

1451 Uppsatser om Läromedelsanalys. global uppvärmning - Sida 56 av 97

KommunikationsgrÀnssnitt mot GP&C transponder

Examensarbetet som beskrivs i denna rapport handlar om en ny teknik för att förbÀttra sÀkerheten för flygplan i luften och i nÀrheten av flygplatser. Denna teknik benÀmns ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast), och Àr tÀnkt att göra det möjligt för piloter att sjÀlva fÄ information om trafik i nÀromrÄdet. Nuvarande system baserar sig i huvudsak pÄ visuella observationer frÄn flygledare i kontrolltorn samt radarspaning omkring flygplatserna. Med det nuvarande systemet kommer det att bli bÄde dyrt och svÄrt att upprÀtthÄlla en acceptabel nivÄ pÄ flygsÀkerheten nÀr trafiken ökar. Arbetet har bedrivits i AerotechTelubs regi i Linköping samt med hjÀlp ifrÄn företaget Sectra Wireless Technologies AB.

KÀrnkraftens vÀrde i framtiden : en jÀmförelse med kraftvÀrmeteknologi frÄn biobrÀnsle

The debate on the future of Nuclear power in Sweden has increased with the discussion on global warming. The uncertainty of fossil fuel- and carbonprices the latest years has aroused considerable interest in Nuclear from power companies, industry and politicians. Nuclear power plants have negligible CO2 emissions and are not directly affected by increased price of emission rights and fossil fuels. The future power production needs to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases to become sustainable. The purpose of this study is to examine the value for power producers to have the option to invest in Nuclear power and how a Nuclear power venture would affect future electricity prices. The study uses two methods, a traditional cash flow model and real option analysis, to estimate the value of Nuclear power.

Total Cost of Ownership - en papperstiger: En studie av svenska industriföretags beslutsunderlag inför sourcing

Evaluating and choosing suppliers based on price alone, has traditionally been the dominant strategy for supplier selection within the purchasing function. With the origin of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)-concept in the early 1990s, a new philosophy dawned that promoted the importance of knowing the effects of supplier performance on the buying firm?s internal costs. Since then, scholars have been arguing the case of TCO as a viable model for making purchasing decisions and conducting supplier evaluation. Still, after two decades little is known about its penetration and impact on the practices of buying corporations, leaving the questions of which costs are included in the purchasing organisations? decisions unanswered, and even more importantly why certain costs are considered and others not.

Stadsklimat/Gatuklimat :

The purpose of this paper is to understand the climate of the street and how it can be modified to better meet the needs of the street and the user groups. At the same time the conditions of the street and its surroundings also has to be taken into account. To accomplish this it is necessary to have a broad knowledge of the climate conditions in the city. Therefore an overview of the climate elements and how these are modified in the built-up areas are given. The part of the paper which deals with the city climate has a global approach to be able to give an as complete picture as possible.

AnvÀndning av geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) vid studier av nötkreatur i landskapet - en pilotstudie :

The Animal Protection Agency was in 2006, commissioned by the Government to: Evaluate how free range animals in the winter, can be kept and managed with special emphasis to animal welfare. The Animal Protection Agency was closed later in 2006 and the commission moved to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The keeping of free range out wintered cattle, certain basic requirement are needed: by regulation, cattle should have access to a lying hall or other building that gives protection against aversive weather and wind and should offer a dry and clean lying area. There is a possibility for farmers that get an exemption from this regulation. But cases regarding farms which have had difficulties for this exemption has led to a discussion about if the animals can get the same protection in the nature which is comparable to a lying- hall.

Att lyckas med CSR : En fallstudie av Electrolux arbete med Corporate Social Responsibility med fokus pÄ förÀndring/utveckling av arbetet mellan Ären 2003 och 2008

During the last years, the moral and ethics in companies has been a growing subject in media. Large multinational companies are to a bigger extent using workforce in developing countries and the working conditions at the workplaces in those countries, are more or less controlled. Even if a company carefully controls its own business, it can be using subcontractors that for instance use child labour or forced labour, or in some other way makes human rights abuses. When the world gets more globalized and the market where the companies act gets bigger, there will be new issues for companies to handle. The companies have to satisfy not only the interests of the costumers and the shareholders, but also the environment around it, containing many different stakeholders.

Hur tillÀmpar basindustrin aspekter kring hÄllbarhetsredovisning?: en fallstudie om fyra företag inom basindustrin i Norrbotten

Idag Àr det mycket uppmÀrksammat av bÄde akademiker och anvÀndare att information frÄn traditionella finansiella redovisningar inte Àr tillrÀckliga för att motsvara de krav som bÄde externa och interna intressenter stÀller pÄ mer innehÄllsrika rapporter. Marknad och intressenter efterfrÄgar information om ekonomiska, miljömÀssiga och sociala aspekter, vilket har lett till att allt fler företag upprÀttar en hÄllbarhetsredovisning. HÄllbarhetsredovisning syftar till att skapa en hÄllbar utveckling och ses som ett verktyg eller en möjlighet för företag att lÀmna information om dessa tre aspekter och det leder till ett ökat förtroende för företaget och dess verksamhet. Syftet med denna uppsats var att beskriva hur företag inom basindustrin i Norrbotten tillÀmpar hÄllbarhetsredovisning. Studien genomfördes genom en fallstudie av fyra företag för att beskriva hur de tillÀmpar sin hÄllbarhetsredovisning.

Lokalt strategiskt folkhÀlsoarbete - En litteraturstudie av hÀlsokonsekvensbedömning som metod

Om inget görs, berÀknas icke smittsamma sjukdomar öka med 17% pÄ global nivÄ de kommande 10 Ären samtidigt som det finns ett ökat behov av ekonomisk konsolidering. Ett fÄtal kommuner Àgnar sig Ät ett systematiskt folkhÀlsoarbete och det finns en osÀkerhet kring hur ambitionerna rent praktiskt ska uppnÄs. Endast med hÀnsyn taget till strategisk planering och beaktande av komplexitet i hÀlsosystem och hÀlsointerventioner Àr det möjligt att hitta hÄllbara modeller för hÀlsofrÀmjande och förebyggande arbete. Sedan drygt 30 Är anvÀnds hÀlsokonsekvensbedömning (HKB) för systematiskt hÀlsofrÀmjande arbete. Ger verktyget tillrÀcklig information och bakgrund för planering och beslutsfattande pÄ en strategisk nivÄ? ?Five-Level Framework? (fem-nivÄ modellen) Àr en modell för strategisk planering i komplexa system som kan ge svar pÄ den frÄgan. Syftet med studien var att analysera pÄ vilket sÀtt hÀlsokonsekvensbedömning som metod har utgÄngspunkter i ett strategiskt folkhÀlsoarbete i kommuner utifrÄn ?Five-Level Framework?. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie.

Aktiv- och Indexförvaltning : - Kan svenska investerare fÄ högre riskjusterad avkastning genom aktiv förvaltning?

Nearly 74 percent of the Swedish population invests in funds and the options are therefore various. The Swedish private investors can choose between active and passively managed funds. Fund managers, who seek to generate higher returns than the market, manage active managed funds. Unlike the active managed funds, passively managed funds do not require any active investment decisions.Fama?s (1970) efficient market theory reflects all available information in the stock price, therefore it is not possible to predict how the stock price changes.

Att leva med hiv. Ett besked som förÀndrar livet - En narrativ studie

Sjukdomen hiv har sedan 1980-talet fÄtt en större global utbredning. TillgÄngen till bromsmediciner har bidragit till att mÄnga som lever med sjukdomen kan leva ett lÄngt liv. Kunskapen om hiv varierar och trots att vem som helst kan insjukna rÄder det förutfattade meningar om vilka som drabbas. Det finns tidigare forskning om hur det Àr att leva med hiv men i studierna Àr det svÄrt att ta del av personernas egen röst. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur personer med hiv i Sverige upplever sin livssituation och hur de hanterar sin vardag.

The effect of additional nitrate and sulfur in the diet on the methane production in cattle

A growing population together with a change in food habits to a more diverse diet containing more animal products such as meat and milk makes the possibility to produce and sell products of cattle a growing market. And at the same time there is an ongoing debate about global warming, where raising cattle is questioned due to their high production of enteric methane. To be able to raise animals in a more environmental friendly way and at the same time improve productivity in a developing country such as Vietnam would be favorable. The use of feed additives with high electron affinity could decrease the methane production and at the same time improve the gross energy digested. Nitrate and Sulfur are both good electron acceptors, but due to its toxic effects the use of nitrate in feed has been neglected.

Generella riktlinjer vid distribuerad Scrum

Today many companies are global and can exist all over the world. It is more common that projects are conducted in different locations, from various cities in a country to nations in different parts of the world. To manage projects both traditional practices such as the Waterfall method and new flexible methods known as agile methods are used. How is the process affected when a project is distributed, when the team is scattered in different places? This makes it difficult to create a good project, something we will discuss and try to find solutions for.

Anpassning av befintligt stomnĂ€t för GPS-mĂ€tning i ÅmĂ„ls kommun

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; StĂŒtzle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Alternativ för vÀrme- och kylaförsörjning i planerade kontorsbyggnader pÄ Arlanda

This thesis consider alternatives for heating and cooling planned office buildings at Arlanda airport. The thesis is divided into three parts where the third part is a shorter synthesis of the two first. In the first part the energy demands of the buildings are modelled in a computer program. Two different building models are created, one more conventional and one with good energy properties. The results shows that with proper construction and ventilation systems etc.

Logistikeffektivitet : hos företag utan egen produktion

This report is about logistic efficiency in companies without own production. The authors have interviewed employees working at two companies, Telias store in SkÀrholmen and Orion Diagnostica AB. The purpose of the report is to find out which logistic functions the two companies are using to create efficiency.Today?s markets are more global. Different parts of a product can be made in different parts of the world.

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