1414 Uppsatser om Kemi och biologi Department of Physics - Sida 16 av 95
Expressionsstudie av promotorregioner för kloratreduktas och kloritdismutas från Ideonella dechloratans
Syftet med studien är att studera lärarens intentioner och hur elever uppfattar lärarens budskap inom kemi på gymnasieskolan. Metoden jag använt mig av är Stimulated Recall. Genom att jag observerat och filmat lektionerna, där jag har träffat lärare och elever var för sig för att reflektera över lektionstillfället. De reflektionsfrågor jag använt mig av är mallen för en så kallad CoRe, som Berry, Loughran & Mulhall (2003) från Australien har utformat. Det är ett reflektionsverktyg men även ett sätt för att exemplifiera PCK (pedagogical content knowledge).
Att dela information. En fallstudie av en akutmottagnings förbättringsarbete
The purpose of this paper is to examine information sharing in a hospital organization that is undergoing reorganization. The aiming is to make all employees at all levels actively involved in business development in order to create a smooth and, from a patient?s perspective, adequate emergency care. The paper suggests that the theory of social capital can explain the complexity of what motivate and what promote individuals to share information. The method used in the paper is the case study, focusing on detecting, interpreting and gaining insight on how information shares in an emergency department.
Folkrätt och kärnvapen : Om tillämpningen av NPT som icke-spridning och nedrustningsavtal
To work in an unpredictable work environment requires communication that functions well. In every organization it?s important that employees receive information that is relevant yet not confusing. Due to that, our ambition with this study is to understand how rescue effort organizations communicate in meetings; and whether their communication is clear or not. Our subject for this case study is the Emergency Services in the region of Karlstad.
Jakten på ett roligare läromedel : - ett utvecklingsarbete om undervisning om atomen
Syftet med utvecklingsarbetet var att skapa ett genusneutralt läromedeli ämnet kemi om atomen för årskurserna 4-6. Nuvarande läromedelupplevs som för svåra och irrelevanta för eleverna som i stor gradtappar intresset i elvaårsåldern. Framför allt flickor upplever att ämnetinte är riktat till dem. Därför skapade jag ett material utan traditionelltmanliga inslag, för att inkludera alla elever. Fakta förenklades ochkonkretiserades så att den blev relevant och begriplig för eleverna.Produkten syftade till att vara åldersanpassad och kreativtstimulerande, då barns kunskaper gynnas av lekfullt lärande.
Bioteknikkursen i NV3 Innehåll och metoder
Utformning och innehåll i kursen bioteknik BI1209 i NV3 undersöks genom en enkät besvarad av 26 gymnasier. Arbetsformer, läromedel, laborationer, utvärdering kartläggs..
Skolan i universum - att förklara det ofattbara : Astronomiundervisningen i skolan på 1900-talet
This is a study in how astronomy has been taught and is being taught in Swedish schools from 1905 to this date with an emphasis on the latest 30 years. It concerns the regulations and methodical recommendations/curricula for Swedish junior high school/Swedish Comprehensive school for the years 1905, 1933, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1969, 1980 and 1994. The matter of integrating astronomy with other subjects and different methodical approaches is also considered. The problem with textbooks written only for one subject when the teacher tries to integrate subjects is emphasised.Physics textbook analysis shows that astronomy teaching has over the years developed, from being based on observations, to become more and more theoretical. It also shows that the amount of practical exercises has been fairly constant in physics textbooks during the seventies end eighties but now in the nineties varies a lot from textbook to textbook. The amount of liberty the textbook gives the pupil in finding knowledge and answers himself in the practical parts of astronomy was at its lowest during the seventies.
Projektledning på idrottsförvaltningen: Ett förändringsförslag
The management at the City of Stockholm?s Sports Department have problems. During recent years several IT-projects have been launched but results are worse than could have been hoped for. The projects are generally perceived as being too expensive, too time consuming and not to have delivered the expected results. This thesis aims at giving the City of Stockholm?s Sports Department theoretically based advice on how to improve their management of IT-projects.
Remittera till akutmottagningen eller inte? : Sjuksköterskors uppfattning av beslutsfattandet på vård- och omsorgsboende.
Background: High demands are today placed upon Swedish elderly care nurses as more elderly live with multimorbidity while the hospital bed capacity is becoming lower. Aim: The aim of the study was to explore nurses? perception of decision-making in situations with acutely ill patients in nursing homes and which factors may influence the decision about transferring patients to the emergency department or not. Method: This is a qualitative study with a phenomenographic approach. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with 11 nurses working in nursing homes. The data analysis was based on Dahlgren and Fallsberg (1991) data analysis. Result: Three different description categories were presented, which describes variations of the nurses? perceptions.Feeling comfortable in making the decision; which involved the nurses feeling confident in the decision-making about transferring patients to the emergency department or not.Hesitant in making the decision; which described how nurses perceived the decision-making as problematic, with regard to transferring patients to the emergency department.Many wishes to consider in taking the decision; which explained how nurses? decision-making was influenced by requests from the patients or from people close to them.Conclusion: The study reflected how supporting and aggravating factors could influence how nurses in nursing homes perceived the decision-making and how nurses have to take in consideration different opinions concerning the decision making process of transferring patients to the emergency department or not.
Styrkan i OEE som arbetsmetod
The E-department at GETRAG All Wheel Drive in Köping have problems with the efficiency on parts of their production equipment. The equipment with the most significant efficiency problems are four automated multifunctional production cells that produces housing for rear drive units. The major part of the problem is the large amount of small stops that causes the low efficiency.The department already worked with logging of interruptions and efficiency calculations before this project started. However this work was not done to the extent considered necessary for a systematic follow-up of the interruptions.The aim of this paper is to point out a more effective and systematic way to work with logging of interruptions and the follow-up. In addition the equipment were studied with a method for efficiency calculation that ? if used properly- is a more powerful and a visually better method than the one used by the company today.As the initial current state analysis of the equipment was made a lack of documented knowledge about the equipment was discovered.
Kontorsskiftets påverkan på organisationskulturen : - Ett skifte från cellkontor till öppet kontor -
The essay discusses the effects that changes to the office plan have on organizational culture. Information about actual change as well as expected change in organizational culture was gathered before the empirical research was initiated. The empirical research was carried out at the Customer Logistics department at Ericsson through: an interview with a manager in charge of the relocation and design of the office, a manager for the specified department and also five employees of this department. The empirical studies show that there was a significant change in organizational culture and that results were not always as expected. There was a loss in symbolic actions, which needed to be compensated for, a perceived reduction in spontaneous communication, and a mixed response of perceived change in social interaction.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av noninvasiv ventilatorbehandling av patienter med akut andningssvikt på lungavdelning.
AbstractThe aim of the study was to describe factors of nurse?s experiences when they give NIV treatment to patients with acute respiratory failure in a lung department. Semi structured interview questions about how nurses experience to give NIV treatment on a ordinary lung department was done on 10 nurses, who work in a lung department were NIV treatment is given. Data were analyzed with content analysis. In the result there was shown two themes.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta på en akutsjukvårdsavdelning
Background: Previous research demonstrates that negative stress in the current situation is common among nurses working in emergency care. The stress is demonstrated to be associated with poorer provided care for patients and impaired health of nurses. Aim: The purpose of the study was to highlight nurses' perception of stress and their work for a good nursing care on an emergency care department. Method: An empirical design with qualitative approach has been used. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurses and forms the basis of the results of the study.
Meningsskapande i formella och informella möten : En studie av Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen
To work in an unpredictable work environment requires communication that functions well. In every organization it?s important that employees receive information that is relevant yet not confusing. Due to that, our ambition with this study is to understand how rescue effort organizations communicate in meetings; and whether their communication is clear or not. Our subject for this case study is the Emergency Services in the region of Karlstad.
Vardagsnära laborationer : ?Det var kul och lättare att förstå när det har lite verklighetsanknytning!?
Denna studie belyser hur elever uppfattar korta och vardagsnära laborationer. Den fokuserar på elever som går Kemi B kursen men kan till viss del användas för alla kemikurser på gymnasiet. Studien har uppkommit framförallt av två anledningar. Det första motivet är att belysa hur lärare, i undervisningen, kan utnyttja korta laborationer för att göra undervisningen mer varierad genom att använda flera laborationer under ett pass istället för en. Studien vill visa vad eleverna tycker om dessa mer begränsade laborationer.
?Alla cyklar likadant ändå? - En studie om sex och samlevnadsundervisningens roll mot diskriminering och trakasserier av hbt-personer på högstadiet
AbstractGöteborgs UniversitetInstitutionen för utbildningsvetenskapligt arbeteExaminationsnivå: Examensarbete, 15 poängTitel: ?Alla cyklar likadant ändå? ? En studie om sex och samlevnadsundervisningens roll motdiskriminering och trakasserier av hbt-personer på högstadietFörfattare: Elin Elversson, Frida JacobsonTermin och år: Vårterminen 2014Institution: Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakultetenHandledare: Birgitta FrändbergNyckelord: Sex och samlevnadsundervisning, högstadiet, hbt-frågor, diskriminering, trakasserier,biologi, psykologiska aspekter.SyfteSyftet är att undersöka hur lärare lägger upp sex och samlevnadsundervisningen utifrånperspektivet att förhindra trakasserier och diskriminering gentemot hbt-personer.Metod och materialVi har, med utgångspunkt i läroplanen, använt oss av intervjuer med verksamma lärare och enbarnmorska på ungdomsmottagningen. I studiens analyserande del har vi använt annan relevantlitteratur.ResultatLärarna och barnmorskan arbetar för att alla elever ska känna sig inkluderade, oavsett sexuellläggning. Trots detta förekommer det diskriminering, trakasserier och kränkningar av hbtpersoner.Relevans för läraryrketDetta arbete är tänkt att generera olika förslag på utvecklingsområden gällande att förebyggadiskriminering och trakasserier av hbt-personer..