1451 Uppsatser om Läromedelsanalys. global uppvärmning - Sida 57 av 97
Konst Offentlighet Motstånd Om konst som motstånd i den urbana offentligheten - En fallstudie av konstprojektet (O)önskad samhällsförbättring
This thesis is a cultural theoretical case study of the art project (O)önskad samhällsförbättring.Via an analysis of the project, that is based on theories of power, resistance and contemporaryurban development, it examines the construction of urban space, its impact on public art including the ability of art to initiate evolvement of the urban public space.The last decades art has plaid an important role in what is called the creative city; to become attractive nodal points of the global economy, larger cities increasingly invest in art,culture and creative industry. Simultaneously the urban public space is limited to activitiesand expressions of art that are presumed to create economic growth. This introduces animpression of what is allowed and what is not allowed, possible and not possible, wished andnot wished which, as a consequence, evolves the public space. The events during the artproject and the reactions that followed enlightened these limitations. This tells a story, not only about the structuring process of the local urban space, but also important changes that are created as a simultaneous effect at different levels in society, as well locally as globally.
Den svenska kärnkraftsdebatten i skuggan av Fukushima : En studie i hur svenska kärnkraftsförespråkare i maktposition använder argumentation och auktoritet
Aim: The nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan, raised global criticism against nuclear power. In Sweden, the criticism has not been very visible and the government now allows a renewal of the nuclear power plants. The purpose with the study is to have a closer look on how Swedes in position of power motivate their positive attitude to nuclear power and how they conduct themselves to each other and to their opponents. The rhetorical perspective will be in focus for the analysing.Method: Four different artifacts represented by Swedes in position of power having a positiveattitude to nuclear power were chosen. Three rhetorical theories (the rhetorical arena, stasis andethos, pathos and logos) were used with the research question in focus.Result & Conclusions: The analyses resulted in conclusions about the strategies used by the participants such as: the importance of contexts, meaning for example that the greenhouse effect legitimizes nuclear power as a source of energy with important benefits.
Vem är det framför skärmen? : En fördjupad textanalys om hur svenska politiker konstruerar jag-bilder på Twitter.
The trend of social media is a global hit and now both individuals, businesses, celebrities and politicianshave their own social media pages, which means that the visibility increases and focus lies on what'swritten and published by the person. Mediated communication are everywhere around us and affects theway we communicate with each other and also the way we look at ourselves and most importantly how weportray ourselves. The individual's perspective has become a relevant issue with the rapid moderndevelopment. One's cultural identity can be seen as a life-long project.The purpose of this paper is to do an in-depth text analysis to examine how Swedish politicians constituteand construct identities, with a focus on "the self" and the "mediatization self" on the micro-blog Twitter.The theoretical ground for this study is from a discourse analysis point of view that focus on ?the self? andthe ?meditization self?.
Demokrati ur politikers och ungdomars perspektiv : - En diskursanalytisk studie om demokratiska förutsättningar i Norrköpings kommun
The democratic conditions in national states have change radically at the same time as the society has changed. Because of social and economic globalization processes, the states and government has lost power for the benefit of transnational and global institutions. That affects the democracy since the nation state earlier defined the domain of citizenship. At the same time, citizens? confidence towards political parties and politicians has gone down.
Hållbarhetsredovisning i svenska statliga och icke-statliga företag
This study deals with sustainability reporting in three governmental and three non-governmental Swedish companies in different industries. With increasing demands from the society regarding company?s CSR - Corporate social responsibility, the perspective of accounting gets broader and covers even non-financial information to meet not only the owners? demands but also others stakeholders' requirements. Sustainability has become an important tool for creating company?s business value and a positive sustainable external image.
Energieffektivisering ombord M/S Sydfart : Med hjälp av solceller
The goal of this paper is to find out how solar cells can improve energy efficiency on-board M/S Sydfart. The paper is based on a number of energy measurements on board the M/S Sydfart. The solar surface is calculated by measuring the available space for installing solar panels. Global radiation data is taken from STRÃ…NG's database, the data is then used to calculate the theoretical power produced by the solar cells. Energy efficiency is analysed in two ways.
Diskonteringsräntan påverkar graden av miljöpolitiska styrmedel : En studie om koldioxidskattens påverkan på koldioxidutsläppen
This qualitative study involves the implementation of Lean and Kaizen methods in a Swedish service industry. Lean philosophy is based on a method to achieve more with less. In practical terms this means that the use of an organization's resources is improved. The origin of Lean is the Toyota Production System. Now, Kaizen methods give managers and employees a better more efficient system to reach their goals within the organization or company.
Uppsalamodellen; är den relevant i förhållande till hjälporganisationer? : En flerfallsstudie av Läkare Utan Gränser och Läkarmissionen
Inom det företagsekonomiska ämnesområdet har Johanson och Vahlnes Uppsalamodell sedan 1970-talet varit en dominerande teori vad gäller företags internationaliseringsprocesser. Enligt denna teori bör företag gradvis expandera internationellt och inhämta kunskap om utländska marknader innan en expansion genomförs. I kontrast till denna har på senare år Born Global, en teori som ifrågasätter Uppsalamodellen, vunnit mark. Detta då det har blivit allt vanligare att företag redan initialt expanderar till avlägsna marknader utan att inneha den kunskap som Uppsalamodellen förespråkar. Då Uppsalamodellen fokuserar på vinstdrivande tillverkande företag är syftet med denna uppsats att analysera Uppsalamodellens relevans i förhållande till de icke vinstdrivande tjänsteorienterade hjälporganisationerna Läkare Utan Gränser och Läkarmissionen, vilka kan anses vara exempel på Born Globalföretag.
Crazy priest versus terrorist people : Den mediala framställningen av muslimer kring utspelet med pastor Terry Jones plan att bränna Koranen
The purpose of this study is to examine the medial depiction of Muslims in the case of Pastor Terry Jones' intention to burn the Quran. Our study is based on theoretical framework regarding an alleged clash of civilizations, how that leads to global conflicts and controls the world politics. It?s also based on the western way of characterize Muslims as violent, irrational human beings, and how mass media have a tendency to depict Muslims as ?the others?. The questions we aim to seek answers to are: How were Muslims portrayed in CNN's and Al-Jazeera's reporting regarding Terry Jones plan to burn the Quran? Which discourses exist about Muslims in each news channel and what are the main differences between them? The qualitative method used is a critical discourse analysis on empirical data consistently of twelve articles.
Attityder mot hemlösa och tron på en rättvis värld : En kvantitativ jämförandestudie bland blivande socialpsykologer
Syftet med denna uppsats var att göra en jämförelse mellan studenter som läser det första respektive det sista året på socialpsykologiskt program på högskolan i Skövde ideras attityder mot hemlösa och tro på att världen är rättvis. Ett ytterligare syfte var att ta reda på om det fanns ett samband mellan attityder mot hemlösa och tro på att världen är rättvis. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i uppsatsen var perspektivet socialkognition, med relevanta begrepp som attityder, stereotyper och fördomar samt Lerner´s teori (1980) om tron på en rättvis värld. Metoden som användes var kvantitativ och utfördes genom två enkäter; Attitudes Toward Homelessness Inventory (Kingree & Daves, 1997) och The Global Belief in a Just World Scale (Lipkus, 1991). Den statistiska bearbetningen skedde med hjälp av statistikdataverktyget PASW Statistics 17.
Export of wood pellets from British Columbia : a study about the production environment and international competitiveness of wood pellets from British Columbia
The global wood pellet market has seen a rapid growth after the adoption of the Kyoto protocol and the renewable energy incentives created within the European Union. The global consumption of wood pellets reached 13,5 million tonnes in 2010 and several experts estimate the consumption to be between 35-50 million tonnes by 2020. These forescasts raise the questions which regions that can supply this vast amount of wood pellets and what the conditions are for producing it.
This study evaluates the conditions for wood pellet production and export from British Columbia, on Canada?s west coast, focusing on existing industry structure, raw material supply and the distribution chain.
Att veta Gudarnas hemlighet : En sårbarhetsanalys av omständigheterna kring stormen Gudrun med pressure and release modellen
The concept of vulnerability is the capacity or the sensitivity to become damaged. Vulnerability are characterized by one or more of the following terms; a system´s sensitivity to exposure to shock, stress or interference, the state of the system in relations to a threshold of damages, and the system´s ability to adapt to the changing circumstances. Vulnerability in this study is referring to the sensitivity of the circumstances that lead to sustainable livelihood that can´t be maintain and that there is an inability to cope with and manage stress. The choice of making a study in this area is based on that action needs to be taken to moderate the vulnerable aspects of society, in this respect in relations to storms. Analyzes of the social vulnerability to climate change or natural events is needed for effective actions.
Företags omfattning av hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie av hur storlek, miljöpåverkan och lönsamhet påverkar svenska företags omfattning av hållbarhetsredovisning
Företag och organisationer producerar och publicerar allt mer redovisning. Förutom den obligatoriska redovisningen utökas information i allt större grad av frivillig hållbarhetsinformation. Det har gjorts flera studier om vad som får företagen att producera hållbarhetsinformation. Studierna visar på ett flertal faktorer som kan påverka omfattning och utformning men det finns motstridiga resultat inom forskningen.Syftet med den här studien är att se hur företagens storlek, miljöpåverkan och lönsamhet påverkar hållbarhetsredovisningens omfattning.I teorin beskrivs legitimitetsteorin och intressentteorin som en förklaringsmodell till hur företag påverkas av intressenterna till att dela med sig av hållbarhetsinformation. Företagen svarar upp mot intressenternas krav på sådan information och söker legitimitet i samhället.I studien har en kvantitativ metod använts.
Barn på väg till utbrändhet : Hur pedagogerna i fritidshem kan hjälpa drabbade barn
Thiswork is about the parents ' perception of their children's schooling and schoolsituation. It also addresses the important and fundamental conditions when itcomes to parenting and caring of children, which is an essential andcontributory basis for children's school situation. The work also deals withthe importance of good cooperation between school and home for the children tocome to the school grounds and with the desire to learn and develop. The aim ofthis work is that through a survey get a picture of how parents feel abouttheir child's school situation. But also look at how important interplaybetween school, parents and children to the school situation to be good.
KULTURV?RD & CIRKUL?R EKONOMI Att skydda befintlig bebyggelse och fr?mja en h?llbar utveckling i fysisk planering
This paper examines the opportunities and challenges of integrating conservation practice and the circular economy into practical planning processes. In recent years, the discussion of circular economy and its relevance in the sustainability debate has intensified. According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the transition to a circular economy is crucial to achieving the national and international environmental and climate goals as well as the global goals in Agenda 2030. Parallel to this, there is a long established heritage discourse that emphasizes the importance of preserving buildings and cultural environments as part of our cultural heritage. These two discourses have common goals, but they differ in how they present their respective arguments.