

453 Uppsatser om Label machine - Sida 25 av 31

Konstruktion av testrigg för moderna ångexpandrar

This report summarize what have been done during the Master of Science Thesis that Klas Schjelderup has written for the company RANOTOR Utvecklings AB. The company is developing modern steam engines and this work should develop a machine to perform tests on a new type of piston seal that hopefully could be used in the future. The steam engines will be both volumetric and energy compact, around 1600hp/literof cylinder volume, and it will have a lot of practical applications.The new type of piston seal is hydrostatic lubricated which means that a fluid is separating two faces that normally is in contact. In this case pressurized water is used to separate the piston seal from the cylinder wall. RANOTOR have earlier formulated that at least the expander in the modern steam engine have to be oil-free, due to other components functionality in the closed water system.

Ny teknik för kombisådd :

The use of combi-drilling during spring tillage has become very common in southern Sweden in recent years. Combi-drilling leads to fewer passes on the field and better plant nutrient utilisation. An example of a combi-drill is the Väderstad Rapid, which is very widely used in spring tillage in southern Sweden. The Rapid has separate fertiliser and seed coulters, which means that the draught requirement is relatively high. It thus requires large, heavy tractors, which compact the soil and are comparatively expensive to buy and run. A few years ago the Finnish combi-drill Tume Nova Combi came onto the Swedish market.

Eftermarknadens möjligheter : En studie av Swecon AB:s tjänsteutbud

ProblemThe manufacturing industry is a mature industry where the profit margins are small and the competition is hard. This makes it hard for both manufacturers and resellers to gain market shares and reach reasonable profit margins only by selling products. Therefore Swecon who is reseller for Volvo Construction Equipment tries to find alternative methods and ways to increase their profit. An alternative source of income could be to develop the range of services that are connected to the ground products.PurposeThe purpose of the thesis is to examine how Swecon in southern Sweden can improve their offers of existing services connected to the ground product and investigate the demand of new such services.MethodThis study is based on a qualitative study of five of Swecons local offices and five of Swecons customers. The empirical framework is mostly based on personal interviews but in some cases information was retrieved by using phone interviews.

Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling: effektivt styrmedel mot koldioxidutsläpp? : En studie av kostnadseffektivitet, transaktionskostnader och teknisk utveckling

Green public procurement (GPP) can be used as an instrument to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and consideration of environmental aspects within public procurement is becoming more common in Sweden and internationally. Two product groups that have been pointed out as especially important are transports and electricity, where the opportunities for public purchasers to reduce emissions are relatively large. This paper studies GPP which aims at reducing emissions, primarily of carbon dioxide, through environmental requirements within these two product groups. A theoretical analysis of cost-effectiveness, transaction costs and effects on technological development is performed, followed by a closer study of how these aspects appear in practice within GPP. The results indicate that a cost-effective allocation of reductions between the two product groups is most likely to be attained if the main part of emission reduction is achieved through environmental requirements on electricity. The cost for emission reduction within transports is relatively high, especially for heavy transports. For transportation services, more generally focused requirements on emission reductions could probably give greater environmental gains, but the existence of transaction costs steer the environmental requirements towards more technology specific types.

Energieffektivisering genom förvärmning av flis till kokare med sekundärvärme

The Swedish pulp and paper industry meets higher demand for energy efficiencyi mprovements with increasing energy prices and changes in the Swedish renewable energy certificate system. One action of energy efficiency improvement is by using secondary heat, that otherwise would have been treated as waste heat, for use in a system with lower temperature demands. The aim of this Master´s thesis is to identify possible secondary heat sources in a typical Swedish pulp and paper mill and to investigate what economic benefits the secondary heat will provide when being used for pre heating of wood chips to a kraft digester.The Master´s thesis focuses on three secondary heat sources; dry warm air, warm water and moisture saturated warm air located inside the pulp or paper mill. Two types of kraft digesters are simulated within this study, a typical Scandinavian digester and a modern twin vessel steam phase digester.Due to quality aspects and low temperature level drying is the drying technology with dry warm air rejected. Using warm water in direct contact with wood chips increases the quantity of water to the evaporation plant and thus reduced pulp or paper production and is therefore also rejected.

Stilleståndskostnad : Framtagning av kostnadsmodell för stilleståndskostnad vid haveri ur ett top-down perspektiv

När ett haveri inträffar uppstår direkt en mängd olika kostnader i form av underhållsinsatser, reparationsmaterial och administrationsinsatser. Utöver dessa kostnader förloras även de intäkter som maskinen genererar samt täckningen för de fasta och rörliga kostnaderna. Alla dessa kostnader skall täckas av de värdeskapande enheterna på företaget och påverkar det finansiella resultatet negativt. För att förbättra ett företags lönsamhet ökas antingen intäkterna eller så reduceras kostnaderna. Trots detta är det för många företag okänt hur stor kostnaden faktiskt är då en maskin står stilla.Arbetets uppdragsgivare är Konecranes Machine Tool Service (MTS), ett företag som erbjuder underhållstjänster och underhållslösningar till företag inom verkstadsindustrin.

Omkonstruktion av treaxlig plockrobot och dess plockverktyg

This thesis has treated a three-axis robot which task is to serve a larger test machine tomove the modules to be tested, from the storage to the test site. The robot is composed ofthree linear actuators; two standard components of ball screw type and a custom-builtactuator of trapezoidal type. The work has mainly focused on the custom-built device to seeif it could be replaced with a standard component. Part of the work has been to look into thepicking tool and to see if there are any possibilities to improve its function.The report presents two different proposals which I decided to call Robot 1 and Robot 2 andthey aim to address the problems arising in the purpose-built linear unit and the X-axislinearity problems. Robot 1 focuses on eliminating the problems that arise around therobot's X-axis, with such simple means as possible and without making excessive materialchanges.

Ekonomiska konsekvenser vid investeringen av ny teknik i dagligvaruhandeln : Skapar ett ESL-system ökad lönsamhet?

Dagligvaruhandelns konkurrens har hårdnat, numera gäller det att inte bara se till försäljningssiffror utan även att göra de rätta investeringarna som leder till kostnadsfördelar och ökad lönsamhet på sikt. Tekniken har gått framåt vilket kan ersätta kostsam hantering och onödiga marginalförluster. Undersökningen i denna rapport visar om en investering av ett elektroniskt hyllkantsetikettsystem skapar ökad lönsamhet. Inom dagligvaruhandeln sker det veckovis en mängd uppdateringar av nya priser och införandet av nya artiklar i sortimentet. Detta medför både drift- och personalkostnader p g a det manuella arbete som krävs för bytet av dessa standardiserade pappersetiketter.

Frysdisketiken : Vikten av att kommunicera Corporate Social Responsibility inom livsmedelsbranschen

The purpose with this essay is to explore the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the food industry. We have decided to focus on how five different ethical labels are communicated towards students and the standpoint of the study is the students understanding of the communication. The labels that we have chosen to examine in the study are KRAV, Fairtrade, Svanen, Ekologiskt Jordbruk and Rainforest Alliance. The primary research question in the study is? How are the students purchase behavior affected by ethical labels in the food industry??.Throughout the study we will refer to CSR-products as products are stamped with one or several of the named ethical labels.

"Jag tror vi måste jobba mycket med det" : Om den digitala källkritikens roll inom svenskämnet på gymnasiet

AbstractThe overarching goal of this study is to investigate whether teachers of Swedish at upper secondary schools in Sweden feel that they know how to teach critical literacy, especially on the Internet, and also if they know how it is taught. It also investigates the difficulties teachers experience in teaching critical literacy. A secondary goal is to investigate the knowledge of critical literacy among students at upper secondary schools in Sweden. The study is based on quantitative and qualitative research. The research consists of two parts.

Mjölkkyl till espressomaskin : Impressive cooler

The project was made in cooperation with Coffee Queen AB, Arvika. The task was to develop and design a new cooler for the milk to Jura Impressa X9, an espresso machine. The good assistance with staff at Coffee Queen and engineers in China and at KPA in Karlstad led to a solution to the problem. It was a long road to get there, many different concepts was developed. When the day came to decide which concept to work with, the choice stood between two different technical solutions.

Utvärdering av CTI på virkesfordon : ? CTI-projekt Holmen Skog/Örnfrakt 2005-2006

The low bearing capacity of roads during the spring thaw and periods in the autumn leads every year to increases costs for Holmen Skog. To reduce costs and increase accessibility Holmen Skog decided to install and test a CTI-system. Central tire inflation (CTI) is a system that makes it possible to monitor and vary a vehicle?s tire inflation pressures from the cabin, while the vehicle is in motion. When tire pressures are reduced, the area of the contact surface between the tire and the road increases, thus reducing the ground pressure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the CTI-equipped vehicle and analyze if the CTI technology is economical defensible during the thaw 2005.

Om behovet av ett avrinningsområdesanpassat skogsbruk

The Swedish forest have about 100 000 km of watercourses and it?s an important structure in Swedish landscapes and catchments. In some of the watercourses lives spieces like the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) which both are sensitive for inteference from the forestry. The new EU water framework directive has a goal that all surface water will have high or good ecological- and good chemical status at latest by the 22nd December of 2015. The study has been made in the catchment of Håltjärnsbäcken and it is from a national perspective one of the most valuable streams in Sweden and which also have been included in a LIFE-project. The catchment is situated within the Eco-park of Malingsbo-Kloten and managed by Sveaskog AB.

Plasma cortisol concentrations after treatment with methadone alone or together with acepromazine or detomidine in horses

Opioider är vitt använt på smådjur som smärtlindring och för att minska behovet av anestesimedel. Opioider har också nyttjats på hästar så långt som 70 år tillbaka i tiden men användandet har varit begränsat och kontroversiellt då hästar lätt exciterar på grund av opioider. Metadon är en ?-receptoragonist och detta är den receptor som främst står för opioidernas analgetiska effekt. Metadon är inte godkänd för användning på djur i Sverige men används ändå ofta off-label på grund av sin goda smärtlindrande förmåga.

Produktkvalitet på svenskt nötkött : en kartläggning av kvalitetsfaktorer inom IP Sigill

Sigill Quality Systems has been certifying beef since the autumn of 2006 using the brand name label Swedish Sigill. IP Sigill (the certifying system for integrated production) encompasses the values: animal ethics, food safety, free range and environmental concerns. Product quality is not yet one of these values, and there is a variation in the quality of Swedish beef. Swedish Sigill wanted to investigate the factors that influence product quality, review which of the present regulations that have an influence on product quality and formulate new regulations with the purpose of enhancing the product quality (sensorial, technological and nutritional quality). A survey of quality parameters and factors that influence product quality was done in order to establish a scientific foundation to work from.

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