedelsrelaterade skador hos barn

BakgrundCirka en fjärdedel av alla vårdskador är läkemedelsrelaterade. Läkemedelsfel definieras som misstag i medicineringen som lett till eller hade kunnat leda till läkemedelsrelaterad skada hos patienten. Barn är känsligare och mer utsatta för brister och fel i läkemedelshanteringen än vuxna. Läkemedelsdoserna till barn måste alltid vara individuella och räknas fram specifikt för varje barn. Läkemedelskinetiken hos barn skiljer sig från vuxnas.

Etik och moral inom ridsporten : med fokus på fälttävlan

Eventing is often called as the formula 1 in equestrian sports and comprises three disciplines: dressage, show jumping and cross-country. The sport provides excitement, challenge and joy and is the ultimate sport for intelligent riders and horses. Many are fascinated by the challenges the sport offers while other consider it foolhardy to ride a cross-country. Eventing is not a risk-free sport and has even been given the label of being one of the world´s most dangerous sports. What do those risks mean to the horse? And particularly, is it associated with good animal ethics to use the horse for eventing? Finding answers to these questions is not easy as it probably is not a clear and simple answer.

Ytbearbetning av ersättningssten för kulturhistoriska byggnader

The study investigates questions and considerations emerging when stone in historic buildings needs to be replaced. The focus is on the surface treatment of stone in sandstone façades in pre-industrial buildings. That means buildings constructed by traditional methods and craftsmanship without the use of modern technology.The research issue originates from the extensive stonework that is planned for the façades of the Stockholm Palace. The project includes the replacement of large quantities of damaged stone to newly cut stone. This raises the questions about the use of modern and rational methods for surface treatment on the replacement stone.

Bergkyla och bergvärmeutredning för industrilokalen Rödbergsmyran 5 i Umeå, Västerbotten.

Grubbe Ventilation AB is a sheet metal and ventilation company who provides design, installation, service, and repair of ventilation. The company is expanding their business by building a new facility in Umeå, Västerbotten. The property is designed to be used for both office and industrial work.Grubbe Ventelation AB has not yet decided upon wish system which is to be established to provide the building with heating and cooling. The consulting firm Umeå Projekt Team has therefore been asked to investigate the possibilities to invest in geothermal- heating and cooling.If the investigation of a geothermal heating- and cooling system would provide favorable results it would be a very appropriate alternative that provides energy at low costs and are an environmentally friendly option as the energy comes from stored solar energy in the ground is provided by stored solar energy in the ground.The facility ´s heating and cooling consumptions are calculated in the program BV2 and the result indicate a heating demand of 185 000 kWh per year due to thermal transmittance, transmission losses, heating of warm water and a cooling requirement of 5500 kWh.Three different systems of geothermal heating and cooling were tested in the computer program Energy Earth Design. The results show no difference in the dimensioning of the drill hole if merely heating were to be used or both heating and cooling were to be established.

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