

1222 Uppsatser om Kvinnlig representation - Sida 11 av 82

Väljaren i centrum? En jämförande studie om valkretsrepresentation

In this essay I discuss and analyse if we can witness any signs on regional dimension due to regional representation from our elected representatives in the five constituencies Malmö, Blekinge, Norrbotten, Uppsala and Stockholm. Two seperate terms of office between 1991-94 and 1998-2002 has been compared. In political science there has been much debate about the relationship between voters and their elected. By measuring each and everyone elected representatives in the work of produce introduced bills towards their own constitiency during both terms I have tried to see if there is an occurence of a regional dimension.The theory that´s been applied is based on geographical representation where one might aspect that central metropolitan areas and peripheral regions is somewhat over-represented in legislatures. By using a method of comparison between the five chosen constituencies and theirs elected representatives I have come the the conclusion that there is a weak tendency that this might be the case seen to a regional dimension perspective..

I Idolvinstens konfetti och kamerablixtrar: Idol-Agnes vs Idol-Markus: en kritisk diskursanalys av hur en kvinnlig respektive manlig vinnare representeras i bevakningen av Idol 2005 och 2006

Avsikten med den här uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur könsstereotyper skapas genom att titta på hur kvällstidningarna konstruerar och reproducerar kön/genus när de representerar en kvinnlig respektive manlig Idol-vinnare och vilken betydelse det kan få för meningsskapande processer. Jag har tittat på två kvällstidningars artiklar dagen efter vinsten för Idol-Agnes 2005 och Idol-Markus 2006 och gjort en kritisk diskursanalys på artiklar, bilder och Idol-postrar för att undersöka vilka bakomliggande diskurser som blir synliga i hur tidningarna väljer att representera en kvinnlig respektive manlig vinnare. Till min hjälp har jag haft Judith Butlers teori om genus som en performativ akt och den heterosexuella matrisen, Stuart Halls tankar om representation och stereotyper, och van Zoonens feministiska mediestudier och tankar kring manliga och kvinnliga blickar. För att förklara vilka rutiner och normer som styr en medieproduktion av en text har jag använt mig utav Atheide och Snow´s medielogikbegrepp. Jag har gjort en kvalitativ analys utifrån Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys för att komma samhällets diskurser på spåren.

Immigration och integration i kommunpolitiken : En studie av immigranters representation avseende förtroendeuppdrag i Växjö Kommun 1971-1991

The present study discusses the political integration of immigrants in local government in the muncipality of Växjö from 1971 to 1991 in the form of representation. The main data source consists of lists of people holding local commissions of trust in the various boards and committés appointed by the municipality council, as well as in the council itself. These data are then compared to population statistics from Statistics Sweden. Main findings of the study are that immigrants are insufficiently represented in relation to their proportion of the population. It is suggested that this is a result of structural discrimination and possibly insufficient socialisation..

Den ortodoxa kristendomen i skolan : En analys av den ortodoxa kristendomen i svenska läromedel

This essay is about the representation of orthodox Christianity in Swedish educational material. With the help of my analytical approach inspired by Michel Foucault, I have studied material used in school for the subject Religion. I have limited the educational material in two ways. First, the main reason for this is that I am only interested in material written and produced from the year 2010 until today. Secondly, the material I have chosen to focus on is written for the grades 7-9 and for high school.

Rörelse och verbalisering- en studie av språkets påverkan på kategoriseringen av rörelsesituationer

This essay attempts to show a relativistic effect on the representation of motion situations. A summarize and defence for lingusitic relativity as scientifically valid and some taxonomic clarifications is initially presented. The relativistic effect is measured by using the elicitation tool Event Triads, developed at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. The tool consists of a set of films displaying various motions. Test-subjects are asked to verbalize a situation in a way they see fit.

Nytt blod, gamla bilder : Visuell våldsgestaltning i film och spel

The paper discusses and analyzes differences and similarities in depictions of violence in the two narrative media of films and games. The work is based on existing theories on representation, remediation, narration and immersion ? theories which are further developed and discussed by the author. The movies Man on Fire and Kill Bill, as well as the games Ninja Gaiden and Grand Theft Auto are analyzed and used as examples of how depictions of violence in films and games can or should be studied. Also, the possibilities for development of the theories used in the paper are considered.

"Med kvinnlig frenesi" : Om mottagandet av fyra kvinnliga författare under ett sekel

Den här uppsatsen visar hur fyra kvinnliga författare debutromaner, från 1891-2000, har blivit mottagna. Undersökningen diskuterar hur kritiker förhåller sig till verken och författarnas kön. Undersökningen vill visa på hur kritikernas förhållningsätt till kvinnliga författare har förändrats under ett sekel. Vidare studeras vilka tendenser som påvisar att författarna har blivit recenserade med utgångspunkt i traditionella könsmönster. Vår teoretiska utgångspunkt är genus och uppsatsens metodologiska tillvägagångssätt utgörs av Ruth Wodaks definition av kritisk diskuranalys (CDA).  Resultatet visar att normen kring kvinnans ställning i samhället präglar hur litteraturkritiken bemöter kvinnliga författare. Den förändring som har skett under hundra år avspeglas även i mottagandet av romanerna. Summeringen är kritiken har tidigare haft ett tydligt fokus på författarens kön och en förmyndarartad hållning.

Medier, makt och rasism : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska nyhetsmediers rapportering om Rinkeby

The aim of this thesis is to examine expressions of power and racism in news reporting about the district of Rinkeby, Sweden, in two major Swedish newspapers. News articles are examined using Norman Fairclough?s three-dimensional model for critical discourse analysis. The discourse theory has also been complemented with theories of media in relation to power, ideology and racism. The study has shown that news reporting about Rinkeby largely focused on stereotypical subjects such as violence, social problems and crime.

Demokratisk indexering : om användares bildbeskrivningar

Uppsatsen handlar om möjligheten till demokratisk bildindexering. Den traditionella intellektuella indexeringens representation av tolkande bildattribut och av aboutness brister. Hur skulle då användares egna bildbeskrivningar konstrueras och vilka aspekter av bilden skulle beskrivas? En experimentell metod har valts där 22 deltagare instruerats att skriva en bildtext, en innehållsbeskrivning och en beskrivning av upplevelsen av tre fotografier. Deltagarna beskrev bilderna med viss likhet i konstruktion oavsett bild.

Samhällets kropp

The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.

Förortens paradox : En kritisk analys av mediala representationer

There are several typical ideas about the suburb. The suburb is often associated with criminality and other social problems such as segregation. The purpose of this essay is to study the picture of how the suburb is constructed in a media context. The method used to answer the purpose of this study is critical discourse analysis, based on the thoughts of Norman Fairclough. The central theoretical ideas for this study are representation, stereotypes and racialization.

Tjafsande kvinnor och tatuerade män : en studie om hur personal uppfattar betydelsen av kön/genus i missbruksbehandling

Syftet med den här studien var att beskriva och analysera hur personal inom missbrukarvården uppfattar betydelsen av klienters/patienters respektive sitt eget kön/genus i behandling. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ undersökning där vi intervjuat två kvinnliga och en manlig socialsekreterare, en kvinnlig behandlingshemspersonal samt en kvinnlig sjuksköterska. Textanalysen genomfördes med meningskategorisering. Materialet analyserade vi sedan utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Studiens huvudsakliga resultat visar att intervjupersonerna anser att kvinnor är mer utsatta, kvinnliga missbrukare har ofta varit sexuellt utnyttjade och blivit misshandlade samt att kvinnor befinner sig i minoritetsställning på behandlingshem.

Vilka egenskaper anses viktiga vid valet av kandidater till fullmäktige?

The aim of this work is to understand the recruitment of candidates to the local representative assembly in the municipality of Täby. The method used is qualitative interviewing, of a total of eight local politicians in Täby. The theory in which this work rest upon is based on a new-institutionalist perspective. Of great importance is the thoughts of the politicians involved in the recrution process, what do they think were the reasons that controlled the order of priority in the party list among the pool of candidates? Were there any obstacles for minorities in the politics like for example foreigners, women or young people? The study is taking it?s departure from the politicians who candidated in the election of 2002-2006 and the ones which are candidating to the election this coming autumn.In conclusion the aim is to understand the reasons that gives some of the candidates electable places to the assembly, and what the actors themselves think are the conclusive qualities that matters the most.

"Om inte alla redan är dumma i huvudet så borde det kunna bli ganska bra" : En fallstudie som undersöker kvinnliga politikers egna uppfattningar om möjligheter och hinder i Växjö kommun

The essay examines how female politicians themselves experience their political pathin regards to opportunities and obstacles. The questions of the essay revolve aroundthis as well as if there are any differences in experience between politicians from thetwo Swedish parties Socialdemokraterna and Moderaterna. The two parties are chosento represent traditional left and right ideologies. Quantitative measures are used toexamine the female representation in Växjö kommun, which does not show a hugeuneven amount of either men or women. Qualitative measures are used to examine tenfemale politicians? personal experiences through personal interviews.

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